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عاموس هاريل/هآرتس: نيتنياهو يرى أن هناك تهديداً إيرانياً فيما وزير دفاعه يرى في الأمر فرصة/Amos Harel/Haaretz: Where Netanyahu Sees an Iranian Threat, His New Defense Chief Sees an Opportunity


Analysis/Where Netanyahu Sees an Iranian Threat, His New Defense Chief Sees an Opportunity
عاموس هاريل/هآرتس: نيتنياهو يرى أن هنالك تهديداً إيرانياً فيما وزير دفاعه يرى في الأمر فرصة
Amos Harel/Haaretz/November 29/2019

However, setbacks in Iran’s expansionist military project in Syria won’t change Tehran’s long-term agenda

On Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Naftali Bennett took a tour of the northern part of the country. Accompanied by Israel Defense Forces Deputy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Eyal Zamir and Northern Command chief Maj. Gen. Amir Baram, they visited troops from the Galilee Division, responsible for security along the Lebanon border, and the Bahsan Division, in charge of the border with Syria.

Security issues are apparently serving the prime minister’s own purposes, more than they are giving him sleepless nights. Constantly raising the public’s awareness of military dangers heightens Netanyahu’s image as the country’s great defender, and ostensibly justifies his remaining in power, despite the indictments. The visit took place a few days after four Fajr-5 rockets were fired at Mount Hermon from Syria by Iranian-controlled Shi’ite militias from the southern outskirts of Damascus. The rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome system, and Israel responded with an extensive attack on Iranian and Syrian military sites in southern Syria. During their tour, Netanyahu and Bennett reiterated the usual threats against Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Israel’s other enemies. The impression created was that Israel is determined to use all means at its disposal to combat the Iranian danger looming on its borders.

The trip north was, of course, entirely political. Just a few days earlier, Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit had announced his decision to file corruption charges against Netanyahu in three cases; two days later, thousands of supporters of the prime minister gathered at a solidarity rally for him in Tel Aviv.

These days, Netanyahu is simultaneously waging a battle of vilification against the attorney general and state prosecutors, deploying to defend himself ahead of the possible lifting of his immunity by the Knesset, and also stonewalling, in the hope of thwarting last-minute efforts by his rivals (in Kahol Lavan as well as in Likud) to form a new government without another election.

The tour of army installations on Wednesday by Kahol Lavan leader MK Benny Gantz and others from his party paled in comparison to Netanyahu’s. Moreover, Gantz, unlike Netanyahu and Bennett, isn’t entitled to have his picture taken with IDF officers at his side.

A sensitive ear would have noted a difference in tone between the remarks made by the prime minister and those of the defense minister, when they were up north. The former pursued his alarmist line: The Iranians are lurking at the Syrian border, and they are building missile bases in Iraq and in Yemen in order to threaten Israel from those regions. Bennett sounded different, almost gung-ho, and addressed the Iranians directly: “There’s nothing for you in Syria, there’s no reason for you to try and consolidate yourselves there. Whatever you try to do, you will encounter a strong and determined IDF that will strike at you.”

Where Netanyahu talks about a threat, his defense minister perceives an opportunity. The Iranians, he believes, made a mistake in deciding to move their campaign close to the border with Israel. Establishing themselves militarily in southern Syria requires a long and vulnerable logistical chain, stretching all the way from Tehran to Damascus. Deployment of militias on the Golan Heights front allows Israel intelligence and air superiority, close to home. Iran will have a very hard time closing that gap, no matter what quantities of materiel and troops it may try to deploy along the border.

Moreover, the riots in Iraq, Lebanon and, recently in Iran as well, require the authorities to focus their attention and energies to dealing with domestic troubles. Hezbollah has no desire whatsoever to be dragged into a war with Israel at this time, as Iran’s proxy. That situation, according to Bennett, leaves General Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force in the Revolutionary Guards, with a limited power of response – mostly from Syria and western Iraq. Those are dangers that Israel can handle, if necessary by delivering more potent blows.

Managing the risks
Where Bennett portrays Iran as an octopus, extending its tentacles across the Middle East, Israeli intelligence thinks of it as a hedgehog. The local arena is of most concern to Tehran’s leadership, which is in a permanent state of “battle readiness” and sees conspirators in every corner. On Wednesday, following what appears to have been the successful brutal suppression of demonstrations in Iran against the spike in fuel prices – estimates in the West are that more than 300 protesters were killed and about 4,000 wounded – Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei declared that the Iranian people had “quelled a broad and dangerous conspiracy that was led by foreign agents.”

Moreover, Iran remains under huge economic pressure due to the American sanctions. Its military actions, notably the attacks on petroleum sites in the Persian Gulf, are intended primarily to create counter-pressure against the West and to force the United States to relent.
And the domestic crisis has not gone away. On the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, Iran’s revolutionary fervor has faded, and what remains is mainly the suppression. Some experts say that the current situation recalls the period leading up to the dissolution of the Soviet Union, even if the Tehran’s regime’s expiry date is far from clear.

Was Iran’s military expansion as far as Syria really a mistake? Tehran, according to Jerusalem’s reading, has a different conception of time. Individual failures, in firing rockets or being bombed by Israel, do not necessarily alter the long-term view. The major concern in Israel is Soleimani’s risk-management policy; in the meantime, he’s getting a free hand from the leader. Is he liable to gamble irresponsibly and expand the friction into an all-out military confrontation with Israel? That’s a danger that lurks more vividly in Lebanon than in Syria. Israel has stated that the establishment of facilities in Lebanon for manufacture of precision weapons will not be tolerated under any circumstances. The Iranians, for their part, have not desisted from their efforts to promote such a project, together with Hezbollah.

Broken promises
In the summer of 2018, the regime of Bashar Assad completed the recapture of southern Syria. The Russian forces in the country succeeded in dismantling most of the strongholds of resistance to the Syrian ruler. When the Russians threatened carpet bombing, a method of warfare they had previously demonstrated in Aleppo, the majority of leaders in the insurgent villages signed surrender agreements. In return for not intervening in events in the Syrian Golan, Israel was promised that the front would remain quiet.

A Russian-American-Jordanian agreement, and verbal assurances as well from Moscow, stipulated that Iran and its satellites would not be allowed to draw closer than 70 or 80 kilometers (43-49 miles) from the border (there are different accounts about the distance). Netanyahu supporters presented the understandings as a tremendous strategic achievement, one that would not have come to pass were it not for the prime minister’s close friendship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

None of the Russians’ promises were kept: Iran and its proxies are present on almost every square meter of ground between Damascus and the Israeli border. In the Israeli punitive attacks on November 20, a large number of targets – most of them Iranian, a few Syrian – were hit in the area between Damascus and the border. On bases near Damascus, within the strip that was supposed to be empty of Iranians, the Revolutionary Guards and the Shi’ite militias have deployed a range of weapons systems, some of which, such as the Fajr rockets, can hit Israel. (More advanced systems have for the most part been limited to the area north and east of Damascus, for fear of Israeli strikes.) And deployed all along the Golan Heights front, and in the rear as well, are observation posts, Syrian units with Iranian advisers, weapons experts from Hezbollah, and local terrorist and guerrilla networks that Hezbollah is setting up.

The potential of the Syrian border becoming active, as a secondary front in the event of war erupting between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon, already exists. And since February 2018 – the first instance in which Iran tried to attack Israel from Syria (with a drone. carrying explosives) – there have been six incidents in which rockets, drones and multirotors have been launched by the Iranians or by militias operating at their directive.

What is the chance that Israel will be able to persuade them to recalculate their course of action, as Bennett believes? The final decisions will probably be made in Tehran. The Syrian regime is not happy about the idea of absorbing collateral damage from Israel, as in the recent attack, because of the Iranians. Russia, too, has no interest in seeing Iranian military consolidation in Syria thrive. However, at present, neither Damascus nor Moscow appears overly willing to confront Tehran on this issue.

The post عاموس هاريل/هآرتس: نيتنياهو يرى أن هناك تهديداً إيرانياً فيما وزير دفاعه يرى في الأمر فرصة/Amos Harel/Haaretz: Where Netanyahu Sees an Iranian Threat, His New Defense Chief Sees an Opportunity appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

الياس بجاني: فعلا يا أهل بعلبك بتكبروا القلب/كم يكبر قلب اللبناني المغترب وهو يرى من الخارج “العجيبة”اللبنانية وهي تتجدد في وطنه الأم منذ 44 يوماً


فعلا يا أهل بعلبك بتكبروا القلب
الياس بجاني/29 تشرين الثاني/2019

بعلبك، مدينة الشمس، أكدت اليوم تمسكها بثقافة الفرح والحياة والحرية، وجددت رفضها لثقافة الموت والحروب العبثية.

كم يكبر قلب اللبناني المغترب وهو يرى من الخارج “العجيبة” اللبنانية وهي تتجدد في وطنه الأم منذ 44 يوماً.

عجيبة، تتجدد وتقوى وتتوسع على مدار الساعة مع قوة وصدق وعناد ونضال وثورة أهله الأبطال والأحرار في أرجاء لبنان كافة.

وكم يزداد هذا المغترب تعلقاً بوطنه الأم وهو بإعجاب وإكبار يرى أهله وتحديداً الشباب والصبايا يقاومون الظلم والتهميش بحضارة وسلمية وبصدور عارية، ويحتشدون في الساحات ليقولوا للحكام ولقوى الأمر الواقع والاحتلال لا وألف لا.

شباب وصبايا مع أهلهم ينادون بأصوات عالية ومدوية وواثقة، نحن أحرار ولن نسمح لكم باستعبادنا مهما عظمت قوتكم وزاد فجوركم ووقاحتكم.

وكم يزداد فخراً وعنفواناً المغترب وهو يسمع الشباب والصبايا وهم يصرون على الاستمرار بانتفاضتهم رافضين الاستسلام وهم يؤكدون عملياً لقوى الحكم والقمع وصارخين بغضب، لن نركع ولن نترككم تستعبدوننا وتذلوننا وتجروننا إلى أزمنة العصور الحجرية.

وكم يكبر قلبه بهم وهم يقولون بثقة وعناد، نحن شعب يعشق ثقافة الحياة والفرح والمحبة ونرفض ثقافة الموت والتحجر والتعصب التي هي نقيض كل ما هو لبنان ولبناني.

هذا اللبناني من الخارج، وكما هو حالنا، يزداد إيماناً وقناعة بأن وطنه المقدس، لبنان، هو فعلاً في قلب الله، وبأن الله جل جلاله باركه ويعتبره وقفاً له كما ذُكر في آيات كثيرة من الكتاب المقدس.

ونعم لبنان هو وطن الرسالة.. والقديسين يحمونه والعذراء أمه لن تتخلى عنه… وبالتالي لن تنتصر عليه قوى الشر والظلامية.

اليوم، نحن بلاد الإغتراب زاد تعلقنا بلبنان وبرسالته ونحن نرى من خارج لبنان ومن على شاشات التلفزة كيف أن أهل بعلبك وجوارها قد ملأوا الساحات بفرح وبعنفوان وكّبر متحدين بشجاعة الظلم والظالمين وهم يحملون الأعلام اللبنانية.

يا أهل بعلبك، فعلاً بتكبروا القلب.. ربنا يحميكم ويقوي إيمانكم فأنتم الأمل وأنتم الرجاء لإخراج لبنان من زمن الظلامية، ومعكم كل باقي الثائرين من أهلنا في كل ارجاء الوطن لاستعادة السيادة والاستقلال والقرار الحر وصون الكرامات.

العرس الشعبي الفرِّح والحضاري اليوم في ساحات بعلبك أكد اليوم من جديد بأن الشعب اللبناني العظيم بإيمانه وعنادة لا يمكن لأي قوة أن تمنع عنه الحرية وبأن الغلبة ستكون له طال الزمن أو قصر.

تحية اغترابية إلى بعلبك وأهلها الشرفاء والأحرار…

وفعلا يا أهل بعلبك بتكبروا القلب حماكم الله.

*الكاتب ناشط لبناني اغترابي
عنوان الكاتب الالكتروني
رابط موقع الكاتب الالكتروني على الإنترنت

أبو شقرا وشاهين تضامنا مع حراك بعلبك في ساحة المطران
الجمعة 29 تشرين الثاني 2019
وطنية – بعلبك – زار الفنانان بديع أبو شقرا وعبدو شاهين، ساحة الشاعر خليل مطران، مساء اليوم، للتعبير عن تضامنهما مع حراك بعلبك.
وقال شاهين: “زرت كل ساحات لبنان، لكن هنا الحراك الأجمل، فنحن من زمان أولاد الكرامة، ومن هنا من بعلبك”. من جهته، قال أبو شقرا: “كل الناس يتحدثون في بيروت عن حراك بعلبك، فنحن نغتني بكم، أنتم الصمود ونحن خلفكم ومعكم، أنتم الأجمل والأطيب والأقوى في هذا الحراك. إن البلد لنا، وليس لأي أحد آخر، وسنستعيده”.

الممثل عبدو شاهين كان مشاركاً اليوم في مظاهرة مدينة بعلبك

The post الياس بجاني: فعلا يا أهل بعلبك بتكبروا القلب/كم يكبر قلب اللبناني المغترب وهو يرى من الخارج “العجيبة” اللبنانية وهي تتجدد في وطنه الأم منذ 44 يوماً appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For November 30/2019


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For November 30/2019

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A Bundle Of English Reports, News and Editorials For November 29-30/2019 Addressing the On Going Mass Demonstrations & Sit In-ins In Iranian Occupied Lebanon in its 44th Day


A Bundle Of English Reports, News and Editorials For November 29-30/2019 Addressing the On Going Mass Demonstrations & Sit In-ins In Iranian Occupied Lebanon in its 44th Day
Compiled By: Elias Bejjani
November 29-30/2019

Tites For The Latest English LCCC Lebanese & Lebanese Related News published on November 29-30/2019
Protests at VAT, BDL as Uprising Enters Day 44
Lebanon central bank to take needed steps amid crisis: Banking official
Aoun Chairs Baabda Financial Meeting Boycotted by Hariri
Report: Hizbullah Asks Aoun to ‘Postpone’ Consultations
Reports: Khatib’s Chances Still High, Aoun, Shiite Duo Still Open to Hariri’s Return
Khatib Chances Reportedly Surge as He Says Hariri Talks Not Negative
Kubis Discusses ‘Urgently Needed’ Measures with Salameh
Ministry of Defense: Military units receive orders from army command only
El Hassan, Kubis tackle current situation
Citizens Block Roads with Vehicles in Protest at Fuel Crisis
Groups Split over ‘Welcoming, Repatriating’ Refugees
Press Conference Sheds Light on Fake Cancer Medications
Protesters gather in Lebanon’s Zahle, Beirut amid PM speculation

The Latest English LCCC Lebanese & Lebanese Related News published on November 29-30/2019
Protests at VAT, BDL as Uprising Enters Day 44
Naharnet/November 29/2019
For the 43rd day in a row, protesters demanding an overhaul of the political class continue to pressure politicians into responding to their demands for a new government and termination of corruption. A group of protesters gathered early on Friday, for the second day, near the Finance Ministry’s VAT building in Adlieh. They blocked the entrance to the building preventing access for employees. “Our revolution is peaceful and targets the corrupt. We consented to requests asking us not to block the streets, our moves target major state institutions and banking and financial institutions,” one protester said in remarks to LBCI reporter. “Lebanese pay government taxes but don’t get services or any balanced growth in return. Tax evasion in Lebanon amounts to around $4 to 5 billion dollars,” another protester said, sitting cross-legged on the pavement brandishing the Lebanese flag. Later, anti-riot police tried to keep protesters at a distance from the VAT building that angered the demonstrators. Demonstrators also gathered near the Central Bank in Zahle and the Central Bank in the southern town of Nabatieh to protest against the bank’s policies against the dollar and money exchange houses that they say have contributed to the country’s economic crisis. They protested under the banner “the Lebanese pound is doing fine.”Similar moves were taken on Thursday outside the Central Bank in Beirut’s commercial Hamra district, calling for fiscal measures that will not affect small depositors and the poor. Amid dollar shortages, Lebanese banks have imposed unprecedented financial controls to preserve liquidity, further paralyzing the country and forcing up prices amid fears of financial collapse. Outgoing Prime Minister Saad Hariri, who was Aoun’s and Hizbullah’s favorite to lead a new Cabinet, withdrew his candidacy for the premiership, saying he hoped to clear the way for a solution to the political impasse after over 40 days of protests. Protesters have resorted to road closures and other tactics to pressure politicians into responding to their demands for a new government. Hariri had resigned Oct. 29 in response to the mass protests ignited by new taxes and the severe financial crisis. His resignation met a key demand of the protesters but plunged the country into uncertainty, with no clear path to resolving its economic and political problems. Hariri had insisted on heading a government of technocrats, while his opponents, including Hizbullah, want a Cabinet made up of both experts and politicians.

Lebanon central bank to take needed steps amid crisis: Banking official
Reuters, Beirut/Friday, 29 November 2019
Lebanon’s central bank governor will take “necessary, temporary measures” to preserve the banking sector and depositor rights, the banking association head said on Friday. Salim Sfeir, chairman of the Association of Banks in Lebanon (ABL) that represents the country’s banks, read a statement after a top-level meeting at the presidential palace as Lebanon grapples with the worst economic crisis in decades. He did not give details on the steps and added without elaborating that Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh had also made “some suggestions that require legal provisions.”“The central bank governor was assigned to take the necessary, temporary measures, in coordination with the banking association, to issue circulars,” Sfeir said after the meeting with President Michel Aoun, Salameh, and government officials. “This is to preserve stability, confidence in the banking and monetary sector, as well as its safety, and depositors’ rights.”In response to a question from reporters, he repeated previous remarks from officials that there will be no formal capital controls. Lebanese banks have imposed new curbs on access to cash, fueling depositor worries over their savings despite government assurances they are safe. The banks have tightened limits on withdrawing US dollars and blocked nearly all transfers abroad amid worries about a capital flight and political gridlock over forming a new government. Since protests erupted across Lebanon on October 17, pressure has piled on the financial system. A hard currency crunch has deepened, with many importers unable to bring in goods, forcing up prices and heightening concerns of financial collapse. In a Reuters interview this month, Sfeir described the new bank controls as “a fence to protect the system” until things return to normal.
Sfeir also noted on Friday that Lebanon had fulfilled its commitment and paid off a Eurobond of $1.5 billion that was due to mature on Thursday.

Aoun Chairs Baabda Financial Meeting Boycotted by Hariri
Naharnet/November 29/2019
President Michel Aoun on Friday presided over a financial meeting in Baabda aimed at discussing the deteriorating economic and financial situations in the country. The meeting was being attended by caretaker ministers Ali Hassan Khalil, Salim Jreissati, Mansour Bteish and Adel Afiouni, Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh, the head of the committee overseeing banks Samir Hammoud, Association of Banks chief Salim Sfeir, caretaker PM Saad Hariri’s financial advisor Nadim al-Munla and Presidency Director General Antoine Choucair. Media reports said Hariri had been invited to the meeting but opted to boycott it. “Hariri boycotted the financial meeting and was represented by his adviser Nadim al-Munla and Minister Adel Afiouni, because he considers that the solutions to the financial, economic and social crises begin by setting a date for the binding parliamentary consultations and forming a government whose mission would be to run the country’s affairs and resolve crises,” al-Jadeed TV said. The meeting comes as Lebanon grapples with widespread anti-government protests since October 17, a free-falling economy, and an escalating liquidity crisis. The dollar exchange rate in the parallel market has shot up from the pegged rate of 1,507 pounds to the greenback to around 2,250. Fear of financial collapse caused a capital flight and some $800 million appear to have left the country from October 15 to November 7, a period during which the banks were mostly closed. Vehicles ran out of gas Friday and were parked in the middle of the streets in protest amid an open-ended strike by the owners of gas stations. The owners have accused the central bank and oil importers of failing to honor an agreement on allowing them to pay in Lebanese lira amid the dollar shortage in the country. The Syndicate has staged several strikes in recent months over the same crisis.

Report: Hizbullah Asks Aoun to ‘Postpone’ Consultations
Naharnet/November 29/2019
Hizbullah has reportedly asked President Michel Aoun to delay the binding parliamentary consultations, allegedly relying that PM Saad Hariri -who withdrew his candidacy- agrees to lead a new government, the Saudi Asharq al-Awsat newspaper reported on Friday. Unnamed political sources told the daily that Hizbullah had contacted Aoun for that purpose. They said that Hizbullah, the Free Patriotic Movement (founded by Aoun) and other parties still believe that Hariri might agree to lead a new government. Stalled political consultations to nominate a new prime minister enter a new crisis. Hizbullah insists to nominate Hariri who insists on heading a government of technocrats, while his opponents, including Hizbullah, want a Cabinet made up of both experts and politicians. Politicians have failed to agree on the shape and form of a new government. Aoun has not set a date for binding consultations with heads of parliamentary blocs to name a new premier.

Reports: Khatib’s Chances Still High, Aoun, Shiite Duo Still Open to Hariri’s Return

Naharnet/November 29/2019
The chances of Samir Khatib to lead the new government are still high and President Michel Aoun, Hizbullah and the AMAL Movement are not opposed to the re-designation of caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri, media reports said on Friday. “Samir Khatib is still an option and his chances could be higher than those of other candidates in light of the pressing situations,” informed sources told LBCI television, noting that Hariri has not suggested another candidate. A political source informed on the negotiations meanwhile told the TV network that “communication channels are open with Samir Khatib and his chances are calmly rising.”The source added that General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim is playing a role in the negotiations. Information obtained by MTV meanwhile said that Aoun “does not mind a new government led by Hariri” but “does not want to wait indefinitely.”MTV also reported that Hizbullah and AMAL are still open to Hariri’s return to the PM post and that they will not endorse any candidate not enjoying Hariri’s consent.

Khatib Chances Reportedly Surge as He Says Hariri Talks Not Negative
Naharnet/November 29/2019
The chances of the engineer Samir Khatib to lead the new government have surged and the picture will become clearer over the coming few hours, which might witness a complete agreement over the shape of the government and its premier, LBCI television reported Thursday. Khatib himself meanwhile issued a statement about his meeting on Wednesday with caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri. “Some media outlets have circulated reports suggesting that the meeting that was held yesterday was negative… Engineer Khatib stresses that he sensed from PM Hariri complete support and responsiveness,” his office said.

Kubis Discusses ‘Urgently Needed’ Measures with Salameh
Associated PressظNaharnet/November 29/2019
U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jan Kubis said he met Friday with Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh and discussed with him measures “urgently needed to stop the further deepening” of the economic crisis and to increase the ability of the banking sector to cope with the pressures.
“Formation of a credible and competent government that can regain the trust of the people and of the international partners of #Lebanon is the priority,” Kubis tweeted.

Ministry of Defense: Military units receive orders from army command only
NNA/November 29/2019
The press office of the Ministry of Defense explained, in a statement on Friday, that all military units only act upon the orders they receive from the Lebanese army command. “All units and forces of the Lebanese army brigades receive orders from the army command only, particularly from the army commander through the operations room,” the statement read. As to the Defense Minister, the statement indicated that “his role is to ensure that the army command is acting in compliance with the Cabinet decisions.”

El Hassan, Kubis tackle current situation
NNA/November 29/2019
Caretaker Interior and Municipalities Minister, Rayya El Hassan, on Friday received in her office at the Ministry the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Jan Kubis. Talks between the pair reportedly touched on the current political situation, especially the issue of the new government formation and the need for adotping swift reform measures that would tackle the current economic, financial and social situation.

Citizens Block Roads with Vehicles in Protest at Fuel Crisis
Naharnet/November 29/2019
People got caught in their vehicles that ran out of gas on Friday after gas station owners announced an open-ended strike a day earlier. Citizens in the northern city of Tripoli blocked roads with their vehicles in protest at the crisis. In Beirut, taxi drivers and delivery workers staged a protest in the Cola area. Nearby roads were meanwhile blocked in the Corniche al-Mazraa area. Long queues of citizens were seen swarming some gas stations that remained open although only small quantities were being sold to desperate customers. Protesters meanwhile blocked several key roads in the Bekaa region. Petrol stations have suspended services because of a shortage of dollars needed to pay for imports, a syndicate head said. A rationing of dollars by banks in protest-hit Lebanon has sparked growing alarm. The Syndicate of Gas Stations Owners said “some of us received threats from different parties urging us to open our stations.” Fadi Abou Shakra, an adviser to the Syndicate, told MTV: “We can end the strike if the dollar is provided at the official rate.” For two decades, the Lebanese pound has been pegged to the greenback at and both currencies used interchangeably in daily life.

Groups Split over ‘Welcoming, Repatriating’ Refugees
Naharnet/November 29/2019
Two demonstrations were held near the Delegation of the European Union to Lebanon in Beirut’s Zqaq al-Blat, one demanding the repatriation of Syrian refugees and another welcoming them on Lebanese soil. The first group raised slogans demanding that refugees residing in Lebanon since the 2011 Syria war, return to their country. They said Lebanon is enduring massive economic burdens as a result. “We were alarmed by reports that some plan to integrate refugees in Lebanese society, meanwhile Lebanon is passing through an economic and financial crisis,” one protester told LBCI reporter, “our move did not come from nowhere.”Meanwhile, a group of activists stood on an adjacent sidewalk brandishing slogans against “racism,” and welcoming the presence of refugees. More than 1 million Syrian refugees are registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Lebanon. The government estimates the true number of Syrians in the country to be 1.5 million. While Lebanon is neither a signatory to the UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees nor its 1967 Protocol, the government maintains an “open border” policy whereby registered Syrian refugees can live and work in Lebanon. Lebanon has been gripped with nationwide protests since October 17 and a worsening economic and financial crisis unprecedented in the country’s history.

Press Conference Sheds Light on Fake Cancer Medications
Naharnet/November 29/2019
Demonstrators gathered outside Lebanon’s Health Ministry on Friday calling for investigations into fake cancer drugs following a rise in death cases reported by healthcare workers. The protesters called for the establishment of a special investigation committee to dwell on the file.Wassef Harake, a lawyer and activist, said: “We call for the formation of a special committee to investigate into the file. It must not be neglected or forgotten. This is not a regular case, this case requires a revolution.”Harake recited a list of names including pharmacists, doctors and hospitals that he said could be helping the counterfeits reach the market.The move comes as Lebanon grapples with nationwide protests against corruption and an overhaul of the entire political class.

Protesters gather in Lebanon’s Zahle, Beirut amid PM speculation
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English/Friday, 29 November 2019
Protesters have gathered outside the Central Bank in the Lebanese city of Zahle in protest at the bank’s policies amid the ongoing political and economic crisis in the country, reported the Lebanese channel LBC on Friday. In the capital Beirut, young men attempted to block entry to the Ministry of Finance’s TVA building, reported the National News Agency (NNA). Lebanon is still without a prime minister or cabinet following former Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s resignation on October 29. Samir Khatib has been reported by Lebanese media outlets as the most likely candidate to replace Hariri, after the latter said he has no intention of forming a new government. President Michel Aoun had announced binding consultations with MPs to designate Lebanon’s next prime minister for Thursday, before they were later postponed. As of Friday, semi-official capital controls were still in place, limiting the amount of cash that individuals and businesses can access, despite Lebanon paying back a Eurobond worth $1.5 billion that was scheduled to mature on Thursday.

Titles For The Latest Lebanese LCCC English analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on November 29-30/2019
Untouchable No More: Hezbollah’s Fading Reputation/Rebecca Collard/Foreign Policy/November 29/2019
Lebanese teachers bring the revolution to class/Nessryn Khalaf/Annahar/November 29/2019
Hosting ‘Green Friday’ during Lebanon’s uprising/Chiri Choukeir/Annahar/November 29/2019
No clear solutions stem from emergency meeting as fears of fuel shortage mount/Georgi Azar/Annahar/November 29/2019
Hezbollah threatens the peaceful and non-sectarian protests in Lebanon/Robert Fisk/Independent/November 29/2019

The Latest Lebanese LCCC English analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on November 29-30/2019
Untouchable No More: Hezbollah’s Fading Reputation
Rebecca Collard/Foreign Policy/November 29/2019
As Hezbollah sides with Lebanon’s political elite, protesters in Beirut are increasingly willing to criticize it.
BEIRUT—It was the sort of chant that, only a month or so ago, would have been all but unthinkable in Lebanon. “Terrorists, terrorists, Hezbollah are terrorists,” yelled some of the hundreds of anti-government protesters who stood on a main road in Beirut early Monday morning, in a tense standoff with supporters of Hezbollah and another Shiite party, the Amal Movement.
Other protesters told the chanters to stop, but as widespread economic discontent and anger engulf Lebanon—and with Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah defending the government—the sanctity around Hezbollah’s reputation is clearly broken.
“Hezbollah is being seen as part and parcel [of] the main hurdle to change in Lebanon,” said Mohanad Hage Ali, a fellow at the Carnegie Middle East Center.
The demonstrations have been mostly peaceful and unilaterally against the whole ruling class—all sects, all political parties. And until recently Nasrallah, who doesn’t have an official government position, was seen as above the endemic corruption that has helped push the country toward a collapse, particularly among Hezbollah’s Shiite support base. Hezbollah’s expulsion of Israeli troops from Lebanese territory in 2000 earned the group the moniker “the resistance” among Lebanese of all sects and political affiliations. Even after the 2006 war, which left swaths of Lebanon in ruins, the group enjoyed popular support for what many here saw as a victory against Israeli aggression by defenders of the country. In May 2008, Hezbollah fighters took over central Beirut after the government threatened to shut down the group’s telecommunications network and remove an ally in charge of airport security, pointing their weapons inside rather than toward the border for the first time.
And as Hezbollah sent thousands of fighters across the border to fight in Syria in support of President Bashar al-Assad in 2013, more people questioned exactly whom Hezbollah was defending. The group’s reputation has been fading further since the first days of protests in mid-October, which saw large crowds take to the streets in primarily Shiite areas such as Tyre and Nabatieh. Suddenly, with demonstrators there shouting similar anti-government slogans as protesters in Beirut—who want all the current sectarian political leaders gone and new elections under a new system—Hezbollah found itself part of the targeted establishment. The protests are seen as a direct challenge to the gains made by Hezbollah in the 2018 elections and a threat to the organization’s foreign-policy agenda, said Hage Ali.
This week, facing down two thick rows of Lebanese army and riot police on pavement littered with rocks and sticks, some demonstrators complained that Hezbollah’s agenda is not really about building up Lebanon; instead, it goes through Damascus to Baghdad and on to Tehran. Like some of the rising protests in neighboring Iraq, the often youthful demonstrators are intent on calling out Iranian influence in particular.
“Here is Lebanon, not Iran,” some protesters chanted on Monday.
When Nasrallah insisted the Lebanese government should not step down, amid the early demonstrations in October, to many protesters it felt like he was part of the problem.
“It was a ‘reality bites’ moment,” Carnegie’s Hage Ali said. “For Lebanese Shiites who joined the protest movement, it was a shock—why is Hezbollah standing on guard for the status quo that is extremely corrupt and taking the country to a financial and economic crisis?”
Nasrallah attempted to discredit the protesters, implying they were funded by foreign embassies. The protesters laughed it off, and several journalists resigned from Al-Akhbar, a publication usually supportive of Hezbollah’s position.
“They are just trying to keep the system,” said a protester named Baha Yahya, as he waited on a side road for a barrage of tear gas, fired by the army, to clear. “And all we want is to remove the system. That’s what this is all about.”
In the past Hezbollah has managed to avoid most direct criticism of its ties to Tehran and Syria. For decades, Lebanon’s warlords, then political elite, have been propped up by regional and international powers, and the protesters have railed against this foreign meddling in their country. But the protesters have been careful not to single out any one group, and until recently there has been scarce mention of Hezbollah’s Iranian-supplied weapons, which outgun the country’s national army—ironically now holding back the group’s supporters.
Last week, as thousands of people took to the streets of Iran after a hike in the price of fuel there, protesters in downtown Beirut sought some common cause with them, chanting: “From Tehran to Beirut, one revolution that won’t die.”
And Hezbollah supporters are fighting back. Hoisting the flags of Hezbollah and Amal, counterprotesters this week shouted sectarian slogans like “Shiite, Shiite, Shiite” and affirmed allegiance to Nasrallah and Nabih Berri, the head of the Amal Movement and speaker of the Lebanese Parliament.
The anti-government protesters responded with chants of “the people are one”—and then broke into the national anthem.
It’s not exactly clear how the confrontation started on Sunday night, but what is clear is that it has raised fears of a violent escalation to Lebanon’s 6-week-old rebellion against poor sectarian governance and put a further stain on Hezbollah’s image as the country’s defender.
This same bit of road was the front line for much of Lebanon’s civil war. Everyone here knows that, but most of the protesters are too young to personally remember the snipers and checkpoints that controlled it.
Some of the Hezbollah and Amal supporters managed to break through the line, charging the protesters and sending them running down side streets, past buildings still pockmarked from civil war fighting.
“They can reach us if they want,” Yahya said of the Hezbollah and Amal supporters as he waited on a side road. “But they don’t want that. They just want to scare us.”
The mostly male protesters returned with tree branches and sticks. Both sides tried to lob rocks across the no man’s land created by rows of security forces.
Hezbollah blamed a car accident early Monday morning on the protesters’ roadblocks. A video of the incident shows a car hitting an obstacle in the middle of seemingly empty road. There is not a protester in sight. Some saw it as an attempt to portray the protests as a security threat. Hundreds of people turned out for a vigil on Monday evening hoisting Hezbollah and Amal flags and chanting party and sectarian slogans. Thousands of other supporters came out in more overt political rallies. Some sped around scooters honking and again shouting “Shiite, Shiite, Shiite” as they passed anti-government protesters.
“The more Hezbollah attacks them using these sectarian tactics, the more Hezbollah is exposed, and the more Hezbollah will lose,” said Hage Ali, adding that part of the strategy of the counter-revolution is turning it into a sectarian conflict.
If Nasrallah or other Hezbollah or Amal leaders thought a gentle show of force would scare protesters off the street and restore calm, it may have been dangerous miscalculation.
On Monday night, things escalated further with gunfire and clashes, this time with supporters of the Future Movement of the Sunni caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri. In the southern city of Tyre, party supporters attacked and burned down a protest camp. Attacks and clashes continued Tuesday.
Many of the anti-government protesters call the party-supporting counterprotesters “brainwashed”—referring not just to Hezbollah and Amal supporters but also to those who have come out in less confrontational shows of support for the country’s president, Michel Aoun, and other parties in recent weeks.
Another protester, Yahya’s friend Nader Issrawi, said he believes that in the end, they all want the same thing.
“What they want is like what we want,” Issrawi said. “We are living a life that is such a shit. We all just want to live in freedom, to eat and build our future.”
But it seems they see different paths to that goal. Issrawi and Yahya were home when the clashes started late Sunday night. “I called him and said, ‘Baha, let’s get to the [street]. Our revolution is in danger,’” Issrawi recalled.
Like many here, Yahya is becoming fearful about where the unrest is heading but says he agrees with Issrawi and that it’s a matter of changing the minds of those standing on the other side of the road. “One day,” Yahya said, “everyone will be convinced.”
*Rebecca Collard is a broadcast journalist and writer covering the Middle East.

Lebanese teachers bring the revolution to class
Nessryn Khalaf/Annahar/November 29/2019
Students believe that the process of learning is enhanced when they can apply theories to realistic scenarios like protest sites.
BEIRUT: Students and teachers were among the first groups to join the Lebanese protests when the revolution erupted and the uproar of dissent became thunderous, and now that classes have resumed, many educators are incorporating the events of the demonstrations into their academic syllabi to express their support.The purpose of this academic shift is to help students gain a deeper understanding of Lebanon’s current political ambiance while supporting their desire to keep attending the demonstrations.
“I always allow my students to voice their opinions as I guide them to do so constructively. I want them to not necessarily accept what others say, but definitely respect it,” expressed Nabilah Haraty, assistant professor of oral communication and English at the Lebanese American University.
She also added that each of her sessions starts with 10-15 minutes of discussion so that her students can share their feelings and points of view in a judgment-free environment.
Shireen Kasamani, one of Haraty’s students, told Annahar: “I admire my professor because she’s been very supportive of students who are protesting. She even asked what we desire to see as an outcome of this revolution and has allowed us to base our speeches on the events observed on the Lebanese streets.”
Rana Younis, another student, highlighted how her ethics professor stopped using the book and instead asked his students to present a research paper describing how different ethical approaches would be used to evaluate the revolution.
Students believe that the process of learning is enhanced when they can apply theories to realistic scenarios like protest sites. This initiative has allowed them to turn the protests into their libraries where knowledge and activism meet.
A literature professor at the American University of Beirut also decided to alter the course syllabus to include some classic political novels like George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.
“I want my students to understand that literature is not about reading boring books; it’s rather a manifestation of events observed in their daily lives, and what could be better than dystopian novels to make them comprehend their country’s political turmoil?” the professor said.
Zeinab Ibrahim, an AUB student, said that “the changes made by some professors have enabled the students to keep protesting without worrying about dense course material and accumulating assignments.”
She then explained to Annahar that by being able to link a course’s content to the events of the revolution, she has become more engrossed in the lessons and more inquisitive as both a student and an activist.
*Laura-Joy Boulos, a psychology professor at USJ, mentioned that she has engaged in several classroom discussions with her students to examine the protests and their psychological effects on individuals, for it’s essential to understand how intense emotions like fear, uncertainty, and hope can impact the human psyche and brain.

Hosting ‘Green Friday’ during Lebanon’s uprising
Chiri Choukeir/Annahar/November 29/2019
The purpose of the Green Friday initiative is to save clothes and gadgets from ending up in the garbage where they are not disposed properly.
BEIRUT: While the world celebrated Black Friday with the usual immense sales and discounts, a group of activists in Lebanon decided to seize the opportunity to have a Green Friday instead.
The trees of the Gibran Khalil Gibran Garden, Centre Ville, displayed a collection of donated clothes. Additionally, the space was occupied by stacks of DVDs and books for anyone to exchange in return for their used clothes or gadgets.
This idea of exchanging clothes and/or gadgets was first initiated by Fridays For Future, a global movement that began after 15 year old Greta Thunberg protested in front of the Swedish parliament for three weeks against the lack of action on climate change. Activists Andrés Succar Rahmi and Marianne Eid decided to join the movement and bring it to Beirut.
“We’re mainly a youth movement that are organizing protests around the world in order to demand a safe future given that climate change might very easily change the way we live,” Rahmi told Annahar. “We are trying to raise awareness and push our politicians to change policies to tackle the climate crisis.”
During the first few minutes of the sale and while the activists were still opening the bags to display clothes, protesters in Riyad el-Solh quickly joined them in setting up the space and choosing their favorite sweaters, jumpers, and over-alls to take home.
Eid explained that the purpose of the exchange is to save clothes and gadgets from ending up in the garbage where they are not disposed properly. The exchange also aids those who cannot afford to buy their own.
“People have been going to stores buying clothes without realizing the negative impact of that on the environment. People need to realize that they can buy second hand clothes in good conditions,” Eid said.
The activists also had multiple university and school books on display to fight against the increasing prices of standardized education books.
“I feel like there’s a huge problem in Lebanon, education is very expensive with no regard to the student. While climate change is the main cause we’re fighting for, we decided to include education in today’s movement,” Rahmi said.
Other than the Green Friday, the group of activists had previously protested at the Bisri Dam in order to stop the deforestation of the land. They have also organized diverse strikes to bring attention and awareness to climate change.

No clear solutions stem from emergency meeting as fears of fuel shortage mount
Georgi Azar/Annahar/November 29/2019
Lebanon’s rapidly deteriorating financial state has raised concerns over its ability to fend off a meltdown while a political deadlock continues to hinder the formation of a much-needed government.
BEIRUT: Lebanon’s central bank governor will take “necessary, temporary measures” to preserve the banking sector and depositor rights, the banking association head said on Friday.
Salim Sfeir, chairman of the Association of Banks in Lebanon (ABL) that represents the country’s banks, read a statement after a top-level meeting at the presidential palace as Lebanon grapples with the worst economic crisis in decades.
“The central bank governor was assigned to take the necessary, temporary measures, in coordination with the banking association, to issue circulars,” Sfeir said after the meeting with President Michel Aoun, Salameh, and government officials.
“This is to preserve stability, confidence in the banking and monetary sector, as well as its safety, and depositors’ rights.”
Both officials refused to elaborate on these comments.
The meeting was also attended by a number of caretaker ministers with the notable absence of Caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri, who was reparented by his economic adviser, Nadim Munla.
Lebanon’s rapidly deteriorating financial state has raised concerns over its ability to fend off a meltdown while a political deadlock continues to hinder the formation of a much-needed government.
Lebanon has been without a government for a month, with the Shiite duo of Hezbollah and Amal, along with the Free Patriotic Movement, refusing to allow Hariri to establish a purely technocratic government, the demand of the protest movement.
Hariri resigned on October 29 and President Michel Aoun has yet to call for binding parliamentary consultations to appoint a new premier.
In the midst of an increased shortage of dollar liquidity, gas stations continued their strike Friday which caused massive disruptions to motorists across Lebanon. A number of gas stations remained open, however, with massives queues witnessed as Lebanese scrambled to stockpile on fuel.
The strike also caused a rise in black market rates, with some gas stations almost doubling their asking price. A number of motorists reported paying up to LL17,000 for 10 liters.
The Syndicate of Gas Stations owners called on Lebanese officials to urgently find a solution during the emergency meeting, yet no comments on the matter were presented.
Meanwhile, the Lebanese pound continued its downward spiral as the majority of exchange shops also went on strike. On Thursday, the Lebanese pound was trading against the dollar at around LL2,300.

Hezbollah threatens the peaceful and non-sectarian protests in Lebanon
Robert Fisk/Independent/November 29/2019
It was perfectly clear to all of us that the Hezbollah, heroes of the Lebanese resistance until they began sacrificing themselves on the battlefields of Syria, were attempting to sabotage the entire protest movement
Those tens of thousands of largely young protesters demanding a non-sectarian Lebanon were joyful, filled with happiness, determined that this time they would change the wretched confessional nature of their state forever. Then the Hezbollah turned up, a truckload of them, dressed in black and shouting through loudspeakers and holding up posters of their all-Shia militia heroes. Squads of Lebanese interior ministry police appeared in the side streets.
It was perfectly clear to all of us that the Hezbollah, heroes of the Lebanese resistance until they began sacrificing themselves on the battlefields of Syria, were attempting to sabotage the entire protest movement. The young men and women in the street shouted as one: “The government is corrupt, the sectarian leaders are corrupt, all members of parliament are thieves — thieves, thieves, thieves.” But they never – deliberately – mentioned the name of the Hezbollah chairman Sayed Hassan Nasrallah. Hezbollah serves in the Lebanese government.
And two of the men jumped down from the truck – big, tough figures towering over the younger protesters – dodging the police line and moved into the demonstrators, shouting and demanding they end their curses about sectarianism. “The Sayed [Nasrallah] is the only one who is not corrupt!” one of them screamed. These men did not come to talk to the protesters or discuss their objections or even argue. They preached at them, raising their voices and bellowing their words. For a moment I wondered if I was perhaps in the holy city of Kerbala or Najaf. There is in fact no evidence that Nasrallah is corrupt; but thanks to US sanctions on Syria and Iran, the Hezbollah may be running out of cash.
Then the cops, all riot shields and batons, formed two ranks between the Hezbollah and their adversaries.
“I have come from Nabatieh and I have been here eight days and nothing has happened,” the Shiite – no friend of the Hezbollah even though Nabatieh is in the militia’s effective area of control – shouted back.
So is this to be the new pattern of Lebanon’s “revolution”? Will the attacks start now, as they did in Nabatieh this week, when Hezbollah supporters used batons to clear the town’s central square of protesters?
The signs of government decay are everywhere. When the elderly president Michel Aoun gave a short pre-recorded speech on television on Thursday, it was noticed at once that he had been unable even to complete a short series of sentences in one take. The leather-bound books behind him – none of which, I suspect, he has ever read – suddenly changed their position on the shelves between his sentences.
Then a Lebanese journalist, claiming to know all about the broadcast, said that Aoun had fallen asleep between his sentences.
Aoun and prime minister Hariri had earlier told the country’s interior minister, Raya al-Hassan, that she must order the interior police to use water cannons to clear the streets of Beirut and the country’s main highways.
“I will not give this order,” she replied. “This matter is political. It is not a security matter.” Hassan, needless to say, is perhaps the only popular government minister in this country. Nor are the cops or the army unsympathetic to the protesters. Two soldiers were caught on camera weeping with emotion.
Then came the video of minister Akram Shayeb leaving his downtown office to find protesters outside the door. His bodyguards raised their rifles – some of them apparently fired shots in the air – and one pointed his gun at a young woman. “Don’t you threaten us,” she cried, ran forward and kicked the gunman in the testicles. The image of her now famous kick is spray-painted on the walls of central Beirut.
In Martyrs’ Square, the tens of thousands of demonstrators had no time for talk of government “reform”. Nor was there a word about a proposed tax on WhatsApp. The men and women here were highly educated, many with their children, and in many cases professionals: doctors, lawyers, university staff. If this protest fails – and what they want, of course, is constitutional change – they will in many cases leave their country forever, impoverishing Lebanon for generations.
But they were not all rich. I saw poorly dressed farming men and women, in plastic shoes, no socks and dirty clothes. When the sky poured, an old man with a crumpled face and a clutch of plastic umbrellas over his arm ran to me and offered to sell me a brolly for 5,000 Lebanese pounds – about £2.50. When I gave him the money he put it to his lips and kissed the banknotes over and over again, the poor man’s way of expressing his thanks for good fortune.
The crowds here were deeply impressed by a Shiite cleric whose sermon in Beirut told the people they were right to demand freedom from a sectarian government. “Your religion is between you and God,” Sheikh Yasser Audi said. “Freedom must be exercised, the Prophet said this.” The Lebanese army commander, General Joseph Aoun – no relation to the near-speechless president – ordered his soldiers to use no violence against any demonstrators. If they were to be forced back, it must be by pushing them with their bodies, and not by drawing weapons.
I saw several Lebanese soldiers ostentatiously shouldering their weapons with the barrels down and the butts up, a traditional symbol of military personnel when they wish to show they do not intend to use violence. But then again, I saw this in Cairo during the 2011 Egyptian revolution – and look what happened to that. Amid the government – or what is left of it since the Christian Lebanese Forces ministers have resigned – there was talk of Gebran Bassil, the deeply unpopular foreign minister who is indeed the son-in-law of the near-speechless president, being prepared to resign if the Druze leader Walid Jumblatt withdrew his cabinet members from the government.
If this is window dressing, the idea is clearly intended to let the mass protests simmer down. I’m not at all sure, however, that this would any longer work. The bolder street demonstrations become, the greater their demands. And the cry for an entirely new constitution that will utterly abandon the sectarian system of government in Lebanon has grown stronger and stronger. There are many in the Arab and Muslim world who will wish them to fail. Bashar al-Assad for one, Sisi of Egypt for another. Certainly Iran. And the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, whose petty “reforms” are now utterly overshadowed by the real shout for freedom in Lebanon.
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You can see why all the Arab dictators and kings fear this. If Lebanon’s people – especially its young people – succeed in their vast undertaking, then the millions of suppressed and poorly educated men and women across the Arab world will ask why they too cannot have these same freedoms. France supports the Lebanese demonstrators – which is a bit odd since it was the French after the First World War who imposed this vile sectarianism upon Lebanon. The Americans claim they are on the side of the protests. But I suspect this is because they want the Hezbollah to be disowned by the Lebanese – rather than a new free nation in the Middle East.
Well, we shall see.
In the meantime, we will also find out what Hezbollah has in store.
There is a palpable fear on the streets of Beirut. More than one of the interior ministry cops, I noticed, were wearing black face masks to hide their identity. More powerful than the Lebanese army, the Hezbollah obviously fears for its own popularity, and worries that it will in the future be cast into the outer darkness of Lebanon’s sectarian world rather than hero-worshipped. Their appearance at the demonstration in Riad Solh Street was extremely sinister. And be sure it will happen again.
Who would have thought that the winners of the 2006 war with Israel would align themselves with the political and corrupt elites of Lebanon?

The post A Bundle Of English Reports, News and Editorials For November 29-30/2019 Addressing the On Going Mass Demonstrations & Sit In-ins In Iranian Occupied Lebanon in its 44th Day appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 30 تشرين الثاني/2019


نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 30 تشرين الثاني/2019

اضغط هنا لقراءة نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة المفصلة، اللبنانية والعربية ليوم 30 تشرين الثاني/2019

ارشيف نشرات أخبار موقعنا اليومية/عربية وانكليزية منذ العام 2006/اضغط هنا لدخول صفحة الأرشيف

عناوين أقسام نشرة المنسقية باللغة العربية
الزوادة الإيمانية لليوم
تعليقات الياس بجاني وخلفياتها
الأخبار اللبنانية
المتفرقات اللبنانية
الأخبار الإقليمية والدولية
المقالات والتعليقات والتحاليل السياسية الشاملة
المؤتمرات والندوات والبيانات والمقابلات والمناسبات الخاصة والردود وغيره

The post نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 30 تشرين الثاني/2019 appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

لا أَحَدَ يَقْتَطِعُ رُقْعَةً مِنْ ثَوْبٍ جَدِيد، وَيَرْقَعُ بِهَا ثَوبًا بَالِيًا، وإِلاَّ فَإِنَّهُ يُمَزِّقُ الجَديد، وَالرُّقْعَةُ الَّتي يَقْتَطِعُها مِنْهُ لا تَتَلاءَمُ مَعَ الثَّوبِ البَالي/No one tears a piece from a new garment and sews it on an old garment; otherwise the new will be torn, and the piece from the new will not match the old


لا أَحَدَ يَقْتَطِعُ رُقْعَةً مِنْ ثَوْبٍ جَدِيد، وَيَرْقَعُ بِهَا ثَوبًا بَالِيًا، وإِلاَّ فَإِنَّهُ يُمَزِّقُ الجَديد، وَالرُّقْعَةُ الَّتي يَقْتَطِعُها مِنْهُ لا تَتَلاءَمُ مَعَ الثَّوبِ البَالي
إنجيل القدّيس لوقا05/من33حتى39/:”َقَال الفَرِّيسِيُّونَ والكَتَبَةُ لِيَسُوع: «تَلاميذُ يُوحَنَّا يَصُومُونَ كَثيرًا وَيَرْفَعُونَ الطِّلْبَات، ومِثْلُهُم تَلامِيذُ الفَرِّيسييِّن، أَمَّا تَلاميذُكَ فَيَأْكُلُونَ وَيَشْرَبُون». فَقَالَ لَهُم يَسُوع: «هَلْ تَسْتَطِيعُونَ أَنْ تَجْعَلُوا بَنِي العُرْسِ يَصُومُون، والعَريسُ مَعَهُم؟ ولكِنْ سَتَأْتي أَيَّامٌ يَكُونُ فيهَا العَرِيسُ قَدْ رُفِعَ مِنْ بَيْنِهِم، حيِنَئِذٍ في تِلْكَ الأَيَّامِ يَصُومُون».وقَالَ لَهُم أَيضًا مَثَلاً: «لا أَحَدَ يَقْتَطِعُ رُقْعَةً مِنْ ثَوْبٍ جَدِيد، وَيَرْقَعُ بِهَا ثَوبًا بَالِيًا، وإِلاَّ فَإِنَّهُ يُمَزِّقُ الجَديد، وَالرُّقْعَةُ الَّتي يَقْتَطِعُها مِنْهُ لا تَتَلاءَمُ مَعَ الثَّوبِ البَالي. ولا أَحَدَ يَضَعُ خَمْرَةً جَدِيدَةً في زِقَاقٍ عَتِيقَة، وإِلاَّ فَالخَمْرَةُ الجَدِيدَةُ تَشُقُّ الزِّقَاق، فَتُرَاقُ الخَمْرَة، وَتُتْلَفُ الزِّقَاق، بَلْ يَجِبُ أَنْ تُوضَعَ الخَمْرَةُ الجَديدَةُ في زِقَاقٍ جَديدَة. ولا أَحَدَ يَشْرَبُ خَمْرَةً مُعَتَّقَة، وَيَبْتَغي خَمْرَةً جَدِيدَة، بَلْ يَقُول: أَلمُعَتَّقَةُ أَطْيَب!».

No one tears a piece from a new garment and sews it on an old garment; otherwise the new will be torn, and the piece from the new will not match the old
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 05/33-39/:”Then they said to Jesus, ‘John’s disciples, like the disciples of the Pharisees, frequently fast and pray, but your disciples eat and drink.’ Jesus said to them, ‘You cannot make wedding-guests fast while the bridegroom is with them, can you? The days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast in those days.’ He also told them a parable: ‘No one tears a piece from a new garment and sews it on an old garment; otherwise the new will be torn, and the piece from the new will not match the old. And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the new wine will burst the skins and will be spilled, and the skins will be destroyed. But new wine must be put into fresh wineskins. And no one after drinking old wine desires new wine, but says, “The old is good.””.

فَصَعِدا في ٱلغَمَامَةِ إِلى ٱلسَّمَاء، وشَاهَدَهُما أَعْدَاؤُهُما
رؤيا القدّيس يوحنّا11/من01حتى12/:”يا إِخوَتِي، أُعْطِيتُ قَصَبَةً أَشْبَهَ بِٱلعَصَا، وَقِيلَ لي: «قُمْ وَقِسْ هَيْكَلَ اللهِ وَالمَذْبَح، وَعُدَّ السَّاجِدِينَ فِيه. أَمَّا ٱلدَّارُ ٱلَّتِي في خَارِجِ ٱلهَيْكَلِ فَٱطْرَحْهَا خَارِجًا وَلا تَقِسْهَا، لأَنَّهَا أُعْطِيَتْ لِلأُمَم، وهُم سَيَدُوسُونَ ٱلمَدِينَةَ ٱلمُقَدَّسَةَ ٱثْنَينِ وأَرْبَعِينَ شَهْرًا. وسَأُعْطِي شَاهِدَيَّ فيَتَنَبَّآنِ وهُمَا مُوَشَّحَانِ بِالمِسْح، أَلْفًا ومِئَتَيْنِ وسِتِّينَ يَوْمًا».فهذَانِ هُمَا ٱلزَّيْتُونَتَانِ وٱلمَنَارَتَانِ ٱلقَائِمَتَانِ أَمَامَ رَبِّ الأَرْض. فَإِنْ شَاءَ أَحَدٌ أَنْ يُؤْذِيَهُمَا، تَخْرُجُ نَارٌ مِنْ فَمِهِمَا فَتَلْتَهِمُ أَعْدَاءَهُمَا. وإِنْ شَاءَ أَحَدٌ أَنْ يُؤْذِيَهُمَا، فَهكذَا يَنْبَغِي أَنْ يُقْتَل. وهذَانِ لَهُمَا ٱلسُّلْطَانُ أَنْ يَحْبِسَا ٱلسَّماء، حَتَّى لا يَنْزِلَ ٱلمَطَرُ في أَيَّامِ نُبُوءَتِهِمَا. ولَهُمَا سُلْطانٌ على ٱلمِيَاهِ أَنْ يُحَوِّلاهَا إِلى دَم، وأَنْ يَضْرِبَا ٱلأَرْضَ بِكُلِّ ضَرْبَة، كُلَّمَا أَرَادَا. وَحِينَ يُتِمَّانِ شَهَادَتَهُما، يَشُنُّ ٱلوَحْشُ ٱلطَّالِعُ مِنَ ٱلْهَاوِيَةِ ٱلحَرْبَ عَلَيْهِما، فَيَغْلِبُهُمَا وَيَقْتُلُهُما. وَتَبْقَى جُثَّتَاهُمَا في سَاحَةِ ٱلمَدِينَةِ ٱلعَظِيمَة، ٱلَّتي تُدْعَى عَلى سَبِيلِ ٱلرَّمْزِ سَدُومَ وَمِصْر، حَيْثُ صُلِبَ رَبُّهُما أَيْضًا. ويَنْظُرُ إِلى جُثَّتَيْهِما أُناسٌ مِن مُخْتَلِفِ ٱلشُّعُوبِ وٱلقَبائِلِ وٱلأَلْسِنَة وٱلأُمَم، مُدَّةَ ثَلاثَةِ أيَّام ونِصْفِ يَوْم، ولا يَدَعُون جُثَّتَهُما تُدْفَنُ في قَبْر. ويَشْمَتُ بِهِما سُكَّانُ ٱلأَرْض ويَتَهَلَّلُون، ويَتَبَادَلُونَ ٱلهَدَايا، لأَنَّ هذَينِ ٱلنَّبِيَّينِ قَدْ عَذَّبَا سُكَّانَ ٱلأَرْض. وَبَعْدَ ٱلأَيَّامِ ٱلثَّلاثَةِ ونِصْفِ ٱليَوْم، دَخَلَ فيهِما رُوحُ حَياةٍ مِنَ ٱلله، فَوَقَفا على أَرْجُلِهِما، فَوَقَعَ على ٱلَّذِينَ شاهَدُوهُما خَوْفٌ شَدِيد. وَسَمِعا صَوتًا عَظِيمًا مِنَ ٱلسَّماءِ يَقُولُ لَهُما: «إِصْعَدا إِلى هُنَا!». فَصَعِدا في ٱلغَمَامَةِ إِلى ٱلسَّمَاء، وشَاهَدَهُما أَعْدَاؤُهُما”.

And they went up to heaven in a cloud while their enemies watched them.
Book of Revelation 11/01-12/:”Then I was given a measuring rod like a staff, and I was told, ‘Come and measure the temple of God and the altar and those who worship there, but do not measure the court outside the temple; leave that out, for it is given over to the nations, and they will trample over the holy city for forty-two months. And I will grant my two witnesses authority to prophesy for one thousand two hundred and sixty days, wearing sackcloth.’These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth. And if anyone wants to harm them, fire pours from their mouth and consumes their foes; anyone who wants to harm them must be killed in this manner. They have authority to shut the sky, so that no rain may fall during the days of their prophesying, and they have authority over the waters to turn them into blood, and to strike the earth with every kind of plague, as often as they desire. When they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the bottomless pit will make war on them and conquer them and kill them, and their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city that is prophetically called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified. For three and a half days members of the peoples and tribes and languages and nations will gaze at their dead bodies and refuse to let them be placed in a tomb; and the inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and celebrate and exchange presents, because these two prophets had been a torment to the inhabitants of the earth. But after the three and a half days, the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and those who saw them were terrified. Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, ‘Come up here!’ And they went up to heaven in a cloud while their enemies watched them.

The post لا أَحَدَ يَقْتَطِعُ رُقْعَةً مِنْ ثَوْبٍ جَدِيد، وَيَرْقَعُ بِهَا ثَوبًا بَالِيًا، وإِلاَّ فَإِنَّهُ يُمَزِّقُ الجَديد، وَالرُّقْعَةُ الَّتي يَقْتَطِعُها مِنْهُ لا تَتَلاءَمُ مَعَ الثَّوبِ البَالي/No one tears a piece from a new garment and sews it on an old garment; otherwise the new will be torn, and the piece from the new will not match the old appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

ربيكا كولارد/فورين بوليسي: هالة القدسية سقطت وهكذا خسر حزب الله الكثير من رصيده في الشارع اللبناني/Rebecca Collard/Foreign Policy/ Untouchable No More: Hezbollah’s Fading Reputation


هالة القدسية سقطت وهكذا خسر حزب الله الكثير من رصيده في الشارع اللبناني
ربيكا كولارد/فورين بوليسي/29 تشرين الثاني/2019

Untouchable No More: Hezbollah’s Fading Reputation
Rebecca Collard/Foreign Policy/November 29/2019
As Hezbollah sides with Lebanon’s political elite, protesters in Beirut are increasingly willing to criticize it.
BEIRUT—It was the sort of chant that, only a month or so ago, would have been all but unthinkable in Lebanon. “Terrorists, terrorists, Hezbollah are terrorists,” yelled some of the hundreds of anti-government protesters who stood on a main road in Beirut early Monday morning, in a tense standoff with supporters of Hezbollah and another Shiite party, the Amal Movement.
Other protesters told the chanters to stop, but as widespread economic discontent and anger engulf Lebanon—and with Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah defending the government—the sanctity around Hezbollah’s reputation is clearly broken.
“Hezbollah is being seen as part and parcel [of] the main hurdle to change in Lebanon,” said Mohanad Hage Ali, a fellow at the Carnegie Middle East Center.
The demonstrations have been mostly peaceful and unilaterally against the whole ruling class—all sects, all political parties. And until recently Nasrallah, who doesn’t have an official government position, was seen as above the endemic corruption that has helped push the country toward a collapse, particularly among Hezbollah’s Shiite support base. Hezbollah’s expulsion of Israeli troops from Lebanese territory in 2000 earned the group the moniker “the resistance” among Lebanese of all sects and political affiliations. Even after the 2006 war, which left swaths of Lebanon in ruins, the group enjoyed popular support for what many here saw as a victory against Israeli aggression by defenders of the country. In May 2008, Hezbollah fighters took over central Beirut after the government threatened to shut down the group’s telecommunications network and remove an ally in charge of airport security, pointing their weapons inside rather than toward the border for the first time.
And as Hezbollah sent thousands of fighters across the border to fight in Syria in support of President Bashar al-Assad in 2013, more people questioned exactly whom Hezbollah was defending. The group’s reputation has been fading further since the first days of protests in mid-October, which saw large crowds take to the streets in primarily Shiite areas such as Tyre and Nabatieh. Suddenly, with demonstrators there shouting similar anti-government slogans as protesters in Beirut—who want all the current sectarian political leaders gone and new elections under a new system—Hezbollah found itself part of the targeted establishment. The protests are seen as a direct challenge to the gains made by Hezbollah in the 2018 elections and a threat to the organization’s foreign-policy agenda, said Hage Ali.
This week, facing down two thick rows of Lebanese army and riot police on pavement littered with rocks and sticks, some demonstrators complained that Hezbollah’s agenda is not really about building up Lebanon; instead, it goes through Damascus to Baghdad and on to Tehran. Like some of the rising protests in neighboring Iraq, the often youthful demonstrators are intent on calling out Iranian influence in particular.
“Here is Lebanon, not Iran,” some protesters chanted on Monday.
When Nasrallah insisted the Lebanese government should not step down, amid the early demonstrations in October, to many protesters it felt like he was part of the problem.
“It was a ‘reality bites’ moment,” Carnegie’s Hage Ali said. “For Lebanese Shiites who joined the protest movement, it was a shock—why is Hezbollah standing on guard for the status quo that is extremely corrupt and taking the country to a financial and economic crisis?”
Nasrallah attempted to discredit the protesters, implying they were funded by foreign embassies. The protesters laughed it off, and several journalists resigned from Al-Akhbar, a publication usually supportive of Hezbollah’s position.
“They are just trying to keep the system,” said a protester named Baha Yahya, as he waited on a side road for a barrage of tear gas, fired by the army, to clear. “And all we want is to remove the system. That’s what this is all about.”
In the past Hezbollah has managed to avoid most direct criticism of its ties to Tehran and Syria. For decades, Lebanon’s warlords, then political elite, have been propped up by regional and international powers, and the protesters have railed against this foreign meddling in their country. But the protesters have been careful not to single out any one group, and until recently there has been scarce mention of Hezbollah’s Iranian-supplied weapons, which outgun the country’s national army—ironically now holding back the group’s supporters.
Last week, as thousands of people took to the streets of Iran after a hike in the price of fuel there, protesters in downtown Beirut sought some common cause with them, chanting: “From Tehran to Beirut, one revolution that won’t die.”
And Hezbollah supporters are fighting back. Hoisting the flags of Hezbollah and Amal, counterprotesters this week shouted sectarian slogans like “Shiite, Shiite, Shiite” and affirmed allegiance to Nasrallah and Nabih Berri, the head of the Amal Movement and speaker of the Lebanese Parliament.
The anti-government protesters responded with chants of “the people are one”—and then broke into the national anthem.
It’s not exactly clear how the confrontation started on Sunday night, but what is clear is that it has raised fears of a violent escalation to Lebanon’s 6-week-old rebellion against poor sectarian governance and put a further stain on Hezbollah’s image as the country’s defender.
This same bit of road was the front line for much of Lebanon’s civil war. Everyone here knows that, but most of the protesters are too young to personally remember the snipers and checkpoints that controlled it.
Some of the Hezbollah and Amal supporters managed to break through the line, charging the protesters and sending them running down side streets, past buildings still pockmarked from civil war fighting.
“They can reach us if they want,” Yahya said of the Hezbollah and Amal supporters as he waited on a side road. “But they don’t want that. They just want to scare us.”
The mostly male protesters returned with tree branches and sticks. Both sides tried to lob rocks across the no man’s land created by rows of security forces.
Hezbollah blamed a car accident early Monday morning on the protesters’ roadblocks. A video of the incident shows a car hitting an obstacle in the middle of seemingly empty road. There is not a protester in sight. Some saw it as an attempt to portray the protests as a security threat. Hundreds of people turned out for a vigil on Monday evening hoisting Hezbollah and Amal flags and chanting party and sectarian slogans. Thousands of other supporters came out in more overt political rallies. Some sped around scooters honking and again shouting “Shiite, Shiite, Shiite” as they passed anti-government protesters.
“The more Hezbollah attacks them using these sectarian tactics, the more Hezbollah is exposed, and the more Hezbollah will lose,” said Hage Ali, adding that part of the strategy of the counter-revolution is turning it into a sectarian conflict.
If Nasrallah or other Hezbollah or Amal leaders thought a gentle show of force would scare protesters off the street and restore calm, it may have been dangerous miscalculation.
On Monday night, things escalated further with gunfire and clashes, this time with supporters of the Future Movement of the Sunni caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri. In the southern city of Tyre, party supporters attacked and burned down a protest camp. Attacks and clashes continued Tuesday.
Many of the anti-government protesters call the party-supporting counterprotesters “brainwashed”—referring not just to Hezbollah and Amal supporters but also to those who have come out in less confrontational shows of support for the country’s president, Michel Aoun, and other parties in recent weeks.
Another protester, Yahya’s friend Nader Issrawi, said he believes that in the end, they all want the same thing.
“What they want is like what we want,” Issrawi said. “We are living a life that is such a shit. We all just want to live in freedom, to eat and build our future.”
But it seems they see different paths to that goal. Issrawi and Yahya were home when the clashes started late Sunday night. “I called him and said, ‘Baha, let’s get to the [street]. Our revolution is in danger,’” Issrawi recalled.
Like many here, Yahya is becoming fearful about where the unrest is heading but says he agrees with Issrawi and that it’s a matter of changing the minds of those standing on the other side of the road. “One day,” Yahya said, “everyone will be convinced.”
*Rebecca Collard is a broadcast journalist and writer covering the Middle East.
Lebanese teachers bring the revolution to class
Nessryn Khalaf/Annahar/November 29/2019
Students believe that the process of learning is enhanced when they can apply theories to realistic scenarios like protest sites.
BEIRUT: Students and teachers were among the first groups to join the Lebanese protests when the revolution erupted and the uproar of dissent became thunderous, and now that classes have resumed, many educators are incorporating the events of the demonstrations into their academic syllabi to express their support.The purpose of this academic shift is to help students gain a deeper understanding of Lebanon’s current political ambiance while supporting their desire to keep attending the demonstrations.
“I always allow my students to voice their opinions as I guide them to do so constructively. I want them to not necessarily accept what others say, but definitely respect it,” expressed Nabilah Haraty, assistant professor of oral communication and English at the Lebanese American University.
She also added that each of her sessions starts with 10-15 minutes of discussion so that her students can share their feelings and points of view in a judgment-free environment.
Shireen Kasamani, one of Haraty’s students, told Annahar: “I admire my professor because she’s been very supportive of students who are protesting. She even asked what we desire to see as an outcome of this revolution and has allowed us to base our speeches on the events observed on the Lebanese streets.”
Rana Younis, another student, highlighted how her ethics professor stopped using the book and instead asked his students to present a research paper describing how different ethical approaches would be used to evaluate the revolution.
Students believe that the process of learning is enhanced when they can apply theories to realistic scenarios like protest sites. This initiative has allowed them to turn the protests into their libraries where knowledge and activism meet.
A literature professor at the American University of Beirut also decided to alter the course syllabus to include some classic political novels like George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.
“I want my students to understand that literature is not about reading boring books; it’s rather a manifestation of events observed in their daily lives, and what could be better than dystopian novels to make them comprehend their country’s political turmoil?” the professor said.
Zeinab Ibrahim, an AUB student, said that “the changes made by some professors have enabled the students to keep protesting without worrying about dense course material and accumulating assignments.”
She then explained to Annahar that by being able to link a course’s content to the events of the revolution, she has become more engrossed in the lessons and more inquisitive as both a student and an activist.
*Laura-Joy Boulos, a psychology professor at USJ, mentioned that she has engaged in several classroom discussions with her students to examine the protests and their psychological effects on individuals, for it’s essential to understand how intense emotions like fear, uncertainty, and hope can impact the human


هالة القدسية سقطت».. فورين بوليسي: هكذا خسر «حزب الله» الكثير من رصيده في الشارع اللبناني
فورين بوليسي/29 تشرين الثاني/2019
منذ شهرين مضيا أو ما يزيد، كان لا يُتصوَر أن يخطر هذا النوع من الهتافات أبداً على بال أي شخص في لبنان. لكن في صباح الإثنين، 25 نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني، علا صوت البعض من مئات المحتجين ضد الحكومة، الذين احتشدوا في شارع رئيسي في العاصمة بيروت، قائلين: «إرهابي.. إرهابي.. حزب الله إرهابي»، في مواجهة مشحونة مع مؤيدي حزب الله و «حركة أمل». وأخبر محتجون آخرون أصحاب الهتافات بالتوقف، لكن مع اتساع دائرة السخط من الأوضاع الاقتصادية واجتياح الغضب شوارع لبنان، واستمرار زعيم حزب الله، حسن نصرالله في الدفاع عن الحكومة، بات من الواضح أنَّ هالة القدسية المحيطة بسمعة حزب الله آخذة في التلاشي، كما تقول مجلة Foreign Policy الأمريكية.
«حزب الله جزء من الأزمة في لبنان»
وفي هذا السياق، قال مهند الحاج علي، الباحث في مركز كارنيغي لدراسات الشرق الأوسط للمجلة الأمريكية: «حزب الله يُرى أنه جزء لا يتجزأ من العقبة الأساسية أمام التغيير في لبنان». وغلب على المظاهرات اللبنانية طابعٌ سلمي، ووقوفها بمفردها في مواجهة الطبقة الحاكمة بأكملها بجميع أحزابها وأطيافها. وحتى وقت قريب، كان نصرالله، الذي لا يشغل منصباً رسمياً في الدولة، يُرى على أنه بعيد عن الفساد المستشري في الدولة الذي دفعها نحو الانهيار، وتحديداً وسط قاعدة دعم حزب الله الشيعية، التي اكتسبها من نجاحه في طرد القوات الإسرائيلية من الأراضي اللبنانية المحتلة في عام 2000 بين اللبنانيين من جميع الانتماءات السياسية والطائفية. وحتى عقب حرب 2006، التي ألحقت الدمار بمساحات شاسعة من لبنان، حشدت الجماعة دعماً جماهيرياً لما اعتبره الكثيرون انتصار حماة الدولة على العدوان الإسرائيلي. وفي مايو/أيار 2008، سيطر مقاتلو حزب الله على وسط بيروت بعد أن هددت الحكومة بوقف شبكة اتصالات الجماعة، وإقالة حليفها المسؤول عن أمن المطارات، ولأول مرة حينها صوبت الجماعة أسلحتها نحو الداخل وليس عبر الحدود.
التدخل في سوريا.. محطة مفصلية
وفي الوقت الذي أرسل فيه حزب الله الآلاف من عناصره عبر الحدود للقتال في سوريا لدعم بشار الأسد في عام 2013، بدأ المزيد من الناس يتساءلون عمّن يدافع حزب الله بالضبط. إضافة إلى ذلك، لَحِق مزيدٌ من الضرر بسمعة الجماعة منذ الأيام الأولى للاحتجاجات في منتصف شهر أكتوبر/تشرين الأول، التي شهدت خروج حشود هائلة إلى الشوارع في مناطق تمركز الشيعة، مثل مدينتي صور والنبطية. وفجأة، وبينما يردد المتظاهرون هناك شعارات مناهضة للحكومة على غرار محتجي بيروت -الذين يريدون رحيل جميع القادة السياسيين الطائفيين الحاليين وإجراء انتخابات جديدة في ظل نظام جديد- وجد حزب الله نفسه جزءاً من المؤسسة المُستهدفة. وقال الحاج علي إنَّ الاحتجاجات شكَّلت تحدياً مباشراً للمكاسب التي حققها حزب الله في انتخابات 2018 وتهديداً لأجندة السياسة الخارجية للتنظيم. وخلال الأسبوع الجاري، وفي مواجهة فرقتين كبيرتين من الجيش اللبناني وقوات مكافحة الشغب الشرطية على أرصفة تتناثر عليها الحجارة والعُصي، اشتكى بعض المتظاهرين أنَّ أجندة حزب الله لا تتعلق في الحقيقة ببناء لبنان، بل تمتد إلى دمشق وبغداد وصولاً إلى طهران. وعلى غرار بعض الاحتجاجات المشتعلة في الدولة المجاورة العراق، يصر المتظاهرون الشباب على التنديد بالنفوذ الإيراني على لبنان. إذ هتف بعضهم يوم الإثنين، 25 نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني: «هذا لبنان وليس إيران».
«هذا لبنان، وليس إيران»
حين أصر نصرالله على ألا تتنحى الحكومة اللبنانية، خلال بداية انطلاق المظاهرات في أكتوبر/تشرين الأول، شعر كثيرٌ من المحتجين أنه جزء من المشكلة. وقال الحاج علي: «لقد كانت إحدى تلك اللحظات التي (يصدمك فيها الواقع)؛ إذ شكَّل انضمام الشيعة اللبنانيين إلى حركة الاحتجاج صدمة؛ فلماذا يدافع حزب الله عن الوضع الراهن الذي يشوبه فساد شديد، ويدفع البلاد نحو أزمة مالية واقتصادية؟». وحاول نصرالله تشويه سمعة المحتجين، مشيراً إلى أنهم مموَّلون من حكومات أجنبية. وهي الاتهامات التي قابلها المحتجون بسخرية، بل واستقال العديد من الصحفيين من صحيفة «الأخبار»، التي تؤيد عادةً موقف حزب الله. وقال أحد المتظاهرين، ويُدعى بهاء يحيى، بينما كان ينتظر على طريق جانبي إلى أن يتبدد سيل الغاز المسيل للدموع الذي أطلقه الجيش: «هم يحاولون فقط الحفاظ على النظام. وكل ما نريده هو إزالة النظام. هذه هي حقيقة ما يحدث». في الماضي، نجح حزب الله في تجنب معظم الانتقادات المباشرة حول علاقاته بإيران وسوريا. وعلى مدار عقود من الزمن، تمتع أمراء الحرب في لبنان، وكانوا حينها من النخبة السياسية، بدعم من القوى الإقليمية والدولية، وقد هاجم المتظاهرون هذا التدخل الأجنبي في بلادهم. لكن المحتجين حرصوا على عدم الإشارة لجماعة بعينها، وحتى وقت قريب نَدَر ذكر أسلحة حزب الله التي زودته إيران بها، والتي تفوقت على أسلحة الجيش الوطني للبلاد، ومن المفارقة أنه يتصدى الآن لمؤيدي حزب الله.
أنصار حزب الله يقاومون الاحتجاجات
خلال الأسبوع الماضي، عندما خرج الآلاف من الناس إلى شوارع إيران احتجاجاً على ارتفاع أسعار الوقود هناك، وجد المتظاهرون في وسط بيروت سبباً مشتركاً معهم، وهم يهتفون: «من طهران إلى بيروت.. ثورة واحدة لن تموت». لكن أنصار حزب الله يقاومون؛ إذ رفعت الاحتجاجات المضادة أعلام حزب الله وحركة أمل هذا الأسبوع، ورددت شعارات طائفية مثل «شيعة.. شيعة.. شيعة»، وأكدوا ولاءهم لنصر الله ونبيه بري، زعيم حركة أمل ورئيس البرلمان اللبناني. وفي المقابل، ردَّ المحتجون المعارضون للحكومة بهتافات «الشعب واحد»، ثم علت أصواتهم بغناء النشيد الوطني. وليس واضحاً تماماً كيف اندلعت المواجهة ليل الأحد، 24 نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني، لكن ما هو واضح هو أنها أثارت مخاوف من تصعيد عنيف لتمرد لبنان المستمر منذ ستة أسابيع ضد الحكم الطائفي الرديء، وأضافت «وصمة عار» أخرى إلى صورة حزب الله بأنه المدافع عن البلاد. كان هذا الطريق نفسه هو الجبهة الأمامية لمعظم الحرب الأهلية في لبنان. والجميع هنا يعلم هذا، لكن معظم المحتجين أصغر من أن يتذكروا القناصة ونقاط التفتيش التي سيطرت على الشارع. وتمكن بعض من أنصار حزب الله وحركة أمل من اختراق هذه الجبهة، ومهاجمة المتظاهرين ومطاردتهم إلى الشوارع الجانبية، حيث المباني لا تزال تحمل آثار معارك الحرب الأهلية.
«يريدون تخويفنا»
وقال يحيى، بينما يقف في الطريق الجانبي: «يمكنهم (داعمو حزب الله وحركة أمل) الوصول إلينا إذا أرادوا، لكنهم لا يرغبون في ذلك. هم فقط يريدون إخافتنا». وعاد معظم المتظاهرين الذكور للشارع مرة أخرى حاملين أغصان الأشجار والعُصي. وحاول الجانبان التراشق بالحجارة عبر المنطقة المحرمة التي حددتها صفوف قوات الأمن. وألقى حزب الله باللوم في حادث سيارة وقع في ساعة مبكرة من صباح الإثنين الماضي على الحواجز التي شيَّدها المتظاهرون. ويظهر في شريط فيديو للحادث، سيارة تضرب عقبة في وسط طريق يبدو فارغاً، ولم يظهر فيه أي محتج في الأفق. واعتبر البعض أنها محاولة لتصوير الاحتجاجات على أنها تهديد أمني. وشارك المئات مساء ذلك اليوم في وقفة احتجاجية، ورفعوا أعلام حزب الله وأمل وهم يهتفون بشعارات حزبية وطائفية. فيما خرج آلاف المؤيدين الآخرين في مسيرات سياسية أكثر صراحة؛ إذ جال بعضهم الشوارع بدراجات بخارية وهم يطلقون أبواقها ويهتفون «شيعة.. شيعة.. شيعة» أثناء مرورهم أمام المتظاهرين المناهضين للحكومة. وقال حاج علي: «كلما هاجمهم حزب الله باستخدام هذه التكتيكات الطائفية، ينفضح أكثر، ويخسر المزيد»، مضيفاً أنَّ جزءاً من استراتيجية الثورة المضادة هو تحويل الاحتجاجات إلى صراع طائفي. وإذا ظن نصرالله أو غيره من قادة حزب الله أو حركة أمل أنَّ استعراضاً بسيطاً للقوة سيخيف المحتجين ويبعدهم عن شوارع لبنان ويعيد الهدوء إليها، فهذا سوء تقدير خطير.
«ثورتنا في خطر»
ومساء الإثنين، تصاعدت وتيرة الاحتجاجات بإطلاق نيران واندلاع اشتباكات، لكن هذه المرة مع أنصار «تيار المستقبل» لرئيس حكومة تصريف الأعمال السُني سعد الحريري. ففي مدينة صور الجنوبية، هاجم أنصار الحزب خيمة للمحتجين وأحرقوها. واستمرت الهجمات والاشتباكات حتى يوم الثلاثاء، 26 نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني. ويصف العديد من المتظاهرين المناهضين للحكومة منظمي الاحتجاجات المضادة بأنهم «تعرضوا لغسيل دماغ»، مشيرين ليس فقط لمؤيدي حزب الله وحركة أمل، بل أيضاً لكل الذين خرجوا في استعراض أقل صدامية للتعبير عن دعمهم لرئيس البلاد ميشال عون، وأحزاب أخرى في الأسابيع الماضية. من جانبه، أعرب متظاهر آخر صديق ليحيى، يُدعَى نادر يسراوي، عن اعتقاده بأنه في نهاية المطاف جميع اللبنانيين يريدون نفس الشيء. وقال يسراوي: «ما يريدونه هو نفسه ما نريده. نحن نعيش في ظروف متردية. وما نريده جميعنا هو أن ننعم بالحرية وأن نأكل ونؤسس لمستقبلنا».
لكن يبدو أنَّ كل فريق يرى سبيلاً مختلفاً لتحقيق هذا الهدف. وكان يسراوي ويحيى في المنزل عندما بدأت الاشتباكات في وقت متأخر من ليل الأحد. ويسترجع يسراوي ما حدث قائلاً: «اتصلت به وقلت: بهاء، دعنا نذهب إلى [الشارع]. ثورتنا في خطر». وعلى غرار الكثير هنا، بدأ الخوف ينمو بداخل يحيى حول تطور الاضطرابات، لكنه يقول إنه يتفق مع يسراوي في أنَّ الأمر يتعلق بتغيير عقول أولئك الذين يقفون على الجانب الآخر من الطريق، وقال يحيى: «يوماً ما، سيقتنع الجميع».

The post ربيكا كولارد/فورين بوليسي: هالة القدسية سقطت وهكذا خسر حزب الله الكثير من رصيده في الشارع اللبناني/Rebecca Collard/Foreign Policy/ Untouchable No More: Hezbollah’s Fading Reputation appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

علي الأمين:عندما ينقل حزب الله بندقية المقاومة إلى كتف السلطة


عندما ينقل «حزب الله» بندقية المقاومة إلى «كتف» السلطة!

علي الأمين/جنوبية/29 تشرين الثاني/2019

يمكن تقبل فكرة أن هناك من يريد استهداف سلاح “حزب الله” من خلال استغلال الانتفاضة اللبنانية التي انفجرت في وجه السلطة بكامل مكوناتها، ويمكن أن الإقتناع أن ثمة مطالب إسرائيلية وأميركية وربما دولية جدية، تركز على الصواريخ الاستراتيجية التي يقال أنّها موجودة لدى “حزب الله” في لبنان، وقد خرج أكثر من مسؤول إسرائيلي واميركي ومن بينهم رئيس الحكومة الإسرائيلية بنيامين نتنياهو، وتحدث في هذه القضية من على منبر الأمم المتحدة قبل عامين. وفيما نفى الأمين العام للحزب السيد حسن نصرالله وجود معامل صواريخ استراتيجية في لبنان، أكد و يؤكد دوما على وجود اعداد هائلة لدى الحزب من الصواريخ في لبنان. الإنتفاضة تُقلق “حزب الله” ربما لم يكن “حزب الله” ليصاب بهذا القلق المشروع من الانتفاضة واستغلالها، لو لم يكن مشاركا في السلطة، أو لم يكن على رأسها وفي صلبها، فالمنتفضون نزلوا الى الشارع وكانت مطالبهم الواضحة والموضوعية تتصل بالسلطة، بسياستها المالية والنقدية والاقتصادية، بالفساد الذي تمدد واستفحل في مؤسسات الدولة واداراتها، بالنهب المنظم لثروات الدولة والشعب منذ سنين طويلة، وخرجوا الى الشارع بسبب ارتفاع نسب البطالة، ولانحسار فرص الحياة الكريمة بحدودها الدنيا، وأيضا لانعدام الخيارات حتى للهجرة التي لم تعد متاحة كما كان الحال في السابق، لأسباب سياسية واقتصادية تتصل بمعظمها بسياسات الدول تجاه الهجرة كما هو الحال في أوروبا ودول الخليج وغيرها.

هذه الابعاد المطلبية المتصلة بالعيش، لا يجب ان تغيّب عن الأعين ضوء الشمس، الذي شعّ من هذه الجموع التي خرجت الى الشارع في كل المناطق ومن كل المذاهب والأديان، والتي قالت بلسان واحد جملة وطنية لبنانية مفيدة، لم تقلها على امتداد تاريخ لبنان، أي نحن مواطنون لبنانيون ولسنا رعايا طوائف ولا زعماء، مواطنيتنا هي هوية وجودنا اللبناني، لا الحزب ولا الطائفة ولا المنطقة. هذه الصرخة التي تردد صداها في ارجاء الوطن وفي كل العالم، كانت أيضا جملة سياسية مفيدة، أن هذا النظام الذي يدير مصالح اللبنانيين، قد فشل، وأوصل البلاد الى الهاوية، وجعل نادي السلطة في واد والشعب في واد آخر، وبات عاجزاً عن تلبية متطلبات الشعب ومؤسسات الدولة وتحول الى عبء بدل أن يكون مصدر حلول وتحديث وتطوير للحياة السياسية وللإدارة العامة.

 “حزب الله” أصيب بالقلق  من الانتفاضة واستغلالها كونه مشاركا في السلطة

الثورة تُغير قواعد اللعبة هي بهذا المعنى تحمل ابعادا ثورية، أي انتقلت من الاستسلام لقواعد اللعبة الطائفية والزبائنية التي تدار بها مصالح الدولة، الى المطالبة بتغييرها من خلال الإصرار على مطلب جامع يتصل بتشكيل حكومة مستقلين أكفّاء من خارج النادي السياسي الذي تمثله السلطة نفسها منذ سنوات طويلة، تغيير قواعد اللعبة، لا يقتصر بنظر الانتفاضة على طبيعة الحكومة والتحضير لانتخابات نيابية مبكرة، بل يتجاوزها الى مسألة محورية في التغيير تتمثل في إقرار قانون يرسخ قانونيا وتنفيذيا استقلالية السلطة القضائية التي ازدادت رضوخا للسلطة السياسية وفقدت دورها كسلطة مستقلة. في موازاة كل ذلك كان اللبنانيون على وجه العموم، محاصرون بسيل من الإجراءات والسلوكيات التي تنتجها السلطة، بقوانين ومراسيم وقرارات تكشف حجم ايغال أطرافها في الفساد، من الكهرباء، الى استيراد الفيول وشركات استيراد البنزين والديزل والغاز، الى الجمارك ومرفأ بيروت، الى التهرب الضريبي، الى ملف النفايات وروائحه النتنة التي طالت الجميع، الى ملف الريجي، الى والى والى .. والملفات شتى وتكاد لا تنتهي، لكنها تكشف أن الفساد بات اكثر من استثناء، بل تحول الى قاعدة السلطة وقوتها.

 الإنتفاضة ضد سلطة الفساد والقهر الاجتماعي والاقتصادي هو فعل مقاومة

ماهية وظيفة السلاح المشكلة أن الناس خرجت لتطالب بحقوقها، متسلحة بتجارب وخبرات سنوات طويلة مع هذه السلطة، بات من الصعب بعدها الوثوق بوعودها، ولم يخرج اللبنانيين الى الشارع ترف سياسي، ولا سلاح “حزب الله” الا اذا كانت وظيفة هذا السلاح حماية هذه السلطة الموغلة في التخريب وفي الفساد، بهذا المعنى فان السؤال الذي على “حزب الله” ان يجيب عليه وليس اللبنانيين من عليهم أن يجيبوا، هو هل هذا السلاح من وظائفه المتعددة محليا وإقليميا حماية السلطة الفاسدة والمفسدة؟ واذا كان الجواب لا، فهل يمكن تحديد وظيفته بوضوح؟ هل هو سلاح من أجل حماية لبنان، أي ان وضعيته كسلاح الجيش والقوى الأمنية وليس سلاحا بيد فئة منهم ضد فئة أخرى؟

أما تسميته سلاح “حزب الله” بسلاح المقاومة، فهذا ما يفرض عليه أن يكون فعلا سلاحا باسم المقاومة اللبنانية، وليس سلاحا بأمرة هذه الدولة أو تلك، مهما كانت العلاقة ممتازة بهذه الدولة أو تلك، فالمقاومة ضد الاحتلال هي من الشعب ومن روحه، هو من يقوم باطلاقها ومن يدفع أكلافها البشرية والمادية، ويتحمل أعباء خيار التحرر من الاحتلال وتعود اليه بالدرجة الأولى ليثمر انتصاره بها في تعزيز الحرية والعدالة وفي ترسيخ الدولة العادلة شعبا وأرضاً، وذات السيادة التي قام بالمقاومة من اجلها، والمقاومة ان لم تكن كذلك فهي شيىء آخر أي شيىء الاّ المقاومة.

على الحزب شرح وظائف هذا السلاح المتعددة محليا وإقليميا

الإنتفاضة فعل مقاومة من هنا فان ما يقوم به المنتفضون ضد سلطة الفساد والقهر الاجتماعي والاقتصادي، هو فعل مقاومة، ومحاولة لاعادة الاعتبار لهذا المفهوم الذي جرى تشويهه وابتذاله من قبل الكثيرين الذين حوّلوه الى سيف مسلط على رقاب الفرد والمجتمع، فهذا المفهوم لا يمكن أن يحافظ على معناه، اذا ما كان حاميا للفساد ومدافعا عنه، ولا يمكن ان يبقى على رونقه ودلالاته الشريفة، اذا ما كان مشروطا بالقمع، ونفي الحرية داخل المجتمع، اذا لم تكن شروط الحرية فيه تتفوق وتتقدم على شروط الحرية في قوانين الدولة لا أن تكون دونها وعنصر الاستبداد فيها، فالمقاومة بمعناها الشامل والعميق، تكون دافعاً نحو مزيد من كسر القيود المكبلة للحرية وللعدالة في الدساتير والقوانين، ودافعا لاحترام حقوق الانسان والمواطن وترسيخها. فالمقاومة فعل تجدد الحياة، وارتقاء بالإنسان من العبودية والانهزامية الى فضاء الحرية والابداع، اذ لا يمكن للمقاومة أن تكون متآلفة مع الجهل، ومحفزة للمذهبية والفئوية والطائفية، ولا تكون بالمطلق مقاومة عندما تطير بأجنحة الفساد… وسائل المقاومة كغايتها في الحرية والعدل، لا يمكن ان تنتمي وسائلها وتتآلف مع الظلم والفساد والعبودية.

The post علي الأمين:عندما ينقل حزب الله بندقية المقاومة إلى كتف السلطة appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

المجلس العالمي لثورة الأرز: القرار 1559 هو الطريق الاسرع لتحقيق اهدافكم


المجلس العالمي لثورة الأرز: القرار 1559 هو الطريق الاسرع لتحقيق اهدافكم”.
بيان صادر عن المجلس العالمي لثورة الأرز
تنفيذ القرار 1559 هو الطريق الاسرع لتحقيق اهدافكم.
واشنطن – في 30 تشرين الثاني 2019

يعترف العالم بان ثورتكم السلمية ترتكز على المبادئ والشرف.
– لقد عانيتم من اضطهاد النخبة الحاكمة لأكثر من خمسين سنة.
– وعشتم تحت طغيان حزب الله الإيراني الإرهابي الشرس منذ 40 سنة.
– أنتم أهل مبادئ وكرامة وشرف. لقد دفعتم ثمن التعلم وترغبون بكل احترام في العثور على عمل واحترام التزاماتكم تجاه اسركم وبلدكم.
– أنتم خيرة اللبنانيين المخلصين الذين يثورون لاستعادة لبنانكم الحبيب من أجل تحقيق مطالبكم المشروعة لصالح أطفالكم وعائلاتكم.
– ان طموحاتكم البطولية نحو مجتمع عادل تقودها أحلامكم بمستقبل منصف لعائلاتكم يتساوى فيه الكل من حيث الرعاية الاجتماعية والخدمات الصحية.
– ان تصميمكم البطولي لاستعادة سيادة لبنان وحريته وحقوقه الديمقراطية سوف يشهد لكم بأنكم محررو لبنان ومحققو استقلاله الحقيقي والدائم.
– لا تحيدوا عن أهدافكم الحقيقية ولا تفقدوا التركيز على الغايات والطموحات التي رسمتموها بل امضوا قدما بتصميم حقيقي. إن الانتشار اللبناني بأكمله يساندكم وكل لبناني هو سفير لكم في بلاد العالم الواسعة.
– الطريق صعب بالطبع ولكنكم تمتلكون المعرفة والاقتناع بالهدف مع القدرة على التنفيذ والمهارة لتحقيق الأهداف.
ليحفظكم الله جميعا ويقودكم إلى النصر.
إن المجلس العالمي لثورة الأرز يدعم أهدافكم ورؤيتكم لتحرير لبناننا الحبيب من طغيان وعنف حزب الله الإرهابي ويعتبر أن الطريق الأكثر مباشرة لهذا الانجاز هو التنفيذ الكامل لقرار مجلس الأمن الدولي 1559 .
عن المجلس العالمي لثورة الأرز
الرئيس: جو بعيني

The post المجلس العالمي لثورة الأرز: القرار 1559 هو الطريق الاسرع لتحقيق اهدافكم appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

جورج يونس/سيدة القلوب أنتِ..سيدات لبنان ونساؤه لكم وحدكم يليق النضال والثورة والشهامة، أوليست “الثورة أنثى”عندنا؟


سيدة القلوب أنتِ…
جورج يونس/30 تشرين الثاني/2019

منكِ نتعلم البطولة والتضحية والوطنية
معكِ نكبر ونتميز وننحني تواضعاً
بكِ نرفعُ جبيننا كرامة وعزة وحنان
لكِ ننحني لأنك أكثر من تحمل أوجاع هذا الوطن المنكوب
لأجلك نكْسُرُ شموخنا فأنت وحدك بمعاناتِكِ رمز ذلكَ الشموخ.
سيدات لبنان ونساؤه لكم وحدكم يليق النضال والثورة والشهامة. أوليست “الثورة أنثى” عندنا؟
إحتضنتي معاناة الوطن وويلات شعبنا منذ مرت بوسطة عين الرمانة علينا
فكنتِ أم الشهيد وأخته وحبيبته ورفيقته.
رافقتي مقاومينا وشبابنا والمناضيلين الى المتاريس والجبهات والطرقات واليوم تقودين الساحات والمواجهات.
رأيتي أبناءكِ وإخوتكِ وإحباءك إما يهاجرون او يستشهدون او يعانون ليستمروا.
دفنتتي أحلامكِ بإستشهاد أحباءكِ وكم هي صعبة أن يرى الإنسان احلامه تطمر في غياهب القبور.
سهرتي الليالي تتضرعين لشفاء إبنكِ وزوجك وحبيبك المصاب، فيما كان تجار الدم يتبادلون الانخاب سراً.
ولكم أضحت حياة أمهاتنا صعبة وهم يكملونها وحيدين بسبب هجرة اولادهم الباحثينً عن مستقبل أفضل.
ما أهون الكلمة أمام معاناتك!
كيف لا وانا الادرى من خلال عيون أمهات عين الرمانة والشياح، منطقتي، بمعاناة حبيبات قلوبنا؟
فشظايا حروبهم لا زالت في جسدي وزعماء الدم والفساد لا يزالون يسرحون ويمرحون.
ذكريات الشهداء من أبناء “شارع صنين” لا تزال تمزق وجدان القلة القليلة التي بقيت حية من ذلك الحي.
فمن عاش ويلات الحرب والنضال لا يعرف ابداً أن يرقص على جثث رفاقه.
ومن عرف خسارة الرفاق والاصدقاء يعرف تماماً معنى صرخة نسائنا المستجدة على ما كان يسمى خطوط التماس.
فحيطان ألابنية هنالك شاهدة على جروحنا النازفة ابداً.
وأنصاب الشهداء لا زالت تذكرنا كيف ذهب الرفاق وبيعت القضية وتربع زعماء الغفلة الجدد على الكراسي.
ننحني لدموعِكِ التي انهمرت منذ ايام وأنتِ تسترجعين ذكريات لا تريدينها أن تعود.
نقبل تلك الايادي التي ما فتأت تجول علينا في خيم الاعتصامات لـتطمئن أذا ما كنا قد حصلنا على الطعام.
نثمن تلك الأرجل التي وطأت بها على متاريس المعارك الغابرة.
نقدرجسارتك في إحتضان شبابنا بجسدك لثني القوى الامنية عن إعتقالهم ومن ثم الدفاع عن أحقية مطالبهم أمام المحاكم.
بعد الله نركع فقط امامك لأن صليبك كبير منذ بداية مآسينا التي لم تتوقف.
نتطلع بحسرة الى غصة زغاريدكم حينما عانق اهل الهلال صليبنا وعندما التقى حجاب هامتكم بمسابح ورديتنا.
نعدُكِ، يا من أعادت صدامات الضاحية نكأ جروحها فصرخت بأعلى صوتها بأنها “لن تسمح لهم بحملها على إرتداء الاسود مرة ثانية”.
نقول لك وانتِ اليوم تتصدرين مواجهات الثوار لحمايتهم من ضربات بلطجية السلطة، بأننا سنمنع هواة الدم من تفريقنا مجدداً، ولن نرهُنَ أنفسنا الا لحماية عيش مشترك جعل موطننا أيقونة جاذبية لكل طامع بجمال مجتمع يعرف كيف يفجر الفرح من أتون المعاناة.

تبوأتم الصدارة في ثورة الكرامة والفقر فكانت قبضاة ايادكم المتشابكة بين شارعي صنين وأسعد الاسعد هي الحافز الاول لشبابنا كي لا يستسلموا أمام جبروت من لا يعرفون الحق والله.
هلقد منحبكم يا أغلى الناس.
جورج يونس

The post جورج يونس/سيدة القلوب أنتِ..سيدات لبنان ونساؤه لكم وحدكم يليق النضال والثورة والشهامة، أوليست “الثورة أنثى” عندنا؟ appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For December 01/2019


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For December 01/2019

Click Here to read the whole and detailed LCCC English News Bulletin for December 01/2019

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Titles Of The LCCC English News Bulletin
Bible Quotations For today
Latest LCCC English Lebanese & Lebanese Related News 
Latest LCCC English Miscellaneous Reports And News
Latest LCCC English analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources

The post Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For December 01/2019 appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 01 كانون الأول/2019


نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 01 كانون الأول/2019

اضغط هنا لقراءة نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة المفصلة، اللبنانية والعربية ليوم 01 كانون الأول/2019

ارشيف نشرات أخبار موقعنا اليومية/عربية وانكليزية منذ العام 2006/اضغط هنا لدخول صفحة الأرشيف

عناوين أقسام نشرة المنسقية باللغة العربية
الزوادة الإيمانية لليوم
تعليقات الياس بجاني وخلفياتها
الأخبار اللبنانية
المتفرقات اللبنانية
الأخبار الإقليمية والدولية
المقالات والتعليقات والتحاليل السياسية الشاملة
المؤتمرات والندوات والبيانات والمقابلات والمناسبات الخاصة والردود وغيره

The post نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 01 كانون الأول/2019 appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

A Bundle Of English Reports, News and Editorials For December 01/2019 Addressing the On Going Mass Demonstrations & Sit In-ins In Iranian Occupied Lebanon in its 45th Day


A Bundle Of English Reports, News and Editorials For December 01/2019 Addressing the On Going Mass Demonstrations & Sit In-ins In Iranian Occupied Lebanon in its 45th Day
Compiled By: Elias Bejjani
December 01/2019

Tites For The Latest English LCCC Lebanese & Lebanese Related News published on December 01/2019
Uprising Enters Day 45, Police Release Detained Female Protester
Report: Govt. Formation Could Initiate CEDRE Aid at Paris Meeting
Lebanon petrol stations suspend strike
Gas Station Owners Suspend Strike
Petrol station strike paralyses Lebanon as crisis deepens
Students Against Conflicts: A march for peace
Joint women’s demonstration from Ashrafieh, Khandak Ghamik
“Lebanon will not be alone,” says Zaki
Boustani reiterates pledge to import Fuel on Monday
Rahi upon returning from Cairo: We pray for our officials to abandon their rigid stands, follow the path of virtue and goodness
Qamati: We adhere to Hariri and there are positive windows with the arrival of the international message
Bteich meets with a delegation of bakery owners
Symbolic stand in front of the Iraqi Embassy in solidarity with the Iraqi demonstrators
Protests against refugee integration outside EU Embassy

The Latest English LCCC Lebanese & Lebanese Related News published on December 01/2019
Uprising Enters Day 45, Police Release Detained Female Protester
Naharnet/November 30/2019
Police released on Saturday from the Ashrafieh Police Station in Beirut a female protester detained a day earlier against the backdrop of a dispute with security forces. Dana Hammoud, was released early on Saturday where dozens had gathered outside the station demanding her release.
Her parents, lawyer and a group of activists denounced that she was kept overnight arguing that she did not commit a “major offense.”She was arrested during a confrontation with police near Beirut’s Central Bank in Hamra where a group of protesters were gathering close to a gas station complaining about a fuel shortage. After her release, Hammoud said she had signed a pledge to respect the security forces. She said: “Rest assured that whoever touches me, I will respond. I don’t have any regrets about what I have done.”On social media, a video circulated showing Hammoud in a confrontation with an officer who pushed her to the ground and detained her as she resisted back. The Internal Security Forces issued a statement saying that Hammoud was trying to prevent a police vehicle from leaving the area which compelled for their intervention.On the other hand, protests against the political class continue. In the northern city of Tripoli protesters rallied near the Qadisha Electricity company and the Bahsas station, the National News Agency said. Demonstrators also protested against an increase in the prices of goods rallying near the Spinneys supermarket headquarters in Dbayeh.
In Akkar, protesters set up tents in the Akkar plain, at the Kfarmelki junction affirming that their protests will not stop until the uprising meets its demands. More than a month into unprecedented anti-government protests, Lebanon is facing a dual political and economic crisis. The government stepped down on October 29, less than two weeks after the first demonstration, but the country’s deeply divided political parties have failed to form a new one.

Report: Govt. Formation Could Initiate CEDRE Aid at Paris Meeting
Naharnet/November 30/2019
France reportedly seeks to call for a conference of the International Support Group for Lebanon before mid-December manifesting readiness to launch the CEDRE grants if Lebanon forms a government, An-Nahar daily reported on Saturday.The daily quoted French “presidential” sources who spoke on condition of anonymity, they said: “The convention aims to urge Lebanese authorities to accelerate the formation of a new government according to the international standards expressed lately, mainly composed of competent specialists and members of the popular movement, and committed to structural reforms and fighting corruption.”The sources pointed out that “if Lebanese parties respond to these proposals, the international support group for Lebanon will provide the financial support and assistance that Lebanon urgently needs and will accelerate the implementation of CEDRE conference decisions.”
Consultations continue between Paris and organizers concerned with the International Support Group to determine the deadline for the meeting, said the daily. The meeting reportedly is to be chaired by French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian in the presence of Secretary Generals of the participating ministries and concerned countries of the group, according to the daily. Donors at the CEDRE conference last year in Paris pledged $11 billion in aid and soft loans to Lebanon which are conditional upon the implementation of reforms that Lebanon committed to. But since October 17, Lebanon has been grappled with nationwide protests over widespread corruption and mismanagement that worsened Lebanon’s worst economic and financial crises since the 1975-90 civil war ended, as did the resignation of the government late last month. Although Hariri resigned his government on Oct. 29, Aoun has not yet set a date for binding consultations with heads of parliamentary blocs to name a new premier.

Lebanon petrol stations suspend strike
ReutersSaturday, 30 November 2019
Lebanon’s petrol stations syndicate chief announced on Friday night that the union will suspend its strike starting tonight, state news agency (NNA) quoted Sami al-Brax as saying. Lebanese daily Al-Nahar cited al-Brax saying the union was suspending its strike to hold talks with authorities and added the syndicate would have a meeting on Monday. The union had called for an open-ended strike starting Thursday because of losses incurred from having to buy dollars on a parallel market, the main source of hard currency during the country’s economic crisis.

Gas Station Owners Suspend Strike
Associated Press/Naharnet/November 30/2019
Owners of gas stations in Lebanon suspended a one-day strike on Saturday that paralyzed the country and drove angry Lebanese to block in protest the highways with their vehicles creating traffic jams. Sami Brax, the head of the Syndicates of Gas Station Owners, announced the “suspension of the strike after holding contacts with the Energy Ministry,” said LBCI. On Thursday, gas stations began an open-ended strike as owners are demanding that they be allowed to hike prices saying they are losing money because of the shortage of dollars in the market. The price of the dollar has dropped 40 percent on the black market after it was stable at 1,507 pounds to the dollar since 1997. In Beirut and several areas across the country, motorists parked their cars in the middle of the road, saying they ran out of petrol. In other areas angry protesters blocked roads to express their anger against closure of gas stations.
The strike came as the nation grapples with nationwide protests that began Oct. 17 over widespread corruption and mismanagement. The protests have worsened Lebanon’s worst economic and financial crises since the 1975-90 civil war ended, as did the resignation of the government late last month.
Although PM Saad Hariri resigned his government on Oct. 29, President Michel Aoun has not yet set a date for binding consultations with heads of parliamentary blocs to name a new premier. The protests were initially sparked by new taxes but quickly evolved into calls for the entire political elite to step aside.

Petrol station strike paralyses Lebanon as crisis deepens
Aljazeera/November 30/2019
Angry motorists blocked roads with their vehicles in Beirut and other parts of Lebanon on Friday, creating traffic jams to protest against a strike by owners of petrol stations demanding an increase in gasoline prices as the local currency drops and the nation slides deeper into a financial crisis.
The road closures around Lebanon came as President Michel Aoun headed a meeting of the country’s top economic officials to discuss the rapidly deteriorating economic and financial situation in the country. Nationwide protests that began on October 17 over widespread corruption and mismanagement have worsened Lebanon’s most serious economic and financial crises since the 1975-90 civil war ended, as did the resignation of the government late last month. Although Prime Minister Saad Hariri resigned his government on October 29, Aoun has not yet set a date for binding consultations with heads of parliamentary blocs to name a new prime minister. The protests were initially sparked by new taxes but quickly evolved into calls for the entire political elite to step aside. Friday’s meeting was attended by the ministers of economy and finance, the central bank’s chief, the head of the banking association as well as the economic adviser of the outgoing prime minister.
Highly indebted country
Lebanon is one of the world’s most highly indebted countries, and the country’s banking sector has imposed unprecedented capital control amid a widespread shortage of dollars.
Lebanon protests
Since the protest began in October, the price of the dollar has dropped 40 percent on the black market after it was stable at 1,507 pounds to the dollar since 1997 [Nabil Mounzer/EPA] People have not been allowed in recent weeks to withdraw as much as they want from their bank accounts. The price of the dollar has dropped 40 percent on the black market after it was stable at 1,507 pounds to the dollar since 1997.During the meeting, Aoun put forward suggestions to come out of the crisis and it was decided that the central bank governor would take necessary measures regarding coordination with banks to issue circulars to preserve stability, said a statement read by Salim Sfeir, the chairman of the Association of Banks in Lebanon. “The meeting discussed financial and banking conditions that the country is passing through that has begun to negatively affect most sectors,” the statement said, adding that Lebanon will remain committed to its free-market economy. US dollar shortage and Lebanon’s economic crisis. The shortage of liquidity has led to the collapse of businesses and over previous months scores of institutions have closed and thousands of employees were either laid off or had their salaries cut.
Petrol stations began an open-ended strike on Thursday, with owners demanding that they be allowed to increase prices, saying they are losing money because of the shortage of dollars in the market. In Beirut and several areas across the country, motorists parked their cars in the middle of roads, saying they had run out of petrol. In other areas angry protesters blocked roads to express their anger against the closure of the petrol stations. Politicians, meanwhile, have failed to agree on the shape and form of a new government. Hariri had insisted on heading a government of technocrats, while his opponents, including Hezbollah, want a cabinet made up of both experts and politicians.
UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jan Kubis said he met on Friday with central bank governor Riad Salameh and discussed with him measures “urgently needed to stop the further deepening” of the economic crisis and to increase the ability of the banking sector to cope with the pressures.
“Formation of a credible and competent government that can regain the trust of the people and of the international partners of #Lebanon is the priority,” Kubis posted on social media.

Joint women’s demonstration from Ashrafieh, Khandak Ghamik
NNA /November 30/2019
A women’s rally set out from Tabaris this afternoon, with most of its participants being mothers from the area of Ashrafieh, carrying roses and chanting the national anthem. “We do not want sectarianism; we want national unity,” was one of the prominent slogans raised by the protesters.
The women demonstrators were joined by their fellow protesters who set out in a similar women’s march from the area of Khandak el-Ghammik in Beirut.

“Lebanon will not be alone,” says Zaki
NNA /November 30/2019
Arab League Assistant Secretary-General, Hossam Zaki, stressed Saturday in an interview with “Sawt El Mada’ Radio Station that “Lebanon will not be left alone, and its assistance is based on its readiness to respond.”
“Arab funds are ready to help, but there should be a responsible government, for the formation of the government is the platform in this endeavor,” he emphasized. “Lebanon is going through a pivotal phase, which we hope will be for the better and that the political step would precede the economic step towards a solution,” Zaki corroborated. He added: “The economic situation in Lebanon is very stressful and we are working to monitor the measures that can be taken, and initiatives will be presented when the exploration process is completed.” “The Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, has asked me to meet with various Lebanese parties in order to help in overcoming the crisis,” Zaki concluded.

Boustani reiterates pledge to import Fuel on Monday
NNA /November 30/2019
Caretaker Minister of Energy and Water, Nada Boustani, re-confirmed Saturday her previous promise that “the Lebanese state will import 10% of the market’s needs of fuel, which will be sold in Lebanese pounds on Monday.”
Boustani blamed the Central Bank’s plan for the energy sector, saying: “What is happening today in the hydrocarbon sector is due to a mechanism set by the Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh without coordination with the Ministry of Energy and Water.” However, she concluded that “the continued rise of the lira against the dollar will restore the crisis.”

Rahi upon returning from Cairo: We pray for our officials to abandon their rigid stands, follow the path of virtue and goodness
NNA /November 30/2019
On his return from the Egyptian capital, Cairo, where he attended the Catholic Patriarchs of the East Council meetings, Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Bechara Boutros al-Rahi pursued today the Rosary prayer in Bkirki, with the participation of believers in Lebanon and the world, dedicated to Lebanon’s salvation from its current crisis. In his homily, the Patriarch prayed for the country’s officials to “get out of their state of deadlock, abandon their rigid stances and take the path of goodness and righteousness.”
Al-Rahi prayed for the souls of the fallen martyrs to rest in peace and for the Lord to inspire compassion and devotion in the hearts of state officials. “Perhaps this would drive the conscience of those responsible for the growing devastation at all levels…who stand as idols with no feelings and without realizing what is happening,” he said. Rahi called for “intensifying prayers for them [officials] so that God can move their consciences and free their wills, so they would understand the meaning of responsibility.”
He added: “Responsibility is not a boastful matter, but rather a service and selflessness for the common good.”The Patriarch concluded by indicating that the Church is supporting the people’s civil movement in wake of its conviction that “from this civic movement, a new Lebanon will be born.”

Qamati: We adhere to Hariri and there are positive windows with the arrival of the international message
NNA /November 30/2019
Caretaker State Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, Mahmoud Qamati, expressed Saturday commitment to PM Saad Hariri to head the new government, in light of his Sunni representation and his role in taking responsibility for the crisis prevailing in the country.
“Positive windows to the solution have opened in wake of the international community’s message to various political parties in the country, including more than one international side,” Qamati said in an interview with “Sawt El Mada” Radio Station earlier today. He stressed that “there will be no street against another; for every street is our street and we agree to all its livelihood demands.”Qamati considered that the financial policies that have been adopted for the last thirty years and more are responsible for the crisis we are living today, in addition to the external pressure on Lebanon. “Lebanon is required today to embrace the displaced Syrians and the resettlement of the Palestinians within the deal of the century, whereby Lebanon’s rejection of these resolutions does not satisfy Washington, which is why it is putting economic pressure on us,” he explained. On the issue of naming the new prime minister, Qamati said: “The decision to postpone the parliamentary consultations is logical and wise, in order to avoid problems.” “There are international threats to any government of one color, so we do not want to drag the country towards any risks. We do not deny that the presence of PM Hariri or any figure of his choice helps Lebanon due to international acceptance,” he asserted. Qamati reiterated his support for any reform measures by the government, calling on Hariri to convene the cabinet in a session that would help in easing the situation as much as possible, and increase the level of optimism among the Lebanese.

Bteich meets with a delegation of bakery owners
NNA /November 30/2019
Caretaker Economy and Trade Minister, Mansour Bteich, met Saturday with a delegation of bakery owners, who came to raise their demands and discuss the difficulties they are facing due to the rise in cost of products and the existence of a two-dollar exchange rate. Bteich reassured the delegation of finding mechanisms to preserve their rights and to protect citizens in their daily-living needs, without burdening them with additional costs, especially in the price of bread. It was agreed to hold another meeting early next week to look into possible solutions that would ensure a balance between the interests of bakery owners and consumers and their food safety.

Symbolic stand in front of the Iraqi Embassy in solidarity with the Iraqi demonstrators
NNA /November 30/2019
Dozens of protesters gathered outside the Iraqi Embassy in Ramlet al-Baida in Beirut this evening, in a symbolic solidarity stand with the Iraqi demonstrators, holding banners expressing their support and lighting candles for the souls of the fallen martyrs, NNA correspondent reported.

Protests against refugee integration outside EU Embassy
NNA /November 30/2019
Lebanon Uprise” Association organized a rally in front of the European Union Embassy on Saturday, to demand the international community to ensure the return of Syrian and Palestinian refugees to their countries. In this context, the participants sent an open letter to the EU Ambassador to Lebanon, Ralph Tarraf, highlighting “the serious damage this integration can cause to Lebanon”. “In fact, with about two million refugees, Lebanon has the highest concentration of refugees in the world (40% of its population), while the Lebanese themselves are no longer able to support themselves,” the letter read. “In the midst of the severe economic crisis in Lebanon, where the unemployment rate has exceeded 37% … the return of refugees to their country has become a necessity,” the letter added.

Titles For The Latest Lebanese LCCC English analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on December 01/2019
Students Against Conflicts: A march for peace/Paula Naoufal/Annahar/November 30/2019
Iranian regime’s priority is ensuring its survival and quashing regional protests/Raghida Dergham/The National/November 30/2019
Time is running out to save Lebanon from disaster/Hafed Al-Ghwell/Arab News/November 30/2019
Enemies of Lebanon 1 of 3: The Monetary System/Elie Aoun/November 30/2019

The Latest Lebanese LCCC English analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on December 01/2019
Students Against Conflicts: A march for peace
Paula Naoufal/Annahar/November 30/2019
Such marches are essential because they show the power of the youth and that students are the the root of the revolution.
BEIRUT: From Banque Du Liban to Riad Solh and under the slogan of “students’ refusal of strife,” various student organisations and student clubs took part in a march on Saturday, November 30.
Participating groups included: LAU Ghayir movement, ULS civil society, LAU journalism club, LAU social work club, AUB Palestinian cultural club, AUB secular club, MADA network, USJ secular club, LAU human rights network, NDU’s independent list, “Nehna Tollab,” and LAU’s Entrepreneurship club.
They marched with candles and Lebanese flags while chanting anti-corruptions slogans mainly focusing on the economic situation and the central bank’s performance.
Lynn Al Shami, member of LAU’s Ghayir Movement, stated that such marches are crucial to show student’s unity against the government’s actions.
“The future is for the current students and we want to ensure an ameliorated future for ourselves. We do not want to immigrate. Additionally, we are the pulse of the revolution and the ones that are most affected by the consequences of the current economic situation,” she told Annahar. “We do not want to repeat our parent’s mistakes.”
Rami Abu Shakra, NDU student and activist, stated that “the reason for participating is self evident. We all have to be present in the streets. Lots of people were talking about how they thought our uprising was dying out. But around the second week, all the student marches that happened across the country in the streets, squares, and campuses, gave them hope. We convinced people that this uprising was capable of real change because there’s an entire new generation that’s willing to fight for it stubbornly and relentless”.
Maria Romeo Youssef, activist in “Nehna Tollab,” stated that the group has been participating in this march for many reasons. First, to remind everyone that this revolution did not die and will never die until they get all their demands fulfilled. Second, because they believe that they should stand against the violence they have witnessed on the streets in the past week to prove that their unity and the peacefulness of this revolution conquers everything. And third, because of their hope of a better future in this country.
She also added that “Nehna tollab is a group of students from many universities, backgrounds and religious groups, who happened to meet each other and bounded during this revolution. Uniting and collaborating with other student groups is a goal of ours. We want to peacefully fight for our rights and the right of every lebanese citizen. After all, students are the pulse of the revolution.”Verena El Amil, president of USJ secular club, also said that such marches are essential because they show the power of the youth and that students are the the root of the revolution.

Iranian regime’s priority is ensuring its survival and quashing regional protests
Raghida Dergham/The National/November 30/2019
Tehran is banking on Lebanese protesters running out of steam while at home and in Iraq, the situation is more complex
Iranian leaders and their allies are counting on stamina to weather the storm and are hoping demonstrators’ energy and fervour will wane as the year draws to a close. In Iran, Iraq and Lebanon, the Iranian regime’s priority is securing its survival and preventing the three uprisings from bearing fruit by any means necessary – whatever the cost.
Russia remains committed to its Iranian ally and is confident of its promise to stop the spread of instability. What is new is the shift in the European position with regards to Iran. The Europeans have run out of patience with Iran’s violations, not just in terms of the 2015 nuclear deal but also the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’s direct participation in staging riots, and stoking sectarianism and violence against peaceful protests in Lebanon, from its outposts in Syria and the Bekaa Valley.
This has made countries like Germany draw closer to the US position, despite previous opposition, causing concern and anger among the ranks of the Iranian leadership. A few days ago, German daily Der Spiegel reported that the nation’s interior ministry had requested an inquiry into Hezbollah’s activities, with an agreement reached by the government in Berlin to impose a total ban on the organisation in Germany next week. The report said Germany would treat members of Hezbollah members as it treats ISIS.
Iran has decided to take a rigid, escalatory and uncompromising approach
For 18 months, US ambassador to Berlin Richard Grenell sought to persuade European states to adopt the American perspective on Iranian and Hezbollah activities; the new policy in Germany bears his hallmarks. Iran will undoubtedly be furious. The leadership in Tehran spared no effort in convincing the Europeans to push for exemptions from US sanctions but has since been steadily let down as European banks and businesses refused to deal with the regime, fearing they too would be sanctioned. The Iranians have used a combination of blackmail and threats, and a pattern of escalation and de-escalation, aware that a US-European alliance would further increase their isolation. Meanwhile, as protests rage on home turf, sources say the regime in Tehran is determined to reject any dialogue with demonstrators. Iran’s leaders are convinced the protests in Lebanon will die down in a matter of weeks. In short, Iran has decided to take a rigid, escalatory and uncompromising approach.
The Europeans are concerned about a possible Iranian assault of the level and magnitude of the attack on Saudi Aramco facilities. They are also concerned about Iran clamping down on demonstrations at home and dragging the Lebanese uprising into violence by engineering chaos that would consolidate Hezbollah’s control of the country. Such actions would inevitably impact relations.
Berlin is resentful of Iranian threats and blackmails against Germany, France and Britain, all signatories of the nuclear deal. The German government believes the time has come to publicly call out Iranian violations of the deal instead of continuing to try to salvage it. After Us President Donald Trump walked out last year, the deal can no longer be revived, given the inability of European powers to compel businesses to trade under the Instex special purpose vehicle designed to bypass sanctions. Iran’s nuclear enrichment actions and ballistic missile programme have driven another nail into the deal’s coffin. The IRGC’s involvement in the suppression of protests in the region could mobilise public opinion in Europe against the Iranian regime’s authoritarianism and expansionism.
Mr Trump is said to be annoyed by attempts by French President Emmanuel Macron to ingratiate himself as mediator with Tehran while suggesting lifting sanctions. The source said: A US source said the administration was willing to talk but negotiations would not be conditional on lifting or easing sanctions.
The Trump administration will continue using sanctions as a tool to tame, isolate, contain and punish the regime in Iran. If European pressures on the regime increase, its isolation and financial hardship will only deepen. But the question is: what will its leaders then do?
In Lebanon, the Iranian leadership thinks the crisis will not last longer than another month due to fatigue and the impasse that protests have reached
In Iraq, the situation looks extremely complex and difficult for Iran, with no light at the end of the tunnel as protests continue and the death toll rises. Iranians are hurting themselves and their neighbour by refusing to allow Iraq to become a normal country. The regime’s logic does not allow for a withdrawal from Iraq or the disbanding of the Popular Mobilisation Forces. The bloodshed will continue and the risk of a US-Iranian military confrontation will increase, either because of deliberate provocation by the Iranians to draw Mr Trump into conflict or as a result of an incident involving US forces in Iraq.
In Lebanon, the Iranian leadership thinks the crisis will not last longer than another month due to fatigue and the impasse that protests have reached. The Iranian leadership is betting protesters’ endurance will decrease as the ruling class plays a waiting game.
So far Washington has succeeded in ensuring European support for the demands of the uprising, led by the need to form a government of technocrats rather than politicians affiliated to traditional parties under the dominance of Hezbollah and the IRGC.
The situation is now very delicate. If Iran succeeds in suppressing the Lebanese uprising, the ruling class will return with a vengeance and retaliate against those who dared to question them and call for them to be held accountable.
Western powers are waking up to the fact the key to protecting Lebanon from chaos and total collapse is to pressure and punish Iran and its proxies. But accountability will take time. It is therefore necessary to be patient and think pragmatically and strategically if the uprising is to achieve its lofty goals.
*Raghida Dergham is the founder and executive chairwoman of the Beirut Institute

Time is running out to save Lebanon from disaster
Hafed Al-Ghwell/Arab News/November 30/2019
Crowds swell with boiling frustrations. The tension is palpable. Protesters gather on the streets, peacefully for now. It is happening on almost every continent; in fact, if this year is remembered for anything, it will be the unprecedented number of protest movements illustrating the gaping chasms in our increasingly polarized world. Whether it is climate change, war, human rights, immigration, politics, economics or society as a whole, ever widening gaps in ideology, income, race and religion have served only to incense the marginalized.
Beirut and other parts of Lebanon are awash with some of these themes. Weak but intransigent government and public impatience are now threatening to unleash the true cost of a political class resistant to change, and teetering on the brink of collapse.
A dollar crunch has sent the Lebanese lira into freefall; it has lost about 20 percent of its value on the black market, and the hard currency shortage will lead to greater inflationary pressure on food and essential goods, most of which are imported.
These woes add to a growing list of grievances that have sent many Lebanese pouring on to the streets to demand change. Half-salaries, lost jobs, empty shops and small business owners considering permanent closure combine with frustrations from electricity shortages, poor infrastructure and undrinkable water. Corruption is rampant, exacerbated by grossly unequal wealth distribution; about 3,000 people together take the same share of national income as half the population.
Lebanese banks that were once the pillar of the economy operate under tight restrictions to limit withdrawals of dwindling deposits. Billions in funds have already left the country since protests began in October, compounding a local banking crisis that began in 2011, when the porous border with Syria led to an influx of 1.5 million refugees. That put downward pressure on tourism and created surging demand for public utilities such as water and electricity.
Loan defaults in the private sector have also skyrocketed; the rate is greater than in the US during the 2008 financial crisis. That does not bode well for the third-most indebted country in the world. Interest obligations ultimately consume nearly half of public revenues, which are already squeezed by an enormous payroll covering some 300,000 public employees, about 13 percent of the workforce.
Economic woes add to a growing list of grievances that have sent many Lebanese pouring on to the streets to demand change.
It is not all bad news; Lebanon repaid a $1.5 billion Eurobond this week, buying time to tackle the gigantic tasks of setting the country back on course. However, without a prime minister and politicians unable to agree on who will succeed Saad Hariri, there is hardly enough time until the next mandatory repayment in March 2020. In addition, protesters are unlikely to be assuaged by promises of reform from a political class they wish to remove from the corridors of power in favor of a more technocratic leadership.
Higher bond yields, increasingly illiquid markets, crippled banks, excessive borrowing, an unsustainable public-sector wage bill, corruption, gross wealth inequality and political paralysis are all conspiring to deliver Lebanon a day of reckoning. Half-measures or governing through a crisis with shoddy, ill conceived quick fixes will not work. The average Lebanese will need to trust the government again, meaning the current leadership will have to co-sign their own removal — a non-starter for a political elite not swayed by swelling protests. In addition, any meaningful reform will probably target the ballooning debt and deficit via more taxes on the banks and significant reductions in public sector jobs. This will inevitably pit civil servants, loath to lose precious incomes, and banks, loath to reduce profits, against a public that has run out of patience.
Lebanon’s options are not easy. No amount of populist rhetoric can deliver on much-needed objectives without encountering resistance from entrenched interests. The fact that the prime minister’s office is vacant is unhelpful, but there is a silver lining. Most Lebanese agree that a technocratic, competent, and non-partisan government is needed, not only to craft solutions and implement them, but also to restore trust and faith in public office. Any incoming prime minister must also subscribe to this ideal beyond lip-service, and actually establish the entities to address the crisis and give them the authority to do so. They must also be prepared to face stiff opposition to any plans to rationalize the public sector to cut the deficit. This means having feasible plans for greater privatization, with a special emphasis on leaving as few unemployed former civil servants as possible.
Ultimately, they will also need to address the elephant in the room that is runaway public debt, which will probably not go down well with the local banks. More taxation is one thing, but what is needed is a sustainable approach to servicing outstanding debt, which may require debt restructuring that will allow the government more time to achieve tax revenue goals and get the deficit under control. The latter will certainly reap the benefits of unlocking up to $11 billion in loans and grants pledged to Lebanon by international donors.
However, time is short. The longer it takes to find Hariri’s replacement, the more likely it is that Lebanon faces a worthless currency, runaway inflation and mass protests that would make the Greek debt crisis look like a cakewalk.
Hafed Al-Ghwell is a non-resident senior fellow with the Foreign Policy Institute at the John Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. He is also senior adviser at the international economic consultancy Maxwell Stamp and at the geopolitical risk advisory firm Oxford Analytica, a member of the Strategic Advisory Solutions International Group in Washington DC and a former adviser to the board of the World Bank Group. Twitter: @HafedAlGhwell

Enemies of Lebanon 1 of 3: The Monetary System
Elie Aoun/November 30/2019
The Lebanese government does not own the Lebanese Pound (or Lira). If it owned the currency, it would not borrow it and pay interest on it.
One main reason why the monetary system is an enemy because the Lebanese government abandoned its exclusive privilege to issue money and vested that privilege in the Bank of Lebanon (Decree 13513, Article 47). In other words, the government gave the Bank the right to issue money, loan that money back to the government, and then charge it interest – at a time when the government could have issued its own money without paying any interest.
The “Bank of Lebanon” was created pursuant to Lebanese Law Decree 13513 of August 1, 1963 (Code of Money and Credit). The Decree was signed by President Fouad Chehab and Prime Minister Rachid Karameh (who was also acting as a Finance Minister). The Lebanese Parliament did not vote on or approve the creation of the Bank.
Not only does the Bank charge interest on the Bank’s loans to the State, the Bank does not pay interest to the State on the State’s deposits in the Bank (Article 86).
Not only has the government abandoned to the Bank its exclusive authority to print money, the government has also exempted the Bank from all taxes, imposts and rates whatsoever, already enforced or likely to be enforced for the benefit of the State, municipal corporations or other organizations (Article 118).
The name “Republic of Lebanon” is not printed on any of the Lebanese currency notes. What is printed is the name “Banque du Liban” (Bank of Lebanon). Some may ask, is not the Bank owned by the Lebanese government? The answer is no.
Firstly, Decree 13513 does not say that the Bank is a branch of the Lebanese government. Instead, the Decree’s Article 13 states that the Bank is a juridical person of public law (a legal entity similar to a corporation) vested with financial autonomy.
Secondly, the Decree is written in a manner that reflects a relationship between two independent entities (rather than the Bank being a branch of the government). For example, Article 74 requires of the government to provide a protection (military guard) for the Bank’s establishment free of charge. No such language would have been used in the Decree if the Bank is a branch of the government.
Thirdly, Article 113 dictates how net profits are shared between the Bank and the government – such as 50/50 basis on certain occasions and even 80/20 (80% to the Treasury; 20% to the Bank) under some other conditions. It is doubtful that this profit-sharing formula has been properly implemented. If the Bank is a part of the government, all the net profits would have been the government’s share, not divided with the Bank.
The questions are: If the Bank is a legal entity, who owns that entity? In what manner has its profits been used or distributed since 1963 until now? Would the government revoke Article 47 and restore its exclusive privilege to issue money without paying interest for it? Why opening a new bank requires applying for registration with the Central Bank (Article 135) and not with the Ministry of Finance?
Apparently, no politician would have the courage to discuss these issues.

The post A Bundle Of English Reports, News and Editorials For December 01/2019 Addressing the On Going Mass Demonstrations & Sit In-ins In Iranian Occupied Lebanon in its 45th Day appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

ايلي عون/أعداء لبنان (01من03): النظام النقدي/Elie Aoun: Enemies of Lebanon (01 of 03): The Monetary System


Enemies of Lebanon (01 of 03): The Monetary System
أعداء لبنان (01من03): النظام النقدي
Elie Aoun/November 30/2019

The Lebanese government does not own the Lebanese Pound (or Lira). If it owned the currency, it would not borrow it and pay interest on it.

One main reason why the monetary system is an enemy because the Lebanese government abandoned its exclusive privilege to issue money and vested that privilege in the Bank of Lebanon (Decree 13513, Article 47).

In other words, the government gave the Bank the right to issue money, loan that money back to the government, and then charge it interest – at a time when the government could have issued its own money without paying any interest.

The “Bank of Lebanon” was created pursuant to Lebanese Law Decree 13513 of August 1, 1963 (Code of Money and Credit).

The Decree was signed by President Fouad Chehab and Prime Minister Rachid Karameh (who was also acting as a Finance Minister).

The Lebanese Parliament did not vote on or approve the creation of the Bank.

Not only does the Bank charge interest on the Bank’s loans to the State, the Bank does not pay interest to the State on the State’s deposits in the Bank (Article 86).

Not only has the government abandoned to the Bank its exclusive authority to print money, the government has also exempted the Bank from all taxes, imposts and rates whatsoever, already enforced or likely to be enforced for the benefit of the State, municipal corporations or other organizations (Article 118).

The name “Republic of Lebanon” is not printed on any of the Lebanese currency notes. What is printed is the name “Banque du Liban” (Bank of Lebanon). Some may ask, is not the Bank owned by the Lebanese government? The answer is no.

Firstly, Decree 13513 does not say that the Bank is a branch of the Lebanese government. Instead, the Decree’s Article 13 states that the Bank is a juridical person of public law (a legal entity similar to a corporation) vested with financial autonomy.

Secondly, the Decree is written in a manner that reflects a relationship between two independent entities (rather than the Bank being a branch of the government).

For example, Article 74 requires of the government to provide a protection (military guard) for the Bank’s establishment free of charge. No such language would have been used in the Decree if the Bank is a branch of the government.

Thirdly, Article 113 dictates how net profits are shared between the Bank and the government – such as 50/50 basis on certain occasions and even 80/20 (80% to the Treasury; 20% to the Bank) under some other conditions. It is doubtful that this profit-sharing formula has been properly implemented. If the Bank is a part of the government, all the net profits would have been the government’s share, not divided with the Bank.

The questions are: If the Bank is a legal entity, who owns that entity?

In what manner has its profits been used or distributed since 1963 until now? Would the government revoke Article 47 and restore its exclusive privilege to issue money without paying interest for it?

Why opening a new bank requires applying for registration with the Central Bank (Article 135) and not with the Ministry of Finance?

Apparently, no politician would have the courage to discuss these issues.

The post ايلي عون/أعداء لبنان (01من03): النظام النقدي/Elie Aoun: Enemies of Lebanon (01 of 03): The Monetary System appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

احْذَرُوا لأَنْفُسِكُم لِئَلاَّ تَثْقُلَ قُلُوبُكُم في الخَلاعَة، وَالسُّكْر، وَهُمُومِ الحَيَاة/Be on guard so that your hearts are not weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of this life


احْذَرُوا لأَنْفُسِكُم لِئَلاَّ تَثْقُلَ قُلُوبُكُم في الخَلاعَة، وَالسُّكْر، وَهُمُومِ الحَيَاة
إنجيل القدّيس لوقا21/من34حتى38/قالَ الربُّ يَسوع: «إِحْذَرُوا لأَنْفُسِكُم لِئَلاَّ تَثْقُلَ قُلُوبُكُم في الخَلاعَة، وَالسُّكْر، وَهُمُومِ الحَيَاة، فَيُفَاجِئَكُم ذلِكَ اليَوم؛ لأَنَّهُ سَيُطْبِقُ مِثْلَ الفَخِّ عَلى جَمِيعِ المُقِيمِينَ عَلَى وَجْهِ الأَرْضِ كُلِّهَا. فٱسْهَرُوا في كُلِّ وَقْتٍ مُصَلِّينَ لِكَي تَسْتَطِيعُوا أَنْ تَهْرُبُوا مِنْ كُلِّ هذِهِ الأُمُورِ المُزْمِعَةِ أَنْ تَحْدُث، وَتَقِفُوا أَمَامَ ٱبْنِ الإِنْسَان». وكانَ يَسُوعُ في النَّهَارِ يُعَلِّمُ في الهَيْكَل، وَفي اللَّيْلِ يَخْرُجُ وَيَبِيتُ في الجَبَلِ المَعْرُوفِ بِجَبَلِ الزَّيْتُون. وكانَ الشَّعْبُ كُلُّه يَأْتِي إِلَيْهِ عِنْدَ الفَجْرِ في الهَيْكَلِ لِيَسْتَمِعَ إِلَيْه”.

Be on guard so that your hearts are not weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of this life
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 21/34-38/:”‘Be on guard so that your hearts are not weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of this life, and that day does not catch you unexpectedly, like a trap. For it will come upon all who live on the face of the whole earth. Be alert at all times, praying that you may have the strength to escape all these things that will take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.’Every day he was teaching in the temple, and at night he would go out and spend the night on the Mount of Olives, as it was called. And all the people would get up early in the morning to listen to him in the temple.”

ٱلْمَدْعُوُّ إِبْلِيسَ وٱلشَّيْطَان، مُضَلِّلُ ٱلْمَسْكُونَةِ بِأَسْرِهَا، أُلْقِيَ إِلى ٱلأَرْض، وأُلْقِيَ مَعَهُ مَلائِكَتُهُ
رؤيا القدّيس يوحنّا12/من01حتى12/:”يا إِخوَتِي، ظَهَرَتْ آيَةٌ عَظِيمَةٌ في ٱلسَّماء، ٱمْرَأَةٌ مُوَشَّحَةٌ بٱلشَّمْس، وتَحْتَ رِجْلَيْهَا ٱلقَمَر، وعَلى رَأْسِها إِكْلِيلٌ مِنِ ٱثْنَي عَشَر كَوْكَبًا، وَهِيَ حُبْلَى تَصْرُخُ مُتَمَخِّضَةً مُتَوَجِّعَةً لِتَلِد. وَظَهَرَتْ آيَةٌ أُخْرَى في ٱلسَّمَاء، فَإِذا تِنِّينٌ أَحْمَرُ عَظِيم، لَهُ سَبْعَةُ رُؤُوسٍ وعَشَرةُ قُرُون، وعلى رُؤُوسِهِ سَبْعَةُ تِيجَان. وَذَنَبُهُ يَجُرُّ ثُلْثَ كَوَاكِبِ ٱلسَّمَاء، فأَلقَاهَا على ٱلأَرْض. ووَقَفَ ٱلتِّنِّينُ أَمَامَ ٱلْمَرْأَةِ ٱلمُشْرِفَةِ عَلى ٱلوِلادَة، لِيَبْتَلِعَ وَلَدَهَا حِينَ تَلِدُهُ. وَوَلَدَتِ ٱبْنًا ذَكَرًا، وهُوَ ٱلمُزْمِعُ أَن يَرْعَى جَمِيعَ ٱلأُمَمِ بِعَصًا مِنْ حَدِيد، فَخُطِفَ وَلَدُهَا إِلى ٱلله وإِلى عَرْشِهِ. وَهَرَبَتِ ٱلمَرْأَةُ إِلى ٱلبَرِّيَّة، حَيْثُ أَعَدَّ لَهَا ٱللهُ مَوْضِعًا، لِكَي يَقُوتَها هُنَاكَ أَلْفًا ومِئَتَيْنِ وَسِتِّينَ يَومًا. وَحَدَثَتْ حَرْبٌ في ٱلسَّماء، مِيخَائِيلُ وَمَلائِكَتُهُ يُحَارِبُونَ ٱلتِّنِّين. وٱلتِّنِّينُ وَمَلائِكَتُهُ حَارَبُوا فَمَا قَدِرُوا، ولا وُجِدَ لَهُم مَوْضِعٌ بَعْدُ في ٱلسَّمَاء. وأُلْقِيَ ٱلتِّنِّينُ ٱلعَظِيم، ٱلْحَيَّةُ ٱلقَدِيْمَة، ٱلْمَدْعُوُّ إِبْلِيسَ وٱلشَّيْطَان، مُضَلِّلُ ٱلْمَسْكُونَةِ بِأَسْرِهَا، أُلْقِيَ إِلى ٱلأَرْض، وأُلْقِيَ مَعَهُ مَلائِكَتُهُ. وَسَمِعْتُ صَوْتًا عَظِيمًا في ٱلسَّمَاءِ يَقُول: «أَلآنَ صَارَ لإِلهِنَا ٱلخَلاصُ وٱلقُدْرَةُ وٱلمَلَكُوتُ وَلِمَسِيحِهِ ٱلسُّلْطَان، لأَنَّ ٱلَّذي يَشْكُو إِخْوَتَنا قَدْ أُلْقِيَ إِلى ٱلأَرْض، ذَاكَ ٱلَّذي كانَ يَشْكُوهُم أَمَامَ إِلهِنَا نَهارًا ولَيْلاً. وهُم ظَفِرُوا عَلَيهِ بِدَمِ ٱلحَمَل، وَبِكَلِمَةِ شَهَادَتِهِم، وما فَضَّلُوا حَيَاتَهُم على ٱلمَوْت. لِذلِكَ تَهَلَّلِي، أَيَّتُها ٱلسَّمَاوَات، ويَا أَيُّها ٱلْمُقِيمُونَ فيهَا. وٱلوَيلُ للأَرْضِ وٱلبَحْر، لأَنَّ إِبْلِيسَ هَبَطَ إِلَيْكُما، وَبِهِ سُخْطٌ شَدِيد، لِعِلْمِهِ أَنَّ لَهُ وَقْتًا قَلِيلاً».

The great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan
Book of Revelation 12/01-12/:”A great portent appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pangs, in the agony of giving birth. Then another portent appeared in heaven: a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. Then the dragon stood before the woman who was about to bear a child, so that he might devour her child as soon as it was born. And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron. But her child was snatched away and taken to God and to his throne; and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, so that there she can be nourished for one thousand two hundred and sixty days.And war broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. The dragon and his angels fought back, but they were defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. The great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, proclaiming, ‘Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Messiah, for the accuser of our comrades has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. But they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they did not cling to life even in the face of death. Rejoice then, you heavens and those who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, for the devil has come down to you with great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!’”

The post احْذَرُوا لأَنْفُسِكُم لِئَلاَّ تَثْقُلَ قُلُوبُكُم في الخَلاعَة، وَالسُّكْر، وَهُمُومِ الحَيَاة/Be on guard so that your hearts are not weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of this life appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

د. منى فياض: شيعة “الكوميديا الإلهية”، والثورة كعلاج


شيعة “الكوميديا الإلهية”، والثورة كعلاج
د. منى فياض/الحرة/01 كانون الأول/2019

احتفل اللبنانيون لأول مرة بعيد الاستقلال وكأنهم اكتسبوه للتو. ماجت ساحة الشهداء باحتفال اكتسب طابعا أسطوريا مؤسسا تجاوز جميع ما عرفه لبنان من انقسامات. لم تبق نقابة أو مهنة أو مجموعة لم تشارك.

من أصحاب الحاجات الخاصة والطلاب والأساتذة والأطباء والمهندسين والصناعيين والنقابات إلى الامهات والآباء وأطفالهم. 42 فوجا ممثلا لمعظم القطاعات في لبنان؛ واكبهم المواطنون على جنبات الطرق والساحات التي ضاقت بهم. وحده العلم اللبناني رفرف عاليا فوق الهامات؛ في استعراض تم تجهيزه بثلاثة أيام. السلوك الحضاري السلمي والابتكار والذوق والفرح كان سيد الساحات.

يريدون لبنانهم وطنا سيدا مستقلا لجميع أبنائه بإرادتهم الحرة ولا عودة إلى الوراء.

استفزت هذه المشاهد على ما يبدو نادي السادة الحكام. فتتابعت الردود بشكل تصاعدي وانتهت باستخدام العنف العاري ضد محتجين عزّل.

فبعد فشل الخطابات الرادعة بدأت سلسلة هجمات زعران “الثنائي الشيعي” “العفوية”، من راكبي الدراجات النارية. ضاقوا ذرعا بقطع الطرق بعد أن قطّعوا أوصال الوطن، وبعد أن سدّ زعماؤهم الساحات والطرق بالدشم والمواكب.

الثورة جعلت من سيرورة شفاء الذاكرة المجروحة على المستوى

الجماعي عملا يوميا
هجموا بالهراوات والسكاكين والحجارة وأصابوا القوى الأمنية أحيانا. استفزهم نصب قبضة الثورة فأحرقوه. انزعجوا من شعارات وممارسات السلمية ولبنان وطنا للجميع بلا طائفة؛ فرددوا: “شيعة، شيعة، شيعة” مقترنة بالضرب والكسر والخلع لبشر وسيارات ومحال على تخوم خطوط التماس القديمة في محاولة لإحداث الفتنة دون أن يتم القبض على أي عنصر بينهم. ثم تبعتها غزوات الفتنة الليلية المتنقلة التي غطت المناطق اللبنانية بشكل متزامن، من صور إلى بعلبك ومن بيروت إلى بعبدا وبكفيا وصولا إلى طرابلس مرددين نريد 7 أيار (في تذكير باجتياح “حزب الله” لبيروت في مايو (أيار) 2008).

أخطر هذه الهجمات كان اعتداء صبيانهم من الشياح على حي عين الرمانة حيث كاد الوضع أن يتدهور. وكان الرد عليهم دائما بالاحتماء بالقوى الأمنية وعدم تبادل العنف.

ما الاستنتاج البديهي من كل تلك الممارسات؟!
“المقاومة” التي تهجم على الشعب وتجعل الجيش متراسا بينها وبينه؛ تظهر زيف الثلاثية الذهبية التي تغنت بها وفرضتها بالقوة في البيان الوزاري: “الشعب، الجيش، المقاومة”.

ثم ما الغاية من رفع شعار “شيعة شيعة” في بيروت وصور وبعلبك؟ ألا يعني عودوا إلى مذاهبكم وطوائفكم متناحرين متقاتلين كي نتحكم بكم؟ ألا يعني الخوف من “لا طائفية” المواطن اللبناني الجديد؟

أزعجت تعليقاتي على حسابي في موقع فيسبوك أحد أنصار “حزب الله”. فرد نافيا دور “الثنائية الشيعية” في مسلسل إثارة الفتنة الطائفية، وألغى انتمائي إلى الطائفة لأنهم يصادرونها ملكا حصريا لهم قائلا: “ما اختلفوا البارحة ببكفيا، ولا اندلعت مشكلة بين عين الرمانة والشياح، ولا تصادم المتظاهرين بطرابلس، ولا حصل اشتباك ببعبدا..

كل هذه الأحداث لا تخدم أهداف صاحبة البوست الذي أضحى ممجوجا لكثرة ما نشرته بصيغ متعددة. الهدف التصويب على الشيعة وتصويرهم كرعاع بعمومهم وليس بشرذمة صغيرة منهم استفزها قلة أدب وبذاءة من تدعم وتوالي. وهي ترسل رسائل براءتها من الشيعة الذين لا أعتقدهم سيكونون عليها بآسفين.. المأزومون نفسيا كثر وبالتالي أن تتخفف طائفة ما من حالة فصامية متفاقمة لهو شيء مفيد..

المهم أن تعفي الحالة المذكورة الطائفة التي تبادلت وإياها التبرؤ من مداخلاتها المسيئة وتفرغها للذم برموزها ومقاوميها من على شرفة المنزل الذي ما كانت لتحيا فيه حرة لولا أولئك الأشراف الذين حموا البلد من إسرائيل ومنعوا التكفيريين من اتخاذ نسائه سبايا”.

من ينتقد “حزب الله” يتبرأ من الشيعة! على كل سلوكهم السياسي والميداني بدا غريبا عن قيم التشيع.

إن تبرير الاعتداءات على المسالمين بأنها: مجرد استفزاز كرد على “قلة أدب وبذاءة”، غالبا ما يطلقها المندسون الذين يكتشفون يوميا، يظهر تناقض الخطاب وركاكته.

علّق أحدهم: “اعترضتم على بوسطة الثورة المسالمة لأنها تثير الفتنة أما الاعتداءات السافرة فهي مؤلفة للقلوب!”.

كم بدوا عراة هزلين هزليين في فيديو لقاسم جابر المعروف بنقده: “نحنا هيك دغري منتحمس، خدونا على قد عقلاتنا، بس ننزل عالأرض دغري منعربش عالعمدان ومنصرخ شيعة شيعة، اتركوها لإلنا ما تنزلوا تصرخوا، موارنة موارنة، دروز دروز…”.

لكن أفضل رد ممكن على ادعاءات أن الشارع منقسم، أتى من تظاهرة أمهات الشياح ـ عين الرمانة التي أدانت نزهة الفتنة الليلية التي قصدت استعادة الاقتتال الأهلي. رفعوا شعارات واضحة:
” نازلين ضد اللي صار مبارح
سكرنا الموضوع من الجهتين
اللي بيلعب عالوتر الطائفي يكت (يحل) عن كل لبنان… نحنا لبنانية
لا نريد زعماء، لا أحد يستحق دمنا، اللي بموت بتروح عليه، ولادنا بيفقروا وولادهم عايشين عحسابنا.. ما بدنا نخسر أولادنا
بلدنا حلو بدنا نعيش مع بعض
هيدا مشهد العيش المشترك اللي قال عنه سماحة موسى الصدر، ما عنا تفرقة. أولادنا بيتعلموا بعين الرمانة..

هيدي الثورة اجت لان كلنا عنا نفس المطالب ومنرفض يستغلونا. حبوا الزعيم بقلبكم بس ما تفترقوا عن بعض..

متنا من الجوع لوين سايقينا!”.
ما يقوم به الناس على الأرض هو أخذ مسافة من الأحداث الماضية بواسطة الرواية الجديدة: بوسطة الثورة مقابل بوسطة عين الرمانة، أمهات الشياح وعين الرمانة ضد عراضات الدراجات النارية الفتنوية. النقاشات والحوارات المفتوحة لجميع المواضيع في موقف اللعازرية… جميعها ممارسات علاجية للذاكرة المجروحة التي عجزت الطبقة السياسية عن القيام بها.

“المقاومة” التي تهجم على الشعب وتجعل الجيش متراسا بينها وبينه
فعلى مستوى الذاكرة، هناك الذكريات (souvenirs)، أي ما نذكره شخصيا من تجاربنا ولا يمكن إبعادها لأنها جزء من الفكر نفسه. وهناك الشكل الآخر، الذاكرة ( memoire)، خصوصا الذاكرة المصدومة، المصابة بالتروما (الصدمة). وهي أكثر من ذكريات، لأنها عقدة التوتر التي تظهر في ردود فعل انفعالية عنيفة وغير منضبطة. هذا ما يحاول “الثنائي الشيعي” زرعه في رؤوس من يرسلهم ليتصرفوا بحسب التشريط المنبعث من الماضي.

إن التجربة الحالية المعاشة بوعي تام تكون كالثلم الذي نخطّه على الماء سرعان ما يختفي كي تعود صفحة الماء رائقة مسطحة. لكن التجربة المسببة للتروما هي كمن يحفر علامة في الحجر فتظل آثارها واضحة.

هذه الذاكرة هي التي تحتاج إلى مرهم النسيان، وليس المقصود نسيان الذكرى نفسها. الأمر يفترض عملية خاصة على المستويين الفردي والجماعي. الثورة جعلت من سيرورة شفاء الذاكرة المجروحة على المستوى الجماعي عملا يوميا. استعادة التاريخ هنا هي إعادة إحياء الذاكرة والتموضع بعيدا عن الرواية المؤلمة المروية بالعذاب المؤذي لأنه مكبوت. الابتعاد عن التماهي معها وعن قبضة الماضي المؤلم بعملية لا-تماهي معاكسة. إنه إطلاق منظور جديد لذاكرة ماضية تتحرر من التروما التي أصابتها.

هذا ما يقوم به الشعب اللبناني بنفسه منذ بداية الثورة وما نفذته عمليا أمهات الشياح وعين الرمانة وقد رفدتهن أمهات لبنانيات من جميع مكونات الشعب اللبناني.
تحيا الثورة وتحيا نساء لبنان ويحيا رجاله.

The post د. منى فياض: شيعة “الكوميديا الإلهية”، والثورة كعلاج appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

الياس بجاني/عدة شغل أصحاب شركات الأحزاب والحكام والسياسيين وتجار المقاومة: بنك وشركات تعهدات وقطعان من الغنم


عدة شغل أصحاب شركات الأحزاب والحكام والسياسيين وتجار المقاومة: بنك وشركات تعهدات وقطعان من الغنم
الياس بجاني/01 كانون الأول/2019

إن كان من نتائج إيجابية للثورة الشعبية العابرة للمناطق والطوائف والأحزاب، فهي أنها زلطت وبهدلت ع الأخر غالبية السياسيين، وأصحاب شركات الأحزاب، والحكام، ومعهم ربع مافيات كذبة ووهم المقاومة والتحرير المفرسنة.

الثورة وب 45 يوم حطتن كلون ع مسرح الشعب غصبن عنون، وفضحتن وجبرتن يعملوا حفلة ستربتيز طوعية.
يعني حفلة تزليط وبهدلي وفضايح وع الآخر.

يتبين بعد حفلة التزليط المرتبي، وحتى للعميان، بأن هؤلاء النرسيسيين والملجميين والطرواديين والإسخريوتيين هم مجرد تجار، وفجار، وفاسدين ومفسدين، ومنافقين، وضمائرهم ميتة، ووجدانهم مخدر، وآخر همهم الناس والأديان والأخلاق والقيم والوطنية والسيادة والحريات والاستقلال.

وحفلة الستربتيز الشعبية هيدي، ما وفرت حتى ربع نفاق خدعة المقاومة والتحرير، فتبين أنن عصابات مافياوية ووكلاء لملالي إيران وهم متخصصين بالسرقات، وبحماية السراقين، ومهمتهم الأولى هي تفكيك كل ما هو دولة، وضرب كل ما هو مؤسسات، وتعهير كل ما  هو قانون وحقوق، وزرع ثقافة الموت والغزوات الجاهلية والتحجر والتمذهب والحقد ورفض الآخر.

حفلة التعرية والتزليط والستربتيز بينت بأن 99% من هودي السياسيين وأصحاب شركات الأحزاب والحكام وأصحاب النفوذ وتجار كذبة المقاومة والتحرير .. بينت انو عند كل واحد منون عدة الشغل نفسها للنصب والاحتيال والسرقات والفساد والإفساد.

العدي عندون كلن هي بنك وشركات تعهدات وقطعان غنم.

يلي عم ينفضح أكثر وأكثر أنو كل واحد منون عندو بنك، وكل واحد منون عند شركات تعهدات، وكل واحد منون عندو قطعان غنم بيسمين انصار وحزبيين ومؤيدي.

وكل واحد منون عندو قطيع من الغنم والزقيفي شغلتن الهوبرة ببغائية بالروح وبالدم منفيدك يا فلان!!

وكمان ما هو مشترك بين كل هؤلاء الحراميي، انن عاملين حالن أصنام وقطعانهم بتعبدهم وبتشوف فين آلهة… ويا ويل وسواد ليل يلي بيتمرد علين وبيرمين حتى بوردة…بيشيطنوه وبيخونه وبيحللو دمه وبيركبلو مية ملف.

بؤس هكذا زمن مّحل وتعتير،
وبؤس هكذا حكام وطاقم سياسي،
وبؤس هكذا مافيات نفاق تحرير ومقاومة.

هؤلاء الحراميي اليوم هم جميعاً أعداء الشعب اللبناني وضد الثورة.
ولهذا هم يحاولون ضرب الثورة وشيطنتها وتخوينها، وذلك لجر لبنان واللبنانيين بالقوة والإرهاب والسلاح غير الشرعي إلى ما قبل الأزمنة الحجرية، وإلى ثقافات ومفاهيم بالية وإلى شرعة الغاب.

*الكاتب ناشط لبناني اغترابي
عنوان الكاتب الالكتروني
رابط موقع الكاتب الالكتروني على الإنترنت

The post الياس بجاني/عدة شغل أصحاب شركات الأحزاب والحكام والسياسيين وتجار المقاومة: بنك وشركات تعهدات وقطعان من الغنم appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

جيروسالم بوست: حزب الله يستخدم ألمانيا لتمويل الإرهاب ومشتريات الأسلحة/Jerusalem Post: Hezbollah uses Germany to finance terrorism, weapons purchases – report


Hezbollah uses Germany to finance terrorism, weapons purchases – report
جيروسالم بوست: حزب الله يستخدم ألمانيا لتمويل الإرهاب ومشتريات الأسلحة
Jerusalem Post/December 01/2019

Some 30 mosques and cultural centers in Germany have links to Hezbollah, according to a 2019 Hamburg intelligence agency report.

The Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah uses a center in Berlin as well as other locations across Germany to recruit members and raise funds for terrorism and weapons purchases, according to a report by the Berlin-based Tagesspiegel newspaper.

Tagesspiegel on Saturday published a detailed exposé on how the Lebanese terrorist organization uses Germany for “money generated” illicit activities and those funds are “used for arms purchases and for financing attacks.”

According to the article, Hezbollah members “use Germany as a place for drug trafficking, trade in stolen cars and money laundering. The implications of the group for the drug business are well documented.”

The report said that Hezbollah’s “main routes now move from South America to Africa into the EU. Cocaine reaches Germany mainly via the ports of Rotterdam, Antwerp and Hamburg.”

Within the capital city of Berlin, “Hezbollah is also allowed to spread propaganda here in the Reuterstrasse, recruit new members, collect donations – and then forward them to Beirut,” Tagesspiegel reported.

The Islamic Center Imam Riza, a Shi’ite institution, is located on Reuter Street in the Berlin district of Neukölln. Berlin’s intelligence agency – the rough equivalent of Shin Bet – revealed in its 2019 report that 250 Hezbollah members live in the capital. A total of 1,050 Hezbollah members and supporters operate across Germany, according to other German intelligence reports.

Muhamad Abdi and Sebastian Leber, the Tagesspiegel journalists who wrote Saturday’s article, reported that the Islamist Tevekkül Erol, from the Islamic Center Imam Riza, preached against Israel and spreads Hezbollah propaganda on Twitter and Facebook. Erol circulates incitement messages from the Hezbollah leaders who are celebrated as “the right fighters” against the USA, they wrote. He has also posted the Hezbollah logo that depicts an upraised arm grasping an AK-47 assault rifle.

When asked by Tagesspiegel if he is a member of Hezbollah, Erol refused to comment.

The Berlin paper wrote that Erol is filled with anger as he scolds the “Zionists who kill our siblings in Palestine with bombs.”

The radical Islamist lashes out at the USA and Muslims who dare to conduct business with the “Zionists” or forge diplomatic relations with Israel, the report noted. It also said that Erol claimed that these Muslim who align themselves with the USA and Israel will regret their bad deeds.

He declared, “They will all end up in hell.”
The Tagesspiegel article reports that Erol spreads incitement online, including antisemitic conspiracy theories. A telling example, Erol contends that the Jews are behind the terrorist organization the Islamic State. Erol says that the slain Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is Jewish and his real name is Simaun Eliot.

The paper reported that a second building near the Islamic Center Imam Riza is a meeting and prayer place for supporters of Hezbollah. The association Al-Irschad is, according to security officials, a hot spot for Hezbollah members. The paper wrote that Islamists like Kassem R., who pledged his loyalty to Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah on Facebook, visits Al-Irschad. Kassem is a barber who posted photographs of his two sons in soldier’s uniforms, one of which was holding a firearm.

Some 30 mosques and cultural centers in Germany have links to Hezbollah, according to a 2019 Hamburg intelligence agency report.

“In Germany, there are currently about 30 known cultural and mosque associations in which a clientele regularly meets that is close to Hezbollah or its ideology,” wrote the intelligence agency.

The Jerusalem Post exclusively reported in August that a Hezbollah mosque in the German city of Münster posted a shocking video on its Facebook page announcing it was proud of terrorism and its allegiance to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

A Lebanese member of the Imam Mahdi Zentrum Shi’ite mosque in Münster declared: “We belong to the party of Ruhollah [Khomeini]. We have been accused of being terrorists – we are proud of terrorism.”

In July, the Post reported an increase of Hezbollah members in Germany’s most populous state of North Rhine-Westphalia, where Münster is located. According to the intelligence document reviewed by the Post, the number of Hezbollah members climbed from 105 in 2017 to 110 in 2018 in North Rhine-Westphalia.

The Iranian regime supplies Hezbollah with funds and weapons and the Lebanese Shi’ite organization is Tehran’s chief strategic ally in the Middle East.
The Al-Mustafa Community Center in the northern German city-state of Bremen is a major hub for raising funds for Hezbollah, according to an intelligence report from the city-state of Bremen.

The German government has rejected appeals to outlaw Hezbollah’s so-called political wing from the country; the military wing was banned by the Germany and the European Union in 2013.

The Iranian regime supplies Hezbollah with funds and weapons and the Lebanese Shi’ite organization is Tehran’s chief strategic ally in the Middle East.

The post جيروسالم بوست: حزب الله يستخدم ألمانيا لتمويل الإرهاب ومشتريات الأسلحة/Jerusalem Post: Hezbollah uses Germany to finance terrorism, weapons purchases – report appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

شارل الياس شرتوني/البديل عن المراوحة، حكومة مدنية مرادفة


البديل عن المراوحة، حكومة مدنية مرادفة
شارل الياس شرتوني/02 كانون الأول/2019

اول سؤال يتبادر إلى مراقب الحدث اللبناني الفارق في تاريخ البلاد الحديث، هو دخول الثورة االمواطنية في مرحلة الركود وفقدان الدفع الذي حملها حتى الساعة، وعودة اللعبة السياسية الاوليغارشية إلى حبكتها المألوفة، التي تقوم على اعادة توزع روافع العمل السياسي بين أركانها وكأن شيئًا لم يكن. ان الخطأ الأساسي الذي ارتكبته الحراكات المدنية المعارضة -التي نسفت شرعية الاداء السياسي القائم في البلاد وظهرته على حقيقته: نهب البلاد من قبل اوليغارشيات سياسية حكمت من خلال وكالات إقليمية متنوعة (سورية، سعودية ، إيرانية …) مستندة إلى مسوغات ايديولوجية واستراتيجية ناظمة للاداءات السياسية-، هو عدم بنائها لروافع سياسية بديلة عملية تمكنها من منازعة الطبقة السياسية بشكل مباشر، ومن الخروج من دائرة إحكاماتها واصول لعبتها. المؤلم في المشهد الحاضر، هو واقع الحراكات المدنية المحبط والمنتظر لنتائج التحكيم القائم بين المصالح الاوليغارشية، وإعادة تركيب المتغيرات السياسية على اساس المعادلات المألوفة في وقت تتخبط فيه البلاد في أزمات مالية وحياتية مميتة. لا بد من تحديد معالم لاستراتيجية خروج على واقع الاقفالات المتجددة تقوم على المحاور التالية:

أ- لا عودة إلى المعادلات السياسية البائدة هذا مع العلم ان الاوليغارشيات السياسية على تناقضاتها الداخلية ملتئمة حول صيانة مصالحها المالية والسياسية وتأمين ديمومتها، وهذا ما يفسر تأقلمها مع سياسة الاستثناء السيادي التي يعتمدها حزب الله. تنطلق التسوية مع حزب الله من مبدأ تآلف المصالح وخارجًا عن أية اعتبارات سيادية أو سياسية تقيم شأنًا للخير العام أو للكيان المعنوي والفعلي للدولة اللبنانية. ان أية تسوية تعيدنا إلى إطار التسويات المصلحية بين أطراف الاوليغارشيات الحاكمة هي متابعة للنهج الذي اوصلنا إلى تفكك أوصال الدولة اللبنانية.علينا ان نعي ان سوء النية الذي يحكم اداء الاوليغارشيات الحاكمة هو إرادي ولا مجال لتعطيله الا من خلال موازين قوى مرادفة. أما مسألة التعاطي مع حزب الله فهي تضع السلم الأهلي على المحك كما اختبرناها في الأسابيع الماضية، ولا سبيل لاحتواء هذا المسار النزاعي الا من خلال استجلاء المصالح الظرفية المشترك، خاصة لجهة حماية السلم الأهلي، وبعض الإصلاحات الحكومية وانتظار التسويات الإقليمية.

ب- لا بد من فتح ملفات الفساد العميم الذي يحكم الحياة العامة بكل مفاصلها: مفهوم العمل العام ودولة القانون والاداء الإجمالي للمؤسسات العامة. نحن أمام واقع الترادف العملي والذهني بين العمل العام واستباحة الحقوق العامة والخاصة، واستعمال المؤسسات العامة كمداخل مشرعة للإثراء غير المشروع، وهنا مكمن الخطورة التي تطبع الانحراف السلوكي وتجعل منه سبيلًا من سبل كسب العيش. لا مستقبل للثورة المواطنية ما لم تفكك المنظومة الذهنية والسلوكية والبنيوية التي تطبع الفساد. تفترض مواجهة منظومة الفساد صياغة استراتيجية مواجهة تنطلق من الخارج باتجاه الداخل من خلال عمل رصد استثمارات وتوظيفات الاوليغارشيات المستترة والظاهرة دوليًا، وتكوين ملفات المقاضاة، والاعتماد على المحاكم الأوروبية والاميركية من اجل ربط النزاعات وتحديد الآليات القانونية على المستوى الإجرائي. هذا يتطلب تشكيل لجنة دولية تبني مداخلاتها على خطوط تقاطع المنظمات الدولية غير الحكومية، والأمم المتحدة والمحاكم المحلية، أما القضاء اللبناني فيأتي من ضمن السياقات الإجرائية المعتمدة نظرًا لفقدان استقلاليته وتبعيته للطبقة السياسية و الفساد المعمم في أوساطه.

ج- لا بد من حماية السلم الأهلي من قبل فاعلي المجتمع الأهلي كما تظهر من خلال حركات الأمهات، وحماية استقلالية الجيش المعنوية والعملانية، والتظلل بالفصل السابع من قانون الأمم المتحدة لتحصين البلاد تجاه واقع الفراغات المديدة وحالة انعدام الوزن التي تعيشها. لا مجال لبناء أي سياق سلمي في ظل فراغات أمنية مطبعة والتعايش مع ما تنتجه من انحراف سلوكي وهمجية كما ظهرتها اداءات ارهاب الرعاع والفاشيات المتأهبة (زعران حركة أمل، الحزب القومي السوري، وسياسة القمع الاستنسابية لحزب الله).

د- لا إمكانية للتعايش بين واقع عدم الاستقرار البنيوي الذي تحيلنا اليه سياسة حزب الله على تنوع محاورها الإقليمية والداخلية والدولية، وإعادة بناء حياة اقتصادية متماسكة، تحمي قدرة البلاد على استعادة مبادرتها، وتحفيز حركة الاستثمارات، وإيجاد فرص العمل، والقدرة على صياغة سياسات اجتماعية وتربوية وصحية وبيئية فاعلة. ان التلازم بين الاستقرار الأمني والإصلاح السياسي والنهوض الاقتصادي والاجتماعي هو من المسلمات البدهية إذا ما اردنا نهوضا فعليا ومن مساعدة فعلية من المؤسسات الدولية، لن تكون من مساعدة دولية بعد اليوم بغياب التزام مبدئي وسياسات اصلاحية متوازية.

ه- ان تشكيل حكومة مدنية مرادفة هو سبيل يجب اعتباره على نحو جدي من اجل بلورة الطروحات البديلة والتأكيد على عدم إمكانية العودة إلى الوراء، وانخراط الهيئات المدنية العامة في التحضير لعمل حكومي ينعقد حول محاور ثلاث:
1- استرداد الأموال العامة وعمل المقاضاة؛
2- برنامج النهوض المالي الاقتصادي والاجتماعي؛
3-التحضير لانتخابات نيابية مبكرة.
ان حال المراوحة قد طال أمده وادخل الحراكات المدنية في حالة تأكلية تلعب لصالح سياسة المراهنة على استنزاف الديناميكية المدنية وإعادة اللعبة القائمة برموزها وحركتها المعهودة.

The post شارل الياس شرتوني/البديل عن المراوحة، حكومة مدنية مرادفة appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

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