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المسيحيون بتعرضون للمجازر ووسائل الإعلام تغض الطرف/Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute: Christians Massacred, Media Look the Other Way


Christians Massacred, Media Look the Other Way
المسيحيون بتعرضون للمجازر ووسائل الإعلام تغض الطرف
Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute/September 08/2019

“In the same week as the awful attack on the mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand… more than two hundred Christians were killed in Nigeria. There was hardly any mention of the latter in the news. There were no marches for martyred Christians, no tolling of church bells ordered by governments, no ‘Je suis Charlie’ t-shirts… no public outrage at all.” — Fr. Benedict Kiely, Crisis Magazine, September 4, 2019

NASA’s satellites observed the Amazon fires, prompting world leaders to pledge to protect the rainforest. But the burning, chopping and murder of Christians is not tracked by satellites and their suffering is not seen on our televisions and newspapers. Actually, it seems in the West as if the persecution of Christians does not even exist.

The Vatican and Pope Francis have a choice: to shed light on these persecuted Christians or be accused of willful blindness…. The Vatican should dedicate the next synod to them.

“In the Amazon rainforest, which is of vital importance for the planet, a deep crisis has been triggered by prolonged human intervention, in which a ‘culture of waste’ (LS 16) and an extractivist mentality prevail”, the Vatican stated.

“The Amazon is a region with rich biodiversity; it is multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, and multi-religious; it is a mirror of all humanity which, in defense of life, requires structural and personal changes by all human beings, by nations, and by the Church.”

That is why a Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon region has been scheduled to meet in Rome from October 6 to 27. In an interview with Italian paper La Stampa, Pope Francis said that one of the biggest challenges to the Amazon region is the “threat to the life of the populations and territory which derives from the economic and political interests of the dominant sectors of society.”

The program for the Amazon’s synod in Rome talks about “life threatened”, “inculturation and interculturality”, “extractivist destruction” and “indigenous peoples”, among other matters. There is, however, another group of “indigenous people” whose life has been “threatened” and who live under an existential physical “destruction.” They are the persecuted Christians, and the Vatican should dedicate the next synod to them.

“They asked him to deny Christ and when he refused they cut off his right hand; then he refused [again], they cut to the elbow. In which he refused, before they shot him in the forehead, the neck, and chest,” a Nigerian Christian, Enoch Yeohanna, recently recounted about his father’s murder in 2014. The trial of Nigerian Christians has been defined “a global nightmare.” But it is happening in many countries.

“The persecution of Christians throughout the world is one of the great evils of our time”, Fr. Benedict Kiely, the founder of Nasarean.org, dedicated to relieving the persecution of Christians, recently wrote.

“The mainstream media is remarkably silent about attacks on Christians. In the same week as the awful attack on the mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand—a heinous and unconscionable crime—more than two hundred Christians were killed in Nigeria. There was hardly any mention of the latter in the news. There were no marches for martyred Christians, no tolling of church bells ordered by governments, no “Je suis Charlie” t-shirts… no public outrage at all.”

Boko Haram terrorists recently cut off the ears of Christian women after snatching them from their homes during a night-time raid on a mainly Christian town in northern Cameroon. The organization Barnabas Fund explained that “the Islamist extremists broke into homes, grabbed the women and dragged them to the outskirts of Gagalari town in the district of Yagoua where they sliced off one ear from each victim.” A few days later, also in Cameroon, a Bible translator, Angus Fung, was butchered to death and his wife’s arm cut off. Then, a Catholic priest, David Tanko, was killed in Nigeria and his car and body set ablaze. Last month, another Nigerian priest, Paul Offu, was murdered. Last year, two Catholic priests and 13 worshippers were among the victims in a single attack in Nigeria.

Four Christians in Burkina Faso were recently murdered for wearing crosses. “The Islamists arrived and forced everybody to lie face down on the ground,” recounted Bishop Laurent Birfuoré Dabiré of the Diocese of Dori.

“Then they searched them. Four people were wearing crucifixes. So they killed them because they were Christians. After murdering them, the Islamists warned all the other villagers that if they did not convert to Islam they, too, would be killed.”

Hundreds of Christians, including 433 children, are “facing attacks or fleeing from rampaging Islamist extremists in Mali,” where in June, 100 men, women and children were slaughtered in Sobame Da, a mainly Christian village.

David Curry, the president of Open Doors, an American non-governmental organization (NGO) that tracks the persecution of Christians, has defined Christian women as “the most persecuted group in the world.” Their oppression and mutilation is astonishing. In Nigeria, Boko Haram is still holding a kidnapped girl, Leah Sharibu. She could have been freed along with her schoolmates, but Leah refused to renounce her Christian faith. Christian women are also kidnapped and enslaved in Pakistan. “Every year at least a thousand girls are kidnapped, raped, and forced to convert to Islam, even forced to marry their tormentors,” said Tabassum Yousaf, a Catholic lawyer linked to the Italian NGO, St. Egidio. This is a recurring pattern also in Egypt, where Christian women are facing an “epidemic of kidnapping, rape, beatings and torture.”

The most famous of these persecuted Christian women, Asia Bibi, unjustly spent nearly a decade in Pakistani prison for “blasphemy” — much of that time on death row — before she was freed. In May, she was flown to Canada, where she was reunited with her family. According to Bibi:

“When my daughters visited me in jail, I never cried in front of them, but when they went after meeting me in jail, I used to cry alone filled with pain and grief. I used to think about them all the time, how they are living.”

NASA’s satellites observed the Amazon fires, prompting world leaders to pledge to protect the rainforest. But the burning, chopping and murder of Christians is not tracked by satellites and their suffering is not seen on our televisions and newspapers. Actually, it seems in the West as if the persecution of Christians does not even exist. The Vatican, Pope Francis, other clerics and the media have a choice: to shed a light on these persecuted Christians or be accused of willful blindness.

*Giulio Meotti, Cultural Editor for Il Foglio, is an Italian journalist and author.

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Pictured: Sobame Da, a mainly Christian village in Mali, after the June 2019 attack by Fulani gunmen in which 100 men, women and children were slaughtered. (Image source: United Nations/MINUSMA/Flickr)

A team of MINUSMA, composed of investigators from its Division of Human Rights and Protection, as well as the United Nations Police and its Technical and Scientific Police Unit, in the village of Sobane Da, in the Mopti region in central Mali. The mission of this team is to conduct an investigation to establish the facts of the attack on the village of Sobane Da on June 9, 2019, which killed dozens of civilians, including women and children.

The post المسيحيون بتعرضون للمجازر ووسائل الإعلام تغض الطرف/Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute: Christians Massacred, Media Look the Other Way appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

السير جون جنكينز: إسترضاء النظام الإيراني هو الطريق المؤكد إلى الكارثة/Sir John Jenkins: Why appeasing Iran is the road to disaster


Why appeasing Iran is the road to disaster
السير جون جنكينز: إسترضاء النظام الإيراني هو الطريق المؤكد إلى الكارثة
Sir John Jenkins/Arab News/September 07, 2019

Sometimes I wish Iran, like Brexit, would just disappear from the headlines. Neither subject adds to what that great Englishman, Dr Johnson, called the gaiety of nations. And their constant presence in the news simply reminds us that something somewhere is wrong, even if we can’t agree on exactly what that might be.There is, of course, a difference, especially if you speak to Europeans. Many will say that Brexit is a moment of madness, that the EU needs to stand firm in the face of outrageous British behaviour, that the Irish backstop is a mark of the EU’s resolve not to be blackmailed or to abandon one of its smaller member states, and that if it all goes wrong the responsibility will be entirely British.

Yet if you talk about Iran, the mood changes. For many in the EU, Iran, which has a 40-year record of sponsoring violence and terror internationally, executing or assassinating those among its own citizens who disagreed with the country’s direction of travel, subverting or suborning its neighbours, harboring members of Al-Qaeda, attacking shipping and now refusing to cooperate with IAEA monitoring, is simply a victim and needs to be accommodated. The real villain is the US.

I had a baffling conversation the other day with a senior EU diplomat about the recent case of the Iranian tanker detained in Gibraltar and the retaliatory Iranian action in seizing the Stena Impero. In mild exasperation my former colleague asked me why we — the British — hadn’t simply ignored the fact that the Iranians were flouting the EU’s own prohibition on oil sales to Syria. After all, everyone else did.

It’s hard to know where to start with all this. Britain — because in a very close referendum a small majority wanted to leave the EU — is to be treated as a suitable case for disciplinary action and every single word of every single document ever signed scrutinised and enforced. But Iran — which has been one of the central problems in international relations since 1979 (and, some would say, before that) and has sought to export violence to the streets of Europe — is to be given the benefit of the doubt, and any punitive EU measures simply ignored or discreetly palliated.

You can see the same syndrome at work in a recent posting on Jadaliyya, a website devoted to a relentlessly progressivist reading of Middle Eastern and North African issues, which criticizes US commentators for offering their opinions on Iran without the necessary linguistic or cultural expertise. Behind this lies an old rivalry between universities and think-tanks. It represents among other things a claim that understanding arises principally from linguistic and cultural competence, and it is this that produces empathy and therefore better policy.

Yet much Washington commentary is actually about the appropriate US policy response to observable Iranian actions and policy pronouncements. It’s not clear that empathy is in question here. And when Americans who do speak Persian dare to comment, they are often attacked as administration stooges. When I myself delivered a long piece for Policy Exchange in 2017 about the ways in which too many supporters of political Islamism and their followers distort history, I was actually attacked for knowing too much — but in the wrong, unpermitted way. You can’t win.

And here we come to President Macron’s recent generous offer to Tehran to establish a $15bn time-limited line of credit in return for full compliance with the terms of the JCPOA. This is an elaboration of the idea on which the EU has long been working, of providing a mechanism to allow Iran to continue to trade with Europe without using US dollars. It is also the latest in a series of attempted inducements offered to Iran by France and other European states to resist the temptation to overreact to the US sanctions squeeze.

Now I’m all in favour of diplomacy. I admire the creativity, expertise and persistence which the French have undoubtedly demonstrated, especially at a time when a new European Commission is bedding in and politics elsewhere in the EU are in turmoil. And there has been a degree of attempted coordination with the US that suggests at least the possibility of collective action. But every time Paris or the EU as a whole offer an incentive to Iran or suggest — however quietly — that they can act as mediators between Tehran and Washington, the Iranians do something provocative and the White House dismisses the idea. On this occasion the Iranians announced that they were removing all restrictions on their research activities and the enrichment of uranium.

Any sign of weakness only encourages Tehran to seek more concessions. They are playing Europe — not the reverse. But their real goal is Washington.
President Trump, who has certainly toyed publicly with the idea of meeting President Rouhani, has said he needs no help; a meeting will happen only if Iran is prepared to give up its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile ambitions. And Rouhani has said he will meet the US only as part of a multilateral process if (essentially) Iran is allowed to do a lot of what it likes.

And this is all part of a larger picture. During Javad Zarif’s visit to Moscow a few days ago, the Russian press announced that Moscow was prepared to hold joint naval exercises with Tehran and allow the use of Russian ports for the shipment of some Iranian oil exports. The Iranians have just revealed an agreement with Beijing for an additional $280bn of Chinese investment in Iran’s energy infrastructure. And they continue to develop an ingenious system of dark funding for their economy through the IRGC, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Venezuela and other parts of South America and indeed Africa.

This is all suboptimal. It reflects a degree of global political fragmentation that is not irreversible but gives opportunists a chance to exploit. In all of this, Europe, which needs global order to thrive, is a player — but a minor and sometimes reluctant one, given intra-EU divisions. The big prize for Iran remains the US. But it’s not at all clear that Tehran actually wants a deal with Washington, certainly while it sees a chance instead to divide the US from Europe, Russia and China. It wants instead to sow division and define the terms of victory. In order to secure this it is willing to allow other historic enemies — such as Russia or Turkey (where Erdogan now says he wants a nuclear weapons capability too) — to benefit.

It may be willing to allow the Iranian energy economy to become a constituent part of the One Belt, One Road project that leads inexorably to Chinese hegemony across Central Asia. And — like Vladimir Putin — it is happy to exploit European rivalries in order to exacerbate splits within the EU and accelerate a drift away from the historic, if sometimes strained, Atlanticist posture of European political elites. That way lies disaster. Whatever Euro-optimists may claim, Europe needs the US as its principal partner for the foreseeable future. In all this it is Iran that is the minor player. Yet some European policy elites still seem to treat the issue as a choice between Iran and Washington.

It bears constant repeating that this is not the case, nor is it about Donald Trump. There may well be profound changes afoot in US domestic politics, as they are in different ways elsewhere. And it is hard to argue that this administration has helped the cause of collective action with its transactional unpredictability. But this can be exaggerated: Secretary Pompeo’s unwillingness to sign off on a so-called peace deal in Afghanistan that allows the Taliban essentially to do what they want perhaps sheds an interesting light on the limits of US willingness to disengage internationally.

And what has not changed are the fundamental geopolitical realities of shared security and economic interests and an ideological and political commonality that has lasted centuries. Europe needs to seek to ensure the US stays engaged, not simply abandon the central ideas of international order on which the post-1945 world was built because they don’t like it when a President starts behaving like the Wizard of Oz (which is pretty rich when you consider Iranian behaviour).

And any sign of weakness only encourages Tehran to seek more concessions. They are playing Europe — not the reverse. But their real goal is Washington. It is always possible that negotiations between Iran and the US will resume at some point. There are rumors of a Trump-Rouhani meeting at the UN in New York at the end of September. But for this to happen and be productive, Tehran must be convinced that the West will stay united.

While we wait, the wheels of war grind slowly but inexorably toward more conflict in southern Syria and the Gulf. Even the recent black comedy about fake Israeli casualties on the Golan was a part of this. As the Roman politician Cato saw over 2,000 years ago, strength, resolve and unity are the only sure guarantors of peace.

The real moral of President Macron’s $15bn is that Europe risks being side-lined when the choices get tougher. Because when they do, it really will be a question of who stands where, not who is willing to pay for the privilege of bribing Iran to de-escalate and then finding it won’t. And a Europe that wants to face all ways will find itself irrelevant.

*Sir John Jenkins is a senior fellow at Policy Exchange. Until December 2017, he was Corresponding Director (Middle East) at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), based in Manama, Bahrain and was a Senior Fellow at Yale University’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs. He was the British ambassador to Saudi Arabia until January 2015

The post السير جون جنكينز: إسترضاء النظام الإيراني هو الطريق المؤكد إلى الكارثة/Sir John Jenkins: Why appeasing Iran is the road to disaster appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

تعليق لجلعاد شارون من يديعوت أحرونوت: على إسرائيل أن تستهدف إيران التي هي وراء كل المشاكل/Gilad Sharon/Ynetnews: Israel must target the real root of the problem – Iran


Israel must target the real root of the problem – Iran
تعليق لجلعاد شارون من يديعوت أحرونوت: على إسرائيل أن تستهدف إيران التي هي وراء كل المشاكل التي تتعرض لها وتواجهها في لبنان وغزة وسوريا
Gilad Sharon/Ynetnews/September 08/2019

Opinion: Why should Israelis sit in bomb shelters because of rockets fired by Iranian proxies in Gaza or Lebanon? We should be taking the fight to the real instigators in Tehran.

The Iranians will fight to the last jihadist, the last Hamas man, and the last Hezbollah fighter standing.

Only this week we had another example of this in the form of anti-tank missiles fired by Hezbollah in Lebanon at IDF troops. But when it comes to the Iranians themselves, it’s a whole different story; about themselves they care a great deal.

The Iranians are behind the recent attacks on Israel from Gaza, Lebanon and Syria, and since the attacks themselves didn’t come from Iranian territory, we’re happy enough to punish the messengers – in other words, we return fire only to where we were attacked from.

This needs to change. Why should the people of Israel come under fire from attacks that were originated in and funded by Iran, while the Iranians themselves sit protected and safe in their country?

Israel is a sophisticated country; we can arrange attacks on Iranian soil from elsewhere as well. Iran doesn’t care if it is Gaza civilians or Hezbollah fighters who are killed by Israeli fire. They don’t care about civilians, Iran’s okay if it’s Gazans who pay the price, but when it comes to them and their people it’s a different story.

But Iran needs to know, if it sponsors attacks on Israel, its people won’t be safe either. If they don’t fire at us from Iran, we won’t fire at them from Israel.

Why should IDF troops be threatened on its Lebanon and Gaza borders, while Iran’s soldiers are safe in their country? And if a citizen who lives in Sderot has to sit in a bomb shelter, why should an Iranian citizen sit safely in his home?

If Tel Aviv or Haifa are threatened, why should people walk freely in Tehran? There’s no shortage of Sunni militias that are at odds with Iran – you orchestrate attacks on us, we orchestrate attacks on you, simple and symmetrical.

Israel’s response to rocket fire from Gaza is weak, and is explained away with the excuse of the threat on the northern front.

But both the southern and northern threats are essentially facing Iranian threats, and so an attack on the source of this evil would be far more efficient. Iranians would not be able to accept attacks on their country just as we should not have to accept attacks on ours. No country in the world would agree to this situation.

Those who are responsible, those who pulled the trigger and those who sent them should pay. Hamas positions in Gaza shouldn’t be our only targets, just as an attack on a Syrian village shouldn’t be the only location where we retaliate for a drone strike on Israeli territory. Lebanon alone should not have to pay the price for Hezbollah aggression.

For more than 1,300 years there’s been a feud between Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims. The predominantly Shi’ite Iranians hate the Sunnis – including the predominantly Sunni Saudis – much more then they hate us.

The Persians are an ancient and wise people with history and culture and their idiotic policy regarding Israel is a surprising one.

You spend your money in Lebanon, Gaza and Syria all the while struggling under harsh sanctions when you could have lived in wealth and dignity.
You understand history – no one has ever gained a single thing by messing with the Jews.

The post تعليق لجلعاد شارون من يديعوت أحرونوت: على إسرائيل أن تستهدف إيران التي هي وراء كل المشاكل/Gilad Sharon/Ynetnews: Israel must target the real root of the problem – Iran appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

الياس بجاني/هل يتمرد د. جعجع عملياً على الصفقة الخطيئة؟


هل يتمرد د. جعجع عملياً على الصفقة الخطيئة؟
الياس بجاني/08 أيلول/2019

نُشرِّت قبل أيام رزمة من الأخبار والتقارير المنسوبة إلى مصادر ادعت أنها قريبة من حزب القوات اللبنانية (دون أن تتبناها أو تنفيها معراب) شرحت وفصلت بالوقائع كيف أن الجهود الملالوية بواسطة حزب الله والمتحالفين والمتماهين معه وتحديداً التيار الوطني وتيار المستقبل منصبة حالياً وبقوة وبجدية ومباشرة ومواربة على عزل القوات اللبنانية وإحراجها لإخراجها من الحكومة، وبالتالي إزالة كل العوائق الاعتراضية من درب حزب الله وتركه دون حسيب أو رقيب مسيطراً على القرار اللبناني الحاكم وتجييره لراعيته إيران في مواجهتها مع أميركا دون مضايقات أو حتى ولو احتمال اعتراض.

ترى هل الغضب على “المعرابي” وعلى حزبه مرده إلى خوف من احتمال انقلابه عملياً على “الصفقة الخطيئة” التي دخلها مع الحريري وجنبلاط ونتج عنها فرط 14 آذار، وانتخاب عون رئيساً، وإقرار القانون الانتخابي، وتشكيل الحكومة، والمساكنة والتعايش “الصامت” تحت راية “نفاق الواقعية” مع وضعية حزب الله الإحتلالية والملالوية ووضعها خارج التداول وفي الأدراج، والتركيز فقط وفقط على الملفات المعيشية من ماء وكهرباء واقتصاد ونفايات وغيرها؟

د. جعجع في مقابلته الأخيرة مع مرسال غانم أعلن الحرب الوقائية على جبران باسيل بأسلوب التهكم الذي لم يوفر حتى رئيس الجمهورية، وأكمل في نفس المنحى التصعيدي من خلال الكلمة التي ألقاها في ذكرى الاحتفال بالشهداء، وكذلك فعل ويفعل منذ أسابيع كل المقربين منه من نواب وإعلاميين.

ولكن، وحتى الآن فإن اعتراضات جعجع وثورته هي كلامية وإنشائية وتتركز فقط على عدم مشاركة التيار الوطني له في الحصص والمواقع والمغانم الحكومية المسيحية عملاً ببنود تفاهم معراب، وهي لم تصل حتى الآن إلى تناول وضعية حزب الله الإحتلالية إلا تلميحاً، وحتى دون ذكر اسم الحزب كما كان حال الحكيم في إنشائية كلمته الشعبوية بإمتياز خلال الاحتفال بذكرى الشهداء في معراب.

ترى هل بإمكان “المعرابي” أن ينتقل بثورته وباحتجاجاته من مجرد الكلام إلى الأفعال على الأرض، وبسبب هذه القدرة والإمكانية الخوف منه، ولهذه المخاوف اللاهية الحرب الملالوية والباسلية الوقائية قائمة ضده؟

في سياق محاصرة د.جعجع وتفشيل أي إمكانية له للانتقال من الكلام إلى الأفعال، تم رصد الوقائع التالية:
*إبعاد القوات اللبنانية عن المجلس الدستوري وعن كامل التعيينات.
*قيام حزب الله بعملية الرد على إسرائيل خلال الاحتفال بذكرى الشهداء في معراب.
*تنفيس وتقزيم وتفشيل جولة جعجع الشوفية حيث وفي نفس اليوم المقرر لانطلاق الجولة هذه:
*قام النائب تيمور جنبلاط بزيارة مفاجأة وغير معلن عنها مسبقاً إلى الصهر جبران في منزله الصيفي في بلدة اللقلوق.
*وفي نفس اليوم أيضاً تم لقاء تصالحي سُلطت عليه الأضواء بين وفد من حزب الله على مستوى عال، مع وفد مماثل من الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي في عين التينة برعاية الرئيس نبيه بري حيث تمت المصالحة بين الحزبين.
*وفي نفس الإطار ذكرت الأخبار غير المؤكدة بأن سيدنا الراعي لم يتوافق مع د.جعجع (حتى لا يزعل باسيل) على أمر التنسيق بينهما بخصوص بعض التفاصيل الأساسية لجولة الرجلين الشوفية.

السؤال هو، هل فعلاً د. جعجع يخطط للخروج من الصفقة الخطيئة والعودة إلى موقع القوات اللبنانية السيادي والاستقلالي والتاريخي والمقاوم للإحتلالات الغريبة، أم أن ثورته هي شعبوية وكلامية ولن تترجم أعمالاً ومقتصرة فقط على حرمانه من حصص ومواقع كان تم التوافق عليها في ورقة تفاهم معراب؟

في التحليل، فإن الحرب الدروس والوقائية والإستباقية على د. جعجع وعلى حزبه تبين أن حزب الله فعلاً يحسب ألف حساب للمعرابي المقاتل ولحزبه المقاوم، وهو بالتالي يعمل فعلاً وبمنهجية وبجدية مباشرة ومن خلال المتماهين والمتحالفين معه، ومع شركائه في الحكومة وفي مقدمهم الرئيس الحريري على عزله وقائياً وعلى تفشيل مسبق لأي استدارة سيادية واستقلالية عملية قد يقوم بها.

يبقى أنه وبعد استيعاب حزب الله للسيد جنبلاط والعودة إلى مساكنته حبياً، وبعد استدارة الرئيس الحريري ال 180 درجة لاهياً، كان لا بد لحزب الله من تعطيل كل إمكانيات جعجع الانقلابية على بنود الصفقة الخطيئة.

وهذا بالتحليل ما يفسر مجريات ومنحى وأهداف غالبية الوقائع الأخيرة التي استهدفت وتستهدف د.جعجع ودور حزبه بالمباشر، وهي كلها تصب في تنفيذ هدف الحزب عزل جعجع وإبقائه داخل بيت الطاعة الملالوي.

*الكاتب ناشط لبناني اغترابي
عنوان الكاتب الالكتروني
رابط موقع الكاتب الالكتروني على الإنترنت

The post الياس بجاني/هل يتمرد د. جعجع عملياً على الصفقة الخطيئة؟ appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 09 أيلول/2019


نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 09 أيلول/2019

اضغط هنا لقراءة نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة المفصلة، اللبنانية والعربية ليوم 09 أيلول/2019

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The post نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 09 أيلول/2019 appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

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كُلُّ مَمْلَكَةٍ تَنْقَسِمُ على نَفْسِها تَخْرَب، وكُلُّ مَدِينَةٍ أَو بَيْتٍ يَنْقَسِمُ على نَفْسِهِ لا يَثْبُت/Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand


كُلُّ مَمْلَكَةٍ تَنْقَسِمُ على نَفْسِها تَخْرَب، وكُلُّ مَدِينَةٍ أَو بَيْتٍ يَنْقَسِمُ على نَفْسِهِ لا يَثْبُت
إنجيل القدّيس متّى12/من22حتى32/:”حِينَئِذٍ قَدَّمُوا إِلى يَسُوعَ مَمْسُوسًا أَعْمَى وأَخْرَس، فَشَفَاه، حَتَّى تَكَلَّمَ وأَبْصَر. فَدَهِشَ الجُمُوعُ كُلُّهُم وقَالُوا: «لَعَلَّ هذَا هُوَ ٱبْنُ دَاوُد؟». وسَمِعَ الفَرِّيسِيُّونَ فَقَالُوا: «إِنَّ هذَا الرَّجُلَ لا يُخْرِجُ الشَّيَاطِيْنَ إِلاَّ بِبَعْلَ زَبُول، رئِيسِ الشَّيَاطِين». وعَلِمَ يَسُوعُ أَفْكَارَهُم فَقَالَ لَهُم: «كُلُّ مَمْلَكَةٍ تَنْقَسِمُ على نَفْسِها تَخْرَب، وكُلُّ مَدِينَةٍ أَو بَيْتٍ يَنْقَسِمُ على نَفْسِهِ لا يَثْبُت. فَإِنْ كانَ الشَّيْطَانُ يُخْرِجُ الشَّيْطَان، يَكُونُ قَدِ ٱنْقَسَمَ عَلى نَفْسِهِ، فَكَيْفَ تَثْبُتُ مَمْلَكَتُهُ؟ وإِنْ كُنْتُ أَنَا بِبَعْلَ زَبُولَ أُخْرِجُ الشَّيَاطين، فَأَبْنَاؤُكُم بِمَنْ يُخْرِجُونَهُم؟ لِذلِكَ فَهُم أَنْفُسُهُم سَيَحْكُمُونَ عَلَيْكُم. أَمَّا إِنْ كُنْتُ أَنَا بِرُوحِ اللهِ أُخْرِجُ الشَّيَاطين، فَقَدْ وَافَاكُم مَلَكُوتُ الله.أَمْ كَيْفَ يَقْدِرُ أَحَدٌ أَنْ يَدْخُلَ بَيْتَ القَوِيِّ ويَنْهَبَ أَمْتِعَتَهُ، إِنْ لَمْ يَرْبُطِ القَوِيَّ أَوَّلاً، وحِينَئِذٍ يَنْهَبُ بَيْتَهُ؟ مَنْ لَيْسَ مَعِي فَهُوَ عَلَيَّ. ومَنْ لا يَجْمَعُ مَعِي فَهُوَ يُبَدِّد. لِذلِكَ أَقُولُ لَكُم: كُلُّ خَطِيئَةٍ سَتُغْفَرُ لِلنَّاس، وكُلُّ تَجْدِيف، أَمَّا التَّجْدِيفُ عَلى الرُّوحِ فَلَنْ يُغْفَر. مَنْ قَالَ كَلِمَةً عَلى ٱبْنِ الإِنْسَانِ سَيُغْفَرُ لَهُ. أَمَّا مَنْ قَالَ عَلى الرُّوحِ القُدُسِ فَلَنْ يُغْفَرَ لَهُ، لا في هذَا الدَّهْر، ولا في الآتِي”.

Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand. If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 12/22-32:”Then they brought to him a demoniac who was blind and mute; and he cured him, so that the one who had been mute could speak and see. All the crowds were amazed and said, ‘Can this be the Son of David?’ But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, ‘It is only by Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons, that this fellow casts out the demons.’He knew what they were thinking and said to them, ‘Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand. If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand? If I cast out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your own exorcists cast them out? Therefore they will be your judges. But if it is by the Spirit of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come to you. Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his property, without first tying up the strong man? Then indeed the house can be plundered. Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. Therefore I tell you, people will be forgiven for every sin and blasphemy, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.”

مَا مِنْ أَحَدٍ يَنْطِقُ بِرُوحِ الله، ويُمكِنُهُ أَنْ يَقُول: «يَسُوعُ مَحْرُوم!»؛ ولا أَحَدَ يَقْدِرُ أَنْ يَقُول: «يَسُوعُ رَبّ!» إِلاَّ بِالرُّوحِ القُدُس
رسالة القدّيس بولس الأولى إلى أهل قورنتس12/من01حتى11/:”يا إِخوتي : أَمَّا في شَأْنِ المَوَاهِبِ الرُّوحِيَّة، أَيُّهَا الإِخْوَة، فلا أُريدُ أَنْ تَكُونُوا جَاهِلِين. تَعْلَمُونَ أَنَّكُم، عِنْدَمَا كُنْتُم وَثَنِيِّين، كُنْتُم تَنْقَادُونَ مُنجَرِفِينَ إِلى الأَوْثَانِ البُكْم. لِذلِكَ أُعْلِنُ لَكُم أَنَّهُ مَا مِنْ أَحَدٍ يَنْطِقُ بِرُوحِ الله، ويُمكِنُهُ أَنْ يَقُول: «يَسُوعُ مَحْرُوم!»؛ ولا أَحَدَ يَقْدِرُ أَنْ يَقُول: «يَسُوعُ رَبّ!» إِلاَّ بِالرُّوحِ القُدُس. إِنَّ المَوَاهِبَ الرُّوحِيَّةَ عَلى أَنْوَاع، لكِنَّ الرُّوحَ وَاحِد؛ والخِدَمَ عَلى أَنْوَاع، لكِنَّ الرَّبَّ وَاحِد؛ والأَعْمَالَ القَدِيرَةَ عَلى أَنْوَاع، لكِنَّ اللهَ وَاحِد، وهوَ يَعْمَلُ في الجَمِيعِ كُلَّ شَيء. وكُلُّ وَاحِدٍ يُعْطَى مَوْهِبَةً يَتَجَلَّى الرُّوحُ فيهَا مِنْ أَجْلِ الخَيْرِ العَام. فوَاحِدٌ يُعْطَى بِالرُّوحِ كَلاَم الحِكْمَة، وآخَرُ كَلاَمَ المَعْرِفَة، وَفْقًا لِلرُّوح عَيْنِهِ؛ وآخَرُ الإِيْمَانَ في الرُّوحِ عَيْنِهِ؛ وآخَرُ مَوَاهِبَ الشِّفَاءِ في الرُّوحِ الوَاحِد؛ وآخَرُ الأَعْمَالَ القَدِيرَة، وآخَرُ النُّبُوءَة، وآخَرُ تَمْييزَ الأَرْوَاح، وآخَرُ أَنْوَاعَ الأَلْسُن، وآخَرُ تَرْجَمَةَ الأَلْسُن. كُلُّ هذَا يَعْمَلُهُ الرُّوحُ الوَاحِدُ عَيْنُهُ، مُوَزِّعًا لِكُلِّ وَاحِدٍ مَوَاهِبَهُ كَمَا يَشَاء”.

No one speaking by the Spirit of God ever says ‘Let Jesus be cursed!’ and no one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit.
First Letter to the Corinthians 12/01-11:”Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. You know that when you were pagans, you were enticed and led astray to idols that could not speak. Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking by the Spirit of God ever says ‘Let Jesus be cursed!’ and no one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit. Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the discernment of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. All these are activated by one and the same Spirit, who allots to each one individually just as the Spirit chooses.

The post كُلُّ مَمْلَكَةٍ تَنْقَسِمُ على نَفْسِها تَخْرَب، وكُلُّ مَدِينَةٍ أَو بَيْتٍ يَنْقَسِمُ على نَفْسِهِ لا يَثْبُت/Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

د.مجيد رافيزادا/جيتستون: إيران مستعدة لإزالة ومسح النظام الصهيوني من على الخريطة/Majid Rafizadeh/Gatestone Institute: Iran Ready to “Wipe the Zionist Regime off the Map”


Iran Ready to “Wipe the Zionist Regime off the Map”
د.مجيد رافيزادا/جيتستون: إيران مستعدة لإزالة ومسح النظام الصهيوني من على الخريطة
Majid Rafizadeh/Gatestone Institute/September 09/2019

If, for any reason, the Israeli government ever issued a declaration, about destroying Iran “in half an hour,” as Iran recently said about Israel, we would probably never hear the end of the criticism from all parts of the world. The European Union would likely take even more measures to counter Israel. There would doubtless be an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council to hurl slanders against Israel, followed by countries pledging solidarity and support for Iran.

Amazingly, Israel has been bullied and criticized by the same international community for merely taking precautionary measures to defend its citizens and territorial integrity, as any country would.

For some reason, the Islamic Republic is getting a free pass for constantly threatening to wipe out Israel off the map. This lopsided injustice is either a case of selective amnesia or outrageous double standards by the international community…. The international community… needs to stop its double standards by taking measures against Iran’s vows to annihilate Israel.

Fortunately, since President Donald J. Trump took office, America’s Iran policy has been heading in the right direction. Steadily escalating economic sanctions have inflicted serious damage on Iran’s economy. Maximum pressure is the right policy to adopt to bridle this predatory regime.

Recently, the commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami, again vowed to obliterate Israel. He boasted that Iran has empowered its Lebanese proxy to such an extent that Hezbollah “alone” can wipe out Israel. Pictured: Salami receives his promotion to the rank of Major General, from Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in a ceremony held on April 22, 2019. (Image source: khamenei.ir)

Malign behavior in the world today seems largely to be the result of people who have the power to correct what is wrong willfully looking the other way: hypocrisy. Currently, one of the biggest beneficiaries — along with China, North Korea, Venezuela, Russia, Turkey and Cuba — is the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Among other lawlessness, Iran, since the Islamic Revolution in 1979, has continued non-stop to threaten the existence of Israel in contravention of Chapter 1 the United Nations Charter — without any reproof or rebuke from the international community.

Amazingly, Israel has been bullied and criticized by the same international community for merely taking precautionary measures to defend its citizens and territorial integrity, as any country would.

If, for any reason, the Israeli government ever issued a declaration about destroying Iran “in half an hour,” as Iran recently said about Israel, we would probably never hear the end of the criticism from all parts of the world. The European Union would likely take even more measures to counter Israel. There would doubtless be an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council to hurl slanders against Israel, followed by countries pledging solidarity and support for Iran.

It was Mojtaba Zolnour, chairman of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, who issued this latest threat.

For some reason, the Islamic Republic is getting a free pass for continually threatening to wipe out Israel off the map. This lopsided justice is either a case of selective amnesia or outrageous double standards by the international community.

In a recent ceremony in the northern city of Urumiyeh, the commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami, again vowed to obliterate Israel.

He boasted that Iran has empowered its Lebanese proxy to such an extent that Hezbollah “alone” can wipe out Israel.

According to Salami, “The Lebanese Hezbollah has now developed such an extent of power through the experience of confrontation against proxy wars that it is now, by itself, able to wipe the Zionist regime off the map in any possible war.” He added that “They [the US and its allies] intended to undermine Iran’s regional influence, but everyone witnessed how this policy backfired to increase Iran’s influence and a united front was formed against the Zionist regime.”

Salami also pointed out that Iran has assisted Hezbollah to sharpen its military capabilities fighting in Syria to become strong enough single-handedly to “wipe the Zionist regime off the map”.

Revealingly, when the Iranian general was appointed as the IRGC commander by the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in April, it appears that one of the main reasons behind his appointment was his deep antagonism towards the state of Israel and the Jewish people.

Before becoming the IRGC commander, Salami was in charge of building up Iran’s ballistic missile system capable of “annihilating” Israel.

The IRGC commander has consistently maintained his desire and ambition to destroy Israel. Salami was previously quoted as saying that “Today, more than ever, there is fertile ground — with the grace of God — for the annihilation, the wiping out and the collapse of the Zionist regime.”

He also famously boasted that “In Lebanon alone, over 100,000 missiles are ready to be launched,” adding:

“If there is a will, if it serves [our] interests, and if the Zionist regime repeats its past mistakes due to its miscalculations, these missiles will pierce through space, and will strike at the heart of the Zionist regime. They will prepare the ground for its great collapse in the new era.”

He also has said, “Iran’s policies towards the terrorist groups and the Zionist regime will not change, and this regime will be vanished from the global political scene.”

As one of the most effective ways to attract public support in the Iranian government is to slander Israel, Iranian politicians across the political spectrum have shown support for the IRGC commander.

Iran, however, does not have monopoly on violence; it needs to be told — in no uncertain terms — by the international community that it cannot continue to bully Israel.

The international community, for its part, needs to stop its double standards by taking measures against Iran’s vows to annihilate Israel.

Fortunately, since U.S. President Donald J. Trump took office, America’s Iran policy has been heading in the right direction. Steadily escalating economic sanctions have inflicted serious damage on Iran’s economy. Maximum pressure is the right policy to adopt to bridle this predatory regime.

*Dr. Majid Rafizadeh is a business strategist and advisor, Harvard-educated scholar, political scientist, board member of Harvard International Review, and president of the International American Council on the Middle East. He has authored several books on Islam and US foreign policy. He can be reached at Dr.Rafizadeh@Post.Harvard.Edu

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The post د.مجيد رافيزادا/جيتستون: إيران مستعدة لإزالة ومسح النظام الصهيوني من على الخريطة/Majid Rafizadeh/Gatestone Institute: Iran Ready to “Wipe the Zionist Regime off the Map” appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

الياس بجاني: فصل جديد من مسلسل المسّيرات (الدرون) بين حزب الله اللاهي والإسرائيليين


فصل جديد من مسلسل المسّيرات بين حزب الله اللاهي والإسرائيليين
الياس بجاني/09 أيلول/2019

في إطار عروض مسلسل إسقاط وتطيير المسيرات اللاهية (حزب الله الملالوي) والإسرائيلية تم الكشف اليوم صباحاً عن فصل جديد من هذا المسلسل الكرتوني المسلي والترفيهي حيث تم الإعلان في كل الضاحية الجنوبية وتل أبيب عن فصل جديد منه.

الفصل اليوم جاء قصيراً وغير مشوقاً وليس فيه لا بطولية خارقة ولا مؤثرات فوتوشوبية.

العرض الجديد اقتصر على بيان صغير صدر عن حزب الله جاء فيه: ” تصدى مجاهدو المقاومة الإسلامية بالأسلحة المناسبة لطائرة إسرائيلية مسيرة أثناء عبورها للحدود الفلسطينية اللبنانية باتجاه بلدة رامية الجنوبية، حيث تم إسقاط الطائرة المسيّرة في خراج البلدة وأصبحت في يد المقاومين وذلك يوم الاثنين 9-9-2019″.

البيان هذا ترافق مع إعلان قناة “المنار” عن أنّ “حزب الله” أسقط اليوم الاثنين طائرة إسرائيلية مسيرة أثناء عبورها للحدود ‏الفلسطينية – اللبنانية باتجاه بلدة رامية (بنت جبيل) الجنوبية. ونقلت القناة عن الحزب قوله إنّ العملية تمت باستخدام “الأسلحة المناسبة”. كما نقلت عنه أنّ الطائرة المسيرة وقعت في خراج البلدة، ‏وأصبحت في عهدته.

بدورها إسرائيل وفي بيان رسمي قصير للغاية أيضاً قالت بأن طائرة استطلاع صغيرة تابعة لها قد تحطمت فوق الأراضي اللبنانية بنتيجة عطل تقني وفني ونفت أن يكون حزب الله هو من أسقطها مؤكدتاً بأن لا خطر من الحصول على معلومات من حطامها.

الإستنتاج هو بأن التوافق المسرحي والتشويقي السابق بين اللاهيين الإيرانيين في لبنان وبين والإسرائيليين ما زال قائماً وبأحسن أحوله تأليفاً وانتاجاً وإخراجاً وتسويقاً، حيث يستفيد كل منهما وعلى طريقته وبأسلوبه وغب حاجته من كل حدث مسرحي من هذا النوع.

فصل اليوم أعطى حزب الله وأمينه العام رصيداً من مصداقية تنفيذ وعود السيد بإسقاط مسيرة رداً على حادث المسيرات الإسرائيلية التي استهدفت الضاحية الجنوبية من بيروت والمعتبرة عاصمة للدويلة اللاهية.

في حين أنه إسرائيلياً تم إظهار الحادث بأنه عادي للغاية وعبارة عن تحطم مسيرة (درون) صغيرة جداً بنتيجة عطل فني وتقني وليس هناك أي إمكانية للحصول من خلالها على أية معلومات ذي قيمة.

يبقى أن التناغم الكامل وتبادل المصالح والخدمات بين حزب الله ومن خلفه راعيته جمهورية الملالي، وبين إسرائيل ومنذ سنوات لا يزال قائماً وفاعلاً وهو ولم يعد بخافي على أحد ويتمظهر بوضوح كلي في كل حادث أو حدث بينهما.

في الخلاصة، فإن كل شعارات وأطروحات وهوبرات وعنتريات إيران وأذرعتها الإرهابية وفي مقدمها حزب الله بالعمل على رمي إسرائيل في البحر وإزالتها من على الخريطة وتحرير القدس، هي كلها غش وحِيل وأدوات نفاق وخداع ودجل ولعب على عواطف الناس لا أكثر ولا أقل.

إيران أوجدت حزب الله بهدف احتلال لبنان وتحويله إلى قاعدة ومعسكر تابعين لها، وهي حققت هدفها، ومن خلال هذه القاعدة ومن خلال حزب الله وباقي أذرعها في المنطقة هي تعمل على تنفيذ مشروعها التوسعي والإمبراطوري وتفكيك وإسقاط كل الأنظمة العربية.

في حين أن في كل ساحات حروب الملالي الأعداء هم الشعوب والدول العربية وليس لا إسرائيل ولا الإسرائيليين.

*الكاتب ناشط لبناني اغترابي
عنوان الكاتب الالكتروني
رابط موقع الكاتب الالكتروني على الإنترنت

IDF denied Hezbollah shot down Surveilance Deone
في أسفل تقرير من جريدة الجيرزولم بوست يتناول حادث تحطم الطائرة وفيه نفي لمزاعم حزب الله
Jerusalem Post/September 09/2019
The IDF denied claims that Hezbollah shot down a drone in the pre-dawn hours of Monday over south Lebanon, stating that a small surveillance drone crashed.
According to the military, the UAV fell in southern Lebanon while performing reconnaissance operations. There was no concern that the Lebanese Shi’ite group got hold of any intelligence from the drone.
Hezbollah, meanwhile said they had “confronted” the Israel drone with “appropriate weapons” as it was heading towards the town of Ramiyeh. The wreckage is now in the hands of Hezbollah’s fighters, the Iranian-backed terrorist group said in a statement.
The drone came down outside the village where Hezbollah had dug their flagship 1-km.-long cross-border tunnel that infiltrated several dozen meters into northern Israel, close to the communities of Zarit and Shetula.
It was the last one discovered by the IDF in early January, and was the largest and most strategic of the six cross-border tunnels dug by the Lebanese Shi’ite group which had planned to have dozens of terrorists attack the nearby communities in the next war between Hezbollah and Israel.
The incident came a week after Hezbollah and Israel exchanged cross-border fire following an Israeli airstrike in Syria killed two militants planning a drone attack against Israel. It was the fiercest bout of violence since the 2006 Second Lebanon War.
While the group retaliated for Syria, Lebanon’s LBCI’s news channel that Hezbollah warned that it would retaliate for an alleged Israel drone attack in their southern Beirut stronghold of Dahiyeh which targeted the group’s precision missile project.
“Retaliation over drones will be in kind, and will be at its own time and according to its own circumstances,” Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warned.
Nasrallah said while a flare-up with Israel at the border was over, the episode had launched a “new phase” in which the Iran-backed group no longer had red lines.
Despite the continued tension along the border, LBCI reported that US mediation regarding the demarcation of the land and maritime borders between Israel and Lebanon is expected to resume “within the next few hours.”
US Envoy David Schenker is expected to hold discussions with Lebanese officials, mainly with Speaker Nabih Berri.
The UN-demarcated Blue Line currently separates Lebanon and Israel’s territory with more than 200 points. Thirteen of the points are disputed by the Lebanese government.
The two countries also have an unresolved maritime border dispute over a triangular area of sea of around 860 sq. km., which extends along several blocks for exploratory offshore drilling Lebanon put for tender two years ago.

The post الياس بجاني: فصل جديد من مسلسل المسّيرات (الدرون) بين حزب الله اللاهي والإسرائيليين appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

اتيان صقر –أبو أرز: خطة اقتصادية متأخرة وفاشلة سلفا وانتم عصابة من اللصوص، مكانكم في السجون لا في القصور


خطة اقتصادية متأخرة وفاشلة سلفا وانتم عصابة من اللصوص، مكانكم في السجون لا في القصور

بيان صادر عن حزب حراس الأرز – حركة القومية اللبنانية
09 أيلول/2019

الخطّة الحكومية الموعودة لإنقاذ الإقتصاد اللبناني من الإنهيار خلال ستة اشهر، لم يأخذها احد على محمل الجد لا في داخل لبنان ولا في الخارج.

وخطوة اعلان “حال الطوارئ الاقتصادية” جاءت متأخرة كثيرا، وفاشلة سلفا، واعلانها من قصر بعبدا كان من باب الحراك الفولكلوري او رفع العتب، او الضحك على الذقون.

ان آخر غبي في هذه الجمهورية “السعيدة “بات مقتنعا بما يلي:

1- لن يكافح الفساد من ملأ الدنيا فسادا وأفسادا.

2- لا يؤتمن على المال العام من احترف نهش الخزينة، ونهب المال الحرام.

3- ثقة الشعب معدومة كليا بهذه الطبقة السياسية التي تحوّلت بغالبيتها الى عصابة من اللصوص، افقرت شعبا كان الأغنى في المنطقة، ودمّرت بلدا كان الأجمل في العالم.

جاء الى لبنان فريق “تاسك فورس فور ليبانون” ATFL وبعد ان جال على السياسيين، خرج بالاستنتاج التالي: “مسألة محاربة الفساد في لبنان تشبه من ينظف بيته بواسطة ممسحة وسخة”.

البطريرك الراعي قال مؤخرا: “أهل السياسة في لبنان افرغوا الخزينة في جيوبهم!!”

ونحن نقول ما سبق ورددناه منذ عقود: انتم عصابة من اللصوص، مكانكم في السجون لا في القصور.

لبيّك لبنان
اتيان صقر – أبو أرز

The post اتيان صقر – أبو أرز: خطة اقتصادية متأخرة وفاشلة سلفا وانتم عصابة من اللصوص، مكانكم في السجون لا في القصور appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

Dr.Walid Phares: Hezbollah’s Dhimmis…د. وليد فارس: ذميو حزب الله


Dr.Walid Phares: Hezbollah’s Dhimmis…د. وليد فارس: ذميو حزب الله
Face Book/September 09/2019

Hezbollah is now drawing, in fact recruiting Lebanese Christians. Victims of mass propaganda, money and failure of their politicians…

This has national security consequences for the United States and its Homeland Security.

In a deeper analysis, this is a sign of regression and disorientation. Never under the Lebanese Christian resistance of Bashir Gemayel (1978-1982) and Patriarch Sfeir (2000-2005) Christians opted for one Jihadism (Khomeinist) for fear of another Jihadism (Ikhwan and Salafism).

The Lebanese Christians fought both terror for 15 years, alone. It was only when “the free areas fell” in 1990, leaders were assassinated and politicians were bought for years, that this anomaly was created, and now explained by this abnormal argument that Christians are rushing to Hezbollah to defend themselves from the Jihadists.

No kidding, fleeing to terrorists to defend themselves from terrorists? How about defending themselves from all terrorists? This is mental weakness. They need better leadership.

It is also due also to myopia of their own community leaders and lots of money and influence from and by the Iran axis. In North East Syria, tens of thousands of Christian Syriacs live away from Jihadists and Assad.

They have formed their own defense forces and are fine. So is now the case in northern Nineveh in Iraq. So was the case in South Sudan. The era of being protected by one evil against another evil is gone. It is not about Sunnis and Shia anymore, it is about Jihadist or not Jihadist.


مسيحيون في مجالس عاشورائية بالضاحية
ليبانون ديبايت/الاثنين 09 أيلول 2019
بات حضور الشباب المسيحي في مجالس عاشوراء أمراً من المسلمات، بل وتؤكد مصادر مواكبة للاحياء، انه يتوسّع عامًا بعد آخر.
حيث أنّه خلال إحياء الليلة الثامنة من مجالس عاشوراء التي يقيمها حزب الله في مجمع سيد الشهداء في ضاحية بيروت الجنوبية، كان لافتًا حضور شبان مسيحيين المجالس الحسينية التي تُنسَب الى واقعة عاشوراء عام 61هـ اي قبل ما يقارب 1400 عام، ويُعد احياؤها حكرًا على الطائفة الشيعية.
وقد انتشرت على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، صورًا تظهر حضور شابين مسيحيين على الاقل في المجالس.
وفي معلومات “ليبانون ديبايت”، أنّ مجموعة من الشبان المسيحيين ناوبت على حضور مجالس عاشوراء في مجمع سيد الشهداء منذ انطلاق الاحياء قبل اسبوع تقريبًا.
وقد رحَّب المنظمون بهذه المشاركة التي تنم على ابعاد دينية وروحية عديدة، وبذلك يربط المشاركون المسيحيون بين “واقعة الفداء في كربلاء” ومثيلتها على “درب الجلجلة” وآلام السيد المسيح.

The post Dr.Walid Phares: Hezbollah’s Dhimmis…د. وليد فارس: ذميو حزب الله appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For September 10/2019


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For September 10/2019

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نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 10 أيلول/2019


نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 10 أيلول/2019

اضغط هنا لقراءة نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة المفصلة، اللبنانية والعربية ليوم 10 أيلول/2019

ارشيف نشرات أخبار موقعنا اليومية/عربية وانكليزية منذ العام 2006/اضغط هنا لدخول صفحة الأرشيف

عناوين أقسام نشرة المنسقية باللغة العربية
الزوادة الإيمانية لليوم
تعليقات الياس بجاني وخلفياتها
الأخبار اللبنانية
المتفرقات اللبنانية
الأخبار الإقليمية والدولية
المقالات والتعليقات والتحاليل السياسية الشاملة
المؤتمرات والندوات والبيانات والمقابلات والمناسبات الخاصة والردود وغيره

The post نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 10 أيلول/2019 appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

لوَيلُ لَكُم، أَيُّهَا الكَتَبَةُ والفَرِّيسِيُّونَ المُراؤُون! لأَنَّكُم تَطُوفُونَ البَحْرَ والبَرّ، لِتُحَوِّلُوا وثَنِيًّا وَاحِدًا إِلى دِيَانَتِكُم، ومَتَى صَارَ يَهُودِيًّا، تُحَوِّلُونَهُ ٱبْنَ جَهَنَّم، ضِعْفَ مَا أَنْتُم عَلَيْه/Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cross sea and land to make a single convert, and you make the new convert twice as much a child of hell as yourselves


ألوَيلُ لَكُم، أَيُّهَا الكَتَبَةُ والفَرِّيسِيُّونَ المُراؤُون! لأَنَّكُم تَطُوفُونَ البَحْرَ والبَرّ، لِتُحَوِّلُوا وثَنِيًّا وَاحِدًا إِلى دِيَانَتِكُم، ومَتَى صَارَ يَهُودِيًّا، تُحَوِّلُونَهُ ٱبْنَ جَهَنَّم، ضِعْفَ مَا أَنْتُم عَلَيْه
إنجيل القدّيس متّى23/من13حتى15/:”قالَ الرَبُّ يَسُوع: «أَلوَيلُ لَكُم، أَيُّها الكَتَبَةُ والفَرِّيسِيُّونَ المُراؤُون! لأَنَّكُم تُغْلِقُونَ مَلَكُوتَ السَّمَاواتِ في وَجْهِ النَّاس، فلا أَنْتُم تَدْخُلُون، ولا تَدَعُونَ الدَّاخِلينَ يَدْخُلُون. أَلوَيلُ لَكُم، أَيُّهَا الكَتَبَةُ والفَرِّيسِيُّونَ المُراؤُون! لأَنَّكُم تَطُوفُونَ البَحْرَ والبَرّ، لِتُحَوِّلُوا وثَنِيًّا وَاحِدًا إِلى دِيَانَتِكُم، ومَتَى صَارَ يَهُودِيًّا، تُحَوِّلُونَهُ ٱبْنَ جَهَنَّم، ضِعْفَ مَا أَنْتُم عَلَيْه”.

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cross sea and land to make a single convert, and you make the new convert twice as much a child of hell as yourselves
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 23/13-15:”‘But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you lock people out of the kingdom of heaven. For you do not go in yourselves, and when others are going in, you stop them. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cross sea and land to make a single convert, and you make the new convert twice as much a child of hell as yourselves.”

الرسل وبولس في صور
سفر أعمال الرسل21/من01حتى14/:”يا إِخوتي، أَقْلَعْنَا مِنْ مِيلِيتُسَ وَسِرْنَا سَيْرًا مُسْتَقيمًا إِلى جَزِيرَةِ كُوش، وفي ٱلغَدِ إِلى جَزِيرَةِ رُودُس، ومِنْهَا إِلى بَاتَرَة. ووَجَدْنَا سَفينَةً عَابِرَةً إِلى فِينِيقِيَة، فَصَعِدْنَا إِلَيْهَا وأَقْلَعْنَا.ولَمَّا ظَهَرَتْ لَنَا قُبْرُس، تَرَكْنَاهَا عَنْ يَسَارِنَا، وتَابَعْنَا بِٱتِّجَاهِ سُورِيَّا، وَنَزَلْنَا في صُور، حَيْثُ كَانَ عَلى ٱلسَّفينَةِ أَنْ تُفْرِغَ حُمُولَتَهَا. وَوجَدْنَا ٱلتَّلامِيذَ هُنَاك، فَأَقَمْنَا عِنْدَهُم سَبْعَةَ أَيَّام. وكَانُوا يَقُولُونَ لِبُولُس، بِوَحْيٍ مِنَ ٱلرُّوح، أَلاَّ يَصْعَدَ إِلى أَورَشَليم. ولَمَّا قَضَيْنَا تِلْكَ ٱلأَيَّام، خَرَجْنَا، وَسِرْنَا، وكَانَ ٱلتَّلامِيذُ كُلُّهُم مَعَ ٱلنِّساءِ وٱلأَولادِ يُشَيِّعُونَنَا إِلى خَارِجِ ٱلمَدِينَة. فَجَثَوْنَا عَلى ٱلشَّاطِئِ وَصَلَّيْنَا. ثُمَّ وَدَّعْنَا بَعْضُنَا بَعْضًا، فرَكِبْنَا نَحْنُ ٱلسَّفينَة، وعَادُوا هُم إِلى بُيُوتِهِم. وَمِنْ صُورَ وَصَلْنَا في نِهَايَةِ ٱلرِّحْلَةِ إِلى بُتُولِمَايِس (أَي عَكَّا)، فَسَلَّمْنَا عَلى ٱلإِخْوَة، وَأَقَمْنَا عِنْدَهُم يَوْمًا واحِدًا. وفي ٱلغَد، خَرَجْنَا فَذَهَبْنَا إِلى قَيْصَرِيَّة، وَدَخَلْنَا بَيْتَ ٱلمُبَشِّرِ فِيلِبُّس، أَحَدِ ٱلسَّبْعَة، وأَقَمْنَا عِنْدَهُ. وكانَ لهُ أَرْبَعُ بَنَاتٍ عَذَارَى يتَنَبَّأْنَ. وأَقَمْنَا عِنْدَهُ عِدَّةَ أَيَّام، فنَزَلَ مِنَ ٱليَهُودِيَّةِ نَبِيٌّ ٱسْمُهُ أَغَابُوس. وجَاءَ إِلَيْنَا، فَنَزَعَ حِزَامَ بُولُس، وقَيَّدَ بِهِ يَدَيْهِ وَرِجْلَيْه، وقَال: «هذَا مَا يَقُولُهُ ٱلرُّوحُ ٱلقُدُس: إِنَّ صَاحِبَ هذَا ٱلحِزَامِ سيُقَيِّدُهُ ٱليَهُودُ هكَذَا في أُورَشَليم، ويُسْلِمُونَهَ إِلى أَيْدِي ٱلوَثَنِيِّين». ولَمَّا سَمِعْنَا ذلِكَ، أَخَذْنَا نتَوَسَّلُ إِلَيهِ نَحْنُ وَٱلإِخْوَةُ في قَيْصَرِيَّة، أَلاَّ يَصْعَدَ إِلى أُورَشَليم. حِينَئِذٍ أَجَابَ بُولُس: «مَا بَالُكُم تَبْكُون، وتَحَطِّمُونَ قَلْبي؟ فأَنَأ مُسْتَعِدٌّ لا لِلقُيُودِ فَحَسْب، بَلْ لِلمَوْتِ في أُورَشَليمَ في سَبيلِ ٱسْمِ ٱلرَّبِّ يَسُوع». ولَمَّا لَمْ يَقْتَنِعْ سَكَتْنَا، وقُلْنَا: «لِتَكُنْ مَشيئَةُ ٱلرَّبّ!».

Paul and the Disciples in Tyre
Acts of the Apostles 21/01-14:”When we had parted from them and set sail, we came by a straight course to Cos, and the next day to Rhodes, and from there to Patara. When we found a ship bound for Phoenicia, we went on board and set sail. We came in sight of Cyprus; and leaving it on our left, we sailed to Syria and landed at Tyre, because the ship was to unload its cargo there. We looked up the disciples and stayed there for seven days. Through the Spirit they told Paul not to go on to Jerusalem. When our days there were ended, we left and proceeded on our journey; and all of them, with wives and children, escorted us outside the city. There we knelt down on the beach and prayed and said farewell to one another. Then we went on board the ship, and they returned home. When we had finished the voyage from Tyre, we arrived at Ptolemais; and we greeted the believers and stayed with them for one day. The next day we left and came to Caesarea; and we went into the house of Philip the evangelist, one of the seven, and stayed with him. He had four unmarried daughters who had the gift of prophecy. While we were staying there for several days, a prophet named Agabus came down from Judea. He came to us and took Paul’s belt, bound his own feet and hands with it, and said, ‘Thus says the Holy Spirit, “This is the way the Jews in Jerusalem will bind the man who owns this belt and will hand him over to the Gentiles.” ’When we heard this, we and the people there urged him not to go up to Jerusalem. Then Paul answered, ‘What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound but even to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.’Since he would not be persuaded, we remained silent except to say, ‘The Lord’s will be done.’”..

The post لوَيلُ لَكُم، أَيُّهَا الكَتَبَةُ والفَرِّيسِيُّونَ المُراؤُون! لأَنَّكُم تَطُوفُونَ البَحْرَ والبَرّ، لِتُحَوِّلُوا وثَنِيًّا وَاحِدًا إِلى دِيَانَتِكُم، ومَتَى صَارَ يَهُودِيًّا، تُحَوِّلُونَهُ ٱبْنَ جَهَنَّم، ضِعْفَ مَا أَنْتُم عَلَيْه/Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cross sea and land to make a single convert, and you make the new convert twice as much a child of hell as yourselves appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

د. وليد فارس: إيران وسلاح الأقليات في الشرق الأوسط/ محور “طهران والأسد”تلاعب بورقة المسيحيين في بيروت ونفذ عمليات اغتيال لسياسيين لبنانيين تصدوا له


إيران وسلاح الأقليات في الشرق الأوسط/ محور “طهران والأسد” تلاعب بورقة المسيحيين في بيروت ونفذ عمليات اغتيال لسياسيين لبنانيين تصدوا له
د. وليد فارس/انديبندت عربية/10 أيلول/2019

منذ انفجار الربيع العربي لاحظ المراقبون والمحللون في واشنطن أن مقولة إيران تحمي الأقليات في الشرق الأوسط من الإرهاب التكفيري ومن التطرف السني بشكل خاص انتشرت بشكل واسع في أوروبا وأميركا ودول الغرب.

هذه المقولة المفبركة أصبحت بمثابة عقيدة سياسية اقتنع بها الكثير من السياسيين والصحافيين واستخدمتها البروباغندا الإيرانية بكثافة ما أدى إلى التأثير على ميزان القوى ضد التحالف العربي والأقليات نفسها.

شخصيا رافقت مسألة التطور التاريخي لقضايا الأقليات منذ ثمانينيات القرن الماضي في بيروت حيث شاركت في إطلاق اللجنة المشرقية التي مثلت عددا من الأقليات، ومن مشاهدتي للمسارات وقتها، تبين أن نظام الأسد الأب منذ السبعينيات، وإيران بعد 1979 حاولا السيطرة على ورقة الأقليات المسيحية والأخرى لتنفيذ برامجهما، غير أن تصدي ما كان يعرف بالمنطقة الشرقية في لبنان، وبزوغ قيادة بشير الجميل، ودور الجبهة اللبنانية وقتها كسر هذه المقولة وحُمِّل نظام الأسد ومعه إيران مسؤولية قمع وضرب الأقليات المسيحية.

انكسار المسيحيين اللبنانيين في عام 1990 بعد حرب أهلية طاحنة بين قواهم الرئيسية فتح الباب واسعا أمام استيلاء إيران على قضاياهم، وبدأت مسيرة الألف ميل للسيطرة على الورقة المسيحية وورقة الأقليات من قبل محور إيران دمشق وامتداده في لبنان عبر حزب الله.
ومع دخول الجيش السوري للمناطق المسيحية في لبنان بعد عام 1990 تم كسر آخر مقاومة فعلية من قبل الأقليات المسيحية في الشرق الأوسط وخلال تلك الفترة وبفعل سيطرة هذا المحور على البطريركيات والكنائس الأساسية بين بغداد ودمشق ولبنان، مدت قوى هذا المحور نفوذها على مؤسسات الكنائس والسياسيين المتأثرين بها فاخترقت صفوفهم رويدا ولا سيما عبر مؤسسات الدولة اللبنانية.

إلا أن انتفاضة ثانية ضد محور إيران- الأسد تفجرت في العام 2000 بقيادة البطريرك الراحل مار نصر الله بطرس صفير، ثم توسعت لتشمل قيادات الاغتراب اللبناني أسهمت في الضغط للحصول على القرار 1559 الذي دعا لانسحاب سوري من لبنان وتسليم حزب الله لسلاحه، ومع ثورة الأرز 2005 تحالف المسيحيون مع السنة والدروز والليبراليين الشيعة وضغطت باريس وواشنطن، فكانت النتيجة انسحابا مذلا للأسد من لبنان مما شكّل هزيمة لهذا المحور ووجه ضربة قاسية لمقولة حماية الأقليات.

لكن هذا المحور لم يستكين وشرع في الإعداد لهجوم كاسح لاستعادة ما فقده، بدأ مع عمليات اغتيال شملت سياسيين لبنانيين مسيحيين وسنة كجبران تويني وبيار الجميل، ووليد عيدو ثم جاء هجوم حزب الله عام 2008 ضد بيروت الغربية وعلى وجه الخصوص سكانها السنة، والدروز في الجبل، ليعمم حالة من الإرهاب على السياسيين خصوصا المسيحيين بهدف إلغاء عدائهم للمحور الممتد من إيران، وفي 2014 ومع صعود داعش وانتشاره في العراق وسوريا وارتكابه مجازر بحق الأقليات المسيحية والإيزيدية، دب الرعب عند المسؤولين المسيحيين في العراق وسوريا ولبنان، واقتنعوا رغما عن أنفسهم بألا سبيل لديهم سوى الالتحاق بهذا المحور لا سيما بعد شعورهم بتخلي إدارة باراك أوباما عنهم.

واستخدمت إيران وذراعها حزب الله الخوف من داعش للسيطرة على جزء كبير من شبكة الطوائف وتمكنوا من تشكيل لوبي مسيحي في أوروبا وأميركا ووظفته بشكل ذكي ولبق لصالحها، ولإعادة ترويج مقولة حماية الأقليات، ومنذ 2014 تمكن هذا المحور من الدخول إلى العمق الأميركي عبر كنائس أميركية وجماعات ضغط ولعب أركانه على عواطف أعضاء في الكونغرس لتنظيم لقاءات ومؤتمرات في واشنطن وعواصم غربية أخرى، وأرادت هذه الجماعات الإيحاء بأن لقاءاتها تهدف لحماية المسيحيين في الشرق، وأن نظام الأسد يحمي المسيحيين، أما حزب الله فهو شر لا بد منه، ونصبوا إيران على زعامة مواجهة من سموهم بالمتطرفين السنة وعلى رأسهم داعش.

وبعد انحسار داعش انتشرت الميليشيات المؤيدة لإيران في العراق، وظهرت الحقيقة سريعا فمن قدّم نفسه على أنه يريد حماية المسيحيين منعهم من العودة لديارهم بحيث عملت هذه الميليشيات على تغيير الواقع الديموغرافي لمصلحة من يؤيدها من أبناء الطائفة الشيعية، فأصبح المسيحيون يتعرضون للقمع تماما كما السنة والشيعة والليبراليين، أما في لبنان فسيطر حزب الله على الدولة واستخدم المسيحيين كصوت في الغرب لترديد ما تريده دمشق وايران.

اما بالنسبة لاقباط مصر فإن خوفهم التاريخي كان ولا يزال من الجماعات التكفيرية المتشددة وفي السنوات الماضية ايضا من الأعمال العدوانية التي استهدفتهم من قبل جماعة الإخوان المسلمين. وقد حاولت الأجهزة المرتبطة بالنظام الايراني والسوري مراراً وتكراراً اختراق بعض الكوادر القبطية تحت عنوان مواجهة السنة بالتحالف مع نظام الاسد في سوريا مما زاد في هذا التأثير التقارب ما بين قطر والاخوان وايران منذ العام 2015.

الخطة الايرانية تقضي بإبعاد الاقباط عن مؤسسات الدولة المصرية بحجة انها تقمعهم وان يتعاونوا مع الانظمة ( العلمانية) كنظام الأسد في سوريا . إلا ان الاكثرية الساحقة من الاقباط رفضت هذه المحاولات الإيرانية وهي مصممة على مواجهة المتشددين والإخوان بموازات عملها من أجل إقامة عدالة اكثر انصافاً بحقهم ضمن الدولة المصري.

ولانهيار الأقليات ووقوعها بين أيدي المحور الإيراني-السوري أسباب عديدة أبرزها:
1 – غياب القوى المشرقية عن الساحة السياسية وانقسامها وتبعثرها
2 – عدم فهم السياسية الأميركية بفعل حكم أوباما
3 – عدم اهتمام الدول العربية بموضوع الأقليات مما سمح بإفلات هذه الورقة من أيدي الدول العربية وسمح للوبي الإيراني باستخدامها حتى في الكونغرس
وعلى الرغم من الواقع الحالي، فإن إيران لن تنجح على المدى الطويل في الاستمرار بالاستيلاء على ورقة الأقليات لأن هناك مقاومات مختلفة برزت في العراق عبر الآشوريين والكلدان أو في سوريا عبر السريان، بالإضافة الى أجيال جديدة في لبنان ترفض الاستراتيجية الإيرانية وهذه المجموعات المختلفة لا بد أنها ستلاقي تحرك إدارة ترمب لمواجهة النفوذ الإيراني، وبالتالي أصبحت مسألة بناء جسر بينها وبين أميركا مسألة وقت فقط، والمطلوب الآن أن ينفتح التحالف العربي على هذه الأقليات داخل المنطقة وخارجها لدق آخر مسمار في نعش استخدام إيران لهذه الورقة.

The post د. وليد فارس: إيران وسلاح الأقليات في الشرق الأوسط/ محور “طهران والأسد” تلاعب بورقة المسيحيين في بيروت ونفذ عمليات اغتيال لسياسيين لبنانيين تصدوا له appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

من موقع ممري ترجمة للإنكليزية لعدد من انتقادات سياسيين وصحافيين لبنانيين تركز على هرطقات وممارسات حزب الله الإحتلالية /MEMRI/In Lebanon, Criticism Against Hizbullah For Dragging Country Into War For Sake Of Iran, And Against Lebanese Leaders For Supporting Hizbullah


من موقع ممري ترجمة للإنكليزية لعدد من انتقادات سياسيين وصحافيين لبنانيين تركز على هرطقات وممارسات حزب الله الإحتلالية

In Lebanon, Criticism Against Hizbullah For Dragging Country Into War For Sake Of Iran, And Against Lebanese Leaders For Supporting Hizbullah
MEMRI/September 10/2019

Lebanese Politician Wehbe Katicha: Israel Would Not Attack Us If We Had A Real Government; We Will Have No Economy So Long As We Have Extralegal Militias
MEMRI/September 10/2019
Wehbe Katicha, a Lebanese MP belonging to the Lebanese Forces party, said in a September 3, 2019 interview on OTV that there will be no economy in Lebanon as long as it has militants acting outside of the law. He explained that Israel never attacks Jordan or Egypt because they have governments that honor their agreements with Israel, and he said that Israel would not attack Lebanon, either, if it was ruled by a real government. He pointed out that Israel occupied southern Lebanon for 22 years without building a single settlement, and he asked: “[We are being told that] the Jews might attack us 100 years from now, [so] we should form a militia and prevent the existence of a [Lebanese] state?”
Following are excerpts:
Wehbe Katicha: “When the incident [with the Israeli drone] happened in south Lebanon, some Arab countries immediately instructed their citizens to leave Lebanon. Why? What is the meaning of this when it is officially declared by a state? If this incident was carried out by the Lebanese army, would any [country] have acted this way? Of course not. You can be certain that there will be no prosperity, no investments, no economy… Trust me, we will have no economy as long as there are militants acting outside of the legal framework.
“How come Israel never attacks Jordan or Egypt? When there was a dispute over Taba – how come the Egyptians did not establish a militia to regain Taba? They went to the Hague and got Taba back. Why? Because there is a state there that honors the agreement it signed with Israel – before there was peace and after there was peace. If we had a real state here rather than militants, you can be sure that Israel would not have attacked us and that it would not have entered into Lebanese skies.
“Why would [Israel] attack Lebanon? It was [in south Lebanon] for 22 years, but it did not build a single settlement or a single house, and it did not take any land. Why are you telling me that they might attack us 50 years from now? Just because the Jews might attack us 100 years from now, we should form a militia and prevent the existence of a [Lebanese] state? Is that even conceivable?”

In Lebanon, Criticism Against Hizbullah For Dragging Country Into War For Sake Of Iran, And Against Lebanese Leaders For Supporting Hizbullah
MEMRI/September 10/2019
In light of the recent tension between Israel and Hizbullah, there has been criticism in Lebanon against the organization itself, and also against the leaders of the state, for backing Hizbullah and enabling its actions.
Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah’s August 16, 2019 speech, in which he said that war against Iran would mean war against the entire resistance axis and would set the entire region aflame, evoked condemnations against him on the grounds that he prefers Iran’s benefit over that of his own country. This criticism mounted following Israel’s August 25, 2019 drone attack on the Dahia, Hizbullah’s stronghold in southern Beirut, and Hizbullah’s September 1 retaliatory firing of anti-tank missiles into Israel. The critics called not to embroil Lebanon in wars that serve regional powers, chiefly Iran, stressing that Nasrallah does not represent all Lebanese, as he purports to do. Hizbullah, they said, is not authorized to act independently of the state and intervene in other countries, as it did in Syria, or to operate against Israel and then expect the Lebanese government to bear the responsibility for its actions. They warned that a war on Lebanon would entail death and destruction, and that only the Lebanese government is authorized to take decisions on issues of war.
Other critics, among them former Lebanese PM Fouad Al-Siniora, also called to renew the public debate on Lebanon’s defense strategy and to subordinate Hizbullah’s arms to the Lebanese army, lest the U.S. expand its sanctions on Lebanon, leading the country to complete economic collapse. Some also mocked Nasrallah for making empty boasts about the victories of the resistance when he cannot even prevent the Israeli attacks in Lebanon. Nasrallah’s behavior, they stated, confirms the statements of U.S. State Secretary Mike Pompeo that Hizbullah is a danger to Lebanon.
As stated, harsh condemnations were also directed at the leaders of the Lebanese state, including President Michel ‘Aoun and Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil. The latter was criticized mainly for his remark that all Lebanese are partners of Hizbullah. ‘Aoun was condemned for rushing to declare, on his own initiative, following the Israeli drone attack, that Lebanon has the right to respond to Israel’s aggression, a statement that was understood as lending legitimacy to retaliatory action by Hizbullah. The critics stated that these two leaders were effectively supporting Hizbullah and its weapons, eliminating the distinction between Hizbullah and the Lebanese state, and dragging the country into an unwanted confrontation with Israel. Lebanese Prime Minister Sa’d Al-Hariri was also censured, for his feeble response to the events and lack of control over them, which enable the Hizbullah-‘Aoun-Bassil alliance to steer Lebanon as they wish.

The following are translated excerpts from the statements and articles criticizing Hizbullah and the Lebanese leadership.
Lebanese Politicians, Journalists: Hizbullah May Embroil Us In A War For The Sake Of Iran
As stated, senior Lebanese politicians warned that Hizbullah would embroil Lebanon in a war that will benefit Iran but cause great losses and devastation in Lebanon, stressing that only the Lebanese government is authorized to make decisions on issues of war and peace.

Former Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Al-Siniora: Lebanon’s Fate Must Not Be In The Hands Of Hizbullah, Iran

Former Lebanese prime minister Fouad Al-Siniora said on September 2: “The events on the Israeli border took place in the complete absence of the Lebanese state… Hizbullah takes decisions on its own and attempts to embroil [Lebanon in conflicts with Israel]… It is unacceptable for the organization to initiate an operation of this sort… Lebanon is facing great dangers and has no need for further dangers [created by] Hizbullah, like those of the recent days… The incident on the border ended as though it had been planned in advance by the two sides even without any need for direct contact [between them]… It is inconceivable that Lebanon’s fate should depend on a non-Lebanese [i.e., Iranian] decision that Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah undertakes [to implement] and which he imposes upon Lebanon, with all its implications.”[1]
Several days earlier, Al-Siniora said: “The events that occurred emphasize once again, very clearly, that the issue of Lebanon’s defense strategy must be put up for debate… It is inconceivable that the Lebanese government should continue to be passive yet [at the same time] bear all of the responsibility, while decision-making on war and peace is in the hands of Hizbullah, not in the hands of the Lebanese state… We should remind [everyone] that Hizbullah did not consult Lebanon or its government when it [decided to] intervene in the Syria [war], and now it is imposing upon Lebanon and the Lebanese people the consequences of that intervention.”[2]

Christian Party Heads Samir Geagea, Samy Gemayel: Lebanon Will Pay A Heavy Price, Must Wake Up
Following the Israeli drone attack on the Dahia in Beirut, Samy Gemayel, head of the Christian Phalange Party, warned of Hizbullah actions that could exacerbate the tension with Israel, and added: “The [Lebanese] government is the only one authorized to take all the diplomatic and defensive measures necessary for Lebanon’s protection. Perhaps Lebanon will awake from its coma before devastation comes.”[3]
On September 1, after Hizbullah responded to the Israeli attack by firing anti-tank missiles into Israel, Samir Geagea, head of the Christian Lebanese Forces party, tweeted: “It is unacceptable that Lebanon should be placed in the possible [danger] of a devastating war that has nothing to do with it. The state and [its] authorities will lose all prestige if all the [responsibility for] strategic decisions rests with elements other than the state institutions, so that the state merely serves as a rubber stamp.” In another tweet he noted that Lebanon could pay heavily for Hizbullah’s actions: “If Lebanon is dragged into an intense confrontation it will not be able to do anything [about it]. It will only receive blows from every direction and its people will pay a heavy price in lives, in [damage to] property and in the future of their children.” [4]

Lebanese MP: Hizbullah has Taken The State Hostage, Is Impeding Its Development
Figures in Geagea’s Strong Republic bloc made similar statements even earlier, in response to Nasrallah’s August 16 speech, in which he said that a war against Iran would be a war against the entire resistance axis and would set the region aflame. Bloc member MP Wahhabi Qutisha attacked Nasrallah for “deluding the people [of Lebanon] that the homeland cannot survive without the resistance,” saying: “If Hizbullah is as strong as [Nasrallah] claims, why is the enemy still attacking us in the air and sea? Why doesn’t Hizbullah use its might to finish off this enemy? It has taken the state hostage and has been using it for years to wage resistance in the service of regional countries, not for the benefit of Lebanon. Nasrallah speaks as though he represents all sectors in Lebanon. Who gave him the right to do so? His statements are unacceptable. The Lebanese people are the ones who choose their leaders, not Mr. Hassan [Nasrallah].”[5]
Sources close to the bloc said, “[We] firmly demand that the Lebanese President and Prime Minister warn against any attempt to embroil Lebanon in wars it has nothing to do with. Only the Lebanese government is authorized to decide on [issues of] war. No political element has the right to lead Lebanon into wars and conflicts without the consent of all the Lebanese people… What is needed now is to distance [ourselves] from the policy of axes.”[6]

Lebanese Journalist: In Light Of Hizbullah’s Crimes, I Am In Favor Of An All-Out War Against It
Writers in the Lebanese press also joined the criticism against Hizbullah and Nasrallah. Journalist Jerry Maher, known for his opposition to Hizbullah, wrote in response to the Israeli drone attack on the Dahia and other attacks attributed to Israel on Hizbullah bases in Syria: “After Nasrallah’s crimes in Lebanon, Syria and Yemen, and after he has fired missiles into Saudi Arabia and threatened the security of the Gulf, I, Jerry Maher, am unconcerned about strikes against Hizbullah and its cities, villages and bases in Lebanon and Syria. I am in favor of open war against it, no matter who wages it.”[7]

Lebanese Columnist: Hizbullah Is A Danger To Lebanon
Columnist ‘Abd Al-Wahhab Baderkhan came out against Hizbullah and the danger it poses to Lebanon, writing: “After the 2006 war, Nasrallah led the country into a political and economic crisis, and it has evaded accountability and left [the country] on the brink of the abyss to this very day. When it deployed its soldiers in Syria, it surely knew it had [suffered] a moral breakdown, yet it was willing to use [its fighting in Syria] to frighten the Lebanese, while again evading responsibility. Its real war is not against Israel, it is against the Lebanese… Every missile that arrives in Hizbullah’s depots causes Lebanon to lose another bit of its stability and increases the number of poor and unemployed [Lebanese] who wish to emigrate. The more Hizbullah tightens its control [over Lebanon], the more we lose hope for the future. Nasrallah seems to have proven that U.S. State Secretary Mike Pompeo was not wrong in calling Hizbullah a danger to Lebanon.”[8]

Criticism Of President ‘Aoun, Foreign Minister Bassil, PM Al-Hariri For Defending Hizbullah’s Weapons
Alongside the criticism of Hizbullah itself, Lebanese figures and journalists also castigated Lebanese President Michel ‘Aoun, calling on him to stop defending Hizbullah’s weapons and enable a public debate on this issue. They also demanded that he launch an investigation into the Dahia drone attack and that the government subject Hizbullah to its decisions, lest the sanctions on Lebanon be expanded and the economy collapse. They stressed that they are willing to die for Lebanon but not for Iran, and warned that the president personally, and Lebanon as a whole, may pay a price for the alliance with Iran.
Former Minister: It Is Not The Leader’s Place To Defend Weapons That Are Outside The Control Of The State
Former minister Ashraf Rifi addressed ‘Aoun, saying: “It is not the responsibility of the leader to defend weapons that are outside [the control of] the state… [Lebanon’s] legitimate state and military institutions are the only ones charged with defending the state. Honorable Mr. President, you are not the official spokesman of [regional] projects that disregard sovereignty, borders and international resolutions. It would have been best to ask [Lebanon’s] security and military apparatuses to investigate the Dahia incident.” Rifi also criticized ‘Aoun for rushing to threaten a Lebanese response to the Israeli operation even before the government had expressed its position on this issue.[9]

Former MP: Mr. President, You Endangered The Lives Of Our Children; You Will Be Responsible For The Devastation
In a series of tweets, former MP Fares Sou’aid harshly criticized ‘Aoun for saying that Lebanon has the right to respond to the attack on the Dahia, referring to a response by Hizbullah. He wrote: “Honorable Mr. President, you are the president of a country, not [just] the chairman of a [political] faction [i.e., the Free Patriotic movement, of which ‘Aoun is the founder]. You speak for all Lebanon, and therefore [by saying what you did] you exposed our children to deadly [danger] and our property to destruction. In your statement you erased the distinction between the state and Hizbullah, and you will bear the responsibility for the complete devastation [of Lebanon]. We implore you, retract your statement. Honorable Mr. President, there are those who prayed for you to arrive at [the presidential palace] in Ba’abda. I was not one of them, but I respect [their position]. Do not turn your presidency into a hellish period. Do not leave the Lebanese with memories of war and destruction that will become associated with your name. Mr. President, the people will rise up against you. We do not want to die for the sake of Iran. We will be martyred only for the sake of Lebanon. Mr. President, Lebanon’s credit rating has been downgraded… Sanctions will be imposed on parliament members and [other Lebanese] figures. Hizbullah’s fighting in Syria contributed to the flow of refugees [into Lebanon]. We are in dire straits. Do not pour oil on the fire. Your position, your age and our respect for you forbid this. Retract your statement. You personally, as well as Lebanon, will pay the price of Lebanon’s association with Iran. Honorable Mr. President, with all due respect, what you did will bring devastation upon Lebanon. Instead of letting the state conduct [indirect] negotiations with a foreign [country, i.e., Israel] in case events escalate [towards a conflict], you placed all the official institutions – and more importantly, Lebanon as a whole – into the same framework [with Hizbullah]. You are the president of the Lebanese republic, not a president acting on behalf of others.”[10]
Fares Sou’aid tweet: “Mr. President,… what you did will bring devastation upon Lebanon”
Christian Association: The President And Prime Minister Did Not Do Their Duty; If Things Do Not Improve, The Government Should Be Replaced

In response to the spike in Hizbullah-Israel tension, the Christian Saydet Al-Jabal Association, founded in 2006 by the Maronite Church, which promotes Christian-Muslim coexistence in Lebanon and is known for opposing the Iranian influence in the country, issued a statement in which it called for reforms as a condition for the survival of the current government. The statement said: “The Lebanese [sate] lost [its grip on] power when it disappeared from the arena of action and placed its fate and the fate of the Lebanese people in the hands of Hizbullah on the one hand and Israel on the other… Instead of immediately convening the Supreme Defense Council, the President vanished from the scene, and the Prime Minister, instead of convening an urgent government meeting, sufficed with routine phone conversations with several world leaders. The incident at Maroun Al-Ras [in Lebanon] and Avivim [in Israel, i.e., Hizbullah’s firing of anti-tank missiles into Israel,] toppled [UN] Resolution 1701[11] and toppled the state, which is supposed to implement it. It undermined the parliament, the government and the position of the President. Hizbullah has completed its coup. What aid do the Lebanese expect to receive in the shadow of the Hizbullah state?… We must form a national Lebanese front that will demand to defend the interests of Lebanon alone, rather than those of [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu, which have to do with the [upcoming] elections [in Israel], or those of [Iranian Leader Ali] Khamenei, which have to do with the negotiations [with the U.S.]. Lebanon [must come] first. This means that the interest of Lebanon supersede everything else, and this [in turn] means respecting the legitimate Lebanese, Arab and international [institutions]. One of the goals of this front will be to correct [Lebanon’s] path or else to demand the immediate formation of an alternative government. It is inconceivable that the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, the Arab League, the French President and the U.S. Secretary of State should act [for Lebanon’s benefit], while Lebanon does nothing.”[12]

Lebanese Columnist: The President Has Proved That He Is part Of The Iranian Axis; The Foreign Minister’s Support For Hizbullah Places Lebanon In The Crosshairs

In two of his columns in the Lebanese Al-Nahhar daily, Journalist ‘Ali Hamada criticized President ‘Aoun, as well as his son-in-law, Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil, for supporting Hizbullah and its weapons. In the first column he focused on ‘Aoun, who refuses to conduct a debate on Lebanon’s defense strategy and Hizbullah’s weapons, writing: “President ‘Aoun has erased his promise from before the elections to conduct a national dialogue on [Lebanon’s] national defense strategy, namely to raise the issue of Hizbullah’s illegal arms before the partners in the national [arena] and discuss its future… This [new] position comes at a very dangerous juncture for Lebanon and proves that the president of our country belongs to the regional axis led by Iran… The grave [aspect] of ‘Aoun’s position is that he placed Hizbullah’s weapons above any consideration or controversy…”[13]
In another column Hamada attacked Bassil, writing: “…What is even more serious than Nasrallah’s statement [that war on Iran would mean war against the entire resistance axis] is the position of Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil, the President’s son-in-law, who said in a press interview: ‘All of us in Lebanon are partners of Hizbullah, as evident from the existence of the national unity government.’ This description contains a measure of truth, but when it is uttered by the Foreign Minister, it is a worrying sign of the pressures that Lebanon might suffer in light of the view, which is becoming dominant in Washington, that Hizbullah and the Lebanese state are one and the same. This is due to Hizbullah’s growing influence on all of the state’s centers [of power], and especially since the election of Hizbullah’s ally, General Michel ‘Aoun, as president… [Foreign Minister] Bassil is providing further evidence for the claim that the Israelis are selling to the Americans and Europeans, that any future war on Hizbullah must encompass all of Lebanon, and that Lebanon as a whole must be placed under the weight of sanctions, since its political echelons, and the state and a whole, are partners of Hizbullah.”[14]

Lebanese Journalist: The Decisions Rest With President ‘Aoun, Foreign Minister Bassil And Hizbullah, While PM Al-Hariri Can Do Nothing
Al-Nahhar columnist Ibrahim Haidar wrote: “The political developments following the Israeli attack on the Dahia placed [the issue of] war on the agenda… The position of President Michel ‘Aoun indicates that he is once again involving himself in this issue, in coordination with Hizbullah, whereas Prime Minister Sa’d Al-Hariri is trying to join in and to act in the international arena by condemning the aggression and urging international community to press Israel to stop its attacks. Al-Hariri tried to balance the official position by adding his voice to that of the [other] authorities, but it seems that – as a political source claimed – the decision is in the hands of the [tripartite] alliance of Hizbullah, ‘Aoun and the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, Gebran Bassil. But the point against Al-Hariri is that he is unable to impose his position, as is supposed to happen in the state when it is faced with an escalation in the region.”[15]

[1] Elnashra.com, September 2, 2019.
[2] Al-Nahhar (Lebanon), August 29, 2019.
[3] Elnashra.com, August 21, 2019.
[4] Mobile.twitter.com/DRSAMIRGEAGEA/status, September 1, 2019.
[5] Elnashra.com, August 17, 2019.
[6] Al-Jumhouriyya (Lebanon), August 17, 2019.
[7] Mobile.twitter.com/jerrymahers/status, September 1, 2019.
[8] Al-Nahhar (Lebanon), August 21, 2019.
[9] Elnashra.com, August 27, 2019.
[10] Twitter.com/FaresSouaid, August 26, 2019.
[11] UN Resolution 1701, of August 11, 2006, calls for the immediate cessation by Hizbullah of all attacks and the immediate cessation by Israel of all offensive military operations, as part of a permanent ceasefire along the Israel-Lebanon border and a long-term solution that includes the disarmament of all armed groups in Lebanon, the extension of the Lebanese government’s authority over all Lebanese territory; security arrangements in the area between the Israel-Lebanese border and the Litani river, which will be free of any armed personnel, assets and weapons other than those of the government of Lebanon and of UNIFIL; and expansion of the UNIFIL forces, and an embargo on the sale or supply of arms and related material to Lebanon except as authorized by its government (unscr.com, August 11, 2006).
[12] Al-Hayat (Dubai), September 2, 2019.
[13] Al-Nahhar (Lebanon), August 20, 2019.
[14] Al-Nahhar (Lebanon), August 17, 2019.
[15] Al-Nahhar (Lebanon), August 28, 2019.

The post من موقع ممري ترجمة للإنكليزية لعدد من انتقادات سياسيين وصحافيين لبنانيين تركز على هرطقات وممارسات حزب الله الإحتلالية /MEMRI/In Lebanon, Criticism Against Hizbullah For Dragging Country Into War For Sake Of Iran, And Against Lebanese Leaders For Supporting Hizbullah appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

نديم قطيش/العدوان على حزب الله ليس العدوان على لبنان


«العدوان على حزب الله» ليس «العدوان على لبنان»

نديم قطيش/الشرق الأوسط  10 أيلول 2019

بلسانين على الأقل، تصوغ السلطة السياسية في لبنان، جملتها بشأن «حزب الله». للخارج تقول إنه مشكلة إقليمية، وترجمة ذلك ألا تطالبوني، كدولة ومؤسسات سيادية، بسياسات ومواقف وإجراءات أكبر من إمكانات لبنان. وللداخل تقول إن «حزب الله» مقاومة شرعية مكفولة بما تعارفت عليه الدول من حق الدفاع عن النفس بإزاء الاعتداءات الخارجية. وترجمة ذلك ألا تطالبني يا «حزب الله» بما لا طاقة لي على حمله كدولة ومؤسسات سيادية.

يقيم لبنان في هذه المساحة المرتبكة بين قولين متعارضين، ينفي أحدهما الآخر نفياً قاطعاً، إذ كيف يستقيم القول إن «حزب الله» مشكلة إقليمية، من دون أن يكون ما يؤتيه الحزب من أفعال صادراً عن إرادة إقليمية، وفاعلاً ضمن أجندة إقليمية، ومحققاً لأهداف إقليمية؟ وكيف تصير أفعال الحزب الإقليمي، محلية الطابع، تسبغ عليها الشرعيات كافة، لا سيما شرعية الدولة – الأمة السيدة المستقلة، تحت عنوان «حق الرد».

حقيقة الأمر أن «حزب الله» مشكلة إقليمية، كما وصفها رئيسا الجمهورية والحكومة في لبنان في مناسبات مختلفة، وكذلك هي سياساته وقرارته، بما يجعل أي مواجهة بينه وبين إسرائيل مواجهة تدور في هذا الفلك الإشكالي الإقليمي، الذي يصدف أن ساحته لبنان.

فحين ترسل إسرائيل طائراتها المسيرة إلى الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت، المعقل الرئيسي لـ«حزب الله»، لا يعود ممكناً إلا بحدود شديدة الضيق، وبالمعاني المحض قانونية، القول إن ما حصل هو «عدوان إسرائيلي على لبنان» يبرر حق الرد ويستدعيه.

ما حصل في الضاحية هو الترجمة العملية لكون «حزب الله» مشكلة إقليمية، وهو اشتباك إقليمي معه صدف أن ساحته لبنان، كما كان يمكن أن تكون ساحته سوريا أو العراق أو أي مكان آخر على مستوى جغرافيا الاشتباك الإقليمي.

فإسرائيل زعمت أنها استهدفت في الضاحية أجزاء من برنامج تطوير الصواريخ الدقيقة، الذي تقول إن «حزب الله» يديره بالتعاون الوثيق مع «الحرس الثوري» الإيراني. وهي لا تكف عن تسريب صور ملتقطة من الجو لمواقع في بيروت وبعلبك وغيرها، تقول إنها معامل ومخازن لهذه الصواريخ. أما «حزب الله» فكان قد سبق له أن أكد أن إيران لن تكون وحدها في أي حرب مقبلة مع إسرائيل، وأنه بات يملك من الصواريخ الدقيقة ما يكفي لأذيتها بما يفوق تصورها.

كان ليكون اعتداء على لبنان، استهداف هذه الصواريخ، لو أن السلطة السياسية وعبر المؤسسات الدستورية، قررت الحصول على هذا النوع من الأسلحة وفق حاجات أمنية لبنانية معرّفة بدقة، ووفق آلية واضحة لاتخاذ القرار بشأن استخدامها. فالسلاح ونوعه ومصدره ليس عتاداً وذخيرة بقدر ما هو قرار سيادي كبير، وقرار سياسي معقد، يدخل في معادلته كثير من الحسابات الإقليمية والسياسية والأمنية والدبلوماسية. لو لم يكن الأمر كذلك لما كانت دولة بحجم تركيا تعيش أزمة السجال حول شراء صواريخ «إس 400» من روسيا، في الوقت الذي هي فيه شريكة للولايات المتحدة في تطوير وصناعة المقاتلة الأميركية «إف 35»، ولا كانت أزمة نشر بطاريات الصواريخ السورية مطلع الثمانينات في لبنان سبباً للمواجهة العسكرية بين سوريا وإسرائيل. والأمثلة كثيرة.

إن تفرد «حزب الله» بقرار الحصول على سلاح محدد يسقط عن المواجهة مع هذا السلاح، من أي جهة أتت، صفة العدوان على لبنان، ويخرج مسألة الرد أو عدم الرد من دائرة حق الدفاع عن النفس، التي حاولت السلطة السياسية في لبنان التلطي خلفها لمسايرة «حزب الله».

إن المواجهة مع هذا السلاح هي جزء من الاشتباك الإقليمي الذي لا ناقة للدولة اللبنانية فيه ولا جمل، ويجدر بها النأي بنفسها عن التذاكي في استخدام عبارات وصياغات تعطي شرعية غير مستحقة لـ«حزب الله»، وتلغي المسافة بين موقف الدولة وبين موقف ميليشيا أمر واقع، هي جزء من مشكلة إقليمية. أما غير ذلك فإن لبنان الرسمي يعلن طوعاً عن اندراجه التام والكامل في منظومة «حزب الله»، ويرتب على لبنان واللبنانيين أثمان قرارات يتخذها الحزب منفرداً، وبالتضامن والتكافل مع الحرس الثوري الإيراني.

على الدولة اللبنانية أن تطور خطاباً سياسياً ودبلوماسياً، يحصر تداعيات الاشتباك الإقليمي بين إسرائيل و«حزب الله» – إيران، بغية تحييد مقدرات لبنان وبنيته التحتية عن الاستهداف، وكي لا تتحول المواجهة مع «حزب الله»، وهو اختارها لأسباب مصلحية وعقائدية، وبسبب من طبيعة ارتباطه العضوي بإيران، إلى عدوان على لبنان برمته.

إن كان لبنان غير قادر، وهو غير قادر فعلاً، على صيانة قواعد الاشتباك التي أرساها القرار الأممي 1701 القاضية بمنع وجود السلاح غير الشرعي جنوب نهر الليطاني، وبدء الحوار حول معالجة هذا السلاح، وخلق أطر سيادية للتحكم في قرار استخدامه، فالأجدى الانصراف إلى صيانة قواعد «التعايش القسري» مع هذا السلاح. وأولى هذه القواعد النأي بالنفس عنه، وعما يقوم به، والإقلاع القطعي عن استخدام عبارات من نوع: حق الدفاع عن النفس، وحق الرد، والمقاومة، وما شابهها من عبارات هي في العمق تشريع لسلاح إقليمي، ورخصة تدمير تعطى لم يرغب في مزيد من ضرب لبنان.


The post نديم قطيش/العدوان على حزب الله ليس العدوان على لبنان appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

الياس بجاني/هل سيُلم لبنان للملالي كما سُلِم سابقاً للجزار حافظ الأسد؟


هل سيُلم لبنان للملالي كما سُلِم سابقاً للجزار حافظ الأسد؟
الياس بجاني/11 أيلول/2019

في السياسة الدولية عموماً، وهنا نعني في سياسات وأطماع ومخططات الدول الكبرى، فلا وجود لثوابت أو لأخلاق أو لقيم أو لما يعُرّف بالعرفان بالجميل..

والأخطر لا وجود لأي خوف من الله ومن يوم حسابه الأخير من قبل هؤلاء الحكام والقادة والمتمولين الأقوياء،

كما أن في ثقافتهم ومعاييرهم وقواميسهم لا إلتزام دائم لا بصدقات ولا بعداوات..

ممارساتهم ومواقفهم وتحالفاتهم تتميز حربائية وزئبقية وباستدارات فجائية، وبما يزيد بأشواط عن ال 180 درجة..

وذلك كله غب مصالح هؤلاء الكبار وعملاً بما يخدم مخططاتهم والأطماع.

وبالتالي ومن هنا دائما تتم التضحية ب بمصير الدول الصغيرة وبشعوبها من مثل لبنان..

هكذا كان حالنا التعيس والجائر والظالم يوم سُلّم وطننا، وطن الأرز، للنظام الأسدي ولإجرامه ولبطشه ولتوحشه ليعيث به قتلاً وتهجيراً وإذلالاً وتعذيباً وإضطهاداً وقمعاً للحريات واستهانة ومهانة للكرامات.

والخوف كل الخوف أن يتم تسليم هذا الوطن المقدس اليوم مع شعبه وبالكامل للمحتل الإيراني.

في المحصلة، فإن الصغار من الدول ومع شعوبها هم دائما يدفعون الأثمان وينتهون أضاحي وهدايا على طاولات الكبار وفي مقدمة هؤلاء الكبار أميركا بلحمها وشحمها.

يبقى أن الاتفاقات المصلحية بين الكبار لا تعرف ولا تعترف بغير الأقوياء.

ونحن للأسف بتنا نحن كلبنانيين أكثر من ضعفاء.

بتنا مهمشين وغائبين ومغيبين عن الساحات كافة.

وذلك بسبب وعلى خلفيات غباء وجشع وترابية وفجع وقصر نظر قادة وزعماء نرسيسيين وطرواديين أين منهم إبليسية الإسخريوتي والملجمي.

نسأل..اليوم وفي أجواء كل ما نواجهه كلبنانيين من الشرائح كافة مع وبسبب جحود وكفر قادتنا المتسرطنين أخلاقياً وإيمانياً وضميرياً …

وفي ظل كل ممارستهم النتنة من تناطح وفساد وإفساد وإفقار للناس وتعميم للفوضى وتشرّيع للمحسوبيات وتعهير للقيم وساعات تخلي وتجلي وعاهات ميزاجيات والكفر والجحود ..

في ظل، ومع كل هذه المصائب وأصحابها ومسببيها..

ترى هل لبنان سائر اليوم في المنحى الدركي الذي واجهناه مع جزار سوريا حافظ الأسد..

وبالتالي سوف يسلم بلدنا ومعه شعبنا لملالي لإيران ولحزبهم اللاهي بالكامل؟

لم يعد ينجدنا وينجينا من مصير مخيف ينتظرنا غير عودتنا إلى ينابيع الإيمان والثقة بالنفس والرجاء..

ورذل وعزل كل القيادات التي باعتنا ولا تشبهنا واختيار من هم مثلنا ويخافون الله ويوم حسابه الأخير ولا يريدون لأنفسهم أي شي،

بل كل ما يطلبونه ويسعون إليه ومستعدون ليكونوا قرابين على مذبحه هو الشعب والوطن والاستقلال والسيادة والحرية والقرار الحر والعيش الكريم.

لبنان مقدس ومعطاء وفيه ترك الرب الكثير من الخمائر الطيبة، فلنبحث عنها ونسلمها دفة القيادة.

*الكاتب ناشط لبناني اغترابي
عنوان الكاتب الالكتروني
رابط موقع الكاتب الالكتروني على الإنترنت


The post الياس بجاني/هل سيُلم لبنان للملالي كما سُلِم سابقاً للجزار حافظ الأسد؟ appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

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Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For September 11/2019

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نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 11 أيلول/2019


نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 11 أيلول/2019

اضغط هنا لقراءة نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة المفصلة، اللبنانية والعربية ليوم 11 أيلول/2019

ارشيف نشرات أخبار موقعنا اليومية/عربية وانكليزية منذ العام 2006/اضغط هنا لدخول صفحة الأرشيف

عناوين أقسام نشرة المنسقية باللغة العربية
الزوادة الإيمانية لليوم
تعليقات الياس بجاني وخلفياتها
الأخبار اللبنانية
المتفرقات اللبنانية
الأخبار الإقليمية والدولية
المقالات والتعليقات والتحاليل السياسية الشاملة
المؤتمرات والندوات والبيانات والمقابلات والمناسبات الخاصة والردود وغيره

The post نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 11 أيلول/2019 appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

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