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نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 12 تشرين الثاني/2019


نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 12 تشرين الثاني/2019

اضغط هنا لقراءة نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة المفصلة، اللبنانية والعربية ليوم 12 تشرين الثاني/2019

ارشيف نشرات أخبار موقعنا اليومية/عربية وانكليزية منذ العام 2006/اضغط هنا لدخول صفحة الأرشيف

عناوين أقسام نشرة المنسقية باللغة العربية
الزوادة الإيمانية لليوم
تعليقات الياس بجاني وخلفياتها
الأخبار اللبنانية
المتفرقات اللبنانية
الأخبار الإقليمية والدولية
المقالات والتعليقات والتحاليل السياسية الشاملة
المؤتمرات والندوات والبيانات والمقابلات والمناسبات الخاصة والردود وغيره

The post نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 12 تشرين الثاني/2019 appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

الياس بجاني/خطاب السيد نصرالله: استكبار وفرمانات وفرسنة وهروب إلى اليمن وآبار بترول الملالي


خطاب السيد نصرالله: استكبار وفرمانات وفرسنة وهروب إلى اليمن وآبار بترول الملالي

الياس بجاني/12 تشرين الثاني/2019

عملياً لا شيء جديد في خطاب السيد نصرالله ليوم أمس حيث لم يخرج عن نمط ومحتوى وأسلوب وعنجهية وعنتريات ولاهية وثقافة الموت والحروب والغزوات التي يتحفنا فيها منذ أن تمكنت إيران الملالي بظل الإحتلال السوري من فرضه بالقوة هو وحزبه على شعبنا اللبناني عام 1982. وذلك لتحول بلدنا تدريجياً وبمنهجية مدروسة وخبيثة إلى ساحة ومحزن لسلاحهم ولحروبهم ولغزواتهم الجاهلية، وقاعدة عسكرية لمشروعهم الإمبراطوري والاستعماري والإرهابي.

فبعد عنجهية لاءاته الثلاثة في بداية الثورة اللبنانية، راح السيد يتراجع عنها تدريجياً في كل إطلالة من إطلالاته، لا محبة بالثوار ولا اعجاباً بثورتهم، بل مرغماً وبهدف الاحتواء حيث فشلت كل تهديداته وتم الاستهزاء بكل اتهاماته التخوينية والمشيطنة للثوار ولصقهم بالسفارات.

أمس تجاهل السيد الثورة كلياً ولم يأتي على ذكرها لا خيراً ولا شيطنة ولا تمويلاً، فيما كان شريكه في الثنائية الشيعية الإستاذ نبيه يسجل هو الآخر تراجعاً تكتيكياً أمام ضغط الثورة بتأجيله الجلسة النيابية التي كان مقرراً لها أن تناقش وتقر مشروع قانون العفو العام الملغم والجائر.

السيد، وكما دائماً كانت أولويات خطابه ومقارباته أمس غير لبنانية، بل إقليمية  ودولية وملالوية بامتياز..

فأخذنا إلى اليمن “غير السعيد”، وحسب ادعاءاته ورزم العنتريات الواهمة بات الحوثيون حلفائه هناك قوة عسكرية ضاربة تهدد إسرائيل ويحسب لهم ألف حساب ومن الفاعلين الأقوياء في محور إيران المقاوم.

مع أن اليمن يعاني من حالة غير مسبوقة في تاريخه من البؤس والفقر والجوع وتفشي الأمراض والفوضى والتفكك المؤسساتي والهجرة والتهجير والإجرام، وكل هذا بسبب تدخل إيران السافر فيه ودعم الملالي للحوثيين وتدريبهم وتزيديهم بالأسلحة، وتحريضهم على تدمير بلدهم وقتل أهلهم ومهاجمة السعودية وتهديد الملاحة الدولية في المنطقة.

ومن اليمن انتقل إلى إيران، وبفرح بشرنا باكتشاف أبار بترول جديدة فيها هي غنية جداً بمخزونها، حتى أنه حسب لنا كم سنة سوف تستمر إيران بتصدير بترولها المكتشف…في حين هو وملاليه والإستاذ نبيه يعيقون ويعطلون انتاج البترول في لبنان ويضعون شروطاً تعجيزية.

ولم يغيب عن باله أن يهددنا كما دائماً بعظمة قوته العسكرية التي تخيف إسرائيل وأميركا ودول المنطقة.

وأيضا باستكبار “ربحنا جميلي” على خلفية أن محوره ضرب الإرهاب الداعشي وحافظ على لبنان في ببغائية مملة 100% وواهمة وخيالية حيث أن حتى الأطفال يعرفون بأن لا فرق بين إيران والأسد وحزب الله وداعش بشيء، وأن جميعهم يتعاونون ويقدمون الخدمات لبعضهم البعض..وداعش أصلاً هي صناعة إيرانية واسدية واردوغانية.

وفي محاولة فاشلة منه لتحميل أميركا مسؤولية الأزمة الاقتصادية وإبعادها عنه وعن راعيته إيران، ادعى بأن العقوبات المالية والبنكية على حزبه والقيود على المصارف تطاول كل اللبنانيين، ولا تمس حزبه لأن ماله لا يوضع في البنوك مضيفاً في إشارة مستهزئة إلى إيران دون أن يسميها، “الجميع يعرف مصدر تمويلنا”

ومن ثم أفاض وأكثرّ من الفرمانات الإملائية والآمرة والفوقية ..

يريدنا أن نسوي مع نظام الأسد الكيماوي والبراميلي أمور المعابر لنصدر مزروعاتنا وكل إنتاجنا الصناعي إلى العراق.

يريدنا أن نفتح البلد للشركات الصينية والإيرانية ونطرد أميركا التي تمنع هذه الشركات من دخول السوق اللبنانية.

باختصار يريد أن يُلحق لبنان كلياً بالمحور الإيراني إن تمكن من ذلك وهو أمر سلفاً الحكومة اللبنانية التي لم تشكل حتى الآن أن تقول لأميركا “فكوا عن ضهرنا”.. وربما في تحضير لحكومة من لون واحد هو اللون الأصفر اللاهي.

وفي ما يخص الفساد أعطى الإذن وأيضاً بفوقية للقضاء اللبناني أن يلاحق من يريد من جماعة حزبه ومن المحميين منه.. قائلاً لمجلس القضاء الأعلى “بلشوا فينا”

ومن أهضم الردود الساخرة على هذا الكلام المسرحي التي جاءت على مواقع الفايسبوك والتويتر ما يلي: “

من وين يا سيد بتحبنا نبلش؟

من حرب تموز، أو من غزوات 7 أيار، أو من جريمة اغتيال سامر حنا ومكافئة القاتل؟

أو من محاولة اغتيال بطرس حرب وحماية المجرمين ومنع القضاء من التحقيق معهم؟

أو من جريمة قتل هاشم السلمان بدم بارد وعلناً أمام السفارة الإيرانية ومنع التحقيق بالجريمة وحماية القتلى،

أو بالطرق العسكرية إلى سوريا والتهريب عبرها؟

أو من المطار، أو البور حيث تغييب الدولة وجمركها بالكامل؟

أو من عمليات تبيض الأموال والتهريب المنظم المحلي والإقليمي والدولي لكل المنوعات؟

 أو من حماية قتلة الرئيس الحريري الذين رفعتهم لمستوى القديسين وترفض تسليمهم للمحكمة الدولية؟

أو من الأموال التي تصلك من إيران وأنت تفاخر بأمرها؟ وأو وأو وتطول القائمة ولا تنتهي؟

وهل احتلال لبنان ومصادرة قرار الحرب والسلم فيه وإقامة مصانع الصواريخ وسيطرة الدويلة على الدولة ليست فساداً؟

وهل إيران تصدر غير الفساد؟..

يبقى أن مشكلة لبنان الأساسية هي الاحتلال الإيراني، في حين أن باقي كل المشاكل الكبيرة الصغيرة هي مجرد أعراض لسرطان هذا الاحتلال ولا يمكن حل أي منها بظله.

ونختم باستعارة كلام للأمين العام الأول لحزب الله الشيخ الطفيلي الذي هو في أسفل نصاً وفيديو.. هو كافي ووافي للرد العملي والواقعي والعقلاني والموضوعي على كل إدعاءات وشعارات محاربة حزب الله الفساد والمفسدين لأن فاقد الشيء لا يعطيه.

الطفيلي يتهم خامنئي بـ«حماية الفساد في العراق ولبنان»
«الشرق الأوسط»/10 تشرين الثاني/2019/هاجم الأمين العام الأسبق لـ«حزب الله» الشيخ صبحي الطفيلي المرشد الإيراني علي خامنئي، واتّهمه بأنه «أكبر حامٍ للفساد في العراق ولبنان». وفي فيديو عبر وسائل التواصل، توجّه الطفيلي لخامنئي قائلاً: «أليس من المُعيب أن تتهم من يشتكي ظلماً بأنه (عميل) لدول أخرى. أهذا المقتول في الشارع هو عميل؟ تقول وتؤكد أنك ولي أمر المسلمين، ليس فقط الإيرانيين، فهل ولي الأمر يقتل الجائعين ويحمي الفاسدين والمجرمين؟» وأضاف: «في العراق يا سيد قُتل ما لا يقل عن 250 وجُرح 11 ألفاً، ومن قتلهم هم مسلحوك، كما قتلنا في لبنان مسلحوك». وتابع الطفيلي مخاطباً خامنئي: «كما حصل بالأمس، وهاجمت جماعتك الأبرياء العزل، وحرقت خيامهم. عادة نبكي إحراق خيام الحسين. يبدو أننا أمام تكرار لمشهدية ثانية، لكن بصيغ أخرى». وأضاف: «يا سيد نقول إن البلد أصابه الخراب، واللصوص ينهبونه منذ عام 1972 وحتى الآن، وجماعتك داعمون لهم، وملأوا البلاد قاذورات وفساداً، فهل ديننا علّمنا أن نكون لصوصاً قذرين فاسدين قاتلين ومعتدين»؟ ووجه الطفيلي سؤالاً لخامنئي: «ماذا تسمي الأموال التي أنفقتها في سوريا والتي تشتري بها ضمائر العالم، والتي تشتري بها الإعلام»؟

اضغط هنا لمشاهدة خطبة الشيخ صبحي الطفيلي التي نشرت بتاريخ 01 تشرين الثاني/2019 تحت عنوان: “وكونا للظالم خصما وللمظلوم عونا” والتي يتناول من خلالها بالتفصيل طبيعة النظام الإيراني الفاسد والمفسد.

*الكاتب ناشط لبناني اغترابي
عنوان الكاتب الالكتروني
رابط موقع الكاتب الالكتروني على الإنترنت

The post الياس بجاني/خطاب السيد نصرالله: استكبار وفرمانات وفرسنة وهروب إلى اليمن وآبار بترول الملالي appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

مَنْ أَرَادَ أَنْ يَتْبَعَنِي فَلْيَكْفُرْ بِنَفْسِهِ ويَحْمِلْ صَلِيبَهُ وَيَتْبَعْنِي، لأَنَّ مَنْ أَرَادَ أَنْ يُخَلِّصَ نَفْسَهُ يَفْقِدُها، ومَنْ فَقَدَ نَفْسَهُ مِنْ أَجْلِي وَمِنْ أَجْلِ الإِنْجِيلِ يُخَلِّصُها/If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me


 مَنْ أَرَادَ أَنْ يَتْبَعَنِي فَلْيَكْفُرْ بِنَفْسِهِ ويَحْمِلْ صَلِيبَهُ وَيَتْبَعْنِي، لأَنَّ مَنْ أَرَادَ أَنْ يُخَلِّصَ نَفْسَهُ يَفْقِدُها، ومَنْ فَقَدَ نَفْسَهُ مِنْ أَجْلِي وَمِنْ أَجْلِ الإِنْجِيلِ يُخَلِّصُها
إنجيل القدّيس مرقس08/من34حتى38/01و09/:”دعَا يَسُوعُ الجَمْعَ وتَلامِيذَهُ، وقَالَ لَهُم: «مَنْ أَرَادَ أَنْ يَتْبَعَنِي فَلْيَكْفُرْ بِنَفْسِهِ ويَحْمِلْ صَلِيبَهُ وَيَتْبَعْنِي، لأَنَّ مَنْ أَرَادَ أَنْ يُخَلِّصَ نَفْسَهُ يَفْقِدُها، ومَنْ فَقَدَ نَفْسَهُ مِنْ أَجْلِي وَمِنْ أَجْلِ الإِنْجِيلِ يُخَلِّصُها. فمَاذَا يَنْفَعُ الإِنْسَانَ لَو رَبِحَ العَالَمَ كُلَّهُ وخَسِرَ نَفْسَهُ؟ ومَاذَا يُعْطِي الإِنْسَانُ بَدَلاً عَنْ نَفْسِهِ؟ مَنْ يَسْتَحِي بِي وَبِكلامِي، في هذَا الجِيلِ الزَّانِي الخَاطِئ، يَسْتَحِي بِهِ ٱبْنُ الإِنْسَانِ عِنْدَمَا يَأْتِي في مَجْدِ أَبْيهِ مَعَ مَلائِكَتِهِ القِدِّيسِين». وقالَ لَهُم يَسُوع: «أَلْحَقَّ أَقُولُ لَكُم: إِنَّ بَعْضًا مِنَ القَائِمِينَ هُنا لَنْ يَذُوقُوا المَوْت، حَتَّى يَرَوا مَلَكُوتَ اللهِ وقَدْ أَتَى بِقُوَّة».

If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark 08/34-38/09,01/:”Jesus called the crowd with his disciples, and said to them, ‘If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it. For what will it profit them to gain the whole world and forfeit their life? Indeed, what can they give in return for their life? Those who are ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of them the Son of Man will also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.’ And he said to them, ‘Truly I tell you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see that the kingdom of God has come with power.’

أَنا هُوَ ٱلأَلِفُ وٱليَاء، يَقُولُ ٱلرَّبُّ ٱلإِله، ٱلكَائِن، وٱلَّذي كَان، وٱلآتي، ٱلضَّابِطُ ٱلكُلّ
رؤيا القدّيس يوحنّا01/من01حتى08/:”يا إِخوَتِي، وَحْيُ يَسُوعَ ٱلمَسِيح، ٱلَّذي آتَاهُ ٱللهُ إِيَّاه، لِيَكْشِفَ لِعِبَادِهِ ما لا بُدَّ مِن حُدُوثِهِ عاجِلاً، وقَد أَرْسَلَ فَبَيَّنَهُ عَلَى يَدِ مَلاكِهِ لِعَبْدِهِ يُوحَنَّا. ويُوحَنَّا شَهِدَ بِكُلِّ مَا رَآه، أَي بِكَلِمَةِ ٱللهِ وَبِشَهَادَةِ يَسُوعَ ٱلمَسِيح. طُوبَى لِلَّذِي يَقْرَأُ كَلِمَاتِ هذِهِ ٱلنُّبُوءَة، وَلِلَّذِينَ يَسْمَعُونَها وَيَحْفَظُونَ مَا هُوَ مَكْتُوبٌ فِيها، لأَنَّ ٱلوَقْتَ قَرِيب! مِنْ يُوحَنَّا إِلى ٱلكَنَائِسِ ٱلسَّبْعِ الَّتِي في آسِيَا: أَلنِّعْمَةُ لَكُم وٱلسَّلامُ مِنَ ٱلكَائِنِ، وٱلَّذِي كَان، وٱلآتِي، وَمِنَ ٱلأَرْوَاحِ ٱلسَّبْعَةِ ٱلَّذِينَ أَمَامَ عَرْشِهِ، وَمِنْ يَسُوعَ ٱلمَسِيح، ٱلشَّاهِدِ ٱلأَمِين، بِكْرِ ٱلأَمْوَات، وَرَئِيسِ مُلُوكِ ٱلأَرْض! فَلِلَّذِي يُحِبُّنَا، وَقَدْ أَعْتَقَنَا بِدَمِهِ مِنْ خَطايَانَا، وجَعَلَنَا مَمْلَكَةً، كَهَنَةً للهِ أَبِيه، لَهُ ٱلمَجْدُ وٱلقُدْرَةُ إِلى أَبَدِ ٱلآبِدِين. آمين. هَا هُوَ يَأْتِي عَلَى ٱلسُّحُب، وَسَتَرَاهُ كُلُّ عَين، وأَيْضًا ٱلَّذِينَ طَعَنُوه، فَتَنْتَحِبُ عَلَيهِ قَبَائِلُ الأَرْضِ كُلُّهَا. أَجَل! آمين. أَنا هُوَ ٱلأَلِفُ وٱليَاء، يَقُولُ ٱلرَّبُّ ٱلإِله، ٱلكَائِن، وٱلَّذي كَان، وٱلآتي، ٱلضَّابِطُ ٱلكُلّ.”

I am the Alpha and the Omega says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty
Book of Revelation 01/01-08/:”The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place; he made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testified to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw. Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of the prophecy, and blessed are those who hear and who keep what is written in it; for the time is near. John to the seven churches that are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before his throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and freed us from our sins by his blood, and made us to be a kingdom, priests serving his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. Look! He is coming with the clouds; every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and on his account all the tribes of the earth will wail. So it is to be. Amen. ‘I am the Alpha and the Omega’, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

The post مَنْ أَرَادَ أَنْ يَتْبَعَنِي فَلْيَكْفُرْ بِنَفْسِهِ ويَحْمِلْ صَلِيبَهُ وَيَتْبَعْنِي، لأَنَّ مَنْ أَرَادَ أَنْ يُخَلِّصَ نَفْسَهُ يَفْقِدُها، ومَنْ فَقَدَ نَفْسَهُ مِنْ أَجْلِي وَمِنْ أَجْلِ الإِنْجِيلِ يُخَلِّصُها/If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

جورج يونس: ثورة الشعب المسكين


ثورة الشعب المسكين
جورج يونس/12 تشرين الثاني/2019

من عيون الأمهات التي تقرع الطناجر من على شرفات منازلها.

من حناجر الطلاب التي تحاكي أحلامنا المكسورة.

من وجدان المناضلين والمقاومين الذين خذلتهم أحزابهم.

من دموع عسكرنا وقِوانا الأمنية التي تلاقي وجع شعبنا.

من كل دمعة إم وأب وأهل شهيد سُرِقَتْ تضحيات اولادهم.

من مغتربين فرشوا سفاراتنا بالخارج بأمال العودة لكنف أرزاتنا المنكوبة.

من حسرة رجال دين صار كبارهم بعيدين جداً عن تعاليم القرآن والانجيل.

من قرع أجراس كنائس لامست حسرة الناس.

ومآذن صدحت بالحق لتخاطب ضمير حكام أمتهنوا البطش بأهلهم.

ومعهم غصة ذلك العجوز الذي شارفت حياته على الأفول قبل أن يبنى الوطن.

والشبيبة التي نالت شهادات أضحت مدفونة بالمحسوبيات.

والتي شردتهم البطالة والتهجير والغطرسة بزوايا شوراعنا الغارقة بالظلمة.

وجبال الصوان التي حرقوا أشجارها ليزرعوها بالمطامر.

والادمغة التي غابت عنا نحو السماء او صوب بلاد الله الواسعة.

ومن غصة كل من حمل وجعه بصمت خلف حيطان التجاهل.

ومن اصغر ضيعة لأكبر مدينة طاولهم الحرمان.

من حسابات المصارف النازفة تحويلات إلى حيث السلام يصادق الطمأنينة.

من خيبة كل مريض رفض المستشفى استقباله لأنه لا يمتلك المال.

لا زالت كل ساحات الوطن تصرخ منذ 25 يوم أطردوهم، إعزلوهم، إنبذوهم.

فإيديهم الملوثة بدماء شعبهم منذ ال 1975 زينها الفساد إلى أن أدمت الصفقات عيونهم فباتوا غارقين بغيبوبة العظمة، وحلقوا بعيداً في غياهب بَطَرِهم، فصار الفقراء وذوي الكرامة هم المشكلة في اي وقت يرفعون فيه الصوت بمعاناتهم.

الحق أقول لكم يا سادة: “انه لأسهل أن يدخل الجمل في ثقب الإبرة من أن يدخل غني ملكوت الله”، وعليه فإن ساحات الوطن ستلاحقكم إينما كنتم وعدل السماء سيميل ميزانه لمصلحة أشراف هذا الوطن لأنه بإجرامكم وفسادكم سفلتتم درب الجنة لكل مواطن شريف وزفتتم دروب جهنم لتصبح طرقاً سريعة لكم نحو أتون النار.

فهل ستمعنون بإصراركم على صَّم أذانكم عن معاناة الناس ونبذهم لكل ما يمت لكم بصلة؟ من الواضح بعد “ثورة الكرامة” أنكم لا زلتم غارقين في رهاناتكم الخاطئة وعليه فإن جزمات الثوار لن ترحم تجاهلكم وهم اليكم حتماً لقادمون، فزمن الخنوع قد ولّى، وإن غداً لناظره قريب.
هلقد بحبك يا لبنان

The post جورج يونس: ثورة الشعب المسكين appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

سجعان قزي/ثورةُ البِشارة اللبنانيّة …وما كان سيَجْترِحُه بشير الجميّل سنةَ 1982، لو ظلَّ حيًّا يطالبُ به الشعبُ اليوم


ثورةُ «البِشارة اللبنانيّة»….ما كان سيَجْترِحُه بشير الجميّل سنةَ 1982، لو ظلَّ حيًّا، يطالبُ به الشعبُ اليوم.

سجعان قزي/الجمهورية/12 تشرين الثاني/2019

إذا الحُكمُ يومًا أرادَ العِناد فلا بُدَّ أنْ يَسْتثيرَ البلد…

فكانت هذه الانتفاضةُ بمفهومِها العِلميّ، أو الثورةُ بمفهومِها الوِجداني.

الحقُّ أنَّ أكثرَ جهةٍ تَدعُم الانتفاضةَ وتُحرِّكُها وتُديـمُها وتُقوّيها يومًا بعدَ يوم، هي السلطةُ السياسيّةُ اللبنانيّةُ بتماديها في سوءِ الأَداءِ، بتجاهلِ مطالبِ الشعبِ، وباحتجازِ الحلول.

والمفارقةُ الجديدةُ أنَّ السلطةَ التي نَعرِفُ وجوهَها فَقدَت سلطتَها، والانتفاضةَ التي نَجهلُ وجوهَ قادتِها اللبنانيّين صارت سلطةً تقريريّة.

وفي مثل هذه الحالات، غالبًا ما تتغيّرُ السلطةُ القائمةُ وتنتصرُ سلطةُ الشعب.
وبقدْرِ ما تَحصُلُ عمليّةُ التغييرِ بسُرعةٍ تُخفِّفُ السلطةُ الضررَ الوطنيَّ وتَتجنَّبُ الانتفاضةُ الاستنزافَ القاتل.

فالتركيبةُ اللبنانيةُ المريضةُ لا تَحتَملُ الاحتكامَ طويلًا إلى الشارعِ، لئلا ننتقلَ من كيفيّةِ إسقاطِ السلطةِ إلى كيفيّةِ إنقاذِ الانتفاضة:
الشعبُ يُراهن على هذه الانتفاضةِ إيمانًا بها أو خيبةً من الآخرين أو انطلاقًا من تَموضُعِه السياسيّ.

إنها ثورةُ «البِشارةِ اللبنانية».

يأمل الناسُ أنَّ ما حُبِلَ به بدَنسِ السياسيّين سيولدُ بدونِ دنسٍ من ثورةِ الشعب.

ما كان سيَجْترِحُه بشير الجميّل سنةَ 1982، لو ظلَّ حيًّا، يطالبُ به الشعبُ اليوم.

والمؤسّساتُ الإداريّةُ التي أَنشأها فؤاد شهاب بعد أحداثِ 1958 يطالبُ بها الشعبُ اليوم، والازدهارُ الذي عمَّ في عهدِ كميل شمعون يطالبُ به الشعبُ اليوم.

والنزاهةُ التي تَميّز بها الياس سركيس يطالبُ بها الشعبُ اليوم.

وإعلانُ بعبدا الذي أَصدرَه ميشال سليمان سيُصبح مُنطَلقَ الحِيادِ اللبنانيّ.

منذ أسبوعٍ، والدوائرُ الأميركيّةُ ومراكزُ دراساتِها الاستراتيجيّةِ تَتحدّثُ عن رغبةِ واشنطن في أن تكونَ انتفاضةُ لبنان نَموذجًا للشرقِ الأوسط الكبير. لكنَّ واشنطن تَناست ثلاث حقائق:
الأولى أنَّ واشنطن، وهي تَشنُّ حربًا اقتصاديّةً على إيران، أَخذت لبنانَ في دربِها، لا من خلالِ العقوباتِ على حزبِ الله فقط، بل بالقنصِ الـمُنتظِم على النظامِ المصرفيِّ اللبنانيِّ، بِغَمْزِ مؤسّساتِ التصنيفِ لتُخفِّضَ مستوى لبنانَ الائتمانيّ، بتسريبِ أخبارٍ سلبيّةٍ إلى الإعلامِ الدوليّ حول لبنان، وبتوظيفِ جماعاتٍ يساريّةٍ متطرّفةٍ ضِدَّ مؤسَساتٍ لبنانيّةٍ رسميّة ومرجِعيّات، إلخ… فهل بإفقارِ لبنان وضربِ نظامِه الليبراليّ وزعزعةِ أمنِه تصبحُ انتفاضتُه نَموذجًا للشرق؟

الثانيةُ أنَّ دولةَ لبنان، التي ساهمت في إسقاطِها الإداراتُ الأميركيّةُ في السبعيناتِ، كانتَ هي نَموذجًا بنظامِها وصيغتِها وميثاقِها. فحين لم يَكن في الشرقِ ديمقراطيّةٌ كنّا ديمقراطيّين. وحين لم يكن في الشرقِ استقلالٌ كنّا مستقلّين. وحين لم يكن في الشرقِ تعايشٌ كنا شركاءَ حياة. وحين لم يكن في الشرقِ ديبلوماسيّةٌ كنّا كلمةَ الشرق. وحين لم يكن في الشرقِ ثوراتٌ كنا الثوّار. وحين لم يَعد في الشرقِ مقاومةٌ كنا مقاومين. فنحن كيانٌ مُكتمِلٌ ونابضٌ، ولا يحتاجُ سوى إلى: إعادةِ هندسةٍ داخليّةٍ، تثبيتِ سلطةِ الدولةِ، إصلاحٍ مؤسّساتِها، وتجديدِ طاقمِها السياسيّ.

والحقيقةُ الثالثةُ أنَّ إدارتَي أوباما وترامب تَخلّتا عن مشروعِ الشرقِ الأوسط الكبير الذي كان يقوم أساسًا على: تَغييرِ الأنظمةِ الاستبداديّةِ، نشرِ الديمقراطيّة، إقامةِ دولٍ فدراليّة، وضمانِ حقِّ تقريرِ المصيرِ للأقليّات. الشرقُ الأوسطُ الكبير اليومَ يُناقضُ مبرِّراتَ الحروبِ الأميركيّة في الشرق، إذ نرى: تعويمَ الأنظمةِ الاستبداديّةِ، انحسارَ الديمقراطيّةِ، فرزَ الشعوبِ طائفيًّا ومذهبيًّا، اجتياحًا للحدودِ الدوليّةِ، وتَنكّرًا لحقوقِ الأقليّات.

في هذا السياق، ذهب وزيرُ الخارجيّة، مايك بومبيو، حدَّ إعلانِ «دعمِ أميركا انتفاضةَ الشعبَين اللبنانيِّ والعراقيّ ضِدَّ النفوذ الإيراني». لكن سَها عن بالِه أنَّ الشَبهَ موجودٌ بين منظومَتي الحكمِ في لبنان والعراق، فكلاهُما يَنتمي إلى المحورِ السوريِّ/الإيراني، أكثر من وجودِه بين انتفاضَتي الشعبين اللبنانّي والعراقي:

هناك شَكّلَ تحجيمُ النفوذِ الإيرانيّ هدفَ الانتفاضة، أما هنا فهو النتيجةُ لا السببُ.
هناك دَخلت الانتفاضةُ في دائرةِ العنفِ الدمويِّ فورًا، أما هنا فهي ـــ حتّى الآن ـــ في دائرةِ العنفِ الكلاميّ؛ والفَضلُ في ذلك يعود إلى قيادةِ الجيشِ اللبنانيّ التي احتضَنت الشعبَ وحالت دونَ إراقةِ الدماء. ي

بقى الشبهُ الأساسيُّ هو أن إيران ووكلاءها في لبنان والعراق أصبحوا في موقعِ الدفاعِ والحدِّ من الخسائر بعدما كانوا، قبل الانتفاضتَين، في موقعِ الهجومِ والسيطرةِ ورفضِ أيِّ تنازل.

ومن يدري؟ قد يَقبَلُ حزبُ الله قريبًا البحثَ جِدّيًا في الاستراتيجيّة الدفاعيّة، وقد أنْهكَته العقوباتُ، وأضرَّ الانهيارُ الاقتصاديُّ بيئتَه، وتراجعَ التمويلُ الإيرانيُّ عنه نسبيًّا.

لقد بدأ شعبُ لبنان يُحقّق ثمارَ انتفاضتِه تدريجًا.

وهو اليوم أمام خِيارين: هضمُ إنجازاتِه الوطنيّة أو المغامرةُ بسِلميّةِ انتفاضتِه. وفي الحالتين سيفُ الانتفاضةِ يَجب أن يبقى مُصْلتًا حتى بلوغِ التغيير المستوى الدستوريّ.

لا يجوز أن تَنتهيَ هذه الانتفاضةُ/ الثورةُ بتغييرٍ حكوميٍّ فقط. تغييرُ الحكومةِ لا يَستحق ثورة؛ يَكفي أن تَحجُبَ الكُتلُ النيابيّةُ الثقةَ عن الحكومةِ لتسقط. ما يَستحِقُّ الثورةَ هو تغييرُ المنظومةِ الحاكمةِ وإحياءُ الدولةِ الوطنيّة.

ما يَستحق الثورةَ هو استعادةُ السيادةِ والاستقلالِ والقرارِ الحرّ، هو حصرُ الشرعيّةِ السياسيّةِ بالمؤسّساتِ الدُستوريّة والشرعيّةِ العسكريّة بالجيشِ اللبناني.

ما يَستحق الثورةَ هو إطلاقُ الحركةِ الاقتصاديّةِ والتجاريّةِ والنموِّ والازدهار، هو تأمينُ فرصِ العمل والتعليمِ المجانيّ والضماناتِ الاجتماعيّةِ والصِحيّة.

ما يَستحق الثورةَ هو الانتقالُ إلى اللامركزيّةِ الموسَّعةِ المتوافِقةِ مع التعدديّةِ الحضاريّةِ غيرِ الطائفيّة.

ما يَستحقُّ الثورةَ هو إعادةُ النازحين السوريّين إلى بلادِهم، إذ فيما نحن غائصُون في يوميّاتِ الانتفاضةِ، دعا الاتّحادُ الأوروبيُّ «إلى ضرورةِ تأمينِ قُدرةِ النازحين السوريّين على الاندماجِ والتوظيفِ على المدى الطويلِ بطريقةٍ متماسكةٍ مع المجتمعاتِ المضيفَة».

ما هذه الدولُ التي تَدّعي دعمَ انتفاضةِ شعبِ لبنان وَتضرب وطنَه وكيانه؟
حان الوقتُ لتَتلوَ ثورةُ «البشارةِ اللبنانيّة» فعلَ إيمانِها بقضايا الوطنِ اللبنانيّ بعدما تَلت فعلَ إيمانِها بقضايا الإنسان.

لا يجوزُ للمطالبِ الاجتماعيّةِ أن تُهمِّشَ القضايا الوطنيّة، إذ ما قيمةُ كلُّ التغييرِ والإصلاحِ في وطنٍ يُسْرَقُ منا ويُقَدَّمُ ذبيحةً للآخرين؟

The post سجعان قزي/ثورةُ البِشارة اللبنانيّة … وما كان سيَجْترِحُه بشير الجميّل سنةَ 1982، لو ظلَّ حيًّا يطالبُ به الشعبُ اليوم appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

John Hajjar:How the US should respond to the protests in Lebanon/جون حجار: مواقف مطلوبة من الإدارة الأميركية استجابة لإنتفاضة الشعب اللبناني


How the US should respond to the protests in Lebanon
John Hajjar/American Mifeast Coalition For Democracy/November 12/2019

I came back to the US from Lebanon less than one month before the October protests began in Beirut and started spreading throughout its cities and towns, shaking the foundations of a regime that spent 30 years in corruption and backing Hezbollah. During my field trip to my ancestral land, mandated by the American Mideast Coalition for Democracy (AMCD), I met with students, politicians, journalists, former military, religious leaders and civil society activists. I also met with ordinary people in different places. The three major issues of discontent among all people I met were:

1-Frustration with the economic and financial situation, crumbling under the heavy corruption eroding most of Lebanon’s institutions, both public and private;
2-Fear from the constant domination of Hezbollah and its peace through intimidation of their partisans and those opposed to their domination; and,
3-Loss of trust in the ruling political, economic, and clerical establishment of the country.

Warnings from the people
During my field trip, I heard warnings that the people had had enough of corruption and militia thuggish behavior and were about to explode. I also heard criticism of US policy, particularly from America’s friends. “Where are you?” they asked me. “We are being eaten alive by Iran and its lackeys in this country.” As someone who was part of the Lebanese American community efforts in 2002-2004 to produce UNSCR 1559, I surely understood the message. Lebanon’s population, except those who are supporters of the Iranian regime, is generally not only friendly with but feel close to the United States.

I included my observations in a report I submitted to the Trump Administration, which I also detailed in a meeting at the State Department a few days after the uprising exploded in Lebanon. I stressed the importance for the United States to be prepared for what may be a tidal wave of protests. And, indeed, that is exactly what is happening.

The protests: “All means All”
On October 18, tens of thousands of Lebanese filled the public squares in Beirut in ardent anti-government demonstrations accusing all the leaders of “stealing the people’s money” and of abandoning the poor to their destiny. At first, the demands were socio-economic, but then the protests got larger and the official goal became bringing down the entire system: the Saad Hariri cabinet, Michel Aoun’s Presidency, and Nabih Berri’s Parliament, accused of being behind the mass corruption that the country has been suffering under for decades.

Soon enough, the protests spread to Tripoli, the second largest city in the country with a Sunni majority, then along the coast to Batroun, Jounieh, and Sidon. But the major political events were demonstrations hitting the hometowns of Hezbollah in Tyre, Nabatiyeh, and Baalbeck.

The core of the protests was organized by a network of liberal, patriotic, mostly civil society groups; among them a newly formed political party called “Seven.” Traditional political parties were asked not to join, though their members were welcomed. Hence the Lebanese Forces, Kataeb, and Jumblatt stayed away.

It is imperative to note that a group of leftwing militants also installed themselves in the center of downtown Beirut and gradually attempted to seize the political and organizational command of the leaderless protests.

The uprising was cross-sectarian, including youth from all religious communities, and displayed clear signs of a civil society kirmess as the gatherings were quite celebratory in nature. At one point, organizers claimed that close to two million people participated in the rallies.

Hezbollah, regime and far-left tactics
Hezbollah, the de facto ruler of Lebanon, perceived the protests as directed against its power. The demonstrators chanted that “all leaders should be forced to resign, all of them,” which in practicality included Hezbollah. The retaliation of the Iran dominated militia came fast. Hordes of militants stormed the rallies, destroyed the stands and dispersed the protesters. But the protestors would not be kept down. They came back after each act of violence perpetrated against them.

The regime, unhinged, refused to resign as Hezbollah rejected a change of system. Nasrallah’s network, which has been suffering financially from US sanctions imposed by the Trump Administration, threatened mass violence if the revolution ejected them from the state. The Secretary General, Mr. Nasrallah, even alluded that he would cut the wages of the Lebanese Army, immobilizing it, and unleash his militia on the protesters. Clearly, Hezbollah was and is a threat to the Lebanon protests.

Hundreds, if not thousands of Lebanese called on the Diaspora to help, particularly Lebanese Americans to intercede with the US government. But Hezbollah was monitoring any attempt to bring in US pressure on the Lebanese Government. One incident was very telling.

In response to a tweet by former Trump advisor, Dr. Walid Phares who simply called on the US to hear the voices of protesters in Lebanon, Hezbollah’s “electronic army” staged a massive wave of attacks and smears against the scholar – who was also an architect of the UNSCR 1559 in 2004 that supported the Cedars Revolution the following year. The pro Iran targeting of Phares lasted days and aimed at hitting a link that could bring international support to the rallies in Beirut and other cities. Interestingly enough, a network of far-left Twitter accounts linked to far-left figures in the US, such as George Soros and Bernie Sanders, joined Hezbollah’s savaging of Phares. The incident showed two matters: (1) Hezbollah is backed by American “Stalinist” networks and (2) the organization fears a Trump Administration endorsement of the popular movement in Lebanon, unlike Obama’s abandonment of the Iran Green Revolution in 2009.

Trump Administration’s position
Of course, I note that the Trump administration proceeded with caution regarding the Lebanon protests. One parameter was clear as the first statements from the State Department underlined: “The rights of the Lebanese people to express themselves should be protected.” Another parameter was to ask the Lebanese Army to protect the rallies from Hezbollah and other militias. But it was days after the Phares tweet calling on the US to stand with the movement before statements were issued by important US leaders like Secretary of State Pompeo, Senate Majority leader McConnell and other administration officials and Congressional voices.

Ironically, but not surprisingly, the Hezbollah propaganda machine and its far-left allies in Lebanon blasted any potential Trump statement as “meddling” but welcomed supportive statements from radical politicians such as Bernie Sanders as “progressive.” Hezbollah is also the only group in Lebanon that is under direct foreign control – by The Islamic Republic of Iran – thus completing the circle of Leftist-Islamist complicity.

The protests’ future
The popular forces on the streets seem to be resilient and willing to take the political fight through to the end, that is, until a full change is achieved. Despite the resignation of Prime Minister Saad Hariri, the public backing the protesters has expressed its will to continue the “revolution.” Though many roads closed during the protests were re-opened by the Army and security forces, rallies continue in Beirut and other cities, most notably Tripoli. The uprising is discretely backed by anti-Hezbollah leaders such as Christian politician Samir Geagea, Sunni leader Achraf Rifi, and Druze politician Walid Jumblatt, but is practically led by a federation of NGOs, primarily Hezb 7 (with organizer Jad Dagher in the center) and with a new leadership of an old party – the “National Bloc” – who seem to have moved to the front of the youth revolt.

It is my view (and the view of experts and activists I’ve consulted with) that the “movement” won’t stop, even if attacked by Hezbollah. The sustainability of the protests, rest on several factors:

a-The protection by the Lebanese Armed Forces;
b-International and US solidarity, but not direct meddling at this point;
c-Support coming from the Lebanese Diaspora, numbering in the millions;
d-Formation of a technocrat cabinet; and,
e-Deterring Hezbollah from physical attacks on the rallies.

US Policy towards Lebanon
The question now is, what should US policy be regarding Lebanon’s protests? Should we intervene in this crisis? Refrain? Or design strategies to contain Hezbollah, empower the country’s civil society, and enable Lebanon to free itself from terror and break loose from corruption?

US interests always include national security and regional stability. So when it comes to Lebanon, we as Americans need to look at the threats that are in, and could emanate from, Lebanon at this stage.

There is no doubt that Hezbollah and its radical allies are at the core of threats against the US. Since 1983, this terror organization has targeted US citizens and personnel in Lebanon, Iraq and other locations. Thus, it is in our national interest make sure Hezbollah is checked and eventually disarmed in Lebanon.

Regionally, Hezbollah has attacked our allies Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Yemen and has served as an ally to the Iranian regime for decades. It is involved in worldwide drug dealing and smuggling, even in our hemisphere. The terror group has been listed on our terror lists, and Washington has leveled many sanctions to deter this organization from pursuing its aggression against the US and our allies.

But more importantly, Hezbollah has assassinated, kidnapped and threatened many Lebanese politicians, military, journalists, students and other members of Lebanon’s civil society. Recently, during the October 2019 protests, it launched several thuggish raids against the protesters, all well documented online.

On all these grounds, it is clear that Hezbollah seems to be the bad guy menacing our national security and the safety of our allies, particularly the Lebanese. Thus, a chief component of US policy should be to contain the organization in Lebanon, work with the bodies that can help in this containment, and partner with the protesters to protect them from the actions of Hezbollah. However, the precarious balance between all Lebanese populations should be preserved while ensuring that the will of the majority of protesters is respected. Washington should proceed with caution as Hezbollah is lethal and can take the population hostage.

On another level, the US has an interest in seeing the Lebanese fight against corruption in their own country as a means to end such corrupt practices in the region and around the world. We want to encourage good governance and state sovereignty. Tangentially to countering terrorism and corruption, the US has an interest in seeing Lebanon stabilize and join the community of nations engaged in peaceful behavior, trade, and diplomatic efforts to resolve common issues.

From a domestic American perspective, let’s also remember that close to one million Americans (some believe 1.5 million) are from Lebanese descent with a few hundred thousand of them born in Lebanon. Many of these America-loving citizens have given a lot to this country, from holding public offices to financial contributions to involvement in American arts and sciences. Many have served in all the wars America has fought since WWI. The Lebanese American community is overwhelmingly in support of a US policy that would promote a free and pluralistic Lebanon with whom the US would partner.

Based on these considerations, in the wake of the October protests, I would advance the following considerations for a US policy towards Lebanon. The United States should:

Clearly state that the protesters have a fundamental universal right to express their views and organize peaceful demonstrations;
Warn the authorities in charge not to suppress these protests and call on the security forces, and particularly the Lebanese Armed Forces, to protect these demonstrators from thugs and militias;
Ask the regime to acquiesce to the demands of the protesters and resign from power, leaving it in the hands of an interim nonpartisan Government whose only mission is to organize legislative elections;
Extend support to the new Parliament to develop new legislation for the country;
Partner with the next Government to implement reforms and apply international resolutions including UNSCR 1559 and 1701; and,
Assist the Lebanese Armed Forces and the security forces to protect the citizens of Lebanon and to disarm militias.
A new US policy should also form a special team to handle the Lebanese crisis both in Beirut and in Washington, DC, in light of the dramatic events that have taken place and continue to evolve.

*John Hajjar is the Co-Chair of the American Mideast Coalition for Democracy.

AMCFD/American Mifeast Coalition For Democracy

The post John Hajjar:How the US should respond to the protests in Lebanon/جون حجار: مواقف مطلوبة من الإدارة الأميركية استجابة لإنتفاضة الشعب اللبناني appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

الياس بجاني/فخامة الرئيس عون.. رجاء استقيل رحمة بلبنان وباللبنانيين وشفقة على ما بقي من تاريخك المشرّف الذي أنت نحرته/مع نص المقابلة


فخامة الرئيس عون.. رجاء استقيل رحمة بلبنان وباللبنانيين وشفقة على ما بقي من تاريخك المشرّف الذي أنت نحرته

اطلالته غير موفقة للرئيس عون.. الأنا والغربة عن الواقع ونظرية المؤامرة  وورقة التفاهم مع حزب الله هي الغالبة

الياس بجاني/12 تشرين الثاني/2019

باختصار، ومع كامل احترامنا بالشخصي للجنرال عون وللموقع الرئاسي، فإن المقابلة اليوم كانت غير موفقة بالمرة واستفزازية وعدائية وبالتأكيد كارثية طبقاً لكل المعايير، وكان من الأفضل مليون مرة لو أنها لم تتم.

كان الشعب يتوقع الإعلان عن موعد للاستشارات فخاب ظنه وزاد الرئيس الطين بلة بقوله بأن هناك أمور كثيرة لم يتم الاتفاق عليها بعد.. وكأن لا مظاهرات ولا من يحزنون، ولا كأن نصف الشعب اللبناني ومنذ 27 يوماً يفترش الشوارع والساحات وهو ينادي..”كلن يعني كلن”..وكأن الشعب هذا لم يسحب كل ما هو شرعية من أهل الحكم كافة.

وأغرب ما جاء على لسان الرئيس عون هو قوله بأن رئاسته صناعة لبنانية وأنه مستقل ولهذا يحارب ويعزل.

غريب يا فخامة الرئيس، مستقل مرة واحدة؟

نسأل..ومين رابط حاله وحكمه بحزب الله وبمحوره وبإيران وبورقة التفاهم مع حزب الله التي تلغي الدستور، وكل ما هو سيادة واستقلال وحرية وقرارات دولية؟

رئيسنا للأسف هو في حالة إنكار 100%، وبالتالي هو غير قادر على قيادة المرحلة المقبلة، وبالتالي استقالته باتت ضرورة، وإلا فالج لا تعالج….

الإطلالة نعم كارثية وغير موفقة وسوف تثير الشارع أكثر وأكثر لأنها مستفزة وعدائية وكل ما جاء فيها هو من عالم آخر.

يا فخامة الرئيس، هل حضرتك تعيش في المريخ ومنسلخ عن الواقع والوقائع لتقول بأن حزب الله لا يتدخل بأي شيء في الداخل اللبناني؟

وهل فعلاً أنت تتوقع من اللبنانيين أن يثقوا بكم بعد هذا الكلام “المش صح” مليون بالميي؟

وكيف تقول بأن “حزب الله بدو يدافع عن حاله”؟

ضد مين بدو يدافع عن حاله الحزب هذا وهو الحاكم الفعلي للبلد، والممسك بقرار الحرب والسلم فيه، ودويلته أقوى من الدولة، وفيها كل مؤسساته الملالوية بما فيها السجون والمعتقلات والمحاكم ومصانع الصواريخ؟

وأكيد الحزب هو المشكلة الأساسية وأنت تغطيه..وهو في مواجهة الشعب والدستور والميثاق والمجتمعين الدولي والعربي وآخر “هم ع قلبه” هو الشعب اللبناني والدولة اللبنانية والدستور اللبناني؟

بيظهر نسيت انك أقسمت اليمين على حماية الدستور .. وهنا المصيبة…

ويا جنرال، مين ما بيعرف بأن إيران وحزبها فرضوك رئيساً بالقوة بعد تخاذل واستسلام جعجع والحريري وجنبلاط، وذلك من خلال صفقة خطيئة أعطت حكم لبنان لحزب الله وداكشت الكراسي بالسيادة والاستقلال والحريات والقرارات الدولية.

..لا يا جنرال الإطلالة كارثية وكان الأفضل لو ما صارت.

وإذا فعلاً فخامتك عارف المطالب الشعبية للمتظاهرين وهي مطالبك، فإذا لماذا تريد من  يمثلهم لتحاوره؟  ألا ترى أنك تناقض نفسك بنفسك وتفقد موقعك وذاتك المصداقية والجدية؟

وعن تاريخك الذي كنا نحن شخصاً من ضمنه سيادياً،  فأنت تنكره وتتنكر له وأصبح عملياً عدوك، وهو فعلاً في غير القاطع الملالوي الذي أنت فيه حاضراً ومنذ العام 2006.

وفعلاً الناس بدها ياك تستقيل على الأقل للحفاظ على بعض تاريخك ما قبل العام 2006 .. بدها ياك تستقيل بسبب حاضرك يلي هو نقيض تاريخك!!

يا جنرال ما حدا عم يتآمر عليك..

أنت يلي عملياً عدو ذاتك وتاريخك، ومن المؤسف أنك في غربة كاملة عن الواقع الذي تعيشه الناس، وأنت تعيش في خطابك ومقارباتك الواهمة مرحلة ما قبل ال 2006،  أما أعمالاً وتحالفات ومواقف ولا دستورية، فأنت أسير ورقة التفاهم مع حزب الله 100%.

نحزن على ماضيك وعلى تاريخك ما قبل ورقة تفاهمك الخطيئة مع ملالي إيران وحزبهم اللاهي..ونعارض 100% حاضرك الذي يناقض كل تاريخك..وتأكد بأن تاريخك يخجل من حاضرك.

استقيل يا جنرال..استقيل رحمة بلبنان وباللبنانيين وربما من أجل تاريخ شخصي مشرّف أنت نحرته.

فيديو من OTV للحوار مع الرئيس ميشال عون/اجرى الحوار الإعلاميين سامي كليب والصحافي نقولا ناصيف/اضغط هنا لمشاهدة الفيديو/12 تشرين الثاني/2019

*الكاتب ناشط لبناني اغترابي
عنوان الكاتب الالكتروني
رابط موقع الكاتب الالكتروني على الإنترنت

الرئيس عون: دعوت المتظاهرين للتحاور ولم اتلق جوابا والاستشارات النيابية قد تحدد في اليومين المقبلين ولا يمكن لحكومة تكنوقراط ان تحدد سياسة البلد
الأربعاء 13 تشرين الثاني 2019

وطنية – أكد رئيس الجمهورية العماد ميشال عون، خلال لقاء تلفزيوني شامل، حيث حاوره الزميلان سامي كليب ونقولا ناصيف في قصر بعبدا “أن الحراك الشعبي بدأ بمطالب اقتصادية ضد الضرائب المفروضة على المجتمع اللبناني، ثم اتخذت منحى سياسيا”.

وقال:” أنا ارى أنه من الطبيعي ان يحصل هذا الامر عندما تكون الثقة مفقودة بين الشعب والحكومة وبالتأكيد سيطلب الشعب أيضا حصول تغيير حكومي، فتستمع الحكومة الجديدة لمطالبه وتنفذها. وطبعا هذه المطالب محقة، ولذلك لقد تجاوبت معها شخصيا ووجهت للمتظاهرين نداء وقلت لهم أننا سمعنا هذه المطالب وهي محقة وهي مطالبي الشخصية ودعوتهم ايضا الى التفاهم سويا واللقاء كي نتحاور حول الموضوع، ولكنني لم أتلق جوابا.”

واشار الرئيس عون ردا على سؤال الى وجود مجتمع سياسي متناقض، لافتا الى أنه من غير الممكن الانتقال من مجتمع متناقض الى تناقضات جديدة. “فنحن بحاجة الى مجتمع منسجم لوضع خطة معينة للتنفيذ. ومن ضمن هذه الخطة، هناك مطالب ايجابية للشعب يجب تلبيتها، وهناك امور سلبية كالفساد، يجب محاربتها.” ولفت الى مواقفه التي هي منسجمة مع مطالب الحراك، وقال: “مواقفي ترددت في التظاهرات ليس بالتعابير التي استعملت، بل بنفس المعنى وقلتها في خطابات رسمية وبحضور الحكومة وذلك عن فقدان الثقة وعن استعادة المال العام ومكافحة الفساد. وهذه المواضيع ليست بغريبة عني. واذا كان لا يوجد من يحاور المعتصمين والمتظاهرين فمع من سيتحاورون؟

وردا على سؤال قال الرئيس عون:” أنا لم أصل الى موقع الرئاسة إلا لأبني دولة، أنا لا ابحث الآن عن مستقبل، فمستقبلي بات ورائي ولا ابغي تحصيل أمور مادية. تاريخي النضالي كلفني 15 عاما خارج مجتمعي من أجل الحرية والسيادة والاستقلال. والمرحلة الآن هي مرحلة بناء الدولة والاقتصاد ولكن لم يكن هناك تجاوبا معي. والذي قلته بمناسبة انتخابي في خطابي في 31 تشرين الثاني كنت أرغب في توسيعه لولا الظروف التي طرأت والخلل الاجتماعي الذي حصل.”

وتابع رئيس الجمهورية:” دعوت المتظاهرين مرات ثلاث الى توحيد الساحات، والعمل سويا وبجهد كبير لتحقيق اصلاحات، كما دعوتهم الى البقاء في الساحات كي يساعدونني في هذا المجال، لأن الاصلاحات التي يريدونها هي صعبة المنال في مجتمع كالمجتمع اللبناني. ولم ألق أي تجاوب، فأي مرجعية يريدون ان يتحاوروا معها؟ وعلينا سوياً البدء بعمل ايجابي.
واضاف:”ما اقوله للشعب اليوم قلته سابقاً في 14 ايار 2019، خلال افطار شهر رمضان، بحضور رئيس الحكومة ورئيس مجلس النواب وغيرهم من المسؤولين والشخصيات، وقد تحدثت حينها منتقداً الفساد، وقلت ان الشعب فقد الثقة بكم، فماذا ستفعلون لإعادة كسب ثقته وردّ المواطنين الى الوطن، لأنهم سيتركون الوطن جراء هذا الاهمال. فأنا لدي الادراك ولكنني لا املك السلطة، فسلطتي تأتي من الشعب، ولكنني مكبّل بتناقضات الحكم والمجتمع والخلايا الفاسدة أيضا مطوقة من قبل قوى تابعة لهم. وقد نهض الشعب الآن وأصبح هناك مرتكزا لفرض الإصلاحات.”

وردا على سؤال حول عدم تجاوب الناس مع خطابات المسؤولين بسبب المعاناة من الفقر والفساد والضرائب، وماذا الذي يمكن ان يفعله رئيس الجمهورية ليطمئنهم كي يعودوا الى بيوتهم، اجاب انه ” علينا ان نكون اصحاب ثقة لدى الناس. فالثقة فقدت، وعلينا ان نستردها، وهذا الامر يستغرق وقتا، ليتأكد الناس ان هناك عملا يجري بحسب خريطة الطريق التي رسمناها. علينا ان نبدأ بمعرفة ما يمكننا عمله وما لا يمكننا تحقيقه. وتحديد المراحل يتم مع الشعب الذي يرفع مطالبه الآن، ويجب ان تأتي مواقف الحكومة التي سيتم تأليفها منسجمة مع هذه المطالب”.

واضاف:” لدينا الآن شعارات فقط، مثل “كلكن يعني كلكن”، وهذا خطأ استعمله الناس ويطال الجميع، مما يعني انه ليس هناك اشخاص شرفاء، لا نحن ولا غيرنا، وهذا غير صحيح. فاذا لم يكن هناك شرفاء، واشخاص لديهم وعي بالمشاكل التي تعترضنا، فكيف بامكاننا تحقيق الاصلاح؟ لدينا “اوادم” واشخاص كفؤون ولديهم كل الصفات كي يتمكنوا من النهوض بالمجتمع والوطن”.

وسئل عن الخطة التنفيذية التي لديه، فأوضح أن هناك ثلاث نقاط. الاولى هي محاربة الفساد، الثانية هي الوضع الاقتصادي، والثالثة هي العمل للوصول الى مجتمع مدني. وهذه النقاط تشكل برنامجا لبناء الدولة.

وعن الطريقة التي يمكن بها لرئيس الجمهورية ان يستثمر الوحدة غير المألوفة التي ظهرت عبر الحراك في الشارع، أكد ان ذلك يتم “بتأليف حكومة يكون له رأي فيها وتكون مناسبة، وتريد ان تحارب الفساد ولديها الجرأة للقيام بهذا العمل، وتعتمد خطة اقتصادية، وتحضر المجتمع المدني بشكل اوسع، وهذا يحتاج الى عمل دؤوب ومدة زمنية لا نعرف كم تستغرق، لأن الامر يحتاج الى تغيير تقاليد وعادات ودمج للمجتمع بعضه مع البعض الآخر مع القبول بهذا الدمج” .

وسئل: هل صحيح ان المشاورات النيابية قد تتم يوم غد الخميس او الجمعة؟ فقال: “هذا صحيح، ولكننا ما زلنا بحاجة الى تلقي بعض الاجوبة من المعنيين، واذا لم تأت هذه الاجابات قد يحتاج الامر الى بضعة ايام اخرى لتحديد المشاورات. ذللنا الكثير من الصعوبات ووصلنا الى النقاط الاخيرة، لأننا نريد الوصول الى حكومة منسجمة وليس الى حكومة متفرقة”.

وعن مصير ملفات الفساد السبعة عشرة التي تقدم بها الى القضاء، والتي خلقت تشكيكا لدى الناس بالقضاء، لفت الى ان التشكلية القضائية التي كانت قائمة كانت معتادة على نمط قديم في العمل بمساوئه وحسناته. وقال :” عمدنا اولاً الى تغيير في المراكز الاساسية واخترنا اشخاصا موثوقا بهم، ولاقت هذه الخطوة ترحيبا. وهم يتولون اليوم اجراء التشكيلات الجديدة وتغيير المراكز كي يصبح القضاء منسجما اكثر مع بعضه البعض. وهناك دراسات ايضا لتحسين النظام الداخلي للقضاء، وسير المحاكمات. هناك خطوات يمكن تحقيقها لاختصار الوقت بين الدعوى واصدار الحكم”.

وحول الضغوطات السياسية التاريخية والمستمرة التي ادت الى شل القضاء، اشار رئيس الجمهورية الى انه كلف احد المحامين رسميا لمتابعة مصير ملفات الفساد التي تقدم بها الى القضاء، “وهذا شيء مؤسف، فأنا لا يمكنني ان اعمل مخلص معاملات، وقد اضطررت الى فعل ذلك لاطلع شخصيا على وضع القضاء. فهناك مثلاً دعوى متعلقة بالمدير السابق لكازينو لبنان، الذي تحول الى المحكمة بعد التحقيق معه، وذلك منذ تسلمي مسؤولياتي قبل ثلاث سنوات وتعييني مديرا جديدا للكازينو. والى اليوم ما زلنا في مرحلة الدفوع” .
واضاف: “انا مدرك للتشكيك بجدية القضاء. عندما انتخبت رئيسا، اول امر حققناه هو تثبيت الامن والاستقرار، لأنه بدونهما لا يمكننا بناء اي شيء في البلد. وبدأنا بالبناء على هذه الركيزة، ان كان عبر اجراء تشكيلات في المؤسسات التي كانت مخلعة او اقرار قانون انتخاب جديد، وغير ذلك. اليوم نريد تحسين الموجود. استدعيت المجلس الاعلى للقضاء، وسألتهم لماذا لم تنجز التشكيلات، فقيل لي ان هناك مسؤولين كبيرين في الدولة على خلاف مع بعضهما حول الموضوع، مما حال دون اتمامها. فقلت لهم انتم لستم سياسيين لتحلوا المشاكل مع السياسيين، انتم قضاة، وعليكم اجراء التشكيلات بحسب الكفاءة والاخلاق، ورفعها الى وزير العدل، الذي عليه هو حل المشكلة السياسية في حال وجودها وليس انتم. ليس المطلوب منكم ان تذهبوا الى اي مسؤول كان، وانا سقفكم الفولاذي، وفي حال لم يتمكن احدكم من تحمل الضغط الذي يمارس عليه، فلينقل المشكلة إليَّ، وهذا ما تعمم على جميع القضاة. ولكن هناك اهتراء معين غير قابل للاصلاح، واليوم سنصلحه بعدما اكتشفاه، وهذا عمل دائم ومتواصل”.

وردا على سؤال حول ما اذا كان هناك سقف ادنى من سقف رئيس الجمهورية تمثله الحمايات والمحميات السياسية او المرجعيات الاخرى يمنع القضاة من “التنظيف” والاحتكام الى رئيس الجمهورية، اجاب الرئيس عون: “بالتأكيد، فالسبب الاول في فساد القضاء هو التدخل السياسي، لا بل كان القضاة احيانا يكافأون على هذا الفساد الذي كانوا يخدمون من خلاله السياسيين”. وقال “لقد ضمنت برنامجي الانتخابي في العام 2009 هذه الموضوعات في صفحة واحدة ووصفت الوضع كما الحل له “.

وردا على سؤال حول ما اذا كنا الان بصدد تشكيل حكومة وحدة وطنية او حكومة تكنوقراط او حكومة تكنوسياسية، اجاب رئيس الجمهورية: “انا من الذين سيكافحون من اجل للعودة الى النظام الاكثري في التشريع، على ان تحفظ الميثاقية في ما هو عائد لحقوق الطوائف حسب نظامنا الدستوري ووفق ما ينص عليه الدستور. وهذا امر اساسي نتمناه من اجل الانتظام في العمل السياسي، حيث يكون هناك من يشرع ويراقب وقضاء يحاسب. ويتم الحفاظ على استقلالية القضاء وحرية المجلس النيابي، هذه هي الاصول وهذا ما يجب ان يطبق.”

وسئل عما اذا سيعود الى الحكومة العتيدة من كان في الحكومة السابقة وفي مقدمهم وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل، اجاب الرئيس عون: “لماذا سألت بشكل محدد عن الوزير جبران باسيل؟ هو من يقرر اذا ما اراد ان يكون في الحكومة ام لا. بالاساس وفي الحكومة المستقيلة، لم تكن لديه رغبة في ان يكون فيها، كي ينصرف الى عمله السياسي ويبقى على حدة. لكن الظروف التي طرأت اجبرته على ان يكون وزيرا للخارجية. وهو الان يقدر ظروفه اذا ما اراد الدخول الى الحكومة ام لا. ولا يمكن لاحد منعه من هذا الحق، او ان يضع فيتو على رئيس اكبر كتلة نيابية في نظام ديموقراطي.”

وردا على سؤال حول اي صدمة يمكن ان تحدثها الحكومة المقبلة لكي يقتنع الناس بأن امرا جديدا حصل في البلد، اجاب الرئيس عون: “لا نقدر ان نشكّل حكومة صدمة. هناك مجلس نيابي من جهة، ومن سيقوم بالعمل السياسي من جهة ثانية؟ ان حكومة تكنوقراط صرف لا يمكنها ان تحدد سياسة البلد، بل الافضل ان تكون مناصفة.”

وردا على سؤال حوال عدم خروج الناس من الشارع اذا ما عدنا الى حكومة على شكل تلك التي كانت قائمةن اجاب: “لن نعيد حكومة كتلك التي كانت، ولا بنفس الشروط التي قامت على اساسها. اذا لم تكن الحكومة تكنوسياسية فلن تتمتع بغطاء ولا يمكنها ان تعطي البعد السياسي للبرلمان طالما انها لا تملك الصفة التمثيلية الشعبية ولا متابعة لكافة علاقاتنا بالعالم الخارجي. علينا ان نعود الى وزراء قد يكونوا في الحكومة السابقة وقد لا يكونوا فيها. ولكن انا لدي مبدأ يقوم على انني احب الا يكونوا من داخل البرلمان. ولكن لست انا من يقرر في النتيجة. هذه فقط رغبتي.”

وسئل رئيس الجمهورية عما اذا كان الرئيس سعد الحريري سيكون حكما هو الرئيس المقبل للحكومة ام هناك من خيارات اخرى، فاجاب: “قبل ان تحصل الاستشارات النيابية لا يمكنني ان اجيبك على هذا السؤال. قد يكون هو بتأييد نحو 100 صوت ربما، ويمكن الا يكون هو. انا لا يمكنني ان احدد اذا ما سيكون هو رئيس الحكومة المقبل ام لا.”

وسئل عما اذا كان الرئيس الحريري لا يزال يتمنع في ان يكون رئيسا للحكومة المقبلة، وهل يشعر بأن لديه اسبابا تجعله يتردد في ان يتحمل هذه المسؤولية، اجاب: “اكيد ان لديه اسبابا شخصية لأن ما من احد يتنكر له.”

وسئل عما اذا اذا كان الرئيس الحريري سيُعطى حق تسمية الشخصية التي تخلفه اذا ما اصر على الاحجام عن العودة الى السراي، اجاب: “اسمح لنا بذلك، عندما يحصل الامر نخبركم به.”

وسئل كذلك عما اذا كان الامر لم يحسم بعد في ان يكون الرئيس المقبل للحكومة هو الرئيس الحريري، اجاب: “حتى الان، الامر هو كذلك.”

وردا على مطالبة رئيس القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع في ان يكون الوزراء في الحكومة العتيدة فقط من التكنوقراط المستقلين، اجاب الرئيس عون: “من اين سيبحث عنهم؟ هل في القمر؟ هل هناك من لبناني لا ينتخب، او ليس لديه انتماء سياسي؟ فكيف يكونوا مستقلين تماما؟”
وسئل الرئيس عون لماذا تأخرت الاستشارات النيابية، وما صحة القول ان رئيس الجمهورية مهتم بالتأليف قبل التكليف بينما الآلية الدستورية هي في ان نذهب الى التكليف ثم التأليف، وهل السبب هو ممارسة الرئيس المكلف لنوع من الابتزاز على رئيس الجمهورية والقوى السياسية ربما، وهل المطلوب الاتفاق على التأليف ومن ثم التكليف، فاجاب: “انت قلت الامر مع الاسباب العائدة له. إن القضية تفلت من ايدينا، وقد حصل ذلك في السابق. واساسا هناك حد ادنى من النقاط يجب بحثها مع رئيس الحكومة المكلف كي لا نخرج بعقدة لا تُحل بعدها. والامر ليس بالسهولة التي يتصورها الناس: روحي حكومة وتعي حكومة!”

وردا على سؤال عما اذا كانت هناك من اسباب خارجية تدفع رئيس الحكومة الى التردد، كما دفعت البعض الى القول ان ما يحصل في لبنان ربما وراءه اسباب خارجية، اجاب: “الاسباب الخارجية يعرفها اصحاب العلاقة، اذا ما كانوا عرضة لضغوط معينة ام للتشجيع. انا لا اعرف ماذا هناك في ضميرهم، انما استشف احيانا ما هو الموقف، ولكن لا يحق لي ان اقوله لأن هذا هو تقديري.”

واوضح انه التقى الرئيس الحريري وجلس واياه ووجده مترددا بين “النعم” و”اللا”. بعد ذلك لا اعرف عما اذا كان الآن يتردد ام انه لم يعط بعد اي جواب.”

واكد الرئيس عون ردا على سؤال، انه موافق على كل مطالب الحراك المعيشية والحياتية والاقتصادية والعناوين المناهضة للفساد.

وعن الجوانب السياسية المرتبطة بالحراك واذا ما كان هناك من حاول الانقلاب على العهد، اجاب الرئيس عون: “لا، هناك دائما متطرفون ولكن اذا انقلبوا على العهد فـ”لعوض بسلامتكم” فمن سيعود ويجمع البلد فيما بعد”؟ مؤكدا ثقته باهل الحراك “فهم مواطنون تعذبوا ولطالما كنت افتش عنهم وسيكتشفون ذلك اذا ما قرأوا الامور جيدا”.
وعن الدعم الخارجي الذي يحظى به الافرقاء اللبنانيون وسبل اعادة ثقة المواطنين، اوضح الرئيس عون “اني وامام كل اللبنانيين والعالم كله اؤكد اني لست مديونا لاحد الا لمن دعمني من اللبنانيين”، مذكرا “لقد استغرق انتخابي رئيسا للجمهورية سنتين ونصف، لانني لم انتسب لاحد، واللبنانيون هم من انتخبني ولم يتم الامر بدعم دولي مطلقا. لقد انتخبت وقبلوا بي لانهم قدروا انه بامكاني جمع اللبنانيين وقد عشتم تلك المرحلة جميعا حيث كانت هناك خصومات وانقسام سياسي في البلاد.فوحدت اللبنانيين في حكومة واحدة تميزت بالتعاون رغم وجود الخلل. وكان هدفي جمع الشعب اللبناني لا بل ان مشهد الحراك اليوم يدل على انه صارت هناك وحدة وطنية”.

واضاف رئيس الجمهورية: “لربما سببت لي استقلاليتي مشاكل مختلفة، ففي الجامعة العربية والامم المتحدة كنت مستقلا وشجعت في كل مواقفي على ان يكون لبنان موجودا في العالم بشخصه، وقد كان هناك اختلاف بين موقفي ومواقف بعض الوزراء واعتقد ان هذا ما اوصل الى ما نحن عليه”.

وردا على سؤال اذا ما كان يلقي المسؤولية على الطرف الاخر، وعن تفسيره لرفع شعار بعض الحراك ضده، اجاب الرئيس عون: “اني لا ابرىء نفسي من المسؤولية طالما انا رئيس للجمهورية، كما ان لدي عجزا ولست قادرا على فرض الامور نسبة لصلاحياتي، فنظامنا التوافقي في مجلس الوزراء يشل الحركة لانه لا يعطي هامشا كبيرا للعمل”.

وعما اذا كان يجب تغيير النطام، اجاب الرئيس عون:” لا بل تعديله ذلك انه بالاصل يتخذ القرار بالاكثرية الا انه دخل عليه تقليد اضافي بعدم اللجوء الى التصويت واتخاذ القرارات بالتوافق. وهذا ما يجب ان يزول بداية في مجلس الوزراء فالتوافق يتم على الامور الميثاقية وحقوق الطوائف المنصوص عنها في الدستور، وخلاف ذلك يجب ان تتخذ القرارات بشأنه بالاكثرية، ويجب ان تكون هناك معارضة في الحكم والمجلس واناس يعملون كي تكون هناك رقابة. لكن عندما يتم تشكيل حكومة وحدة وطنية يمتنع عندها احد عن انتقاد الاخر ويلجأ الجميع الى الدفاع عن نفسه. من هنا كان هناك عجز عن التنفيذ لانتفاء القدرة على ذلك”.

وأكد رئيس الجمهورية العماد ميشال عون ردا على سؤال أن “حزب الله” ملتزم بتطبيق القرار 1701 ولم يطلق رصاصة واحدة ضد اسرائيل، وهو لا يتدخل في المواضيع الداخلية، وما فرض على حزب الله عبر الحصار المالي فرض على كل اللبنانيين.

وشدد الرئيس عون على ان في عهده لن يحصل اي اصطدام داخلي بين اللبنانيين ولن تقع حرب أهلية. وقد انتخب رئيسا للجمهورية نتيجة اتفاق فريقين مختلفين في السياسة على وحدة لبنان وعلى التعاون”.

وقال:” إذا كان المقصود حصول صدام بين اللبنانيين، فأنا لن اسمح بذلك. أما إذا كان القصد ان يبقى الوضع على الحدود ثابتا، كما في الداخل ايضا، فأنا لا اقبل بأكثر او أقل من ذلك”.

وردا على سؤال عن البيان الوزاري للحكومة الجديدة، اشار الرئيس عون الى أن لدينا أوراقا نبحثها أفضل من التي قدمها الرئيس الحريري في مهلة الـ72 ساعة، لافتا في الوقت ذاته الى وجود نقاط مشتركة.

وعن موقف المجتمع الدولي من تمثيل حزب الله في الحكومة، اشار رئيس الجمهورية الى “أن حزب الله يدافع عن نفسه لأنه موجود. ولا يمكن أن يفرض أحد علينا استبعاد حزب يشكل على الاقل ثلث الشعب اللبناني. وأنا اقول لا تعتدوا علينا ونحن بالتالي لا نعتدي على أحد.”
وفي ما خص ما طرحه امين عام حزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله، اي الذهاب الى معادلات اخرى، لمواجهة الحصار المالي كالتعاون مع الصين وروسيا، رأى الرئيس عون ان هذا الطرح هو “اقتراح وليس خيار بالنسبة الينا بعد”.

وردا على سؤال عن الاستراتيجية الدفاعية، سأل الرئيس عون “ضد من يجب أن أحدد استراتيجية الدفاع، فروسيا واميركا والصين واسرائيل جميعهم هنا. فمن هو حليفي وأنا بلد صغير؟ “
ولفت الى ان “ما يطلب من لبنان امور لا يمكنه القيام بها، وتعجيزية وغير مقبولة.”
وأوضح رئيس الجمهورية أن لبنان يتعرض لحرب من نوع جديدة. مشيرا الى “أن اساليب الحرب تغيرت، فأصبح هناك حروب حديثة وتصنيف جديد للحروب. فكانوا قديما يحاربون بسواعدهم والسيف والترس ثم تطورت الاسلحة. وعندما وجدوا ان هذه الوسائل اصبحت متعبة انسانيا وماديا تحولت الحروب في الجيل الرابع الى الاعلام والاخبار والرأي العام وشاشات التلفزة التي تنقل الاحداث بشكل متواصل من الشارع”.

وقال الرئيس عون: “إن وسائل الاعلام ومنذ ثلاث سنوات تتحدث عن انهيار الدولة ماليا وعن غير ذلك، ما ادى الى تخويف الناس الذين بدأوا بتهريب اموالهم. فهذه حرب اقتصادية. وأنا أطمئن اللبنانيين وأطلب منهم الا يتهافتوا الى المصارف ويفاقموا المشكلة، “فأموالكم مضمونة وستعود اليكم كاملة ونحن سنعالج هذه الأزمة” مستذكرا ما تعرض اليه بنك انترا في السابق. اضاف:” كأنهم يطلقون على الشعب رصاصة الرحمة سواء عبر الشارع او عبر الوضع المالي.”

وجدد الرئيس عون موقفه من مطالب الحراك، وقال:” إن المطالب وصلت ونحن مقتنعون بها، ولكن في حال استكملت الامور في الطريقة ذاتها التي تُعتمد اليوم، فذلك يعني أن القضية تتعثر، لاسيما في ظل اقفال الطرقات، والاضرابات، وتطويق مراكز رسمية ومرافق عامة ومدارس. فبهذه الطريقة يقضون على لبنان.”

وتابع رئيس الجمهورية مخاطبا المتظاهرين:” لقد فهمنا مشاكلكم ، ومطالبكم، ولدينا استعداد لتصحيح كل خطأ، ولكن لا تدمروا لبنان بسلوككم. وأنا ادعوكم لتبقوا على جهوزية لتساعدوني.”

ولفت رئيس الجمهورية الى أن لبنان اصبح الآن مريضا، فهل نزيد من مرضه؟ وقال:” لم أر ابدا عبر التاريخ، كالذي يحصل اليوم، حيث يوجد خلاف من دون حوار. فهل توجد اي ثورة من دون قائد؟. وتوجه الى “الحراك الشعبي” قائلاً: “اذا لم يكن هناك “اوادم” بينهم في هذه الدولة يروحوا يهاجروا وما رح يوصلوا للسلطة”، فليراجعوا تاريخي وليبقوا معي إذا اعجبهم، وإذا لا سأرحل أنا وليأتوا ببديل عني”.

واشار الى أن الوعود لا يمكن ان تبقى طويلاً من دون تنفيذ. ونحن بحاجة الى ادوات للتنفيذ، ولا يمكن البدء بذلك قبل وجود حكومة” لافتا الى “أن هناك خلافات يجب معالجتها، فهل نكلف احداً تشكيل الحكومة ومن ثم تبدأ الخلافات بعد التكليف.”

وعن مواقفه في نيويورك وما تبعها من ازمات قال الرئيس عون بترابط بينها وما اذا كان هناك من يحاول تغطية مسألة النازحين بافتعال ازمة في لبنان وتدهور استقراره الامني والنقدي والسياسي، اجاب الرئيس عون “لقد تأكدت من ذلك من خلال مجموعة امور،ـ اولا من خلال ما اشيع عن عدد الوفد الذي رافقني الى نيويورك في وقت كان لربما الاصغر بين الوفود التي رافقت الرؤساء من قبلي، بالاضافة الى ما اشيع عن العشاء بـ29 الف دولار، فثمة من افترض ان الاعتماد الذي خصص للرحلة المذكورة ساصرفه كله رغم انه عادة ما يأخذ المرء ما هو اضافي على ان يبقى في الحساب ما لا حاجة له، كما اني هوجمت حول امور عدة لم اكن اعرف سبب ذلك. من هنا فهمت ان ثمة ما يحاك ضدنا. طبعا كان خطابي في نيويورك قاسيا لا سيما لجهة ما قلته بان النازحين باتوا رهينة لفرض حلول معينة بسبب ربط عودتهم بالحل السياسي. ثم اننا اكدنا انه لن تكون حلول في العالم بسبب الانحراف في ميثاق الامم المتحدة بحيث بات القوي يقول انه على حق”.
وعن حديثه عن الضغوط لابقاء النازحين في لبنان بغية استعمالهم ورقة ضغط عند فرض التسويات وعما اذا هناك من ضغط لتوطين جزء من هؤلاء في لبنان، اجاب الرئيس عون: “بالتأكيد وبالامس كان هناك في اوروبا حديث في كيفية دمج النازحين في المجتمع اللبناني، فعلام يدل ذلك. انه كلام واضح. نحن لسنا بعداوة مع سوريا او الشعب السوري.

واكد رئيس الجمهورية ردا على سؤال، ان لا تواصل مباشر بينه وبين الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد، وعما اذا كان هناك من اتصالات هاتفية بينهما، قال (ممازحا) “هذه الامور تدخل في الخصوصيات، عليكم ان تسألوا الرئيس الاسد”. وقال: “فيما اطالب بعودة النازحين السوريين الى بلادهم بماذا يرد علي المجتمع الدولي؟ بالقول اننا نشكركم ونقدركم على استقبالكم وما الى هنالك من عبارات ليصلوا في الختام الى التأكيد على ان لا حل راهنا لهذه الازمة الا بوجود الحل السياسي، مع العلم ان هؤلاء هم نازحون امنيون وليسوا بلاجئين سياسيين كي ينتظروا الحل السياسي. هذا هو منطقنا وهو المنطق الصحيح ثم اننا نؤكد لهم عدم قدرتنا على تحمل المزيد من العبء الاقتصادي الذي يلقون بحمله علينا، وهم بدلا من مساعدتنا يقومون بشد الحصار علينا. هذه ليست سياسة فهي لا تحترم شرعة الامم المتحدة ولا اي شرعة اخرى في العالم”.

وعما اذا كان يشعر بأن عهده مطوق سياسيا وجهد خارجي لانهائه، اجاب الرئيس عون: “لست خائفا على العهد بل خائف على لبنان فلطالما كنت اضحي بحياتي واتخذت قرارات صعبة كان يمكن ان تنهيها. اني خائف على لبنان اذا ما واصل كل من الامم المتحدة والاتحاد الاوروبي بالضغط علينا وعدم تقديم المساعدة باي شيء”. عما اذا كان السبب هو التحالف مع حزب الله، قال الرئيس عون:” اي تحالف؟ اني متحالف مع كل اللبنانيين، فهل اعتدى احدهم علينا في الشمال ولم نقف في وجهه؟. هؤلاء مواطنون. لست احارب مع الحزب في سوريا او في اي مكان آخر.

وعما اذا يمكن ايجاد حل للنازحين بالحوار مع النظام الحالي في سوريا، قال رئيس الجمهورية:”عندما قلنا ذلك “اكلناها اكثر”. اضاف:” بلغ عدد من عاد الى سوريا 390 الفا ولم نبلغ من احد اي شكوى عن ممارسات النظام السوري. اما القول بان سوريا غير آمنة ليس صحيحا.

وعن طمأنته اللبنانيين على اموالهم ومدى اقتناعه بكلام حاكم مصرف لبنان بالامس، قال:” ان الحاكم كان يتحدث عن موجودات المصرف وانا لست قادرا على الاجابة عن مسؤوليته واذا كنا نريد ان نشكك بمسؤولية كل واحد فـ “لعوض بسلامتك”. تابع:” لقد اجتمعت مع جمعية المصارف وتناقشنا بالامور واتخذنا تدابير الا اننا نحتاج الى مساعدة من اللبنانيين لعدم التهافت على سحب مدخراتهم”.

وعن وجود سعرين للدولار في السوق واحد رسمي وآخر غير رسمي، قال الرئيس عون:” ان الدولارات موجودة تحت الوسادة، عندما تكون هناك حاجة باستطاعة اللبنانيين اخذ اموالهم، ان الدولار غير مفقود في لبنان الا انه يتم اخراجه من الودائع الى المنازل، وهذا ما يخرب الامور”، لافتا في هذا السياق الى ما تعرض له في السابق بنك انترا، متحدثا عن اوجه الشبه بين من تآمر على “انترا” في السابق ومن يتآمر على لبنان اليوم.

وتوجه الى اللبنانيين بالقول:” هل تريدون ان تكسورا مصرفكم وماليتكم وتخسروا كل شيء او تريدون انقاذ الوضع وتبذلون جهدا لذلك”، قائلا:” نحن كعسكر كنا نذهب الى معركة وكلنا ثقة ان بعضنا لن يعود”. وعن مسؤولية المصارف في هذا الاطار وما حكي عن تهريبها اموال الى خارج لبنان، سأل الرئيس عون من قال ذلك؟ اذا كان ذلك صحيحا سنحاسبها لان المصارف لا حصانه لها في تهريب الاموال.

اضاف: “اما اذا اردنا توصيف واقع الحال وقلنا ان الحكم فاسد والناس فاسدون وكلن يعني كلن، فكيف نحل المشكلة، فلنساعد المصارف على عدم تهريب الاموال بعدم التهافت عليها. وعن اوجه الشبه بين انترا والمصارف اليوم قال :” ان هذه المصارف اصغر وتحطيمها اسهل”.

وسئل الرئيس عون عن القلق الذي ينتاب اللبنانيين من الاوضاع القائمة، فاجاب: “وانا قلق ايضا”، واضاف ردا على سؤال عن الاجراءات الاقتصادية والمالية الاولى الواجب اتخاذها بعد تشكيل الحكومة لكي يطمئن الناس: “يجب على المواطنين العودة الى بيوتهم كي تعود عجلة الحياة الى الدوران طبيعيا في لبنان، وتتحمل الحكومة مسؤولياتها وتعمل بهدوء وليس في الظلمة. وفي الوقت عينه يعود الجميع الى اعمالهم. ولكن ان تقول لي اننا سنبقى في الشارع ونقفل الطرقات فلا يمكننا ان نوحي بالثقة الى احد ونفقد الثقة ببعضنا البعض ومع العالم ايضا.”

اضاف: “علينا ان نعود الى الحياة الطبيعية كي تثق الناس بنا. لقد اخذنا بالاعتبار ما يريده الناس وسننفذه. واذا لم يكونوا يريدون تصديقنا فإانهم يضربون الوطن بالخنجر، وهذا لا يحصل في العالم. بالثورة نحن لن نذهب.”

وسأل: “هل انا وحدي من سأعطيهم حقوقهم؟ ألست بحاجة الى حكومة تبدأ بأخذ اجراءات ويقوم المجلس النيابي بدوره؟ هذه هي الحياة البرلمانية عندنا. هل يريدون ان نغيّرها؟ هذا مشروع طويل يجب ان يحظى بموافقة الشعب اللبناني على الاصلاحات المنادى بها.”

وردا على سؤال عما اذا كانت هناك من مساعدات مالية ستأتي في حال تم تشكيل الحكومة، اجاب: “لا يمكنك ان تضعني ضامنا لكل ما سيحصل. هناك وعود ستنفذ. ونحن سنعمل كي ننقذ انفسنا بانفسنا. وشرط نجاح هذا الامر هو عودتنا الى العمل معاً واصلاحنا للامور معا. اما شعار: كوني فكانت، فليبحثوا عنه في عالم آخر.

وعن مواجهة الفساد، لفت الرئيس عون الى ان مواجهة الشعب له انتهت وبدأت مواجهتنا له، واطلب منهم الدعم في هذه المواجهة.

وعما اذا كانت الحكومة المقبلة ستكون قادرة على المواجهة وتحمل صفة حكومة العهد بعد استقالة الحكومة السابقة، اجاب: ” العهد غير متمثل بي فقط، فهناك مجلس نيابي ومجلس وزراء، واذا فقدنا التنسيق بين اعضاء الحكومة لن تكون منتجة، ومواجهتنا ستكون مع من لا يرغب في العمل”.

وردا على سؤال حول ثقته بالجيش وطريقة تعاطيه مع التظاهرات التي حصلت وحمايته للمتظاهرين، اكد الرئيس عون ان قطع الطرق على المواطنين فيه خروج عن العهد الدولي، “وهو ما ابلغته للسفراء اليوم، فهناك حقوق لاكثر من ثلاثة ملايين ونصف بحرية التنقل، وكان يمكننا استعمال القوة والعنف ولكننا اخترنا ان نعالج المسألة بهدوء، الا انه حصل صدام بين المواطنين ومن يقطع الطريق، وكادت الامور ان تتطور الى الاسوأ قبل ان يقتنع المتظاهرون بفتح الطرقات. وانا لدي ثقة بالمؤسسة العسكرية”.
وسئل عما اذا كان يثق بقائد الجيش، استغرب رئيس الجمهورية هذا السؤال وأجاب: هذا الامر غير مطروح بالنسبة اليّ.

وعن الوساطة الفرنسية المطروحة، اعلن الرئيس عون ان احداً لم يتحدث معه في هذه المسألة، والموفد الفرنسي طلب موعداً وحدد يوم غد. وسئل عن امكان ربط الوساطة بالافراج عن اموال مؤتمر “سيدر”، فأجاب: “يختلف الوضع ما اذا كانت رسالة ام تهديداً ام اطلاعا.”

وعما اذا كان لبنان امام خطر مواجهة او على مشارف حلول سياسية واقتصادية، توجه الرئيس عون الى اللبنانيين بالطلب اليهم عدم التصرف بشكل سلبي بصورة دائمة، وخصوصاً للذين يشاركون في الحراك “لان السلبية ستؤدي الى المثل وقد نصل الى صدام داخلي بين اللبنانيين، وهذا ما لا يجب ان يحصل. الجميع دعمكم في مطالبكم، ولكن اذا استمر الاسلوب نفسه في التعاطي، فستضربون لبنان ومصالحكم والجميع. وانا اضعكم امام هذا الخيار، ونعمل ليل نهار للخروج من هذا الوضع، فإذا استمريتم بهذا الاسلوب، سنصل الى نكبة، ولكن يمكننا تصحيح الامور اذا ما اوقفتم تحرككم في الشارع، وعدتم الى عملكم والحياة الطبيعية”.

The post الياس بجاني/فخامة الرئيس عون.. رجاء استقيل رحمة بلبنان وباللبنانيين وشفقة على ما بقي من تاريخك المشرّف الذي أنت نحرته/مع نص المقابلة appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For November 13/2019


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For November 13/2019

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A Bundle Of English Reports, News and Editorials For November 12-13/2019 Addressing the On Going Mass Demonstrations & Sit In-ins In Iranian Occupied Lebanon in its 27th Day


A Bundle Of English Reports, News and Editorials For November 12-13/2019 Addressing the On Going Mass Demonstrations & Sit In-ins In Iranian Occupied Lebanon in its 27th Day
Compiled By: Elias Bejjani
November 12-13/2019

Titles For The Latest English LCCC Lebanese & Lebanese Related News published on November 12-13/2019
Lebanon: First death reported in nationwide protests
Soldier opens fire to disperse protest in Lebanon’s Khaldeh, wounding one
One Shot Dead in Khalde as Protesters Block Roads across Lebanon
Aoun Says May Call for Consultations Thursday, Warns against Continued Protests
Aoun Tells U.N., ISG Envoys Govt. Will be Formed ‘Soon’
Kubis says Aoun outlined envisaged way to form new government soon through binding consultations
French Envoy Arrives in Beirut for Talks with Top Officials
Hariri Affirms ‘Amity’ with Berri after Latter’s Remarks
Report: New Proposal on Govt. Balances between Political Forces, Street Demands
Banks to Close Wednesday as Employees Strike Continues
Unions of Bank Employees to Association of Banks: No return to work before security ensured
Khoury Says ‘ATM Machines Will Be Stocked with Cash’
Al-Rahi Says Lebanese Must Not Wait for ‘Solutions from Abroad’
Protesters Rally at French Embassy to Denounce ‘French Interference’
Alfa, Touch Employees Go on Strike over Salary Dispute
Berri, Wife Lift Secrecy Off Their Bank Accounts
Lebanon’s Aoun: Consultations to form new government may start on Thursday
Top UN official in Lebanon calls for urgent designation of next prime minister
Banks, schools shut down as protesters maintain roadblocks amid tight security
Samir Geagea calls on the Lebanese ruling elite ‘to take responsibility

The Latest English LCCC Lebanese & Lebanese Related News published on November 12-13/2019
From 2006 Archive/Michel Aoun: A psychotic Lust For The Presidency
Elias Bejjani/December 22/06

Lebanon: First death reported in nationwide protests
Sunniva Rose/The National/November 12/2019
Protesters poured into streets on Tuesday night after President Michel Aoun said formation of new government could be further delayed. A local official for a Lebanese political party was shot dead by soldiers trying to open a road that was closed by protesters in Beirut late on Tuesday, the army reported, in the first death in 27 days of nationwide protests. The army said the man was shot in the Khaldeh neighbourhood after a scuffle in which a soldier opened fire to disperse the crowd. It said army command had opened an investigation into the killing after arresting the soldier. The country has been engulfed by nationwide protests against the entire political class since October 17.
The man was identified as a local official with the Progressive Socialist Party led by Walid Jumblatt, leader of Lebanon’s Druze community. Mr Jumblatt told an angry crowd outside the hospital where the man died of his wounds to calm down, saying “no one will protect us but the state”.He said that he spoke with the army chief and was told about the investigation. Protesters poured into the streets Tuesday night closing roads around Lebanon after President Michel Aoun said there could be further delays before a new government is formed. A group of protesters trying to block the entrance to Beirut’s Justice Palace clashed with lawyers earlier on Tuesday. The protesters hoped to maintain pressure on the country’s judicial system to investigate corrupt politicians as part of a wider protest against inequality and poor economic conditions.
Sara, 23, said a lawyer attacked her as she was standing with three other people in front of the car park of the Beirut Bar Association building, which is connected to the Justice Palace. “We were not aggressive and responded respectfully to lawyers who talked to us,” Sara said. “But the lawyer started insulting us and pushing me in a very aggressive way until the police removed us.”She spoke from outside the main entrance of the Justice Palace as a small protest of several dozen people continued on Tuesday afternoon. “This is too much,” she said. “He is a lawyer, he cannot act like this with people.”
In a video of the incident, the lawyer shouts at Sara that the building is private property and that she cannot block it, before trying to stop the incident being filmed.
“Go back to your university,” the lawyer shouts.
A colleague who tried to defend the lawyer was struck in the face by protesters in a scuffle that cracked the glass of the revolving door to the building, said Ayman Raad, a lawyer who is part of a committee that supports protesters.
Both sides can sue each other over the incident, Mr Raad said. Another protester, Rabab Nasser, 24, who was also blocking an entrance to the Justice Palace, said that a prominent judge insulted her, threatened to beat her and forced her out of the way with his car.Protesters said a third woman suffered a scalp injury during the scuffles. By late morning, the entrance to the Justice Palace had been reopened after lawyers argued that the protesters were blocking urgent legal procedures. Hearings were adjourned because of the protest, the state-run National News Agency reported.
“We want judges to fight corruption,” said protester Sara Baghdadi, 32. “We know some follow political parties but there are some good judges who have good intentions. We’re here to push them to fight.”
Rana Abi Abdallah, 31, said: “We do not have a fair justice system. A lot of judges are bribed. This whole movement is to fight corruption.” The demonstrations in Lebanon, which brought hundreds of thousands of people to the streets during the first week in mid-October, have shifted from mass rallies and roadblocks to smaller gatherings at public institutions considered to be corrupt. The protests pushed Prime Minister Saad Hariri to resign on October 29.
The country is now in a political void that has compounded an existing financial crisis as Mr Aoun has yet to announce a date for binding parliamentary consultations. He was expected to do so in a television interview on Tuesday night. Corruption is one of the main drivers of the protests, which was triggered by a suggested tax increase. Lebanon was ranked 138th out of 180 countries in Transparency International’s latest Corruption Perception Index. Several political parties, including Hezbollah and the president’s Free Patriotic Movement, have promised to fight corruption and said cases against prominent officials and politicians were launched in the few past weeks.But protesters are not convinced. “We want to see action,” Ms Abi Abdallah said. “We are fed up.”

Soldier opens fire to disperse protest in Lebanon’s Khaldeh, wounding one
News Agencies/November 13/2019
A Lebanese soldier opened fire to disperse protesters blocking a road in Khaldeh south of Beirut on Tuesday night, killing one person, the army said in a statement.It said the soldier was detained and the incident is under investigation. Local media and a security source said earlier that a man had been shot dead at a road block in Khaldeh. Lebanese broadcaster al-Jadeed said the man had been protesting when he was shot. A man was shot dead by an armed man at a roablock in the town of Khaldeh south of Lebanon’s capital Beirut on Tuesday night, local media and a security source said. The shooter was detained for investigation, the source said.Protesters in Lebanon blocked roads with burning tyres in several parts of the country including the capital Beirut following a broadcast interview with President Michel Aoun in which he urged them to go home. During his interview, Aoun called on protesters to go home, saying their demands had been heard, and warned of a “catastrophe” if they stayed in the streets. Earlier in the day, banks and schools were shut down across the country as protesters continued to block roads, while dozens of others gathered near the Palace of Justice in central Beirut demanding an independent judiciary. Several protesters prevented bank employees, as well as judges and lawyers, from entering their places of work nearly a month into protests that erupted due to widespread discontent with politicians seen as inefficient and corrupt.
-with Reuters

One Shot Dead in Khalde as Protesters Block Roads across Lebanon
Agence France Presse/November 12/2019
A man was shot dead in Khalde south of Beirut, Lebanon’s state news agency said early Wednesday. The victim “succumbed to his injuries” in hospital, according to the National News Agency, the second death in nearly a month of unprecedented protests that have erupted across Lebanon.
The army said in a statement that it had arrested a soldier after he opened fire in the coastal town of Khalde, just below the capital, to clear protesters “injuring one person.” Media reports said the soldier is the personal driver of an army colonel as protesters said he was driving a white vehicle with no plates.
The Progressive Socialist Party said in a statement that the man was one its members. A long-time opponent of President Michel Aoun, PSP chief Walid Jumblat appealed to his supporters to stay calm. “In spite of what happened, we have no other refuge than the state. If we lose hope in the state, we enter chaos,” he said. Protesters are demanding the ouster of a generation of politicians they see as inefficient and corrupt. In a televised address on Tuesday night, Aoun had warned protesters against continued blocking of roads and state institutions. The government stepped down on October 29 but stayed on in a caretaker capacity and no overt efforts have so far been made to form a new one.

Aoun Says May Call for Consultations Thursday, Warns against Continued Protest
Naharnet/November 12/2019
President Michel Aoun on Tuesday said that he might call for parliamentary consultations to name a new premier on Thursday or Friday if the parties concerned respond positively to the proposals, as he warned protesters against continued blocking of roads and state institutions.
“The consultations might be held Thursday or Friday pending the answers of the parties concerned and if they don’t respond, we’ll have to postpone for a few more days,” Aoun said in a TV interview broadcast on all local channels. “We have resolved most obstacles,” he said, adding that “the protest movement must have a say in the new government.”On the nature of the new government, the president said: “We cannot form a ‘shock government’… A purely technocratic government cannot decide the country’s policies.”“I back the formation of a government equally composed of politicians and technocrats,” he added. As for Jebran Bassil’s possible re-appointment as a minister in the new government, Aoun said “it is up to Minister Bassil to choose whether or not to be in the new government,” stressing that “no one has the right to put a veto on him.” Asked about Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea’s insistence that the new ministers must be totally independent, the president said: “Where can I find them? On the moon?”As for the negotiations with caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri, Aoun said Hariri was “hesitant” during their latest meeting. “He has personal reasons,” the president added. Addressing protesters, Aoun warned: “I tell the Lebanese that their behavior should not be always negative because this would lead to counter-negativity and we would definitely reach an inter-Lebanese clash.”Asked about the first measures that must be taken after the formation of the new government, the president said: “The return of citizens to their homes so that the cycle of life can return to normal and let the government work in light and not in darkness.”“The country will die if protesters remain on the streets, even if we don’t use any force against them,” Aoun cautioned. As for the financial and monetary crisis in the country, Aoun reassured the Lebanese and told them “not to rush to banks and worsen the problem.”“Their money is secure and we will solve the crisis,” he added. He also warned that banks that smuggle funds outside Lebanon “will be held accountable.”Aoun’s remarks appeared to do little to appease protesters on the streets, who swiftly blocked roads across the country to express their dismay.

Aoun Tells U.N., ISG Envoys Govt. Will be Formed ‘Soon’
Naharnet/November 12/2019
President Michel Aoun held talks Tuesday in Baabda with the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jan Kubis, who was accompanied by the ambassadors representing the members of the International Support Group for Lebanon (ISG). A statement issued by Kubis’ office said Aoun informed the participants about the current political and economic situation in Lebanon and its root causes. “He outlined the envisaged way forward, notably as regards the forming of the new government soon through a process of binding parliamentary consultations. He also requested assistance of the international community in dealing with the economic situation and reforms as well as with return of Syrian refugees back home,” the statement said. In his comments on behalf of UNSCOL, Special Coordinator Kubis reminded Aoun of his call in an address to the nation for “a new Government is that it lives up to the aspirations of the people, earns their confidence first before that of the Parliament, with the aim to restore people’s confidence in their state and that ministers to be selected based on their competence.”“Kubis calls upon the leadership of Lebanon to urgently nominate the Prime Minister-designate, start the mandatory process of parliamentary consultations and to maximally accelerate the process of the formation of the new government of personalities known for their competence and integrity, trusted by the people,” the statement said. It added: “Such a Cabinet, formed in line with the aspirations of the people and supported by the broadest range of political forces through the Parliamentary vote of confidence, will also be in a better position to appeal for support from Lebanon’s international partners.”The Special Coordinator also underlined that the national interest and unity of Lebanon must be put above any other considerations, adding that “continuous protection of peaceful protesting civilians by the security forces, also against provocateurs, maintenance of law and order and the functioning of the state and its economy without using force or violence is the paramount responsibility of the leadership of Lebanon and its security forces.”
“The Special Coordinator notes that it is essential that the authorities prioritize urgent measures to maintain the country’s monetary, financial and economic stability as well as to put the necessary reforms, good governance, end to corruption and accountability without impunity on the right and fast track in a transparent manner,” the statement added. Warning that the financial and economic situation is critical, the statement said the Lebanese government and other authorities “cannot wait any longer to start addressing it, starting with measures that will give the people confidence and guarantees that their licit life-time savings are safe, that they can continue their normal life.”“The continuous absence of executive and legislative action only compounds the crisis, contributes to social instability,” the statement warned. It added that the U.N. is ready to support urgent and long-term steps and measures that will contribute to fighting and preventing corruption and strengthening good governance and accountability. “The U.N. remains committed to supporting Lebanon, its political independence, non-interference into internal matters, unity, stability, security, sovereignty and territorial integrity,” the statement added.

Kubis says Aoun outlined envisaged way to form new government soon through binding consultations
NNA -Tue 12 Nov 2019
A press release by the Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Jan Kubis, on the meeting of President Michel Aoun with the International Support Group for Lebanon, said: “President Michel Aoun received today at Baabda the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon Mr. J?n Kubi? together with the Ambassadors, representing the members of the International Support Group for Lebanon (ISG). President Aoun informed the participants about the current political and economic situation in Lebanon and its root causes. He outlined the envisaged way forward, notably as regards the forming of the new government soon through a process of binding parliamentary consultations. He also requested assistance of the international community in dealing with the economic situation and reforms as well as with return of Syrian refugees back home.
In his comments on behalf of UNSCOL, Special Coordinator Kubis i.a. recalled the statement of the President of 31 October 2019, in particular that the sole consideration for a new Government is that it lives up to the aspirations of the people, earns their confidence first before that of the Parliament, with the aim to restore people’s confidence in their state and that ministers to be selected based on their competence.
Special Coordinator Kubis calls upon the leadership of Lebanon to urgently nominate the Prime Minister-designate, start the mandatory process of parliamentary consultations and to maximally accelerate the process of the formation of the new government of personalities known for their competence and integrity, trusted by the people. Such a Cabinet, formed in line with the aspirations of the people and supported by the broadest range of political forces through the Parliamentary vote of confidence, will also be in a better position to appeal for support from Lebanon’s international partners.
The Special Coordinator underlines that the national interest and unity of Lebanon must be put above any other considerations. Continuous protection of peaceful protesting civilians by the security forces, also against provocateurs, maintenance of law and order and the functioning of the state and its economy without using force or violence is the paramount responsibility of the leadership of Lebanon and its security forces, the only way to ensure civil peace and national unity.
The Special Coordinator notes that it is essential that the authorities prioritize urgent measures to maintain the country’s monetary, financial and economic stability as well as to put the necessary reforms, good governance, end to corruption and accountability without impunity on the right and fast track in a transparent manner. The financial and economic situation is critical, and the government and other authorities cannot wait any longer to start addressing it, starting with measures that will give the people confidence and guarantees that their licit life-time savings are safe, that they can continue their normal life. The continuous absence of executive and legislative action only compounds the crisis, contributes to social instability. The UN is ready to support urgent and long-term steps and measures, that will contribute to fighting and preventing corruption, strengthening good governance, accountability, contribute to inclusive growth and job creation, leading towards sustainable growth and stability of Lebanon, that will prioritize the needs and concerns of the people, its ever-younger population, its women. The UN remains committed to supporting Lebanon, its political independence, non-interference into internal matters, unity, stability, security, sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

French Envoy Arrives in Beirut for Talks with Top Officials
Naharnet/November 12/2019
The director of the Middle East and North Africa department at the French foreign ministry, Christophe Farnaud, arrived Tuesday afternoon in Lebanon for talks with top officials. Earlier in the day, several prominent civil society groups such as Beirut Madinati and the Legal Agenda said they had declined invitations to hold meetings with Farnaud, who has apparently sought to explore the stances of the protest movement. Al-Joumhouria daily reported Friday that France is seeking to help Lebanon resolve the crisis of forming a new government in light of the stalled efforts and the swelling street protests against the political elite. High-ranking diplomatic sources told the daily that France was exerting “unremitting, robust efforts” to push for a solution. Saad Hariri tendered his government’s resignation on October 29 in response to pressure from the nationwide protests. The cabinet has stayed on in a caretaker capacity but efforts to form a new line-up seem to be stalling, with each faction in the outgoing coalition seeking to salvage some influence. The World Bank on Wednesday warned that the failure to quickly form a government that meets protesters’ demands could lead to an even sharper economic downturn.

Hariri Affirms ‘Amity’ with Berri after Latter’s Remarks
Naharnet/November 12/2019
Caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Tuesday said nothing can bring enmity to his relationship with Speaker Nabih Berri, reportedly after the latter “failed” to convince Hariri to lead the upcoming new government. Center House sources quoted Hariri as saying: “Speaker Berri is a big brother (to me), and his big heart does not bear hostility with me forever. My friendship and respect for Berri transcends all considerations. Nothing in the world is capable of making us enemies,” al-Mustaqbal Web reported. Earlier, Berri was quoted as saying that he made the “utmost” effort to convince Hariri to lead the upcoming government and that he would be “on feud with him forever if he refuses to line-up a new Cabinet.”Berri seemingly failed to persuade Hariri to form the new government. The government resigned on October 29 but stayed on in a caretaker capacity and parliamentary consultations on forming a new government are yet to be held.

Report: New Proposal on Govt. Balances between Political Forces, Street Demands
Naharnet/November 12/2019
Negotiations are underway over a new proposal for the formation of a new government which would “balance between the majority of political forces and the desire of street protesters,” a prominent ministerial source said on Tuesday. “The meeting that was held yesterday between caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri and (caretaker Foreign) Minister Jebran Bassil was positive,” the source told MTV, noting that both Hariri and Bassil “are not setting preconditions, especially in terms of their personal presence in the government.” Hariri had tendered his government’s resignation on October 29 in response to pressure from unprecedented, massive and cross-sectarian street protests that have gripped Lebanon since October 17. President Michel Aoun has delayed the binding parliamentary consultations for choosing a new premier in a bid to secure prior consensus on the premier and the shape of the new government. The World Bank on Wednesday warned that the failure to quickly form a government that meets protesters’ demands could lead to an even sharper economic downturn.

Banks to Close Wednesday as Employees Strike Continues
Associated Press/Naharnet/November 12/2019
Lebanon’s banking association said Tuesday that banks will stay closed on Wednesday due to a strike by employees as the country’s financial crisis worsens. Banks were supposed to open on Tuesday following a three-day closure, but employees have gone on strike, complaining of aggressive behavior by customers. Depositors have rushed to withdraw their money in recent days amid a rapidly deteriorating economic and financial crisis. Lebanon’s financial troubles have worsened since economically driven mass protests erupted nationwide last month, paralyzing the country. The country’s lenders have imposed varying capital controls that differ from bank to bank, triggering panic and anxiety among clients. Some have taken out their anger on employees. The banks have said that they will continue to meet customer needs through ATM machines.

Unions of Bank Employees to Association of Banks: No return to work before security ensured
NNA -Tue 12 Nov 2019
The Executive Council of the Union of Bank Employees in Lebanon on Tuesday issued a statement saying that a delegation representing the union had met with the President of the Association of Banks in Lebanon (ABL), in presence of a number of members of the Board of Directors.
Consequently, President of the Union asked of the Association of Banks in Lebanon to ensure full security in all bank branches across Lebanon so as to preserve the safety of depositors and users. He also pushed for the reconsideration of the extraordinary measures that had shaken the banking sector last week. The delegation then reiterated that the bank strike was ongoing and that there would be no return to work until these two demands were met. For his part, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ABL expressed his readiness to cooperate and make the necessary contacts to provide a safe atmosphere for workers in the banking sector and to continue to seek a way out of the exceptional circumstances that had led to clashes in several banks last week. Moreover, both parties confirmed that ATMs would continue to provide cash to meet the needs of customers, and that the CALL Center staff would continue to work to meet the demands of customers.

Khoury Says ‘ATM Machines Will Be Stocked with Cash’
Naharnet/November 12/2019
Head of Lebanon’s bankers’ syndicate Assad Khoury emphasized on Tuesday that ATM machines will be stocked with cash despite an open-ended strike announced yesterday over “staff security.”Khoury said: “Bank employees will not stop stocking the ATMs with cash. Our strike is intended to press the administrations of bank into taking the measures deemed possible in light of the difficult circumstances the country is witnessing,” he told LBCI in a phone interview. “The administrations of banks are putting us in a confrontation with customers. We will not do well under the conditions imposed on us. The strike was taken until the situation is addressed,” he added. On Tuesday, head of the Federation of Syndicates of Banks Employees announced an open-ended strike from Tuesday to protect employees in light of mass nationwide protests ongoing since October 17 against the ruling class. Banks were closed for two weeks and reopened on Nov. 1. Although the central bank announced no formal capital controls, but banks have been trying to avert capital outflow by controlling dollar withdrawal, and blocking transfers abroad. The move drew the ire of customers and have led to threats against bank workers.

Al-Rahi Says Lebanese Must Not Wait for ‘Solutions from Abroad’
Naharnet/November 12/2019
Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi said Tuesday that the Lebanese should decide what they want instead of “waiting for solutions from abroad which might never come.”Urging officials to “put aside their personal and partisan interests and put the public interest ahead of anything else,” al-Rahi also called on them to “liberate themselves from the regional and international tug of war.”“We urge the Lebanese not to be in the grip of any country and to get out of this international standoff… They should not wait for the countries’ interests… We are the ones who should decide what we want and we should not wait for solutions from abroad which might never come,” the patriarch added. “We have the best sign to find the solutions. The solution is the honest popular and youth protest movement,” al-Rahi said. The patriarch’s remarks came shortly after a French presidential envoy arrived in Lebanon for talks on the country’s political and economic crisis.

Protesters Rally at French Embassy to Denounce ‘French Interference’
Naharnet/November 12/2019
Protesters led by the leftist Youth Movement for Change rallied Tuesday evening outside the French embassy in Beirut to denounce what they called French “interference” in Lebanese affairs, hours after a top French envoy arrived in Beirut. The envoy, Christophe Farnaud, is scheduled to meet with top Lebanese officials over the ongoing political and economic crisis in the country. Earlier on Tuesday, several prominent civil society groups such as Beirut Madinati and the Legal Agenda said they had declined invitations to hold meetings with Farnaud, who has apparently sought to explore the stances of the anti-corruption protest movement. Lebanon’s financial troubles have worsened since economically driven mass protests erupted nationwide last month. The ruling class is also still bickering over the formation of a new government after Saad Hariri bowed to street pressure and tendered his government’s resignation on October 29. The protesters outside the French embassy also demanded the release of Lebanese leftist militant Georges Abdallah from French jails. Abdallah has been jailed since 1984 over the separate assassinations in France of the assistant U.S. military attaché and an Israeli diplomat and the attempted assassination of an American consul. The three attacks occurred during the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon. In 1999, Abdallah completed the minimum portion of his life sentence, but several requests for parole were denied. In 2003, a French court granted him parole but the U.S. Department of State objected to the decision. Dominique Perben, the French Minister of Justice at the time, made an appeal against the release.

Alfa, Touch Employees Go on Strike over Salary Dispute
Naharnet/November 12/2019
Hundreds of employees at the country’s two mobile operators went on an “open-ended” strike on Tuesday over alleged plans to cut their salaries and benefits. Employees at Alfa and Touch suspended work at the companies’ headquarters and other regions, angered by an earlier plan introduced by caretaker Minister of Telecommunications to trim salaries allegedly to “reduce costs.”The workers demand the government to refrain from a 30% deduction from their annual income, calling upon the government to maintain new work contracts, and ensure the continuity of their work in any management contracts.
The workers’ move comes amid ongoing nationwide protests against the country’s political organization. Protests ongoing since October 17 demand a complete overhaul of a political system they say has been dominated by the same families of political leaders since the end of the 1975-1990 civil war.

Berri, Wife Lift Secrecy Off Their Bank Accounts
Naharnet/November 12/2019
Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri and his wife Randa Assi Berri on Tuesday lifted bank secrecy off their accounts inside and outside Lebanon, state-run National News Agency reported. NNA said Berri and his spouse signed memos lifting their bank secrecy during a meeting with the notary public Shadi Rammal.
The members of the Free Patriotic Movement-led Strong Lebanon bloc have recently made a similar move, amid unprecedented anti-corruption protests in the country. Berri, 81, has been parliament speaker since 1992. He was reelected last year for a new four-year mandate. His critics accuse him of having abused his position to amass a colossal personal fortune and protesters have bashed him and his wife Randa as some of the most egregious examples of Lebanon’s patronage system.

Lebanon’s Aoun: Consultations to form new government may start on Thursday
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English/Tuesday, 12 November 2019
Lebanese President Michel Aoun said on Tuesday that formal consultations with MPs over the nomination of the next prime minister could begin on Thursday or Friday but he was waiting for answers without which it may take a few days longer. Aoun said he had found outgoing Prime Minister Saad Hariri hesitant about taking the job again and he backed a Cabinet mixing technocrats and politicians. “I met with Hariri and I found him hesitant between yes and no,” Aoun said in a televised interview. Hariri quit as prime minister of a coalition government on October 29. Regarding the ongoing protests across the country, Aound said “We called on the demonstrators for dialogue and we did not receive an answer from them.” He added “We need time to regain trust.” Aoun called on protesters to go home, saying their demands had been heard, and warned of a “catastrophe” if they stay in the streets. He also urged the Lebanese not to rush to the banks to withdraw their money, which he said was safe. Regarding his son-in-law who is the caretaker foreign minister Aoun said “nobody can veto Gebran Bassil being a minister.” Earlier a top UN official in Lebanon called on Tuesday for the urgent designation of the next prime minister, and for the quick formation of a new Cabinet of people known for “competence and integrity.”Jan Kubis, the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, added that such a cabinet would be in a better position to appeal for international support. On Saturday, Aoun met with several Cabinet ministers and top banking officials in search for solutions for the deepening financial and economic crisis. The country’s financial troubles have worsened since nationwide protests – initially against new taxes – snowballed into calls for the entire political elite to step down. -with Reuters

Top UN official in Lebanon calls for urgent designation of next prime minister
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English/Tuesday, 12 November 2019
A top UN official in Lebanon called on Tuesday for the urgent designation of the next prime minister, and for the quick formation of a new cabinet of people known for “competence and integrity.”Jan Kubis, the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, added that such a cabinet would be in a better position to appeal for international support. “The financial and economic situation is critical, and the government and other authorities cannot wait any longer to start addressing it,” Kubis said in a statement after meeting President Michel Aoun. Kubis urged authorities to prioritize maintaining monetary and financial stability, including measures to give people confidence and protect their savings amid continued protests in the country. Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri resigned on October 29 in response to popular pressure. Protesters continue to call for the resignation of the entire government. With Reuters.

Banks, schools shut down as protesters maintain roadblocks amid tight security
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English/Tuesday, 12 November 2019
Banks and schools were shut down across Lebanon on Tuesday as protesters continued to block roads, while dozens of others gathered near the Palace of Justice in central Beirut demanding an independent judiciary. Several protesters prevented bank employees, as well as judges and lawyers, from entering their places of work nearly a month into protests that erupted due to widespread discontent with politicians seen as inefficient and corrupt. In as the town of Aley east of Beirut, in the southern city of Tyre, and the eastern town of Baalbek, demonstrators held sit-ins outside or inside the offices of the state telecommunications provider, local media reported.Many schools and universities were closed, as were  banks after their employees called for a general strike in Sidon over alleged mistreatment by customers last week. Some bank branches, which were closed for nearly half of October, shut again on fears for the safety of staff who have felt intimidated by customers demanding access to their money and protesters who have gathered at banks, a union leader said. The demonstrations have been fueled by anger at Lebanon’s ruling elite, widely perceived to have overseen rampant state corruption for decades. Meanwhile, the Lebanese Presidency said that President Aoun on Tuesday presented to Arab ambassadors residing in Lebanon the current developments in the country, and asked for their help in reviving the Lebanese economy.- With AFP

Samir Geagea calls on the Lebanese ruling elite ‘to take responsibility
Staff writer, Al Arabiya English/Tuesday, 12 November 2019
The head of the Lebanese Forces Party (LF) Samir Geagea called upon the ruling political elite “to take responsibility” toward what is happening in the country, describing the current protests across Lebanon as “a popular uprising against the living conditions. During a press conference on Monday, Geagea said that the unprecedented wave of protests across Lebanon since October 17, points to a “crisis of years of failure for which the political class is responsible for.”He added that “it is not acceptable at all that the legislative consultations have not yet started” to form a cabinet. Earlier on Monday, the Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri announced the postponement of a session for the Parliament scheduled for Tuesday, due to security considerations. Geagea reiterated the Lebanese Forces position toward “adhering to a government of independent non-partisan specialists.”On October 20, Geagea announced in a televised speech the resignation of the Lebanese Forces Party’s four ministers from Saad Hariri’s government.

Titles For The Latest Lebanese LCCC English analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on November 12-13/2019
From 2006 Archive/Michel Aoun: A psychotic Lust For The Presidency/Elias Bejjani/December 22/2006
Lebanon: First death reported in nationwide protests/Sunniva Rose/The National/November 12/2019
Demonstrators provoked by President Aoun’s interview/Sally Farhat/ Annahar/November 13/2019
Protesters take offense to president’s speech, block roads and highways/Georgi Azar/Annahar/November 12/2019
Lebanese banks, schools shut as protesters push on/Najla Houssari/Arab News/November 12/ 2019
Lebanon’s elite responsible for hollowing out of the state/
Zaid M. Belbagi /Arab News/November 12/ 2019
How the US should respond to the protests in Lebanon/John Hajjar/AMCFD/American Mifeast Coalition For Democracy/November 12/2019

The Latest LCCC English analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on November 12-13/2019
Demonstrators provoked by President Aoun’s interview
Sally Farhat/ Annahar/November 13/2019
Protesters blocked major roads including: Ring Bridge, Zalka, Zouk, Jal el-Dib, Sidon, Tripoli, Corniche al Mazra’a and Chevrolet among others.
BEIRUT: “If people aren’t satisfied with any of the decent leaders, let them immigrate;” “if it is going to be (a government) of technocrats only, it will not have political cover and won’t be able to win a vote of confidence in parliament;” and an advice: “the country should resume normal operations, especially state institutions, or else Lebanon’s economy will further get disrupted,” President Michel Aoun said in a nationally televised appearance.
The previous is just a glimpse of what negatively resonated with Lebanese demonstrators listening to President Aoun’s interview Tuesday night. Following the interview, Aoun’s presidency office released a statement explaining that his comments were taken out of context.
“What the president actually meant was that if there are no honest individuals in the movement, let them immigrate because they wont get to power,” the office tweeted.
After 27 days of protests, President Aoun tried reassuring demonstrators that a new government will shortly be formed, and that the new government will make sure to implement the required reforms.
Nonetheless, the positivity Aoun asked from the Lebanese was met with the exact opposite. Demonstrators considered the interview “provocative” and described it as a major disappointment. Some also considered it disrespectful to the demands of the people.
“As provocative as our President’s speech might have sounded, his words only triggered me to fight harder for my rights as a Lebanese citizen,” Lina Assaf, a high school teacher protesting, told Annahar.
Ashraf Jammal also added that “I came back to Lebanon from France 5 years ago after earning my MBA because I wanted to help make my country better. Even though the president believes that protesters who are displeased with the government should immigrate, I want to say that I will not leave Lebanese grounds before my nation begins to thrive again.”
Protesters blocked major roads including: Ring Bridge, Zalka, Zouk, Jal el-Dib, Sidon, Tripoli, Corniche al Mazra’a and Chevrolet among others.
“I’m here protesting for the 27th day in a row because the government is ignoring our demands. Our president’s latest words only proved that the Lebanese people are being disrespected and ignored, and I won’t leave these streets before we are treated with basic human decency,” Linda el Ghali said.
Mounir Jaber from Ring Bridge also added, ” I have never felt so disrespected. The earlier interview only shows that our cause is beyond legitimate; it’s become a matter of survival.”
Aside from the streets, social media also flooded with people’s reaction to President Aoun’s interview.
“Our president just told the Lebanese people ‘whoever is not happy should leave Lebanon.’ Before he even finished his interview, the people in the streets responded: No, you leave. The coastal highway is literally being blocked entirely,” Mhamad Charaf tweeted.
*MP Paula Yacoubian was also among those who found the content of the interview disrespectful. She invited schools, universities, banks, and public and private institutions for a general strike on Wednesday and tweeted: “If you’re not okay with the Lebanese demanding their basic human rights, you’re the one that can immigrate.”
*Nessryn Khalaf contributed to this article.

Protesters take offense to president’s speech, block roads and highways
Georgi Azar/Annahar/November 12/2019
Protesters seemingly took offense at a number of his comments, labeling them as insensitive.
BEIRUT: In an hour long televised address that spanned Lebanon’s different dilemmas, President Michel Aoun assured that the new government would work diligently to implement the necessary reforms, calling on protesters to show good faith.
Despite the assurances, protesters took to the streets and blocked roads as soon as his conversation with journalists came to a close. Protesters seemingly took offense at a number of his comments, labeling them as insensitive.
Aoun had insisted that decent and honest individuals public office still exist, with good faith necessary to lay the foundation of a functioning government.
“If people aren’t satisfied with any of the decent leaders let them immigrate,” Aoun said, This drew the ire of protesters, who promptly blocked roads and main highways linking Tripoli to Sidon.
Although protesters have been demanding a fully independent government made up of technocrats, Aoun signaled that the government will most likely be a “techno-political one.”
Aoun said discussions over the makeup of the new Cabinet are still ongoing, hinting that Prime Minister Saad Hariri has yet to agree to head a government that includes traditional political parties.
He also confirmed that parliamentary consultations would begin this week but left the door open for “delays as we are still awaiting answers from certain parties.”
“We want a government that is united, not divided,” Aoun said.
Earlier on Tuesday, thousands of protesters have blocked roads and state institutions as demonstrations entered their 27th day in a bid to force officials to capitulate to their demands.
Protesters have been calling for the formation of an independent technocrat government made up of leading experts but have been rebuked by Hezbollah and the Free Patriotic Movement to a lesser extent.
Schools, universities and banks went on strike Tuesday as students threatened to boycott classes and exams. Bank employees, meanwhile, have reported security concerns after being faced with enraged customers looking to access their deposits.
In response, the Syndicate of Bank Employees announced an open-ended strike until normalcy is restored.
“We want to thank all the employees for their dedication the past two weeks under harsh and stressful conditions,” a statement by the Association of Banks said.
Banks’ ATM machines in Beirut and other areas will be stocked despite the closure, President of the Federation of Syndicates of Bank Employees George al-Hajj told Reuters.
On Monday, Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh maintained that mechanisms are put in place to safeguard the Lira peg and deposits, dismissing concerns of a possible devaluation or haircut.
“The Central Bank cannot impose capital controls or haircuts and will not push for that,” Salameh said.
Protesters have gathered in front of a number of institutions, including the state-owned Touch and Alfa telecom providers, Electricite Du Liban and the Central Bank. Major roads in Akkar, Tripoli and Sidon were also cut off. In front of the Judicial Palace, protestors asked judges to remain neutral and look into corruption allegations.
Lebanon has been rocked by nationwide protests over a financial crisis not witnessed since the end of its civil war in 1990. Rising unemployment, estimated at around 35 percent, coupled with scare dollar liquidity and the lack of basic services, have exasperated the animosity felt toward the ruling political class.
Almost two weeks have passed since Prime Minister Saad Hariri submitted his resignation, with sources signaling his adamancy to form a new government free “from traditional political parties.”
A meeting that brought together Hariri, Speaker Nabih Berri’s aide, caretaker Finance Minister Ali Hasan Khalil, and political adviser to Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah Hussein Khalil over the weekend failed to bring about a consensus over the new Cabinet’s makeup.
Despite Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil seemingly willing to step aside, sources say that Hezbollah continues to push to be represented in the new Cabinet for fear of being undercut from within which could threaten its military arsenal.
Speaking Monday, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah upped the ante, launching a barrage aimed at the U.S who he accuses of orchestrating the current economic and political turmoil.
“We will stand up to the U.S and tell them to leave us alone,” Nasrallah clamored before being met with chants of “death to America” by his supporters.
Nasrallah refused to elaborate on his party’s stance on the government negotiations, suggesting that talks are ongoing.
“When it comes to the government formation … the meetings are ongoing and the discussions are underway in the country,” he said. “I will not discuss this matter … and we will leave the door open.”
Late last week, the World Bank urged Lebanon to form a new Cabinet “within a week” to prevent further degradation and loss of confidence in its economy, warning of grave risks to the country’s stability amid a worsening fiscal and economic crisis.
With the clock ticking and three days left before deadline expires, President Michel Aoun met Tuesday with ambassadors and representatives of the International Support Group which brings together the United Nations, the governments of China, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States, along with the European Union and the Arab League.
During his sitdown with Arab ambassadors, Aoun pleaded with them for support to “revive Lebanon’s economy,” according to a statement issued by his office.
Attempts to secure financial assistance from Gulf allies have so far come up short despite Hariri’s visit to the UAE last month to take part in an economic conference.
The lone neighbor to offer some sort of support is Qatar, who bought some Lebanese government bonds as part of a planned $500 million investment to support its struggling economy as a token gesture in June.
Saudi Arabia, a long-time backer of Hariri that’s spent billions in Lebanese investments, has also withheld support as the influence of Iranian-backed Hezbollah over the government grew.

Lebanese banks, schools shut as protesters push on
Najla Houssari/Arab News/November 12/ 2019
Top UN official calls for ‘urgent formation’ of a new government made up of people known for their competence
Banks in Lebanon have been imposing restrictions on dollar withdrawals and transfers abroad
BEIRUT: School and university students joined street protests in Beirut and other Lebanese cities as widespread civil disruption in support of a “national salvation government” entered its 27th day.
Protesters blocked the entrance to the Palace of Justice in the capital on Tuesday, waving banners and chanting demands for “a fair judiciary that prosecutes corrupt people.” Clashes between lawyers and protesters erupted after access to the building was halted.
A group of women carrying posters calling for “old-age security” and “fighting poverty and the rule of the bank” staged a silent rally under the Musharrafieh bridge in Beirut’s southern suburbs.
With a date yet to be set for parliamentary consultations to appoint a new prime minister, consultations between President Michel Aoun and caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri have failed to find a formula to establish the next government.
Earlier, the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) announced through its parliamentary bloc that it approved a “government of technocrats.” But on Monday the FPM, Hezbollah and Amal appeared to be unanimous in agreeing to include state ministers in the government. Meanwhile, Hariri has insisted on an independent technocratic government that does not include politicians or parties.
Aoun briefed foreign and Arab envoys in two meetings on “the ongoing contacts to form a new government that achieves the reform paper adopted by the outgoing government.” Later the Lebanese president called on Arab countries to “help boost Lebanon’s economy.”
The presidential media office said that “the ambassadors expressed the support of their countries to Lebanon in these circumstances, stressing the importance of forming a new government to cope with the developments.”
A top UN official in Lebanon on Tuesday called for the urgent formation of a new government made up of people known for their competence, according to Reuters.
However, Walid Fakhreddin, a public affairs expert and activist, told Arab News that “what the authority is discussing is far from the demands of the movement in the street.”
“Pressure in the street resulted in the disruption of a parliamentary legislative session that would have passed a general amnesty law preventing the prosecution of corrupt individuals,” he said.
“What government officials are doing now with their debates is a waste of time. No one expects this authority to seriously deal with our demands.”
Fakhreddin said that “Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah told us yesterday that reforms can be carried out without a government. This means that things are going in the direction of more complexity. There is no acceptable approach to the demands of the street.
“The bodies involved in the civil movement have agreed on a single agenda, which is the demand for an independent transitional government to hold parliamentary elections,” he said.
The movement had refused to meet with French envoy Christophe Farno, who arrived in Beirut and is scheduled to meet Lebanese officials on Wednesday. “These forces will not participate in a meeting with the authority or with any external envoy,” Fakhreddin said.
Meanwhile, bank employees went on strike on Tuesday to protest against abuse directed at them by depositors and dealers because of banks’ refusal to hand over large amounts of money to depositors or to issue cash in dollars.

Lebanon’s elite responsible for hollowing out of the state
Zaid M. Belbagi /Arab News/November 12/ 2019
Sentiments on the streets of Lebanon could not be more different from 30 years ago, when the country’s leaders inspired a sense of optimism in choosing peace and prosperity over bitter civil war. However, one thing from the Taif Agreement remains — the country’s leaders are, by and large, almost identical. Having organized the Lebanese state in a way that protects their interests and systems of patronage, they have grown exorbitantly wealthy. The popular anger on display in Lebanon in recent weeks is not a symptom of sectarianism or the machinations of regional powers, it is a reaction to mismanagement and negligence. Lebanon’s leaders have failed their people.
At the heart of the Lebanese protests is the country’s disastrous financial situation. With the third-highest debt-to-gross domestic product ratio in the world, it has been running huge budget and current account deficits for years. Poverty is endemic, unemployment is high and economic growth has stalled. Within this context, the country’s billionaire politicians planned to impose a $6 monthly fee on the use of WhatsApp, the popular messaging service owned by Facebook. Whereas Lebanese politicians have grown accustomed to communities falling in line according to confessional loyalties, recent demonstrations have cut across sectarian divides — a rare phenomenon since the country’s devastating civil war ended. The public, long suffering from the chronic fatigue of the Lebanese pseudo-state, are angry.
The government barely supplies basic services, so electricity is sporadic, garbage is not collected, the tap water is unhealthy and its telephony costs are among the highest in the Arab world. The government’s pitiful response to recent wildfires exposed how serious socioeconomic woes have become, culminating in dollar shortages, devaluation of the currency and a months-long bread and fuel crisis, raising alarm bells among the wider population. Where Lebanon’s leaders could previously quell popular discontent with revolutionary slogans and the stoking up of resistance of Israel, recent attempts by political leaders to contain citizens’ frustration have proved futile, amid disillusionment and disgust at the litany of broken promises and the backdrop of rickety state institutions and the largesse of politicians.
For years, Lebanon kept itself afloat with aid from the Gulf and money deposited in local banks by wealthy expats. Those who ran the banks were often figures from within the ruling elite, more concerned with accruing interest and investing in bogus real estate developments as opposed to using the capital windfall to get the country moving. Members of this oligarchy had little issue using their political clout to further indebt the state while growing wealthier themselves. Exercising a stranglehold over economic and political power, the top 10 percent of the adult population receives approximately 55 percent of total national income, with the top 1 percent hoarding 25 percent. This places Lebanon among the countries with the highest levels of income inequality in the world, alongside Brazil, Colombia, Russia and South Africa. However, even generous interest rates of as much as 20 percent are no longer bringing in foreign money and the economy is in such deep distress that, this time, only Lebanon can solve its own problems.
Lebanon is not a failed state, it is a hollow one. The people in power, who created the crisis, have too much invested in the system to abandon it in the face of mass protests. Though Lebanon maintains the facade of a democracy, it isn’t in the sense that there is never any real change in power. Leaders who have enjoyed near immunity have adeptly leveraged the “confessional system” that awards government offices and the spoils according to religious affiliation.
Recent attempts by political leaders to contain citizens’ frustration have proved futile, amid disillusionment and disgust. Though there is not a complete failure in the delivery of public goods and the standard edifices of governance persist, the system is heavily corrupted and in thrall to monied elites. By effectively maintaining a weak state, the country’s elites, which have been in power since 1989, are able to continue to profit from smuggling and the luxury real estate developments that are a mainstay of the economy. They control the banks and profit from financing the government’s deficits, and they make money by providing the electricity the state monopoly can’t. The Lebanese citizen, priced out of basic public goods and services, is left to pick up the tab. If the system were less dysfunctional, the elite would be better able to act. The system is clearly unsustainable, but each entrenched leader of the confessional system has veto power. With the prospect of reform invariably threatening to create winners and losers, the decayed system in its present form is unable to cleanse itself. Within the context of the maintenance of private militias (from which state security services cower), illegal flows of income, gross displays of nepotism and deep-seated corruption, the state will only grow weaker. The longer this state of affairs persists, the more difficult it is to eradicate.Lebanon does not need a revolution or a return to civil war, and least of all a lifeline of foreign aid. What it needs is a complete recalibration of its government that empowers the state and limits the opportunities of political leaders to enrich themselves through the racketeering and shoddy management that has brought the country to its knees.
*Zaid M. Belbagi is a political commentator, and an adviser to private clients between London and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Twitter: @Moulay_Zaid

How the US should respond to the protests in Lebanon
جون حجار: مواقف مطلوبة من الإدارة الأميركية استجابة لإنتفاضة الشعب اللبناني
John Hajjar/AMCFD/American Mifeast Coalition For Democracy/November 12/2019
I came back to the US from Lebanon less than one month before the October protests began in Beirut and started spreading throughout its cities and towns, shaking the foundations of a regime that spent 30 years in corruption and backing Hezbollah. During my field trip to my ancestral land, mandated by the American Mideast Coalition for Democracy (AMCD), I met with students, politicians, journalists, former military, religious leaders and civil society activists. I also met with ordinary people in different places. The three major issues of discontent among all people I met were:
1-Frustration with the economic and financial situation, crumbling under the heavy corruption eroding most of Lebanon’s institutions, both public and private;
2-Fear from the constant domination of Hezbollah and its peace through intimidation of their partisans and those opposed to their domination; and,
3-Loss of trust in the ruling political, economic, and clerical establishment of the country.
Warnings from the people
During my field trip, I heard warnings that the people had had enough of corruption and militia thuggish behavior and were about to explode. I also heard criticism of US policy, particularly from America’s friends. “Where are you?” they asked me. “We are being eaten alive by Iran and its lackeys in this country.” As someone who was part of the Lebanese American community efforts in 2002-2004 to produce UNSCR 1559, I surely understood the message. Lebanon’s population, except those who are supporters of the Iranian regime, is generally not only friendly with but feel close to the United States.
I included my observations in a report I submitted to the Trump Administration, which I also detailed in a meeting at the State Department a few days after the uprising exploded in Lebanon. I stressed the importance for the United States to be prepared for what may be a tidal wave of protests. And, indeed, that is exactly what is happening.
The protests: “All means All”
On October 18, tens of thousands of Lebanese filled the public squares in Beirut in ardent anti-government demonstrations accusing all the leaders of “stealing the people’s money” and of abandoning the poor to their destiny. At first, the demands were socio-economic, but then the protests got larger and the official goal became bringing down the entire system: the Saad Hariri cabinet, Michel Aoun’s Presidency, and Nabih Berri’s Parliament, accused of being behind the mass corruption that the country has been suffering under for decades.
Soon enough, the protests spread to Tripoli, the second largest city in the country with a Sunni majority, then along the coast to Batroun, Jounieh, and Sidon. But the major political events were demonstrations hitting the hometowns of Hezbollah in Tyre, Nabatiyeh, and Baalbeck.
The core of the protests was organized by a network of liberal, patriotic, mostly civil society groups; among them a newly formed political party called “Seven.” Traditional political parties were asked not to join, though their members were welcomed. Hence the Lebanese Forces, Kataeb, and Jumblatt stayed away.
It is imperative to note that a group of leftwing militants also installed themselves in the center of downtown Beirut and gradually attempted to seize the political and organizational command of the leaderless protests.
The uprising was cross-sectarian, including youth from all religious communities, and displayed clear signs of a civil society kirmess as the gatherings were quite celebratory in nature. At one point, organizers claimed that close to two million people participated in the rallies.
Hezbollah, regime and far-left tactics
Hezbollah, the de facto ruler of Lebanon, perceived the protests as directed against its power. The demonstrators chanted that “all leaders should be forced to resign, all of them,” which in practicality included Hezbollah. The retaliation of the Iran dominated militia came fast. Hordes of militants stormed the rallies, destroyed the stands and dispersed the protesters. But the protestors would not be kept down. They came back after each act of violence perpetrated against them.
The regime, unhinged, refused to resign as Hezbollah rejected a change of system. Nasrallah’s network, which has been suffering financially from US sanctions imposed by the Trump Administration, threatened mass violence if the revolution ejected them from the state. The Secretary General, Mr. Nasrallah, even alluded that he would cut the wages of the Lebanese Army, immobilizing it, and unleash his militia on the protesters. Clearly, Hezbollah was and is a threat to the Lebanon protests.
Hundreds, if not thousands of Lebanese called on the Diaspora to help, particularly Lebanese Americans to intercede with the US government. But Hezbollah was monitoring any attempt to bring in US pressure on the Lebanese Government. One incident was very telling.
In response to a tweet by former Trump advisor, Dr. Walid Phares who simply called on the US to hear the voices of protesters in Lebanon, Hezbollah’s “electronic army” staged a massive wave of attacks and smears against the scholar – who was also an architect of the UNSCR 1559 in 2004 that supported the Cedars Revolution the following year. The pro Iran targeting of Phares lasted days and aimed at hitting a link that could bring international support to the rallies in Beirut and other cities. Interestingly enough, a network of far-left Twitter accounts linked to far-left figures in the US, such as George Soros and Bernie Sanders, joined Hezbollah’s savaging of Phares. The incident showed two matters: (1) Hezbollah is backed by American “Stalinist” networks and (2) the organization fears a Trump Administration endorsement of the popular movement in Lebanon, unlike Obama’s abandonment of the Iran Green Revolution in 2009.
Trump Administration’s position
Of course, I note that the Trump administration proceeded with caution regarding the Lebanon protests. One parameter was clear as the first statements from the State Department underlined: “The rights of the Lebanese people to express themselves should be protected.” Another parameter was to ask the Lebanese Army to protect the rallies from Hezbollah and other militias. But it was days after the Phares tweet calling on the US to stand with the movement before statements were issued by important US leaders like Secretary of State Pompeo, Senate Majority leader McConnell and other administration officials and Congressional voices.
Ironically, but not surprisingly, the Hezbollah propaganda machine and its far-left allies in Lebanon blasted any potential Trump statement as “meddling” but welcomed supportive statements from radical politicians such as Bernie Sanders as “progressive.” Hezbollah is also the only group in Lebanon that is under direct foreign control – by The Islamic Republic of Iran – thus completing the circle of Leftist-Islamist complicity.
The protests’ future
The popular forces on the streets seem to be resilient and willing to take the political fight through to the end, that is, until a full change is achieved. Despite the resignation of Prime Minister Saad Hariri, the public backing the protesters has expressed its will to continue the “revolution.” Though many roads closed during the protests were re-opened by the Army and security forces, rallies continue in Beirut and other cities, most notably Tripoli. The uprising is discretely backed by anti-Hezbollah leaders such as Christian politician Samir Geagea, Sunni leader Achraf Rifi, and Druze politician Walid Jumblatt, but is practically led by a federation of NGOs, primarily Hezb 7 (with organizer Jad Dagher in the center) and with a new leadership of an old party – the “National Bloc” – who seem to have moved to the front of the youth revolt.
It is my view (and the view of experts and activists I’ve consulted with) that the “movement” won’t stop, even if attacked by Hezbollah. The sustainability of the protests, rest on several factors:
a-The protection by the Lebanese Armed Forces;
b-International and US solidarity, but not direct meddling at this point;
c-Support coming from the Lebanese Diaspora, numbering in the millions;
d-Formation of a technocrat cabinet; and,
e-Deterring Hezbollah from physical attacks on the rallies.
US Policy towards Lebanon
The question now is, what should US policy be regarding Lebanon’s protests? Should we intervene in this crisis? Refrain? Or design strategies to contain Hezbollah, empower the country’s civil society, and enable Lebanon to free itself from terror and break loose from corruption?
US interests always include national security and regional stability. So when it comes to Lebanon, we as Americans need to look at the threats that are in, and could emanate from, Lebanon at this stage.
There is no doubt that Hezbollah and its radical allies are at the core of threats against the US. Since 1983, this terror organization has targeted US citizens and personnel in Lebanon, Iraq and other locations. Thus, it is in our national interest make sure Hezbollah is checked and eventually disarmed in Lebanon.
Regionally, Hezbollah has attacked our allies Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Yemen and has served as an ally to the Iranian regime for decades. It is involved in worldwide drug dealing and smuggling, even in our hemisphere. The terror group has been listed on our terror lists, and Washington has leveled many sanctions to deter this organization from pursuing its aggression against the US and our allies.
But more importantly, Hezbollah has assassinated, kidnapped and threatened many Lebanese politicians, military, journalists, students and other members of Lebanon’s civil society. Recently, during the October 2019 protests, it launched several thuggish raids against the protesters, all well documented online.
On all these grounds, it is clear that Hezbollah seems to be the bad guy menacing our national security and the safety of our allies, particularly the Lebanese. Thus, a chief component of US policy should be to contain the organization in Lebanon, work with the bodies that can help in this containment, and partner with the protesters to protect them from the actions of Hezbollah. However, the precarious balance between all Lebanese populations should be preserved while ensuring that the will of the majority of protesters is respected. Washington should proceed with caution as Hezbollah is lethal and can take the population hostage.
On another level, the US has an interest in seeing the Lebanese fight against corruption in their own country as a means to end such corrupt practices in the region and around the world. We want to encourage good governance and state sovereignty. Tangentially to countering terrorism and corruption, the US has an interest in seeing Lebanon stabilize and join the community of nations engaged in peaceful behavior, trade, and diplomatic efforts to resolve common issues.
From a domestic American perspective, let’s also remember that close to one million Americans (some believe 1.5 million) are from Lebanese descent with a few hundred thousand of them born in Lebanon. Many of these America-loving citizens have given a lot to this country, from holding public offices to financial contributions to involvement in American arts and sciences. Many have served in all the wars America has fought since WWI. The Lebanese American community is overwhelmingly in support of a US policy that would promote a free and pluralistic Lebanon with whom the US would partner.
Based on these considerations, in the wake of the October protests, I would advance the following considerations for a US policy towards Lebanon. The United States should:
Clearly state that the protesters have a fundamental universal right to express their views and organize peaceful demonstrations;
Warn the authorities in charge not to suppress these protests and call on the security forces, and particularly the Lebanese Armed Forces, to protect these demonstrators from thugs and militias;
Ask the regime to acquiesce to the demands of the protesters and resign from power, leaving it in the hands of an interim nonpartisan Government whose only mission is to organize legislative elections;
Extend support to the new Parliament to develop new legislation for the country;
Partner with the next Government to implement reforms and apply international resolutions including UNSCR 1559 and 1701; and,
Assist the Lebanese Armed Forces and the security forces to protect the citizens of Lebanon and to disarm militias.
A new US policy should also form a special team to handle the Lebanese crisis both in Beirut and in Washington, DC, in light of the dramatic events that have taken place and continue to evolve.
*John Hajjar is the Co-Chair of the American Mideast Coalition for Democracy.
*AMCFD/American Mifeast Coalition For Democracy

The post A Bundle Of English Reports, News and Editorials For November 12-13/2019 Addressing the On Going Mass Demonstrations & Sit In-ins In Iranian Occupied Lebanon in its 27th Day appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 13 تشرين الثاني/2019


نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 13 تشرين الثاني/2019

اضغط هنا لقراءة نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة المفصلة، اللبنانية والعربية ليوم 13 تشرين الثاني/2019

ارشيف نشرات أخبار موقعنا اليومية/عربية وانكليزية منذ العام 2006/اضغط هنا لدخول صفحة الأرشيف

عناوين أقسام نشرة المنسقية باللغة العربية
الزوادة الإيمانية لليوم
تعليقات الياس بجاني وخلفياتها
الأخبار اللبنانية
المتفرقات اللبنانية
الأخبار الإقليمية والدولية
المقالات والتعليقات والتحاليل السياسية الشاملة
المؤتمرات والندوات والبيانات والمقابلات والمناسبات الخاصة والردود وغيره

The post نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 13 تشرين الثاني/2019 appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

فَمَا مِنْ أَحَدٍ يَصْنَعُ عَمَلاً قَدِيرًا بِٱسْمِي، ويَقْدِرُ بَعْدَها أَنْ يَقُولَ فِيَّ سُوءًا؛ لأَنَّ مَنْ لَيْسَ عَلَيْنَا فَهُوَ مَعَنَا. ومَنْ سَقَاكُم كَأْسَ مَاءٍ بِٱسْمِي عَلَى أَنَّكُم لِلْمَسِيح، فَٱلْحَقَّ أَقُولُ لَكُم: إِنَّهُ لَنْ يَفْقِدَ أَجْرَهُ/No one who does a deed of power in my name will be able soon afterwards to speak evil of me. Whoever is not against us is for us. For truly I tell you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you bear the name of Christ will by no means lose the reward


فَمَا مِنْ أَحَدٍ يَصْنَعُ عَمَلاً قَدِيرًا بِٱسْمِي، ويَقْدِرُ بَعْدَها أَنْ يَقُولَ فِيَّ سُوءًا؛ لأَنَّ مَنْ لَيْسَ عَلَيْنَا فَهُوَ مَعَنَا. ومَنْ سَقَاكُم كَأْسَ مَاءٍ بِٱسْمِي عَلَى أَنَّكُم لِلْمَسِيح، فَٱلْحَقَّ أَقُولُ لَكُم: إِنَّهُ لَنْ يَفْقِدَ أَجْرَهُ
إنجيل القدّيس مرقس09/من38حتى50/:”قالَ يُوحَنَّا ليَسُوع: «يَا مُعَلِّم، رَأَيْنَا رَجُلاً يُخْرِجُ الشَّيَاطِينَ بِٱسْمِكَ، وهُوَ لا يَتْبَعُنا. فمَنَعْنَاه، لأَنَّهُ لا يَتْبَعُنا». فقالَ يَسُوع: «لا تَمْنَعُوه، فَمَا مِنْ أَحَدٍ يَصْنَعُ عَمَلاً قَدِيرًا بِٱسْمِي، ويَقْدِرُ بَعْدَها أَنْ يَقُولَ فِيَّ سُوءًا؛ لأَنَّ مَنْ لَيْسَ عَلَيْنَا فَهُوَ مَعَنَا. ومَنْ سَقَاكُم كَأْسَ مَاءٍ بِٱسْمِي عَلَى أَنَّكُم لِلْمَسِيح، فَٱلْحَقَّ أَقُولُ لَكُم: إِنَّهُ لَنْ يَفْقِدَ أَجْرَهُ. ومَنْ شَكَّكَ وَاحِدًا مِنْ هؤُلاءِ الصِّغَارِ المُؤْمِنين، فَخَيْرٌ لَهُ أَنْ يُطَوَّقَ عُنُقُهُ بِرَحَى الحِمَار، وَيُلْقَى في البَحْر. وإِنْ كَانَتْ يَدُكَ سبَبَ عَثْرَةٍ لَكَ فَٱقْطَعْها. خَيْرٌ لَكَ أَنْ تَدْخُلَ الحَيَاةَ وأَنْتَ أَقْطَع، مِنْ أَنْ يَكُونَ لَكَ يَدَانِ وتَذْهَبَ إِلى جَهَنَّم، إِلى النَّارِ الَّتي لا تُطْفَأ. وإِنْ كَانَتْ رِجْلُكَ سَبَبَ عَثْرَةٍ لَكَ فَٱقْطَعْها. خَيْرٌ لَكَ أَنْ تَدْخُلَ الحَيَاةَ وَأَنْتَ أَعْرَج، مِنْ أَنْ يَكُونَ لَكَ رِجْلانِ وَتُلْقَى في جَهَنَّم. وإِنْ كَانَتْ عَيْنُكَ سَبَبَ عَثْرَةٍ لَكَ فَٱقْلَعْها. خَيْرٌ لَكَ أَنْ تَدْخُلَ مَلَكُوتَ اللهِ وَأَنْتَ أَعْوَر، مِنْ أَنْ يَكُونَ لَكَ عَيْنَانِ وتُلْقَى في جَهَنَّم، حَيْثُ دُودُهُم لا يَمُوت، ونَارُهُم لا تَنْطَفِئ. فكُلُّ وَاحِدٍ سَيُمَلَّحُ بِٱلنَّار. جَيِّدٌ هُوَ المِلْح. ولكِنْ إِذَا فَقَدَ المِلْحُ مُلُوحَتَهُ، فَبِمَاذَا تُعِيدُونَ إِلَيْهِ طَعْمَهُ؟ فَلْيَكُنْ فِيكُم مِلْحٌ وسَالِمُوا بَعْضُكُم بَعْضًا».

No one who does a deed of power in my name will be able soon afterwards to speak evil of me. Whoever is not against us is for us. For truly I tell you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you bear the name of Christ will by no means lose the reward
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark 09/38-50/:”John said to Jesus, ‘Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not following us.’But Jesus said, ‘Do not stop him; for no one who does a deed of power in my name will be able soon afterwards to speak evil of me. Whoever is not against us is for us. For truly I tell you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you bear the name of Christ will by no means lose the reward. ‘If any of you put a stumbling-block before one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for you if a great millstone were hung around your neck and you were thrown into the sea. If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life maimed than to have two hands and to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire. And if your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life lame than to have two feet and to be thrown into hell. And if your eye causes you to stumble, tear it out; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and to be thrown into hell, where their worm never dies, and the fire is never quenched. ‘For everyone will be salted with fire. Salt is good; but if salt has lost its saltiness, how can you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.’ “

وقَدِ ٱمْتَحَنْتَ ٱلَّذِينَ يَزْعَمُونَ أَنَّهُم رُسُل، وَهُم لَيْسُوا بِرُسُل، فَوَجَدْتَهُم كَاذِبِين
رؤيا القدّيس يوحنّا02/من01حتى07/:”يا إِخوَتِي، قالَ ليَ ابْنُ الإِنسان : «أُكْتُبْ إِلى مَلاَكِ ٱلكَنِيسَةِ ٱلَّتي في أَفَسُس: هذَا ما يَقُولُهُ ٱلقَابِضُ بِيَدِهِ ٱليُمْنَى على ٱلكَواكِبِ ٱلسَّبْعَة، ٱلمَاشِي في وَسَطِ ٱلمَنَائِرِ ٱلسَّبْعِ ٱلذَّهَبِيَّة: إِنِّي عَالمٌ بأَعْمَالِكَ وتَعَبِكَ وَثَبَاتِكَ، وأَنَّكَ لا تُطِيقُ ٱحْتِمَالَ ٱلأَشْرَار، وقَدِ ٱمْتَحَنْتَ ٱلَّذِينَ يَزْعَمُونَ أَنَّهُم رُسُل، وَهُم لَيْسُوا بِرُسُل، فَوَجَدْتَهُم كَاذِبِين. فَإِنَّكَ ثَابِت، وقَدِ ٱحْتَمَلْتَ مِنْ أَجْلِ ٱسْمِي، وَلَمْ تَتْعَبْ! ولكِنْ لي عَلَيْكَ أَنَّكَ تَرَكْتَ مَحَبَّتَكَ ٱلأُولى. فَتَذَكَّرْ إِذًا مِنْ أَيْنَ سَقَطْتَ وَتُبْ، وٱعْمَلْ أَعْمَالَكَ ٱلأُولى؛ وإِلاَّ فَإِنِّي آتِيك، وأُزَحْزِحُ مَنَارَتَكَ مِنْ مَوْضِعِها، إِنْ لَمْ تَتُبْ. وَلكِنْ عِنْدَكَ هذا أَنَّكَ تَمْقُتُ أَعْمَالَ ٱلنِّيقُولاوِيِّين، ٱلَّتي أَنا أَيضًا أَمْقُتُها. مَنْ لَهُ أُذُنَانِ فَلْيَسْمَعْ ما يَقُولُهُ ٱلرُّوحُ لِلْكَنَائِس: ٱلظَّافِرُ أُعْطِيهِ أَنْ يَأْكُلَ مِنْ شَجَرَةِ ٱلحَيَاة، ٱلَّتي في فِرْدَوْسِ ٱلله.”

You have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them to be false
Book of Revelation 02/01-07/:”‘To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks among the seven golden lampstands: ‘I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance. I know that you cannot tolerate evildoers; you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them to be false. I also know that you are enduring patiently and bearing up for the sake of my name, and that you have not grown weary. But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember then from what you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent. Yet this is to your credit: you hate the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. Let anyone who has an ear listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches. To everyone who conquers, I will give permission to eat from the tree of life that is in the paradise of God.”

The post فَمَا مِنْ أَحَدٍ يَصْنَعُ عَمَلاً قَدِيرًا بِٱسْمِي، ويَقْدِرُ بَعْدَها أَنْ يَقُولَ فِيَّ سُوءًا؛ لأَنَّ مَنْ لَيْسَ عَلَيْنَا فَهُوَ مَعَنَا. ومَنْ سَقَاكُم كَأْسَ مَاءٍ بِٱسْمِي عَلَى أَنَّكُم لِلْمَسِيح، فَٱلْحَقَّ أَقُولُ لَكُم: إِنَّهُ لَنْ يَفْقِدَ أَجْرَهُ/No one who does a deed of power in my name will be able soon afterwards to speak evil of me. Whoever is not against us is for us. For truly I tell you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you bear the name of Christ will by no means lose the reward appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

الياس بجاني/الشهيد علاء أبو فخر..هو فخر وأيقونة لشعب لبنان العظيم المحب للسلام والعاشق للحرية


الشهيد علاء أبو فخر..هو فخر وأيقونة لشعب لبنان العظيم المحب للسلام والعاشق للحرية
الياس بجاني/13 تشرين الثاني/2019

لا يا عسكر لبنان مش هيدا دورك، ولا هيدا تاريخك، ولا هيدي صورتك.
يا عسكر لبنان انت حامي الحمي، وحامي الكرامة.
وحامي الشعب، والسيادة والإستقلال، والقرار الحر.
يا عسكر لبنان انت الباقي بوج هجمة الإحتلال الإيراني الإرهابي، وأنت كل آمال شعبنا معقودي عليك.

يا عسكر لبنان قوم بواجبك وحافظ على قسمك المقدس. أحمي شباب وشابات لبنان المنتفضين ع الذل والفقر والتهجير والإحتلال الإيراني وع طروادية رموزو وأبواقه بالحكم.

هودي رموز وأدوات وأبواق قرارون مفقود ومُصادر وما بيمثلوا لا كرامة ولا هوية ولا تاريخ شعبك .. ولا هني ملتزمين بدستور الوطن، ولا بيحترموا الميثاق الوطني. هودي حكام وسياسيين وأصحاب شركات أحزاب مرتين ومحكومين وصور وأبواق للمحتل الإيراني.

يا عسكر لبنان، شعبك العظيم ثائر مش ضدك، لأنك انت هو وهو انت.
شعبك العظيم ثائر تا يحافظ عليك وع كرامتك وع دورك وع الوطن ورسالتو الحضارية بوج البريرة والإرهاب. شعبك العظيم معك وانت منو.

ولأنك يا عسكر لبنان إنت الرجا، وإنت الأمل لشعبنا المحب للسلام والحضاري .. حافظ على سلمية الإنتفاضا وما تخلي المندسين يدنسوها ويغرقوها بالدم.

الشهيد علاء أبو فخر استشهد وهو حامل مشعل الحرية يلي انت حاملو.
مطلوب منك تحقق بمقتل الشهيد علاء بتقوى وبمخافة من الله ومن يوم حسابه الأخير، وبسرعة تقاصص بعدل يلي سفك دمو.

ويا شهيد لبنان وشعبه العظيم، انت افتديت بدمك عائلتك الصغيرة وعائلتك الكبيرة التي هي كل شعب لبنان…انت شهيد 17 تشرين الحرية والثورة ع الإحتلال والظلم.

انت شهيد كل لبناني حر وكل سيادي وكل محب للسلام وكل كياني وكل رافض للإحتلال ولأدواته المنصبين في مواقع الحكم والسلطة.

أما حزن ولوعة عائلة الشهيد علاء المفجوعة بفقدانه غير المبرر بأي شكل هو حزن ولوعة كل لبناني في لبنان وفي كل بلاد الإغتراب.

ودمك يا شهيد لبنان وشعبه العظيم هو دم كل اللبنانيين وفيه تعمدت الإنتفاضة وتباركت وتقدست.

دمك راح يوحد المنتفضين ويجمِّع بينهم أكثر وأكثر ت يكونوا سد منيع بوج المحتل الإيراني، وبمواجهة حكام وسياسيين وأحزاب وتجار باعوا حالون للشيطان.

وجع عيلة الشهيد هو وجع كل لبنان وكل لبناني.

يا شهيد انتفاضة 17 تشرين الثاني، نام قرير العين.. وتأكد انو شعبك العظيم ما بعمروا ركع لمحتل ولا راح يركع.

ويا حكام لبنان المحكومين، تذكروا انو ما في ظلم بيدوم ولا في ظالم بيقدر يكمل بظلمه.

وللمحتل الإيراني نقول، مهما توهمت إنك قوي وقادر ومتجبر ومتكبر، تأكد انو نهايتك لن تكون مختلفي ع أي محتل اجا قبلك.

يبقى أن من يتفلت من عدل قضاة الأرض، فلن يكون بمقدوره كائن من كان أن يتفلت من عدل قاضي السماء.

نصلي من أجل راحة نفس علاء الحبيب إلى جانب البررة والشهداء، ونطلب من العلي القدير أن يلهم عائلته ومحبيه كل نِّعم وعطايا الصبر والسلوان.

*الكاتب ناشط لبناني اغترابي
عنوان الكاتب الالكتروني
رابط موقع الكاتب الالكتروني على الإنترنت

The post الياس بجاني/الشهيد علاء أبو فخر..هو فخر وأيقونة لشعب لبنان العظيم المحب للسلام والعاشق للحرية appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

فيديو مداخلة للياس بجاني تتناول أخر التطورات الخطيرة في لبنان عقب رفض عون والمحتل الإيراني الإستجابة لأي مطلب من مطالب الشعب اللبناني المنتفض


فيديو مداخلة للياس بجاني من قناة، أي 24 اخبارi24NEWS Arabic ، تتناول أخر التطورات الخطيرة في لبنان عقب رفض عون والمحتل الإيراني تنفيذ أي مطلب من مطالب الشعب اللبناني المنتفض

13 تشرين الثاني/2019

المداخلة جاءت من خلال نشرة الأخبار الصباحية للمحطة وهي من تقديم: رنين بولس
المداخلة تمت عبر خدمة السكايب من كندا
إلياس بجاني صحافي وناشط سياسي لبناني

في أسفل تعليق متصل بموضوع المداخلة نشر يوم أمس

فخامة الرئيس عون.. رجاء استقيل رحمة بلبنان وباللبنانيين وشفقة على ما بقي من تاريخك المشرّف الذي أنت نحرته
إطلالته غير موفقة للرئيس عون.. الأنا والغربة عن الواقع ونظرية المؤامرة وورقة التفاهم مع حزب الله هي الغالبة
الياس بجاني/12 تشرين الثاني/2019
باختصار، ومع كامل احترامنا بالشخصي للجنرال عون وللموقع الرئاسي، فإن المقابلة اليوم كانت غير موفقة بالمرة واستفزازية وعدائية وبالتأكيد كارثية طبقاً لكل المعايير، وكان من الأفضل مليون مرة لو أنها لم تتم.
كان الشعب يتوقع الإعلان عن موعد للاستشارات فخاب ظنه وزاد الرئيس الطين بلة بقوله بأن هناك أمور كثيرة لم يتم الاتفاق عليها بعد.. وكأن لا مظاهرات ولا من يحزنون، ولا كأن نصف الشعب اللبناني ومنذ 27 يوماً يفترش الشوارع والساحات وهو ينادي..”كلن يعني كلن”..وكأن الشعب هذا لم يسحب كل ما هو شرعية من أهل الحكم كافة.
وأغرب ما جاء على لسان الرئيس عون هو قوله بأن رئاسته صناعة لبنانية وأنه مستقل ولهذا يحارب ويعزل.
غريب يا فخامة الرئيس، مستقل مرة واحدة؟
نسأل..ومين رابط حاله وحكمه بحزب الله وبمحوره وبإيران وبورقة التفاهم مع حزب الله التي تلغي الدستور، وكل ما هو سيادة واستقلال وحرية وقرارات دولية؟
رئيسنا للأسف هو في حالة إنكار 100%، وبالتالي هو غير قادر على قيادة المرحلة المقبلة، وبالتالي استقالته باتت ضرورة، وإلا فالج لا تعالج….
الإطلالة نعم كارثية وغير موفقة وسوف تثير الشارع أكثر وأكثر لأنها مستفزة وعدائية وكل ما جاء فيها هو من عالم آخر.
يا فخامة الرئيس، هل حضرتك تعيش في المريخ ومنسلخ عن الواقع والوقائع لتقول بأن حزب الله لا يتدخل بأي شيء في الداخل اللبناني؟
وهل فعلاً أنت تتوقع من اللبنانيين أن يثقوا بكم بعد هذا الكلام “المش صح” مليون بالميي؟
وكيف تقول بأن “حزب الله بدو يدافع عن حاله”؟
ضد مين بدو يدافع عن حاله الحزب هذا وهو الحاكم الفعلي للبلد، والممسك بقرار الحرب والسلم فيه، ودويلته أقوى من الدولة، وفيها كل مؤسساته الملالوية بما فيها السجون والمعتقلات والمحاكم ومصانع الصواريخ؟
وأكيد الحزب هو المشكلة الأساسية وأنت تغطيه..وهو في مواجهة الشعب والدستور والميثاق والمجتمعين الدولي والعربي وآخر “هم ع قلبه” هو الشعب اللبناني والدولة اللبنانية والدستور اللبناني؟
بيظهر نسيت انك أقسمت اليمين على حماية الدستور .. وهنا المصيبة…
ويا جنرال، مين ما بيعرف بأن إيران وحزبها فرضوك رئيساً بالقوة بعد تخاذل واستسلام جعجع والحريري وجنبلاط، وذلك من خلال صفقة خطيئة أعطت حكم لبنان لحزب الله وداكشت الكراسي بالسيادة والاستقلال والحريات والقرارات الدولية.
..لا يا جنرال الإطلالة كارثية وكان الأفضل لو ما صارت.
وإذا فعلاً فخامتك عارف المطالب الشعبية للمتظاهرين وهي مطالبك، فإذا لماذا تريد من يمثلهم لتحاوره؟ ألا ترى أنك تناقض نفسك بنفسك وتفقد موقعك وذاتك المصداقية والجدية؟
وعن تاريخك الذي كنا نحن شخصاً من ضمنه سيادياً، فأنت تنكره وتتنكر له وأصبح عملياً عدوك، وهو فعلاً في غير القاطع الملالوي الذي أنت فيه حاضراً ومنذ العام 2006.
وفعلاً الناس بدها ياك تستقيل على الأقل للحفاظ على بعض تاريخك ما قبل العام 2006 .. بدها ياك تستقيل بسبب حاضرك يلي هو نقيض تاريخك!!
يا جنرال ما حدا عم يتآمر عليك..
أنت يلي عملياً عدو ذاتك وتاريخك، ومن المؤسف أنك في غربة كاملة عن الواقع الذي تعيشه الناس، وأنت تعيش في خطابك ومقارباتك الواهمة مرحلة ما قبل ال 2006، أما أعمالاً وتحالفات ومواقف ولا دستورية، فأنت أسير ورقة التفاهم مع حزب الله 100%.
نحزن على ماضيك وعلى تاريخك ما قبل ورقة تفاهمك الخطيئة مع ملالي إيران وحزبهم اللاهي..ونعارض 100% حاضرك الذي يناقض كل تاريخك..وتأكد بأن تاريخك يخجل من حاضرك.
استقيل يا جنرال..استقيل رحمة بلبنان وباللبنانيين وربما من أجل تاريخ شخصي مشرّف أنت نحرته.
*الكاتب ناشط لبناني اغترابي
عنوان الكاتب الالكتروني
رابط موقع الكاتب الالكتروني على الإنترنت

The post فيديو مداخلة للياس بجاني تتناول أخر التطورات الخطيرة في لبنان عقب رفض عون والمحتل الإيراني الإستجابة لأي مطلب من مطالب الشعب اللبناني المنتفض appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

عبد الرحمن الراشد: لمن تُقرع الطناجر في لبنان؟/Abdulrahman Al-Rashed: Lebanon not sick with fever but ill with cancer


Lebanon not sick with fever but ill with cancer
Abdulrahman Al-Rashed/Arab News/November 13/2019

لمن تُقرع الطناجر في لبنان؟
عبد الرحمن الراشد/الشرق الأوسط/14 تشرين الثاني/2019
كما لو أن هناك جمعية سرية تحكم البلاد أو هكذا يصوّرها البعض؛ رجال دين ومصرفيون وسياسيون وتجار سلاح ومخدرات, يبدو التغيير الحقيقي شبه مستحيل أو مستبعداً إلى عقد آخر من الزمن.
إنما الخروج الجماعي إلى الشارع، وقرع الطناجر، وتحويل الغضب ضد السياسيين إلى احتفالية يومية في كل البلاد، نجح ليس في شد الانتباه إلى القضايا الرئيسية المعيشية والسياسية، بل أيضاً إلى أن الشكوى الجماعية وحّدت اللبنانيين، لأول مرة منذ أن انقسمت البلاد في منتصف السبعينات طائفياً وسياسياً.
الغضب استهدف الشريحة العليا في الحكم: الرئيس المسيحي، ورئيس الوزراء السني، ورئيس النواب الشيعي، والقوى الخفية مثل زعيم «حزب الله» الذي يملك سلطات وجيشاً موازياً أكبر من الدولة نفسها.
معظم الحلول العلاجية التي صدرت عن قباطنة السفينة الغارقة يبدو أنها حيلة لشراء المزيد من الوقت. والوقت، في الحقيقة، هو أرخص سلعة في لبنان، فالبلاد في أزمة شبه دائمة ومستمرة، لا مثيل لها باستثناء القضية الفلسطينية. والمحير أنه لا سبب قاهراً يمنع عودة الحياة المدنية منذ نهاية الحرب الأهلية رسمياً. ففي عام 1991 توقفت الحرب، لكن استمر نظام الحرب.
في الأزمة الحالية طُرحت أفكار للحل، وصفة علاجات اقتصادية، بتخفيض النفقات الحكومية ومحاربة الفساد. إنما لبنان ليس مريضاً بالحمى بل مريض بالسرطان، خفض النفقات واعتقال بضعة «قطط سمان» لن يُقنع المستثمرين الدوليين ولا المغتربين اللبنانيين، وستستمر الهجرات، وسيعود الناس إلى الشارع للشكوى.
لبنان يحتاج إلى تأهيل متكامل للنظام فلا يستمر مشكلة لمواطنيه ومشكلة للمنطقة. اليوم مشكلة للمنطقة لأنه يُستخدم لتجنيد المرتزقة للقتال في سوريا والعراق واليمن، وسوق تُستخدم لصالح الحكومات والمنظمات الأجنبية لخدمة أجندات مختلفة. في ظل الضياع لن تفلح العلاجات السياسية والاقتصادية المقترحة إلا في إطالة عمر الأزمة وإنهاك الدولة المريضة.
كان المتفائلون يؤمنون بأن حظه أخيراً على مرمى حجر، عندما تسربت معلومات عن اكتشاف النفط والغاز على شواطئه. بعد خمس سنوات من الانتظار يعرفون اليوم أنه مثل السراب. وحتى لو حُسم ونُقب عنه، وبدأ التصدير في يناير (كانون الثاني) المقبل كما يُفترض، لن يحل مشكلة لبنان في وجود نفس الهيكل السياسي الحاكم. فاتفاق القوى السياسية على اقتسامه سيثبّت الوضع القديم القائم إلى سنين طويلة مقبلة، وسيزيد النفطُ الصراعات واستخدام الأديان والتحالفات الخارجية في حفظ توازنات القوى الداخلية. ولا ننسى أن البترول ظهر وأنتج في دول مثل اليمن والسودان وسوريا ولم يزد هذه الدول سوى شقاء، ولم يجعل حكوماتها أكثر عطفاً ونجاحاً حتى عندما كان سعر البرميل أكثر من مائة دولار. من دون نظام سياسي محدّث يؤمّن الحد الأدنى من الاستقرار والسيادة والعدالة، ويُنهي الاستئجار الأجنبي، الإيراني وغيره، ويُوقف النهب الداخلي. من دون مثل هذا الإصلاحات الأزمة لن تنكمش بل ستكبر وسيعود الناس للاحتجاج وقرع الطناجر.

Lebanon not sick with fever but ill with cancer
Abdulrahman Al-Rashed/Arab News/November 13/2019
Some like to portray the situation in Lebanon as there being a secret society that is governing the country, made up of clerics, bankers, politicians, and arms and drugs dealers. That is why real change seems almost impossible or unlikely for another decade.
The surprise is in the large number of citizens taking to the streets, banging on pots, and turning their anger against politicians into a daily celebration all over the country, successfully drawing attention to the main economic and political issues. Collective complaints have united the Lebanese for the first time since the country was divided in the mid-1970s, most saliently along political or sectarian lines.
The anger was entirely aimed at the upper echelons of government, namely the Christian president, the Sunni prime minister, the Shiite speaker of parliament, as well as at hidden forces such as the leader of Hezbollah, who has a parallel army and more powers than the state itself.
Most of the therapeutic solutions issued by the captains of the sunken ship seem to be a ploy to buy more time
Most of the therapeutic solutions issued by the captains of the sunken ship seem to be a ploy to buy more time. Time is, in fact, the cheapest commodity in Lebanon, as the country is in a near-permanent, ongoing crisis that is unparalleled, except for the Palestinian cause. It is puzzling that there is no compelling reason why civilian life has not returned to normal since the end of the civil war. The war ceased in 1990, but the regime of war continued.
In the current crisis, ideas for a recipe for economic remedies, a reduction in government expenditures and the fight against corruption were put forward. However, Lebanon is not sick with fever but ill with cancer. Thus, reducing expenses and arresting a few fat cats will not convince international investors or Lebanese expatriates and the migrations will continue; and people will return to the street to complain.
Lebanon needs an integrated rehabilitation of the regime so that it does not continue to be a problem for its citizens and a problem for the region. Lebanon constitutes a problem for the region because it is being used as a platform to recruit mercenaries to fight in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, and a market used for foreign governments and organizations to serve different agendas. In the light of this chaotic and perplexing situation, the proposed political and economic remedies will only succeed in prolonging the life of the crisis and exhausting the sick state.
Optimists believed that salvation was coming when information was leaked about the discovery of oil and gas off the coast of Lebanon. After five years of waiting, they know it is a mirage. Even if oil and gas were to be drilled and exports begin next January, as the French company Total says, it will not solve the problems of Lebanon while the same political structure remains in power.
The agreement between various political forces to share oil profits will ensure the status quo remains for many years to come, while oil will also increase conflicts and the use of religion and external alliances to maintain internal balances of power. Let us not forget that oil has been produced in countries such as Yemen, Sudan and Syria, and these countries have only witnessed more misery; it did not make their governments more compassionate or successful, even when the price of a barrel was above $100.
Without an updated political system that guarantees a minimum of stability, sovereignty and justice, as well as ending foreign alliances, Iranian and others, and stopping internal looting, the crisis will not shrink, but will grow, and people will return to protest and bang on cans and pots.
• Abdulrahman Al-Rashed is a veteran columnist. He is the former general manager of Al Arabiya news channel, and former editor-in-chief of Asharq Al-Awsat. Twitter: @aalrashed

The post عبد الرحمن الراشد: لمن تُقرع الطناجر في لبنان؟/Abdulrahman Al-Rashed: Lebanon not sick with fever but ill with cancer appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

شارل الياس شرتوني: لا بد من نقلة نوعية في إدارة المرحلة


لا بد من نقلة نوعية في إدارة المرحلة
شارل الياس شرتوني/13 تشرين الثاني/2019

*حزب الله مدعو إلى التخلي عن سياسة احتجاز البلاد ضمن محدداته وأولوياته السياسية الداخلية والإقليمية، والتفاهم مع بقية الفرقاء على أولويات المرحلة الإصلاحية الداخلية، وضرورة الخروج من واقع ازدواجية المسارات وتطويع الحياة السياسية لمفكرته السياسية وأولوياتها.

ان حال المراوحة التي تعيشها البلاد بعد انقضاء شهر على الحراكات المدنية قد دخلت في مرحلة تآكلية ان لم تأخذ الأحداث باتجاه خطة عمل مرحلية تقوم على الاعتبارات التالية: تشكيل حكومة إنقاذ وطني تتمحور مداخلتها حول النقاط التالية :

أ- فتح ملفات الفساد برمتها عبر تشكيل هيئه وطنية لمقاضاة الفساد ووضع آلية تحقيقية وقانونية وإجرائية تنقلنا من حالة المعاينة والمعاناة إلى حالة المقاضاة الفعلية؛

ب- تشكيل هيئة طوارىء مالية واقتصادية واجتماعية من اجل معالجة مسائل الاستقرار المالي وتحفيز الحياة الاقتصادية وإيجاد فرص العمل ومعالجة القضايا التربوية والصحية الملحة على نحو يقينا الانهيار الاقتصادي والاجتماعي وتردداته على السلم الأهلي؛

ج- تأليف هيئة الإعداد لقانون انتخابي تمثيلي من اجل اجراء انتخابات نيابية تترجم الحراكات الاجتماعية والسياسية على مستوى المؤسسات التمثيلية وتعمل على وضع الخيارات التأسيسية للجمهورية الثالثة.

هذه المقاربة هي السبيل الوحيد من اجل الخروج من دائرة المراوحة الحالية إلى مرحلة المشاركة الفعلية في عملية الانتقال من واقع الأزمة المفتوحة إلى واقع اصلاحي فعلي، عنوانه ترجمة الحراكات المدنية إلى مشاركة فعلية في صياغة المراحل الانتقالية وإخراج البلاد من واقع الفراغ المدمر لأية سبل اصلاحية واقعية وتراكمية.

هذه المقاربة تعني القبول بدخول مختلف الفرقاء في منطق التسوية البناءة والإقلاع عن الخيارات السياسية الاحادية والمطلقة والاسرة للحياة الوطنية الجامعة، هذا يعني بالتحديد ان حزب الله مدعو إلى التخلي عن سياسة احتجاز البلاد ضمن محدداته وأولوياته السياسية الداخلية والإقليمية، والتفاهم مع بقية الفرقاء على أولويات المرحلة الإصلاحية الداخلية، وضرورة الخروج من واقع ازدواجية المسارات وتطويع الحياة السياسية لمفكرته السياسية وأولوياتها.

لقد دخلنا في مرحلة انعدام الوزن ومفارقاتها، ولا بد من العودة عن هذا المسار قبل الدخول في مخاطر الاشتراكات النزاعية المفتوحة على نزاعات المنطقة ومنزلقاتها الخطرة؛ كما لابد ان تؤسس الحراكات المدنية لديناميكية سياسية جديدة تخرجنا من واقع الطلاق بين المجتمع المدني ودوائر العمل السياسي والحكومي، وتضع حدا للاقفالات الاوليغارشية التي حكمت البلاد على مدى ثلاثة عقود ودمرت العقود الاجتماعية برمتها، واحالتنا إلى واقع الفساد العميم والتنازع الهمجي للمصالح والعنف المعمم على كل مستويات الحياة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والسياسية.

ان أهمية الحراكات المدنية التي نشأت منذ شهر تكمن في اعادة صياغتها للديناميكيات الوطنية والمدنية والسياسية والاجتماعية على قاعدة تشاركية وتفاعلية وتواصلية تشكل المنطلق الجديد للميثاق الوطني والعقود الاجتماعية الواجب إنتاجها.

نحن في منعطف تاريخي فلا بد من التعاطي مع إملاءاته على النحو الذي تمليه فرادته وأهميته التأسيسية في حياتنا الوطنية.

The post شارل الياس شرتوني: لا بد من نقلة نوعية في إدارة المرحلة appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For November 14/2019


Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For November 14/2019

Click Here to read the whole and detailed LCCC English News Bulletin for November 14/2019

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Titles Of The LCCC English News Bulletin
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The post Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For November 14/2019 appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

A Bundle Of English Reports, News and Editorials For November 13-14/2019 Addressing the On Going Mass Demonstrations & Sit In-ins In Iranian Occupied Lebanon in its 28th Day


A Bundle Of English Reports, News and Editorials For November 13-14/2019 Addressing the On Going Mass Demonstrations & Sit In-ins In Iranian Occupied Lebanon in its 28th Day
Compiled By: Elias Bejjani
November 13-14/2019

Titles For The Latest English LCCC Lebanese & Lebanese Related News published on November 13-14/2019
France Expresses Willingness to Help Lebanon
Lebanese protesters back in streets, major highways blocked
Protesters Back in Streets, Major Highways Blocked
Minor Skirmishes as Protesters Hold First Large Demo near Baabda Palace
Tensions Soar After President’s Speech, Army Deploys in Baabda
Clashes Erupt at Road-Blocking Protest in Jal el-Dib
Hariri Asks Army, ISF Chiefs to Ensure Demonstrators’ Safety
Jumblat Urges Protesters to Maintain Peacefulness, Carry Lebanese Flags
Berri Says Security Must Have Priority over Anything
In Tripoli, Crushing Poverty Fuels Protests
Army Intelligence Agent Referred to Judiciary over Abu Fakhr Death
Protesters honor Alaa Abou Fakher as rage escalates in the streets

The Latest English LCCC Lebanese & Lebanese Related News published on November 13-14/2019
From 2006 Archive/Michel Aoun: A psychotic Lust For The Presidency
Elias Bejjani/December 22/06

France Expresses Willingness to Help Lebanon
Naharnet/November 13/2019
The French envoy in Beirut delivered a message to President Michel Aoun from his French counterpart expressing France’s willingness to help Lebanon, the National News Agency reported on Wednesday. The director of the Middle East and North Africa department at the French foreign ministry, Christophe Farnaud met with Aoun where discussions “focused on the latest developments in Lebanon,” said NNA. It added that “Farnaud delivered a message to Aoun from French President Emmanuel Macron expressing France’s willingness to help Lebanon in the current circumstances.” For his part, Aoun said: “I will continue my contacts to hold the binding parliamentary consultations to name a new PM.” “Economic conditions are worsening as a result of what the country is going through. The situation will gradually improve when we begin oil and gas exploration,” he added. The envoy had earlier met with caretaker foreign minister Jebran Bassil. He left without making a statement. Farnaud is expected to hold meetings later with Speaker Nabih Berri, caretaker PM Saad Hariri, and Army Commander Gen. Joseph Aoun, al-Joumhouria daily reported. On Tuesday he wet with Kataeb chief Sami Gemayel and then a group of representatives of the uprising, said the daily. Farnaud will discuss the ongoing political and economic crisis in the country. He is also expected to meet on Wednesday with Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat and head of the Lebanese Forces party Samir Geagea. On Tuesday evening, protesters led by the leftist Youth Movement for Change rallied outside the French embassy in Beirut to denounce what they called French “interference” in Lebanese affairs, hours after Farnaud arrived in Beirut.

Lebanese protesters back in streets, major highways blocked
Agencies/Wednesday, 13 November 2019
Lebanese protesters are blocking major highways with burning tires and roadblocks, saying they will remain in the streets following a televised interview in which the president urged them to go home. Schools and universities closed on Wednesday, and banks remain shuttered – a reflection of the deepening political and financial crisis the tiny country faces.In a statement on Wednesday, Lebanese President Michel Aoun says the economic situation is deteriorating further as a result of what the country is going through, adding that the start of exploration for oil and gas will help improve the situation gradually.
A man was killed by a Lebanese soldier during Tuesday night protests, marking the first such fatality since nationwide demonstrations engulfed the country on Oct. 17. The protesters took to the streets after President Michel Aoun said in a televised interview that there could be further delays before a new government is formed. He also called on those protesting to go home, warning of a catastrophe if the mass protests keep paralyzing the country. The country has since October 17 been swept by an unprecedented cross-sectarian protest movement against the entire political establishment, which is widely seen as irretrievably corrupt and unable to deal with a deepening economic crisis. The protests triggered Prime Minister Saad Hariri to tender the resignation of his government on October 29, but he remains in a caretaker capacity and maneuverings are still ongoing to form a new cabinet.

Protesters Back in Streets, Major Highways Blocked
Associated PressNaharnet/November 13/2019
Lebanese protesters blocked major highways with burning tires and roadblocks on Wednesday, saying they will remain in the streets despite the president’s appeal for them to go home. Schools and universities were closed and banks remained shuttered — a reflection of the deepening political and financial crisis the tiny country faces. A man was killed by a Lebanese soldier during Tuesday night protests, marking the first such fatality since nationwide demonstrations engulfed the country on Oct. 17. The protesters took to the streets after President Michel Aoun said in a televised interview that there could be further delays before a new government is formed, and said the best option was a Cabinet made up of technocrats and politicians to deal with the country’s economic and financial troubles. He also urged those protesting to go home, warning of a catastrophe if the mass protests keep paralyzing the country.
Lebanon is passing through its worst economic and financial crisis in decades. It led to anti-government protests that culminated in mid-October as demonstrations spread across much of Lebanon. The protesters are also complaining of widespread corruption and calling an end for the rule of the political elite that has been running the country since the 1975-90 civil war ended. Protesters, who have been calling for a Cabinet made up solely of experts, rejected Aoun’s speech. “Our demands are known, we need a technocrat government that is not related to any politician,” said protester Melissa Barrak, a sales manager speaking at a major intersection in central Beirut that was closed by the demonstrators. Highways linking Beirut with southern and northern Lebanon as well as other roads in major cities and towns were also closed. Policemen opened Wednesday morning the Fouad Chehab avenue in Beirut, hours it was closed by protesters. In Nahr al-Kalb north of Beirut, protesters closed a tunnel by parking their cars inside it while a nearby highway was filled with debris. In Khaldeh, on Beirut’s southern entrance, tires were set on fire and sand barriers closed a vital highway. The place where the first fatality in the protests, Alaa Abou Fakher, was shot in the Khaldeh area was decorated with roses and a Lebanese flag was placed nearby. He was the first to be killed in direct shooting related to the protests, though there have been four other deaths since the demonstrations began. A man was shot and killed in the early days of the protests by a man forcing people to pay bribes to pass through road barriers leading to the airport, while two Syrian workers choked to death when a fire was set inside a downtown Beirut building where they were sleeping. Also, a young man fell inside a building as he was trying to climb to the roof to take photographs. He died days later in hospital. Aoun on Wednesday met with French envoy Christophe Farnaud, who carried a message from France’s President Emmanuel Macron expressing Paris’ concerns about the situation in Lebanon and its readiness to help the Arab country. France, Lebanon’s former colonial ruler, remains a major player in Lebanese politics.

Minor Skirmishes as Protesters Hold First Large Demo near Baabda Palace
Naharnet/November 13/2019
Large numbers of protesters were on Wednesday rallying near the presidential palace in Baabda, in the first major demo in the area since the eruption of the popular uprising on October 17. The protesters were flocking to the area from Beirut, Tripoli and several Lebanese regions. Scuffles erupted as the protesters tried to remove barb wires and metallic barriers. “Security forces managed to stop them after they hurled empty water bottles and stones at them,” the National News Agency said. Responding to a Republic Guard officer’s request that they form a delegation to meet with the president, the protesters chanted: “The people demand and don’t negotiate!” Protesters have been blocking main roads since Tuesday evening, angered by what they viewed as the president ignoring their demands in nearly a month of rallies, and after a protester was shot dead.Aoun said on television that Lebanese who did not see any decent person in power should “emigrate” — a comment that, despite the presidency scrambling to clarify it, immediately sent protesters onto the streets. One man died of gunshot wounds overnight after an army officer’s driver opened fire at a road-blocking protest in Khalde south of the capital, in the second such death since the start of the largely peaceful protests. Lebanon’s unprecedented protest movement has since October 17 called for a complete overhaul of a system they charge is incapable of providing the most basic services and syphoning off state funds. After the government stepped down on October 29, protesters demanded a fresh cabinet of experts not affiliated with any of the traditional political parties, which are divided along sectarian lines. But Aoun in the interview argued that a government made up solely of technocrats would not be able to set policies and would not represent the people. He criticized the street movement’s lack of leadership, after previously saying he would be prepared to meet representatives to hear their demands. The protests erupted spontaneously last month against a government plan to tax calls made via free mobile phone applications such as WhatsApp. But they have since morphed into a mass cross-sectarian movement denouncing everything from unemployment and rampant poverty to poor healthcare and endless power cuts. The World Bank says around a third of Lebanese live in poverty and has warned the country’s struggling economy could further deteriorate if a new cabinet is not formed rapidly. The former cabinet will remain in a caretaker capacity until a fresh one is formed, but required parliamentary consultations on the matter have not even been scheduled yet. Forming a government typically takes months in Lebanon, with protracted debate on how best to maintain a fragile balance between religious communities. In the interview late Tuesday, Aoun suggested a new cabinet made up of technocrats and politicians. He did not deny the existence of U.S. pressure to exclude his powerful ally, Iran-backed Hizbullah, from any future government, but said he could not be forced to do so as they represented “a third of Lebanese.”

Tensions Soar After President’s Speech, Army Deploys in Baabda
Associated Press/November 13/2019
Lebanese army troops on Wednesday deployed heavily near the Presidential Palace in Baabda amid tight security measures, after a night of unrest following President Michel Aoun’s announcement that there could be further delays before a new government is formed. “Army troops deployed in masses in Baabda in case of any emergency,” said the National News Agency. Angry protesters blocked several major highways with burning tires and dirt mounds in protest at Aoun’s remarks. Protesters had poured into the streets Tuesday night closing roads around Lebanon after Aoun said in a televised interview that there could be further delays before a new government is formed. He also defended the role of his allies, Hizbullah, in Lebanon’s government. He said it could take days to set a date for consultations with heads of parliamentary blocs for the naming of a new prime minister and added that the best option is for the new Cabinet to include both politicians and technocrats. Protesters have demanded a Cabinet without politicians. A local official for a Lebanese political party was shot dead by soldiers trying to open a road closed by protesters in the Khaldeh neighborhood in southern Beirut late Tuesday, the army reported, marking the first death in 27 days of nationwide protests. An army statement said the army command had opened an investigation into the killing after arresting the soldier. The incident was sure to inflame tensions already running high in the country, which has been engulfed by nationwide protests against the country’s entire political class since Oct. 17. The leaderless, economically driven protests were triggered by new proposed taxes and have quickly evolved into the most spread and most sustained Lebanon has seen in years. Prime Minister Saad Hariri resigned his government Oct. 29 in response to the unprecedented nationwide protests since the middle of last month. The protests have snowballed into calls for the government to resign and for the entire political elite that has governed Lebanon since the end of its 1975-90 civil war to step aside. Protesters are demanding a government made up of technocrats that would get immediately to work on the necessary reforms to address the worst economic and financial crisis Lebanon is passing through in decades. Politicians are divided among other things over whether the new Cabinet should be made up of experts only or include politicians.

Clashes Erupt at Road-Blocking Protest in Jal el-Dib
Naharnet/November 13/2019
Clashes erupted Wednesday between protesters and Free Patriotic Movement supporters at a road-blocking protest in Jal el-Dib. Media reports said security forces arrested a man who opened fire in the air to intimidate protesters. “Protesters managed to take the firearm away from the young man who attacked them, smashing the windows of his car,” the National News Agency said. Protesters and FPM supporters meanwhile hurled stones at each other as demonstrators accused their rivals of carrying knives and metal chains and of seeking to reopen the road by force. Security forces have intervened several times to contain the clashes between the two sides. The National News Agency meanwhile said one person was injured in the scuffles. “Men carrying sticks and chains attacked us,” said Elie Khoury, an anti-corruption protester in Jal el-Dib, before troops deployed in the area and opened the road that had been closed by burning tires and roadblocks for hours.

Hariri Asks Army, ISF Chiefs to Ensure Demonstrators’ Safety

Naharnet/November 13/2019
The Press Office of caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri issued the following statement on Wednesday: Caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri followed up last night and until the early hours of dawn the events and popular movements in the capital, the suburbs and other areas of Lebanon. For this purpose, he contacted Army Commander General Joseph Aoun and Internal Security Forces Director General Major General Imad Osman, stressing the need to take all measures to protect citizens and ensure the safety of the demonstrators. Prime Minister Hariri also contacted head of the Progressive Socialist Party Walid Jumblat and expressed his condolences for the death of the member of the Choueifat municipality council, Alaa Abu Fakher, who died in the tragic incident during the popular movement in Khalde. Hariri praised the responsible national stance expressed by Jumblat and his call to preserve calm, avoid slipping into chaos and consider the state as the indispensable sanctuary. Hariri called on all citizens in all regions to preserve their peaceful movement and block the way of those who want to fish in troubled waters. He also drew attention to the responsibility of all, the authorities, leaders, military and security institutions and popular movements, to protect the country and show solidarity in facing challenges.

Jumblat Urges Protesters to Maintain Peacefulness, Carry Lebanese Flags
Naharnet/November 13/2019
Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat on Wednesday described slain protester Alaa Abu Fakhr as “the martyr of the Lebanese revolution and the PSP.” “The best way to honor him is to maintain the peaceful revolution, without any tension, upheaval or narrow partisanship,” Jumblat tweeted.
“The protest movement has smashed all barriers and united the Lebanese and Alaa was at the vanguard,” the PSP leader added. He also called for “covering squares and streets with the Lebanese flag exclusively” during Abu Fakhr’s funeral on Thursday.

Berri Says Security Must Have Priority over Anything
Naharnet/November 13/2019
Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri on Wednesday stressed that “security must have the priority over anything else,” renewing his call for “speeding up the formation of an inclusive government that can fulfill the aspirations of the Lebanese.”Extending condolences to the family of slain protester Alaa Abu Fakhr, who was killed overnight as an army officer’s driver opened fire at a road-blocking protest in Khalde, Berri called for “preserving public order at educational, health and social institutions” and for “safeguarding civil peace and national unity.”Berri also repeated his warning against “falling into the trap of lethal political vacuum.”

In Tripoli, Crushing Poverty Fuels Protests
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November 13/2019
In a dusty alley streaked with sewage in Lebanon’s northern port city of Tripoli, Fatima, her husband and 11 children live crippled by debt and wondering where their next meal is coming from. “We’re a poor people here in Tripoli,” said the 38-year-old mother, in the city that has taken center stage in Lebanon’s ongoing protests denouncing official corruption and inequality. Fresh laundry hangs outside her two-room breeze-block dwelling, its corrugated iron roof held in place by the weight of a few old car tires. “There have been days in the past week when my children haven’t had breakfast — and my little ones milk — before five o’clock in the evening,” said Fatima, whose youngest is just two and a half years old. Her husband sells fish from a cart for a living, and Fatima sometimes helps out with special orders to cook up the fresh catch. But sales have been few and far between since the unprecedented demonstrations erupted nationwide last month, demanding a complete overhaul of the political system. Tripoli has been a hotspot of the anti-government protests and become known as “the bride of the revolution” for its festive night-time rallies.In the beginning Fatima took part, but soon the bus fare to the city’s main square became too much. “I stopped going, to spend the money instead on bread and milk for my children,” she said. More than half of Tripoli’s population live at or below the poverty line, the United Nations says, and more than a quarter live in extreme poverty. Fatima’s family are struggling to pay the bills and already up to $5,000 in debt. Her 17-year-old son has left school so he can help provide for the family, and so has her 15-year-old daughter, who must now look after her siblings.The mother fears her other children may soon have to drop out too, because she can’t afford the $100 a month for the school bus.
Life ‘sweeping stairs’
In a city whose political leaders are among the richest in the nation, Fatima is terrified her children will grow up to a life “sweeping stairs and peddling chewing gum.” Forbes magazine this year listed former prime minister Najib Miqati and his brother, who both hail from the city, as being worth $2.5 billion. But in Fatima’s neighborhood, dozens of families live in tiny homes without even a connection to the main sewage system. Instead, they have dug small cesspits they cannot afford to empty, and whose foul-smelling contents often leak out into the alleyways or even inside their homes. One woman, aged in her 50s, has placed cement blocks outside her front door to try to protect her 10-year-old autistic son from the wastewater and rats outside. “If a political leader’s dog gets sick they rush it off to private hospital, but we can’t even treat our children,” she said, as around her the scent of fried food mixed with the stench of a blocked toilet. “They come and see us during elections, and then they forget all about us afterwards,” she said, preferring not to give her name.
‘Kiss 100 hands’
Not far off, Jamal Shaaban said he had resorted to collecting scrap metal to earn money and feed his seven children, and despaired as to how he would ever find them employment. Without personal connections, “I can’t find my kids jobs even as porters” in the city’s neglected port, said the 40-year-old, wearing a black cap and sunglasses. “I need to kiss a hundred hands — even for a job as a rubbish collector,” he said angrily. Tripoli is now known as a protest center, but from 2007 to 2014 it was infamous for deadly shootouts and bombings. With school dropout rates and unemployment high in its poorer districts, many young residents have joined armed groups in exchange for a little financial support. They have also been easy recruits for extremist groups. “What other future do they expect for a generation brought up in a neighborhood like this?” Shaaban said. “Some people take a wrong turn. But who’s to blame — us or the living conditions?” Several kilometers (miles) away, in a neighborhood pockmarked with bullets holes, Amina Abdallah Sweid said she was struggling to feed her five children after their father was killed in the clashes. In the past few days, she said they had been living off a single bag of potatoes donated by a relative and some bread from the neighbors. Her children sometimes collect scrap metal to sell, but even on a good day that only fetches around six dollars. That means, she said, that “there’s nothing left for us to do but beg”.

Army Intelligence Agent Referred to Judiciary over Abu Fakhr Death
Naharnet/November 13/2019
An army intelligence agent involved in the Khalde incident that resulted in the death of the protester Alaa Abu Fakhr was referred to the judiciary on Wednesday. “The Intelligence Directorate has referred First Adjutant Charbel Hjeil to the relevant judicial authorities after interrogating him over the incident that resulted in the martyrdom of Alaa Abu Fakhr,” the Army Command’s Orientation Directorate said in a statement. Media reports said Hjeil was in a white vehicle carrying an army colonel when an altercation with protesters erupted in the Khalde area where demonstrators were blocking the road. An army statement issued Tuesday had said that military personnel opened fire in a bid to disperse protesters.

Protesters honor Alaa Abou Fakher as rage escalates in the streets
Christy-Belle Geha/Annahar/November 13/2019
Infuriated protesters and Abou Fakher’s PSP comrades described him as “the revolution’s martyr.”
BEIRUT: On the 28th day of the revolution, protesters expressed their grief with chants and candles in honour of protester Alaa Abou Fakher, who was shot and killed on Tuesday night in Khaldeh.
An army statement said a soldier opened fire to disperse the crowd after an altercation, hitting Abou Fakher, identified as a local official with the Progressive Socialist Party (PSP) and member of the Choueifat municipality. The statement also added that an investigation has been opened following the soldier’s arrest. Abou Fakher was briefly hospitalized in a critical condition to Kamal Jumblatt Hospital before succumbing to his wounds. PSP leader Walid Jumblatt and his son MP Taymur Jumblatt arrived at the hospital around midnight, where the Druze leader urged demonstrators to “count on the state only” or to avoid a “phase of chaos.” Caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri also emphasized Jumblatt’s statement on Twitter, reminding “everyone of their responsibility to protect the country and to collaborate in order to face our challenges.”Infuriated protesters and Abou Fakher’s PSP comrades described him as “the revolution’s martyr.”Lawyer Tony Mikhael expressed on Twitter how “harsh” the scene of Abou Fakher’s passing was, describing it as “a scene that shakes thrones and emotions.” Joseph Chidiac, a protestor, described to Annahar his dismay at the death of a man “who was demanding his basic human rights in front of his kids.”“Will innocent men and women forever be killed in this country? When will this stop?” he asked.

Titles For The Latest Lebanese LCCC English analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on November 13-14/2019
Lebanon not sick with fever but ill with cancer/Abdulrahman Al-Rashed/Arab News/November 13/2019
Simple Lebanese chant makes a complicated story even more so/Tala Jarjour/Arab News/November 13/2019
Hezbollah could be hastening the demise of the system it is trying so hard to preserve/Michael Young/The National/November 13/2019
Lebanon protesters tell the president: ‘it’s time for father of all to leave’/Sunniva Rose and James Haines-Young/The National/November 13/2019
Lebanon: One Month of Protests/Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November 13/2019
French envoy seeks to resolve deadlock as tensions simmer/Georgi Azar/Annahar/November 13/2019

The Latest LCCC English analysis & editorials from miscellaneous sources published on November 13-14/2019
Lebanon not sick with fever but ill with cancer
Abdulrahman Al-Rashed/Arab News/November 13/2019
Some like to portray the situation in Lebanon as there being a secret society that is governing the country, made up of clerics, bankers, politicians, and arms and drugs dealers. That is why real change seems almost impossible or unlikely for another decade.
The surprise is in the large number of citizens taking to the streets, banging on pots, and turning their anger against politicians into a daily celebration all over the country, successfully drawing attention to the main economic and political issues. Collective complaints have united the Lebanese for the first time since the country was divided in the mid-1970s, most saliently along political or sectarian lines.
The anger was entirely aimed at the upper echelons of government, namely the Christian president, the Sunni prime minister, the Shiite speaker of parliament, as well as at hidden forces such as the leader of Hezbollah, who has a parallel army and more powers than the state itself.
Most of the therapeutic solutions issued by the captains of the sunken ship seem to be a ploy to buy more time
Most of the therapeutic solutions issued by the captains of the sunken ship seem to be a ploy to buy more time. Time is, in fact, the cheapest commodity in Lebanon, as the country is in a near-permanent, ongoing crisis that is unparalleled, except for the Palestinian cause. It is puzzling that there is no compelling reason why civilian life has not returned to normal since the end of the civil war. The war ceased in 1990, but the regime of war continued.
In the current crisis, ideas for a recipe for economic remedies, a reduction in government expenditures and the fight against corruption were put forward. However, Lebanon is not sick with fever but ill with cancer. Thus, reducing expenses and arresting a few fat cats will not convince international investors or Lebanese expatriates and the migrations will continue; and people will return to the street to complain.
Lebanon needs an integrated rehabilitation of the regime so that it does not continue to be a problem for its citizens and a problem for the region. Lebanon constitutes a problem for the region because it is being used as a platform to recruit mercenaries to fight in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, and a market used for foreign governments and organizations to serve different agendas. In the light of this chaotic and perplexing situation, the proposed political and economic remedies will only succeed in prolonging the life of the crisis and exhausting the sick state.
Optimists believed that salvation was coming when information was leaked about the discovery of oil and gas off the coast of Lebanon. After five years of waiting, they know it is a mirage. Even if oil and gas were to be drilled and exports begin next January, as the French company Total says, it will not solve the problems of Lebanon while the same political structure remains in power.
The agreement between various political forces to share oil profits will ensure the status quo remains for many years to come, while oil will also increase conflicts and the use of religion and external alliances to maintain internal balances of power. Let us not forget that oil has been produced in countries such as Yemen, Sudan and Syria, and these countries have only witnessed more misery; it did not make their governments more compassionate or successful, even when the price of a barrel was above $100.
Without an updated political system that guarantees a minimum of stability, sovereignty and justice, as well as ending foreign alliances, Iranian and others, and stopping internal looting, the crisis will not shrink, but will grow, and people will return to protest and bang on cans and pots.
• Abdulrahman Al-Rashed is a veteran columnist. He is the former general manager of Al Arabiya news channel, and former editor-in-chief of Asharq Al-Awsat. Twitter: @aalrashed

Simple Lebanese chant makes a complicated story even more so
Tala Jarjour/Arab News/November 13/2019
Three weeks on, and Lebanon’s demonstrations show no sign of abating. Prime Minister Saad Hariri has tendered his resignation and reform bills have been presented, yet more Lebanese continue to take to the streets. This week, students are leaving their schools and universities to join and women are a noticeable presence. Formations change, songs come and go, but one line remains firm. “All of them means all of them,” the blunt slogan “kellun yaani kellun” is turning out to be a much more serious demand in the sectarian state system than the wildest political guesses might have risked a few months ago.
Lebanon’s multiple postwar political alliances, along with the names under which they operate, have constantly crossed conventional religious and ideological lines. Groupings worked at times under traditional political labels, and at others they followed confessional categories. But parties and alliances have also been labeled with numbers that referred to the dates of particularly divisive events, such as the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri or the mass protests ignited in its aftermath. While subnational labels shifted, song seemed to forge its own political sphere — one that rarely obeyed strategic fault lines.
The political songs of Julia Boutros, the Christian singer who has family roots in Southern Lebanon, are a helpful example. While Boutros’ was not the only voice to be coined with patriotic song in Lebanon, she has been significant in forming a nationalistic sentiment that was based on the shared value of territorial integrity, individual and collective dignity, power and resistance. Her appeal, which emerged with her appearance as a talented child singer in the 1970s and 1980s, was contemporaneous with a uniquely common goal in the divisive years of the Lebanese war: Resisting the Israeli military presence, and aggression, in Southern Lebanon.
Yet even that semblance of a unified political purpose was not consistent, nor was it complete. Between the aftermath of the 1982 invasion, in which Israeli forces reached Beirut, and the subsequent creation of a security zone, where military control was shared between the Israeli army and its Lebanese allies (the South Lebanon Army), the desire to regain control over all Lebanese territory was hardly regional. Until the sudden withdrawal of Israeli forces in May 2000, Southern Lebanon remained a tender point in the national body. One singer whose output kept focus on the matter over the decades was Boutros. Her songs became emblematic of resistance against the foreign military presence, as well as all forms of intimidation, even when one faction’s aggressors were another’s allies.
“The sun of truth has been eclipsed; dawn became sunset,” opens Boutros’ 1985 song “Ghabet Shams El Haq.” “We refuse to die. Tell them we will stay. Your land, and homes. The hard-working people. Hear. Oh south. My beloved south,” goes the refrain. Written on the heels of the Israeli invasion and in the midst of a bloody war, this song reliably roused masses for decades. As late as the 2010s, audiences of thousands sent the loudest cheers within two seconds of the opening musical line, singing along with precision. Although the Israeli presence in Southern Lebanon eventually ceased in 2000 (in all but a small strip of land that continues to be contested by multiple sides), the power of Boutros’ song had not waned.
Similarly to almost every other local political loyalty, Boutros’ allegiance to a coalition of theocratic and socialist ideologies was a complicated one. The multiple layers of her fan base’s political commitment to Hezbollah and its leftist supporters were only compounded by the national alliance Hezbollah subsequently forged with Michel Aoun — to the dismay of members of the Christian former army general’s ultranationalist supporters at the right end of the political spectrum. Still, Boutros’ songs continued to bring large audiences to their feet, at least until a year or two ago.
New to office or old powerbrokers, ‘all means all’ remains the street’s unwavering demand for the political elite’s departure.
The last three weeks, however, have successfully blurred not only the fine gradations of the politico-confessional spectrum and its variations of the last four decades, but also the large brushstrokes that united people across its lines, few and far between as those brushstrokes have been.
Today, a new fault line in power alignments is unfolding in the Lebanese public square. Shocking the system and its maintainers alike, the binary split cuts across seemingly unmovable blocks. Like never before, the new “us” and “them” arrangement is as simple as it is clear. In a political environment where neither simplicity nor clarity seemed conceivable, the people of Lebanon have made up their mind: It is “us” the people against “them” the politicians. New to office or old powerbrokers, “all means all” remains the street’s unwavering demand for the political elite’s departure.
In three words, each chanted to one beat and followed by a silent fourth, the rhythmic Arabic slogan encapsulates a singularity that hardly anyone thought possible. Still, like many norm-challenging ideas, in its simplicity this uncompromising demand belies much difficulty.
*Tala Jarjour is author of “Sense and Sadness: Syriac Chant in Aleppo” (OUP, 2018). She is currently Visiting Research Fellow at King’s College London and Associate Fellow of Pierson College at Yale.

Hezbollah could be hastening the demise of the system it is trying so hard to preserve
Michael Young/The National/November 13/2019
By first trying to deflate protester demands for better, less corrupt governance and economic management, the group’s leader Hassan Nasrallah was seen as the defender of an intolerable status quo
On Tuesday, Lebanese president Michel Aoun sat down with two journalists to speak about the worst crisis his country has seen since the end of the civil war in 1990. For nearly a month, nationwide protests have taken place because of deteriorating economic conditions and the pervasive corruption of the ruling class. The protesters have been demanding a government free of politicking, clientelism and sectarianism.
It has been more than two weeks since prime minister Saad Hariri resigned. Despite a worsening financial crisis, the political forces seem no closer to forming a government. Mr Hariri would like to form a government made up of technocrats. Not only is that what the protesters are demanding but the prime minister believes this is a prerequisite for outside assistance to Lebanon. A government filled with career politicians – or even one mixing politicians and technocrats – is not one that would generate confidence at home or internationally.
Yet Mr Aoun, who is apparently tone deaf, repeated in his interview that he backed a mixed cabinet and that he could not prevent the return of his son-in-law Gebran Bassil as a minister. Mr Bassil, whom protesters consider highly corrupt, is among the most reviled of Lebanese politicians. His return would represent an insult to the protest movement. Even as Mr Aoun was still speaking, people throughout the country began blockading roads in anger.
Hezbollah’s Hassan Nasrallah, by trying to impose a mixed cabinet against popular will, might hinder the foreign aid that is needed to avert an economic collapse
Mr Aoun and Mr Bassil are backed by Hezbollah in opposing a technocratic government in which they would not be represented. Hezbollah is worried that if it is left out of the government, this would the first step in isolating the party and ultimately disarming it. From the start, Hezbollah’s secretary general Hassan Nasrallah viewed the protests as a threat to a political order that has long protected the party. That is why he initially sought to undermine the demonstrations by sending thugs to attack protesters.
This attitude has created a contradiction that will continue to profoundly affect Hezbollah, and Lebanon more broadly. Nasrallah, by trying to impose a mixed cabinet against the popular will, might hinder the foreign financial assistance that is needed to avert an economic collapse. This in turn could hasten the breakdown of the system he is trying so hard to preserve.
At the same time, Nasrallah has turned Hezbollah into another focus of the protesters’ frustrations. By first trying to deflate their demands for better, less corrupt governance and economic management, he was seen as the defender of an intolerable status quo. This is no small thing for a party that has made its purported solidarity with the deprived a part of its identity.
Hezbollah’s threat perception is tied not only to events in Lebanon but more broadly to the situation in Iraq and the party’s relationship with Iran. Iraqi protesters have spent weeks defying a corrupt political order bolstered by Iran and its Iraqi proxies, leading demonstrators to target symbols of Tehran’s influence. In fact, on October 30, Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei seemed alarmed enough by developments to state that the Lebanese and Iraqi protests were the work of the US and its partners, which angered protesters.
In his latest speech on Monday, Nasrallah did not mention the formation of a new government, saying that negotiations were ongoing. However, he did spend a great deal of time talking about the party’s martyrs, since November 11 was Hezbollah’s Martyrs Day. It was his way of rallying his community around the party at a time when even the Shiites have been joining the Lebanese protests.
But the reality is that Hezbollah has yet to resolve its dilemma with Mr Hariri. However, Mr Aoun’s support for a mixed political-technocratic government appeared to signal that both Hezbollah and the Aounists have decided to press ahead if Mr Hariri remains unwilling to head a mixed government. This is very risky, since such a government would be opposed not only by a wide cross-section of Lebanon’s population but also by much of the international community, and most critically by vital western donors.
If that is what Mr Aoun and Hezbollah decide, Lebanon will be in for difficult times ahead. The protests will continue and doubtless escalate, with uncertainty as to how Hezbollah might react. The possibility of violence is definitely there, particularly if the economic situation collapses, as seems increasingly inevitable.
If the government were to attempt to repress the protests using unrestricted force, the most probable outcome would be some sort of rift in the Lebanese state, as the army seems unwilling to carry out such action. If Hezbollah itself attempts to intimidate the protesters and possibly moves into areas of non-Shiite religious sects to do so, this would almost certainly lead to civil war.
Whatever the outcome, Mr Aoun’s reckless decision to ignore the protesters, a step that Hezbollah has supported, means that both are taking Lebanon into the unknown. Even if the country could avoid a domestic conflict, a clearly pro-Hezbollah government rejected by most Lebanese would not avert an economic calamity or isolation from the west and the Arab world. Lebanon could find itself on its own, perhaps as the Venezuela of the Middle East.
*Michael Young is editor of Diwan, the blog of the Carnegie Middle East programme, in Beirut

Lebanon protesters tell the president: ‘it’s time for father of all to leave’
Sunniva Rose and James Haines-Young/The National/November 13/2019
On day 28 of mass demonstrations against government, people block motorway to presidential palace
Protesters closed the highway from the Lebanese capital to Baabda Palace on Wednesday and refused an invitation to meet President Michel Aoun. The demonstration outside the presidential palace came on the 28th day of the mass uprising against the government and decades of corruption.
On Wednesday evening, men with guns and knives arrived at a protest in Jal El Dib, north of Beirut, leading to fights with protesters. At least one man fired into the air before being disarmed. Earlier in the day, Mr Aoun conveyed a message through the presidential guard for the protesters outside the palace to send in a delegation to discuss their demands. But the demonstrators refused to send a small number of people, insisting that if the president wanted to hear their complaints he would have to speak to all those gathered.
The previous night, street protests erupted across Lebanon after President Michel Aoun defended the role of his allies, the Shiite movement Hezbollah, in Lebanon’s government, cutting off several major roads in and around Beirut, the northern city of Tripoli and the eastern region of Bekaa. In his televised address, Aoun proposed a government that includes both technocrats and politicians.
Protesters expressed anger at an interview Mr Aoun gave on Wednesday evening, in which he said: “If they do not like any person in authority, let them emigrate.”
“He told us, ‘If you don’t like what is happening, just leave’,” said Guy Younes, 29, a civil engineer. “How is that possible in any country in the world? This is so stupid. He wants us to leave, 250,000 people to leave.
Architecture student Nicholas Habib, 25, said: “We have a lot of requests. The first is the resignation of Michel Aoun and then we have to make selections and a technocratic Cabinet.
“We want technocrats, we do not want politicians. It is engineers who are going to be judges and in the ministries, people who have nothing to do with politics.”
Mr Habib said Mr Aoun’s speech on Wednesday night angered him. “How can a president of a republic say that to his people?” he asked.
But Mr Habib said he was optimistic that the president would eventually be forced to resign.
People chanted, “We won’t go until the ‘father of all’ leaves,” using Mr Aoun’s self-given title. “Leave, leave, leave, your presidency is starving people.” Marie-Therese Tabet, 65, who lives in Beirut, called for a new government that could stop the brain drain. “Our children, who are supposed to work, are highly educated people, hyper-responsible, but can’t find a way out so they go abroad where they succeed,” Ms Tabet said.
“Why not take advantage of these brains to maintain this country?”
Two women standing on the motorway to Baabda said the president’s message had been provocative and spurred people to hit the streets on Wednesday. “Instead of calming things down, people got very angry and it’ll probably push the level of anger and tension even higher,” one of the women said. “Of course we don’t trust him. Why would the people trust a government that failed them for years and years? “He was just not listening to what people were saying, and it ended up with a terrible outcome last night.” On Tuesday evening, Alaa Abou Fakher, 38, a father of three and a member of the Choueifat Municipality who supported of the Progressive Socialist Party, died after being shot by a solider.
The army announced that the soldier was arrested and an investigation launched after Abou Fakher’s death as the military tried to clear a motorway in the Khaldeh area just south of Beirut. It is unclear why the soldier opened fire and whether he intentionally shot the protester.
The exact details of the incident remain unclear but images on social media show Abou Fakher lying in a pool of blood next to his wife one of his sons.
The Daily Star newspaper reported that he was shot after an argument with a member of the Mount Lebanon Intelligence Branch.The newspaper reported that Abou Fakher was related to the officer who shot him and said the pair knew each other well. His widow called on people to take to the streets, saying “no one should remain in their homes”, local media reported.
Abou Fakher was the first protester killed by the military but official sources told The National it was the fifth death of the protests. The sources said, however, that it was hard to put an exact figure on casualties because they were not directly tied to the protests or the military. Demonstrations have been largely peaceful, except for a few scuffles with the security forces and government supporters, The source said that on the first night of the protests, two Syrian workers choked to death from a fire that spread to a building near major protests in the capital. On October 19, Hussein Al Attar was stabbed in an altercation with a man trying to bribe people to pass a roadblock near the airport, and Omar Zakarina died days after falling from roof of the old theatre in downtown Beirut on the same day. Caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri spoke with army chief Gen Joseph Aoun and the head of the Internal Security Forces, Maj Gen Imad Osman, late on Tuesday evening. Mr Hariri told them of the “need to take all measures to protect citizens and ensure the safety of the demonstrators”. He also spoke with Druze leader Walid Jumblatt to express condolences for Abou Fakher’s death and thanked the leader of the Progressive Socialist Party for his call for calm.Meanwhile, the Minister for Telecoms, Mohamed Choucair, and Information Minister Jamal Jarrah appeared before financial prosecutor Ali Ibrahim to answer questions on claims of squandering public funds.
France has extended an offer to assist Beirut, a tweet from Baabda Palace said. It did not indicate what assistance Paris was offering but the French ambassador Bruno Foucher has been meeting politicians and the Foreign Ministry’s envoy to the Middle East, Christophe Farnaud, visited the president.

Lebanon: One Month of Protests
Agence France Presse/Naharnet/November 13/2019
Lebanon has been paralyzed by nearly a month of mounting protests demanding an overhaul of the entire political system.
Here is a recap:
– Anger at ‘WhatsApp tax’ –
On October 17, the government announces a tax on calls made via messaging apps such as WhatsApp, widely used in Lebanon. Coming amid a looming economic crisis in a country whose infrastructure remains decrepit almost three decades since the end of its civil war, the announcement is seen by many as a step too far. Thousands take to the streets in Beirut and the cities of Sidon and Tripoli, some chanting “the people demand the fall of the regime”. There are clashes near government headquarters in Beirut as demonstrators try to storm the building. Security forces fire tear gas to try to disperse crowds. Hundreds of protestors also block major highways and set refuse bins and tires alight. The government scraps the messaging app tax later the same day, but the protests continue.
– Demos grow –
On October 18, thousands of demonstrators from a broad spectrum of sects and political affiliations bring the capital to standstill. They demand an overhaul of the political system, citing a broad range of grievances from austerity measures and state corruption to poor infrastructure and rampant electricity cuts. The army reopens some highways and disperses a huge crowd in central Beirut with water cannon and tear gas. Dozens are arrested. The demonstrations swell over the following days, with major gatherings also in second city Tripoli and other centers.
– Reforms announced –
On October 19, the Lebanese Forces party pulls its four ministers from the cabinet. On October 21, Prime Minister Saad Hariri announces his government has approved a raft of economic reforms, including halving the salaries of lawmakers and ministers. But protests continue and demonstrators dismiss the new measures as insufficient.
– Hizbullah backs government –
On October 25, the leader of Hizbullah — which with its allies holds a majority in parliament — tells supporters not to take part in the protests. Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah also warns of chaos should the government resign. On October 26, Hizbullah mobilizes counter-demonstrations, sparking scuffles with demonstrators.
– Government resigns –
On October 29, dozens of counter-demonstrators attack anti-government protesters in Beirut, torching tents and tearing down banners. That evening, Hariri submits his resignation and that of his government, prompting cheers and dancing in the streets. It is the 13th day of protests. The following day, President Michel Aoun asks the government to stay on until a new cabinet is formed. Protesters regroup over the next days, demanding a government of experts, independent of traditional political parties divided along sectarian lines.
– Students join in –
In a live television address on November 3, Aoun announces plans to tackle corruption, reform the economy and form a civil government. But thousands of protesters stream back into Beirut’s Martyrs’ Square, chanting “Revolution!”On November 6 hundreds of schoolchildren lead demonstrations across the country. The following day thousands of university and high school students also take to the streets.
– Protester dies –
On November 12, Aoun says in a television interview that Lebanese unhappy with those in power should “emigrate.” He also criticizes the protest movement’s lack of leadership.His remarks spark a new eruption of demonstrations, with protesters blocking off roads in the capital. An army officer’s driver opens fire during a road-blocking protest in Khalde south of Beirut, shooting a man who later dies of his injuries.

French envoy seeks to resolve deadlock as tensions simmer
Georgi Azar/Annahar/November 13/2019
Farnaud, the French Foreign Ministry’s envoy for the Middle East and North Africa, had landed in Beirut Tuesday in Beirut for talks with senior officials centred around breaking the deadlock
BEIRUT: France threw its support behind Lebanon as it grapples with political and economic turmoil, a day after President Michel Aoun’s speech aimed at easing tensions seemingly backfired.
While the message was being delivered to Aoun by a French envoy, hundreds of disgruntled protestors gathered in the vicinity of the Baabda Presidential Palace after security forces set up a security perimeter.
Aoun assured Macron’s envoy, Christophe Farnaud, that discussions over a new government are still underway with “parliamentary consultations set to be announced soon.”
The Cabinet, according to a statement released by his office, would include both independent technocrats and members of Lebanon’s political parties in order for the government “to secure Parliament’s vote of confidence.”
Aoun made similar comments a day earlier, hinting that a “techno-political” government is the most likely avenue moving forward. This sent shockwaves and angered protestors who hit the streets to block roads and main highways linking Beirut to Tropili and Sidon.
Farnaud delivered a message to Aoun “stressing France’s interest in Lebanon’s situation and its willingness to help Lebanon in the current circumstances,” as Lebanon’s wrestles with nationwide strikes and protests, coupled with a looming financial meltdown. Dollar liquidity remains scarce while banks have remained shuttered for the 5th consecutive day citing security concerns.
Aoun, in an attempt to urge protestors to show good faith, had insisted that decent and honest individuals public office still exist.
“If people aren’t satisfied with any of the decent leaders let them immigrate,” he said, with the ostensible blunder taken out of context while a number of protesters labelled them as insensitive. As tensions ran high, a protester in Khaldeh was gunned down with concerned authorities launching an investigation to determine the circumstances surrounding the killing.
Farnaud, the French Foreign Ministry’s envoy for the Middle East and North Africa, had landed in Beirut Tuesday for talks with senior officials centred around breaking the deadlock that has gripped Lebanon since Prime Minister Saad Hariri submitted his resignation over two weeks ago.
The visit is also seen as an attempt by France, a longtime ally of the small Mediterranean country, to urge rival leaders to accelerate the formation of a new Cabinet.
Aoun acknowledged Lebanon’s dire financial state, “aggravated further as a result of the ongoing demonstrations and employee strikes,” a day after a number of state institutions have gone on strike, including the Syndicate of Bank employees and Touch and Alfa workers.
Offshore oil and gas explorations set to begin in the coming months, however, are bound to offer economic relief to the heavily indebted country, Aoun said.
Farnaud then met with Hariri, with sources telling Annahar that the caretaker premier has yet to shift his position as things currently stand.
Hariri has been adamant in his demand to preside over a Cabinet comprised entirely of independent technocrats which has been rebuked by both the Free Patriotic Movement and its Shiite ally Hezbollah.
Hezbollah clinging to the Cabinet, sources say, is seen as a clear-cut effort to guarantee the impregnability of its military arsenal.
“We cannot discount Hezbollah, which represents two-thirds of Lebanese people,” Aoun said Monday.
“What the west is asking of us is simply impossible,” he told journalists, in reference to reports of the U.S’ concerted push to further isolate the Iranian-backed militant group.
What started out as a protest against a proposed WhatsApp taxes has ballooned into a massive popular uprising calling for an overhaul of the confessional-based system that has been in place since the end of the civil war in 1990.
Demonstrations have remained largely peaceful across Lebanon with the army succeeding in finding a balance between protestors, on one hand, and those who have taken offence to roads being blocked, on the other.
A scuffle broke out in Jal el Dib at the close of day after an infuriated resident opened fire above protestors who had blocked the inner roads of the area. A fistfight moments earlier also broke out with a number of injuries reported.
The army, who had been absent since the early hours of the morning, quickly made its way to the scene in a bid to restore calm.
Late Tuesday, Hariri took to Twitter urging Army Commander Gen. Joseph Aoun and Internal Security Forces head Maj. Gen. Imad Othman “to take all measures that protect citizens and ensure safety for the protesters.”

The post A Bundle Of English Reports, News and Editorials For November 13-14/2019 Addressing the On Going Mass Demonstrations & Sit In-ins In Iranian Occupied Lebanon in its 28th Day appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 14 تشرين الثاني/2019


نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 14 تشرين الثاني/2019

اضغط هنا لقراءة نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة المفصلة، اللبنانية والعربية ليوم 14 تشرين الثاني/2019

ارشيف نشرات أخبار موقعنا اليومية/عربية وانكليزية منذ العام 2006/اضغط هنا لدخول صفحة الأرشيف

عناوين أقسام نشرة المنسقية باللغة العربية
الزوادة الإيمانية لليوم
تعليقات الياس بجاني وخلفياتها
الأخبار اللبنانية
المتفرقات اللبنانية
الأخبار الإقليمية والدولية
المقالات والتعليقات والتحاليل السياسية الشاملة
المؤتمرات والندوات والبيانات والمقابلات والمناسبات الخاصة والردود وغيره

The post نشرة أخبار المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية باللغة العربية ليوم 14 تشرين الثاني/2019 appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

ثُمَّ قَالَ لَهُم يَسُوع: عِنْدَمَا تَرْفَعُونَ ٱبْنَ الإِنْسَان، تَعْرِفُونَ حِينَئِذٍ أَنِّي أَنَا هُوَ، وَأَنِّي لا أَعْمَلُ شَيْئًا مِنْ تِلْقَاءِ نَفْسِي، بَلْ كَمَا عَلَّمَنِي الآبُ أَتَكَلَّم. والَّذي أَرْسَلَنِي هُوَ مَعِي، ومَا تَرَكَنِي وَحْدِي، لأَنِّي أَعْمَلُ دَومًا مَا يُرْضِيه/Jesus said, I do nothing on my own, but I speak these things as the Father instructed me. And the one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what is pleasing to him


ثُمَّ قَالَ لَهُم يَسُوع: عِنْدَمَا تَرْفَعُونَ ٱبْنَ الإِنْسَان، تَعْرِفُونَ حِينَئِذٍ أَنِّي أَنَا هُوَ، وَأَنِّي لا أَعْمَلُ شَيْئًا مِنْ تِلْقَاءِ نَفْسِي، بَلْ كَمَا عَلَّمَنِي الآبُ أَتَكَلَّم. والَّذي أَرْسَلَنِي هُوَ مَعِي، ومَا تَرَكَنِي وَحْدِي، لأَنِّي أَعْمَلُ دَومًا مَا يُرْضِيه
إنجيل القدّيس يوحنّا08/من21حتى30/:”قالَ الرَبُّ يَسُوع (للكتبة والفرّيسيّين): «أَنَا أَمْضِي، وتَطْلُبُونِي وتَمُوتُونَ في خَطِيئَتِكُم. حَيْثُ أَنَا أَمْضِي لا تَقْدِرُونَ أَنْتُم أَنْ تَأْتُوا». فَأَخَذَ اليَهُودُ يَقُولُون: «أَتُراهُ يَقْتُلُ نَفْسَهُ؟ فَإِنَّهُ يَقُول: حَيْثُ أَنَا أَمْضِي لا تَقْدِرُونَ أَنْتُم أَنْ تَأْتُوا!». ثُمَّ قَالَ لَهُم: «أَنْتُم مِنْ أَسْفَل، وأَنَا مِنْ فَوْق. أَنْتُم مِنْ هذَا العَالَم، وأَنَا لَسْتُ مِنْ هذَا العَالَم. لِذلِكَ قُلْتُ لَكُم: سَتَمُوتُونَ في خَطَايَاكُم. أَجَل، إِنْ لَمْ تُؤْمِنُوا أَنِّي أَنَا هُوَ تَمُوتُوا فِي خَطَايَاكُم». فَقَالُوا لَهُ: «أَنْتَ، مَنْ أَنْت؟». قَالَ لَهُم يَسُوع: «أَنَا هُوَ مَا أَقُولُهُ لَكُم مُنْذُ البَدء. لِي كَلامٌ كَثِيرٌ أَقُولُهُ فِيكُم وأَدِينُكُم. لكِنَّ الَّذي أَرْسَلَنِي صَادِق. ومَا سَمِعْتُهُ أَنَا مِنْهُ، فَهذَا أَقُولُهُ لِلْعَالَم». ولَمْ يَعْرِفُوا أَنَّهُ كَانَ يُحَدِّثُهُم عَنِ الآب. ثُمَّ قَالَ لَهُم يَسُوع: «عِنْدَمَا تَرْفَعُونَ ٱبْنَ الإِنْسَان، تَعْرِفُونَ حِينَئِذٍ أَنِّي أَنَا هُوَ، وَأَنِّي لا أَعْمَلُ شَيْئًا مِنْ تِلْقَاءِ نَفْسِي، بَلْ كَمَا عَلَّمَنِي الآبُ أَتَكَلَّم. والَّذي أَرْسَلَنِي هُوَ مَعِي، ومَا تَرَكَنِي وَحْدِي، لأَنِّي أَعْمَلُ دَومًا مَا يُرْضِيه». وفيمَا هُوَ يَتَكَلَّمُ بِهذَا، آمَنَ بِهِ كَثِيرُون”.

Jesus said, I do nothing on my own, but I speak these things as the Father instructed me. And the one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what is pleasing to him
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John 08/21-30/:”Again he said to them, ‘I am going away, and you will search for me, but you will die in your sin. Where I am going, you cannot come.’Then the Jews said, ‘Is he going to kill himself? Is that what he means by saying, “Where I am going, you cannot come”?’He said to them, ‘You are from below, I am from above; you are of this world, I am not of this world. I told you that you would die in your sins, for you will die in your sins unless you believe that I am he.’ They said to him, ‘Who are you?’ Jesus said to them, ‘Why do I speak to you at all? I have much to say about you and much to condemn; but the one who sent me is true, and I declare to the world what I have heard from him.’ They did not understand that he was speaking to them about the Father. So Jesus said, ‘When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will realize that I am he, and that I do nothing on my own, but I speak these things as the Father instructed me. And the one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what is pleasing to him.’As he was saying these things, many believed in him.”

مَا مِن نُبُوءَةٍ أَتَتْ بِمَشِيئَةِ إِنْسَان، ولكِنَّ الرُّوحَ القُدُسَ دَفَعَ أُنَاسًا قدِّيسِينَ فَتَكلَّمُوا مِن قِبَلِ الله
رسالة القدّيس بطرس الثانية01/من12حتى21/:”يا إخوَتي، سَأُعْنَى دَومًا بِتَذْكِيرِكُم هذِهِ الأُمُور، وإِنْ كُنْتُم عَالِمِينَ بِهَا، ورَاسِخِينَ في الحَقِيقَةِ الحَاضِرَة عِنْدَكُم. وأَرَى أَنَّهُ مِنَ العَدْلِ أَنْ أُنَبِّهَكُم وأُذَكِّرَكُم، مَا دُمْتُ في هذَا الْمَسْكَن، أَيْ في جَسَدِي، وأَنَا عالِمٌ أَنَّ رَحِيلِي عَنْ هذَا المَسْكَنِ قَرِيب، كَما أَوْضَحَ لِي ربُّنَا يَسُوعُ المَسِيح. وسَأَبْذُلُ جَهْدِي لِكَي يُمْكِنَكُم أَنْ تَتَذكَّرُوا تِلْكَ الأُمُورَ كُلَّ حينٍ بَعْدَ رَحِيلي. فإِنَّنَا قَد عرَّفْنَاكُم قُدرَةَ ربِّنَا يَسُوعَ المَسِيحِ ومَجِيئَهُ، لا بِٱتِّبَاعِ خُرَافَاتٍ مُلَفَّقَة، بَلْ لأَنَّنَا كُنَّا شُهُودَ عِيَانٍ لِعَظَمَتِهِ. وهُوَ الَّذي أَخَذَ منَ اللهِ الآبِ كَرَامَةً ومَجْدًا، حِينَ جَاءَهُ مِن المَجْدِ الأَسْمَى صَوْتٌ يَقُول: «هذَا هُوَ ٱبنِي الحَبِيبُ الَّذي بِهِ رَضِيت!». ونَحْنُ أَيضًا قَد سَمِعْنَا هذَا الصَّوتَ الآتيَ مِنَ السَّمَاء، حِينَ كُنَّا مَعَهُ على الجَبَلِ المُقَدَّس. وهكَذَا صَارَ كلامُ الأَنْبِياءِ أَكْثَرَ ثَبَاتًا عِنْدَنَا. وحَسَنًا تَفعَلُونَ إِنْ وجَّهْتُم نَظَرَكُم إِلَيْهِ كمَا إِلى سِرَاجٍ مُنِيرٍ في مَكانٍ مُظْلِم، إِلى أَنْ يَطْلَعَ النَّهَارُ ويُشْرِقَ كَوكَبُ الصَّبَاحِ في قُلُوبِكُم. وٱعْلَمْوا قَبْلَ كُلِّ شَيء، أَنَّهُ مَا مِنْ نُبُوءَةٍ في الكِتَابِ تُفَسَّرُ بِٱجِتِهَادٍ خَاصّ؛ لأَنَّهُ مَا مِن نُبُوءَةٍ أَتَتْ بِمَشِيئَةِ إِنْسَان، ولكِنَّ الرُّوحَ القُدُسَ دَفَعَ أُنَاسًا قدِّيسِينَ فَتَكلَّمُوا مِن قِبَلِ الله.”

No prophecy of scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, because no prophecy ever came by human will, but men and women moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.”
second Letter of Peter 01/12-21/:”Therefore I intend to keep on reminding you of these things, though you know them already and are established in the truth that has come to you. I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to refresh your memory, since I know that my death will come soon, as indeed our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me. And I will make every effort so that after my departure you may be able at any time to recall these things. For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we had been eyewitnesses of his majesty. For he received honour and glory from God the Father when that voice was conveyed to him by the Majestic Glory, saying, ‘This is my Son, my Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.’ We ourselves heard this voice come from heaven, while we were with him on the holy mountain. So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, because no prophecy ever came by human will, but men and women moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.”

The post ثُمَّ قَالَ لَهُم يَسُوع: عِنْدَمَا تَرْفَعُونَ ٱبْنَ الإِنْسَان، تَعْرِفُونَ حِينَئِذٍ أَنِّي أَنَا هُوَ، وَأَنِّي لا أَعْمَلُ شَيْئًا مِنْ تِلْقَاءِ نَفْسِي، بَلْ كَمَا عَلَّمَنِي الآبُ أَتَكَلَّم. والَّذي أَرْسَلَنِي هُوَ مَعِي، ومَا تَرَكَنِي وَحْدِي، لأَنِّي أَعْمَلُ دَومًا مَا يُرْضِيه/Jesus said, I do nothing on my own, but I speak these things as the Father instructed me. And the one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what is pleasing to him appeared first on Elias Bejjani News.

Detailed LCCC English News Bulletin For November 15/2019


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